Civilized said:
caryking said:
Civilized said:
caryking said:
hokiewolf said:
Clay Higgins is an idiot.
Clay Higgins may be an idiot; however, what are your thoughts on the information, as well as, a number of people, regarding dressed up Trump supporters? Do you have proof that this is not true?
Despite my wife's emphatic insistences to the contrary I happen to believe I have a magic schlong PROVE ME WRONG!!!11
Methinks the burden is on the people that make assertions that are unsupported by all prevailing evidence, a.k.a. "98% of Were's posts," to produce some semblance of evidence they're true, not the other way around.
Just answer this one for me…. There was a man (we've all seen the videos), dressed in Trump clothing, egging on people to go into the capital. Ray Epps.
Somebody, please tell me his story!
He's a great example.
There's nothing to tell.
Despite Tucker Carlson's and the right-wing media's obsession over him there's zero evidence he wasn't just another frothy protester out there.
Civ, he is the poster child for rebel rousing the people there, for two days. In fact, he may be the only person, on video, doing such. So, with zero evidence, as you say, and all the footage, as I say, he was never arrested, like so may others were.
Yes, that is why so many ask the questions, about him. It doesn't make sense!!
You can sit there and use your zero evidence crap, all you want, and I say… you are bought in, hook, line, and sinker, by your left-wing media. You, Civ, are the one living in tribalism, not me!!
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…
“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”
Joe Biden