Harris 2024

197,976 Views | 2847 Replies | Last: 10 hrs ago by Werewolf
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CoachCase said:

I think Trump campaigning in Southern California and NYC - Democrat Heartland - nullifies your argument here. The big difference is he is willing to go against the grain and address groups and answer questions on the fly. Harris sticks to script and friendly allies. And, she still screws up - so much so that CBS has to alter her responses. Again, you worry about Trump while the candidate you support represents what is the real threat to this country and it's system of government!

You do know that western Long Island or Staten Island are roughly the same as campaigning in Alabama, right? They've always been bright red. Same goes for sections of California.

Anyway, I get it you guys are lost in Disinformation Land, but has Trump ever given a speech that wasn't word salad, only to have conservative media (and even mainstream media) report it with "what Trump really means here is..."? Lol, please.

Anyway, call me when Kamala starts quoting Mein Kamp directly for some bizarre reason and all of her supporters shrug, and then we can talk about the "real" threat to this country.
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Isn't it great that we can agree to disagree? Have a great day!
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Not looking good, #daSieve. Not looking good.....there are lots of these floating around.

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A man's man, no question.

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Times couldn't be better, could they #SIeve? #UtopianEconomy

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#Sieve & #Nappy, I suspect about now you're thinking "the game is won".

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#SIeve & #Nappy are all on board with holding "these social media platforms" accountable.

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As most long-term dudes here know, I voted for this Marxist in 2008.......without have truthful informat....a victim of the news media and media at large.....not yet understanding the interconnectivity of the Dem and Rep parties and control of the two sides by a singular global cabal.

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packgrad said:

Oh yeah. they're clearly only attracted to manly men like JD Vance. Lol, Jesus you guys are weird.
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packgrad said:

Trump recently put it this way

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#Sieve, are Kamala's instincts consistent with your belief in her?

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Werewolf said:

Big shocker....the super effeminate pansy Tampon boy is alleged to have committed sexual misconduct with male students.

Among the most degenerate and fanatical hardcore DemonRat supporters who are true believers in the anti-Christ communist cause, this will only make their admiration and support for Tampon Boy increase.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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And just to clarify...yes, I'm aware that these allegations against Tim Walz of sexual misconduct while he was a teacher/coach at a high school are being ignited now by an allegation posted on social media, building upon "rumors" of his conduct from years ago, and have apparently not been "fully substantiated".
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Is the exchange student going public with the allegations?

Hiring a Gloria Allred type lawyer?

Ive always been on the Walz is a creeper band wagon just by looking at this maneurisms and background but id also like to see more evidence... or atleast a few students come forward publicly.

Part of the reason (there are many) the DEMS have such a big problem with "Men" this election is because most men could tell that something was "off" with Walz and that he's a phony.

The tampon thing, pushing the Trans agenda, dudes in girl sports... most "men" in this country arent on board with that stuff.
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So is Tampon Boy in favor of eliminating the electoral college or not?

He's kind of flip flopping with every statement he makes...

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Flashback to fatter head Tampon Boy in 2020, supporting tearing down a statue of Columbus...

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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The communist party that rage screams, foaming at the mouth to ban guns 24/7/365 pretends to be gun owners….



It's hard to load shotgun shells with jazz hands. Either that or he got a tampon jammed in the feed.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Sieve, it's not good bud. This blackpodcaster is calling out the Democrat " plantation". He says Kamala won't sellin the black community….. oh man, not good to

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I like ole Sieve.....and he's oh so articulate. Here's a fun one.

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Werewolf said:

I like ole Sieve.....and he's oh so articulate. Here's a fun one.

These are so good.

If you close your eyes and just listen to Maya Rudolph you'd think it was Harris. She nails it.

And Dana Carvey's Biden slays me.
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#Sieve & #Nappy, we've all enjoyed a very strong four years of Biden-Harris. Thank you, fellas, we appreciate your wisdom and discernment in 2020.

