Did the second season of The Witcher a week ago. Thought it was better than the first season, mainly because it was more linear and easier to follow.
I liked Cowboy Beebop. Never watched the anime, but I thought the visuals of the live action looked nice so I burned through it last week. A little slow at times, but I enjoyed it.
Burned through WWII Road to Victory this weekend. Had watched the other series previously. I like history stuff so I enjoyed it. Not much ground breaking stuff that I didn't already know, but I did really like the episode that dealt with the campaign in Italy because that's where my grandfather served.
I too am looking forward to Ozark, and hopefully Peaky Blinders sometime soon as well.
Just a guy on the sunshine squad.
The Gatekeeper.
Homer Dumbarse.
StateFan2001's favorite poster.