TheStorm said:
So, I start off last night watching Thursday night's show on my "on demand" function... and the very first thing I see is my Arkansas boy (Adam) tapped out at the very end of the previous week's show? I'm like thinking, ***?
I guess I must have dozed off before the end last week?!?
Yeah, Juan Pablo taking the surprising strategy of fasting and trying to slow his metabolism down... and the first contestant ever now purposefully going without a fire. Bold.
Crazy Karie Lee (I know I butchered her name up earlier) with another squirrel, so she's bought herself more time again now also.
I still have to stick with my original co-favorite Teimojin (who I incorrectly said was from Toronto - when it is actually Montreal) though, but man... there's no telling out of those three... only one episode left.
Yeah when you mentioned the guy from Arkansas, I didn't know if you were an episode behind or not so didn't want to spoil it for you if you were, haha.
I think Juan Pablo's strategy of conserving energy and fasting is...a bold strategy. I think he eventually gets pulled if he doesn't come up with something to eat. I can't even fathom how boring just laying in your sleeping bag while it snows ALL DAY could be. No idea how you don't just lay there thinking about food, haha.
Karie Lee might be crazy, but she seems like the most likely to win right now. She seems committed on the level of Juan Pablo, but she's actually still securing food and, appears, to be doing well.
Teimojin is interesting. His medical experience seems to have been helping him throughout, but I wonder if him knowing all of the negative effects on his body won't cause him to tap even before getting pulled. When he was landing animal after animal, he seemed to just be in a different head-space, now that he's starving and not landing as much food, he doesn't seem to be as mentally checked-in as he was. Curious to see if he ends up pushing the button, he's the only 1 of the 3 I could see actually tapping.