#SIeve, on a serious note, many things have been underway in the background - out of sight - to save our country. You're beginning to see a moderation of your tel-a-lie-vision content ........just oh so slowly. Not sure if its across the board or if its particular programming and networks. If you're watching closely.
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#Sieve, I have never said I knew the script, but I will tell you I know the outcome. Are you picking up that the messaging is slightly shifting? Maybe? Pay close attention, my ole buddy.

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This is a read for all…

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caryking said:

This is a read for all…

Wow, he describes himself as a "moderate", but he's saying basically the same things as so-called "ultra MAGA" people - against the illegal alien invasion, against the vaccine mandates, against anti-white DEI policies, etc. Maybe Trump supporters aren't so "radical" after all.

His 33 reasons why he opposes Kamala and the Democrats...


While the 33 actions I describe below are those of the Democratic Party and the Biden/Harris administration, they are also the actions and policies that unfortunately our most aggressive adversaries would likely implement if they wanted to destroy America from within, and had the ability to take control of our leadership.

These are the 33:

(1) open the borders to millions of immigrants who were not screened for their risk to the country, dumping them into communities where the new immigrants overwhelm existing communities and the infrastructure to support the new entrants, at the expense of the historic residents,

(2) introduce economic policies and massively increase spending without regard to their impact on inflation and the consequences for low-income Americans and the increase in our deficit and national debt,

(3) withdraw from Afghanistan, abandoning our local partners and the civilians who worked alongside us in an unprepared, overnight withdrawal that led to American casualties and destroyed the lives of Afghani women and girls for generations, against the strong advice of our military leadership, and thereafter not showing appropriate respect for their loss at a memorial ceremony in their honor,

(4) introduce thousands of new and unnecessary regulations in light of the existing regulatory regime that interfere with our businesses' ability to compete, restraining the development of desperately needed housing, infrastructure, and energy production with the associated inflationary effects,

(5) modify the bail system so that violent criminals are released without bail,

(6) destroy our street retailers and communities and promote lawlessness by making shoplifting (except above large thresholds) no longer a criminal offense,

(7) limit and/or attempt to limit or ban fracking and LNG so that U.S. energy costs increase substantially and the U.S. loses its energy independence,

(8) promote DEI ideologies that award jobs, awards, and university admissions on the basis of race, sexual identity and gender criteria, and teach our students and citizens that the world can only be understood as an unfair battle between oppressors and the oppressed, where the oppressors are only successful due to structural racism or a rigged system and the oppressed are simply victims of an unfair system and world,

(9) educate our elementary children that gender is fluid, something to be chosen by a child, and promote hormone blockers and gender reassignment surgeries to our youth without regard to the longer-term consequences to their mental and physical health, and allow biological boys and men to compete in girls and women's sports, depriving girls and women of scholarships, awards, and other opportunities that they would have rightly earned otherwise,

(10) encourage and celebrate massive protests and riots that lead to the burning and destruction of local retail and business establishments while at the same time requiring schools to be shuttered because of the risk of Covid-19 spreading during large gatherings,

(11) encourage and celebrate anti-American and anti-Israel protests and flag burning on campuses around the country with no consequences for the protesters who violate laws or university codes and policies,

12) allow antisemitism to explode with no serious efforts from the administration to quell this hatred,

(13) mandate vaccines that have not been adequately tested nor have their risks been properly considered compared with the potential benefits adjusted for the age and health of the individual, censoring the contrary advice of top scientists around the world,

(14) shut down free speech in media and on social media platforms that is inconsistent with government policies and objectives,

(15) use the U.S., state, and local legal systems to attack and attempt to jail, take off the campaign trail, and/or massively fine candidates for the presidency without regard to the merits or precedential issues of the case,

(16) seek to defund the police and promote anti-police rhetoric causing a loss of confidence in those who are charged with protecting us,

