What Section were you able to get those in? I paid something like right around $250.00 each for 2 in the upper deck on the West Side (ain't using those nasty East Side facilities for the 'Canes either

), Section 27, 15 Rows up (somewhere around the Murphy Center side 30 when we play football)...
My immediate thought was that I couldn't justify it to myself to pay that much - UNTIL I reminded myself that I'd been wanting to go to one of these in person, ever since my late father and I watched the very first one (first Winter Classic - not specifically The Stadium Series) together on his then "new" wide screen in his living room... however many years that has been already (hint: it's been way more years than any of us think it possibly could have been)... fortunately, I got to watch several more with him until he wasn't here anymore... so, this is something that I'm really looking forward to attending.
Question was directed to see if I payed "appreciably higher" or "about the same" going through the WPC, than however you executed your purchase... I was in such initial shock when I started to look at the different ticket prices that I wasn't sure how much to spend
and where to look for seats... just trying to learn if I made a mistake, and I'm pretty sure that I didn't get any type of discount or anything like that for sure). Hope you didn't mind me asking.