The Regular Mass Shootings Thread - Non School/Public Place/Work Place Addition

68,693 Views | 527 Replies | Last: 5 mo ago by GuerrillaPack
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BBW12OG said:

hokiewolf said:

I don't need to refute your garbage that the UVA shooting was gang/drug related. You should be ashamed for posting that.
What do you think the cause was?

I could be wrong and I'll admit it if I am.

But, when you look at statistics of young black men murdering other young black men, and this looks to be a very targeted attack and not random, what is the cause over 90% of the time.

You keep your precious little feewlings protected and keep toting that "woke bucket" of water that you so feverishly denied for so long that you are embracing now and let's see what happens.

And who would have ever thought that YOU would LIE about your true political leanings....

Shocking I tell you just shocking...

If you were to tell me that the sun rises in the East and that hokie lies I couldn't be more shocked!!!
your lack of empathy is amazing. Would you be writing the same post if it happened at State?
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hokiewolf said:

BBW12OG said:

hokiewolf said:

I don't need to refute your garbage that the UVA shooting was gang/drug related. You should be ashamed for posting that.
What do you think the cause was?

I could be wrong and I'll admit it if I am.

But, when you look at statistics of young black men murdering other young black men, and this looks to be a very targeted attack and not random, what is the cause over 90% of the time.

You keep your precious little feewlings protected and keep toting that "woke bucket" of water that you so feverishly denied for so long that you are embracing now and let's see what happens.

And who would have ever thought that YOU would LIE about your true political leanings....

Shocking I tell you just shocking...

If you were to tell me that the sun rises in the East and that hokie lies I couldn't be more shocked!!!
your lack of empathy is amazing. Would you be writing the same post if it happened at State?
Yes.. what the hell does that have to do with anything? You think I wrote it because it happened at UVA?

You must not get enough attention at home. Maybe if you tried being more honest and not look for a trophy around every corner your feelings of being "less than" wouldn't be so obvious.

Your cries for attention reek of little man's syndrome. Especially posting your "status" LOL... LOL... in the WPC.....

Somebody needs a hug now don't they???

I posted what I did on the appropriate thread. You however, like with everything else in your life I'm sure, made it about you.

Such a sad little feller....
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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Blah blah blah Always attacking the poster. You WROTE that the UVA shooting was about drugs / gangs not me. Not sure how I'm making this about me.

Why don't you answer the question? If the same situation happened to the NC State team, would you also jump to a conclusion to serve your political agenda?

The bodies aren't even cold bro. The same thing you accuse gun control advocates of doing you just did!
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hokiewolf said:

Blah blah blah Always attacking the poster. You WROTE that the UVA shooting was about drugs / gangs not me. Not sure how I'm making this about me.

Why don't you answer the question? If the same situation happened to the NC State team, would you also jump to a conclusion to serve your political agenda? The bodies aren't even cold.
Blah, Blah.... you won't even address the overall situation and you never will. You are one to talk about attacking a poster...STALKER.

You even PM'd me telling me you were done on this board!! And you posted the same on a thread only to come back in two days!!!

And it has NOTHING to do with sports, colleges or anything other than the demographic in question being responsible for 60+% of murders in the United States and YOUR party refusing to acknowledge that it is a cultural problem aided by the handling with kid's gloves approach by your MSM partners.

When, and if, you ever grow up, which is highly doubtful, I hope you see the errors you have made and those who have made you that way did you a disservice. And it is blatantly obvious.

Let's see how this plays out and what the motive behind the shootings was. I'll admit I was wrong.

Will you Trophies for All???
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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December 14th

10th anniversary of Sandy Hook shootings

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Shooting at North Lake Mall...

Anyone care about this one?

Anyone??? Anyone???

Wonder why ANY of you don't respond to the shootings that happen daily.

Never mind.. I know why and so do you.
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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So apparently there was a shooting that killed at least three students at Michigan State university recently. I assume it was with a handgun and not an evil AR-15, because the Leftist Lamestream media did not mention the type of gun.

Of course the Commie Democrat governor of Michigan is saying that "something must be done", which obviously means she wants more infringements on gun rights.

Newsflash Commie libtards...these "mass shootings" happen often at schools because of your stupid "gun free zone" policies. The cowardly scum murderers choose a school because they will encounter no armed resistance.

These happen because of your stupid gun bans. We don't need more gun bans. What we need is for gun free zones to be abolished. The solution is to allow good people to be armed. The solution is to abolish zones for criminals to target where there are no good people allowed to be armed who can resist.

A psychopath killer who is targeting people at random is much less likely to just prance up to someone's house and try to kick in their door and kill them. Why? Because there's a 50/50 chance the homeowner is armed. So they target a school instead, because they know that moron Commie Democrats have made it a gun free zone, and they have defenseless targets.

Now moron Commie Democrats want to make everyone's home a "gun free zone" too. No thanks. We're not giving an inch.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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If these communist Democrat tyrant politicians actually believe that Americans "have no reason" to own semi-automatic firearms or AR-15s, then why don't these Democrat politicians first disarm their private body guards and these Democrat-run cities like Chicago and DC set the example and first disarm the police in their cities?

If Kid Sniffer Joe says that there is "no redeeming value" in assault rifles or semi-automatic guns, then why doesn't he just put out the order right now that the Secret Service that protects him and the FBI can no longer use any AR-15s or semi-automatic guns?

Why do police and the FBI have AR-15s? Shouldn't they stop using them?

Will they actually disarm the police and FBI after disarming American citizens? Of course not.