(17) use government funds to subsidize auto companies and internet providers with vastly more expensive, dated and/or lower-quality technology when greatly superior and cheaper alternatives are available from companies that are owned and/or managed by individuals not favored by the current administration,

(18) mandate in legislation and otherwise government solutions to problems when the private sector can do a vastly better, faster, and cheaper job,

(19) seek to ban gas-powered cars and stoves without regard to the economic and practical consequences of doing so,

(20) take no serious actions when 45 American citizens are killed by terrorists and 12 are taken hostage,

(21) hold back armaments and weaponry from our most important ally in the Middle East in the midst of their hostage negotiations, hostages who include American citizens who have now been held for more than one year,

(22) eliminate sanctions on one of our most dangerous enemies enabling them to generate $150 billion+ of cash reserves from oil sales, which they can then use to fund terrorist proxy organizations who attack us and our allies. Exchange five American hostages held by Iran for five Iranians plus $6 billion of cash in the worst hostage negotiation in history setting a disastrous and dangerous precedent,

(23) remove known terrorist organizations from the terrorist list so we can provide aid to their people, and allow them to shoot rockets at U.S. assets and military bases with little if any military response from us,

(24) lie to the American people about the cognitive health of the president and accuse those who provide video evidence of his decline of sharing doctored videos and being right wing conspirators,

(25) do nothing about the deteriorating health of our citizens driven by the food industrial complex, the fraudulent USDA food pyramid, and the inclusion of ingredients in our food that are banned by other countries around the world which are more protective of their citizens,

(26) do nothing about the proliferation of new vaccines that are not properly analyzed for their risk versus the potential benefit for healthy children who are mandated to receive them,

(27) do nothing about the continued exemption from liability for the pharma industry that has led to a proliferation of mandatory vaccines for children without considering the potential cumulative effects of the now mandated 72-shot regime,

(28) convince our minority youth that they are victims of a rigged system and that the American dream is not available to them,

(29) fail to provide adequate Secret Service protection for alternative presidential candidates,

(30) litigate to prevent alternative candidates from getting on the ballot, and take other anti-competitive steps including threatening political consultants who wish to work for alternative candidates for the presidency, and limit the potential media access for other candidates by threatening the networks' future access to the administration and access to 'scoops' if they platform an alternative candidate,

(31) select the Democratic nominee for president in a backroom process by undisclosed party leaders without allowing Americans to choose between candidates in an open primary,

(32) choose an inferior candidate for the presidency when other much more qualified candidates are available and interested to serve,

(33) litigate to make it illegal for states to require proof of citizenship, voter ID, and/or residence in order to vote at a time when many Americans have lost confidence in the accuracy and trustworthiness of our voting system.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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you are a good sport no doubt
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Civilized said:

Werewolf said:

I like ole Sieve.....and he's oh so articulate. Here's a fun one.

These are so good.

If you close your eyes and just listen to Maya Rudolph you'd think it was Harris. She nails it.

And Dana Carvey's Biden slays me.
I thought she was pretty good in Idiocracy, but she really tops that here.
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Kamala and TOUCH-down Timmy are well suited for each other.

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Kamala going to lean on her CIA asset, scumbag Bret Baier, and controlled opposition.
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lol. True.

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Werewolf said:

Kamala going to lean on her CIA asset, scumbag Bret Baier, and controlled opposition.

They are a republican/conservative based news organization that is going to interview Harris. Is there anything that is not a conspiracy theory?
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She's agreed to an interview with Baer. No way she'd do that if she was winning or even in a dead heat. But if she's that desperate, I can't imagine why she thinks she can get out of the hole by talking to anyone from Fox.
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packofwolves said:

Werewolf said:

Kamala going to lean on her CIA asset, scumbag Bret Baier, and controlled opposition.

They are a republican/conservative based news organization that is going to interview Harris. Is there anything that is not a conspiracy theory?
Better watch it. Questions like that will get you added to the conspiracy.
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