Hokie, that is a very reasonable response!hokiewolf said:
Going to disagree a bit here.
Politically motivated investigation? Yes because the investigation was started to find something rather than someone made a complaint and an investigation is started to specifically investigate that complaint. To my knowledge, no one or business has accused Trump of wrong doing.
Fraud? I think unethical is a better word. Fraud would mean getting property under false pretense. Here, Trump got favorable loan terms on loans he paid back in full. For it to be fraud there has to be an aggrieved party and there appears to not be one. Those banks either didn't do their due diligence on the assets Trump was using to back the loans or they did do it and ignored it for whatever reason.
If there was something criminal I'm 100% certain the NYAG would've charged, she didn't so that leads me to believe a criminal case would be weak or non existent.
Whether you believe or choose not to believe that what Trump did was unethical, and would disqualify him from earning your vote in a potential Presidential run, is up to us as voters.
Civ, Michael Cohen and Lititia James both have axes to grind with Trump, for whatever reason. Bank loans are done, all day long, with valued information…. If a bank makes a loan, based on a companies financials, then they have to trust the financial information provide, or have an auditor come in. If a loan is based on an asset, well… they will do there own evaluation, right?
As Hokie eluded, where are the banks that were defrauded? Are they involved in this?
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…
“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”
Joe Biden
“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”
Joe Biden