Oh, are they hypocrites? the real agenda to create a power monopoly of the State/government, so that American citizens are forever subjected to the power of the State, and cannot possibly resist the tyranny that the communist Democrats are planning?
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

So apparently there was a shooting that killed at least three students at Michigan State university recently. I assume it was with a handgun and not an evil AR-15, because the Leftist Lamestream media did not mention the type of gun.
I just assumed that it wasn't classified as a mass shooting, or rated any posts by Chem, Civ, Manny or any of the rest of them that usually come running out of the woodwork, because the shooter wasn't a white male.

Yeah Chem, you get included as well this time my friend... where's your outrage?
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TheStorm said:

GuerrillaPack said:

So apparently there was a shooting that killed at least three students at Michigan State university recently. I assume it was with a handgun and not an evil AR-15, because the Leftist Lamestream media did not mention the type of gun.
I just assumed that it wasn't classified as a mass shooting, or rated any posts by Chem, Civ, Manny or any of the rest of them that usually come running out of the woodwork, because the shooter wasn't a white male.

Yeah Chem, you get included as well this time my friend... where's your outrage?

Huh? Im not sure what the color of the shooter had to do with anything. His family has pretty much owned that the guy had coping issues. Maybe you know better than I, but mental disorders have never been restricted by race, origin, etc?

These mass shootings have, IMO, nothing to do with race and everything to do with people we'd likely all agree should not have guns, having guns.

We should feel fortunate he only killed three people.
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You're still treating the symptom and not the problem. Punishing lawful gun owners for those whom do these shootings can't be the only solution.
Originator of the Tony Adams Scale
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hokiewolf said:

You're still treating the symptom and not the problem. Punishing lawful gun owners for those whom do these shootings can't be the only solution.

I didn't make a single comment about a solution, so I'm not sure him I'm punishing you or anyone else?

But if it's punishing you that I think there are people who 100% should NOT be able to get a gun, then I do not apologize. Because that is absolutely a huge part of "the problem "
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Libtards are gonna jump all over this new post….before they watch it!!!!

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Here's one for the long lost Manny...

Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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If conditions here in the US continue to deteriorate and police, fire and rescue shortages occur, Biden could ask UN Troops or groups of other foreign nationals to help. That would work quite nicely, could it not?

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This is much bigger than most here can come to terms with or even conceive but please lets not hijack this thread with such nonsense.

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Is it ok to speak about mental illness?
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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caryking said:

Is it ok to speak about mental illness?
no Cary it's the gun that's the problem, not the person doing the firing.

(This is sarcasm)
Originator of the Tony Adams Scale
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Here's how the MARXIST media is covering the story....

Notice where their priorities are.

But yet we still have lefties on here clamoring that President Trump is the worst thing that has ever happened to this country.

And these same snowflakes cry when I call them MARXISTS..... they'll fall in line in 2024 and check that box for whatever loony lefty is on the ballot and claim that they "only support them because of .....fill in the blank.... and they aren't Donald J. Trump.

Meanwhile that candidate will promote and vote for EVERY damn MARXIST ideology that is put up for a vote and the lefties here still can't grasp the concept that they voted for this person who is voting for MARXISM.....

Can't fix stupid.
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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Looks like a politically-motivated attack to me. A mentally ill "transgender" freak is upset about the government of Tennessee recently taking action against the transgender insanity, and then this person attacks a Christian school in retaliation for that.

Also, it was reported that the attacker initially considered another school, but saw that the school had armed security, and decided against attacking that location.

See??....what deters attacks like these is when they know there is a chance they will face armed resistance. Schools that are "gun free zones" are preferred targets for these wicked, insane people, because their targets are sitting ducks.

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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It can't be a "domestic terrorist" attack.

Perp was a liberal ******.....

Victims were white Christians...

Come on man..... you know the rules.

IF the shooter was a straight white male shooting up a Muslim school imagine the 24/7 wall to wall coverage.

The MSM networks have already pivoted to guess what????? TRRRRUUUUMMMMPPPPP!!!! and the idiotic National Enquirer BS from 7 years ago.....

And you lefties have the audacity to come on here and tell me that I bring nothing to the table, am a "parody" poster and all I do is flame.

Well... your party is being exposed again for what it is. As long as you keep toting water for them I'll keep calling your MARXIST asses out.

*why is the word T r An n y blocked out?? Isn't that what they are?
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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Many (or most) of these "transgender" lunatics are already literally suicidal anyway. So it's not going to be much of a "leap" for them to lash out like this and go on a rampage -- because they don't really care if they die. Just going on the fact that they are "transgender" tells you all you need to know that these people are, by definition, insane and completely out of touch with reality.

And they are brainwashed and true believers in the Leftist agenda that teaches them that it's ok to murder unborn children out of convenience, and that "there is no God" (and no moral absolutes), and that we are not a special creation, but are all just "insignificant accidents" that "evolved from the primordial soup due to random chance on a rock flying through space after a Big Bang explosion".

The problem here is not guns. Guns are just a tool. Good guys with guns are what deter and stop homicidal maniacs like this. An armed citizenry is actually the solution to crime. The areas of the country with the most "gun control" (ie, Democrat-controlled big cities, Chicago, DC, Baltimore, etc) are the areas with the worst crime, because passing laws to ban guns only results in the law-abiding, decent citizens being disarmed -- while the criminal element in society continues to be armed...which results in those cities effectively being "gun free zones" (like schools) where the decent citizens are sitting ducks for criminals.

The problem here is a sick, disgusting, perverted, wicked society and culture -- ie, communist Leftist ideology that fosters wickedness and insanity.

If you truly want to "protect the children" at schools, then abolish these gun free zones, and allow teachers and principals to be addition to armed police officers or security guards at the schools. And then potential criminals will know that there is at least a decent chance that they will face armed resistance if they try to attack a school, which will largely deter them from even attempting things like this, and these incidents of school shootings will become much much more rare.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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But that falls short of making sure people's feelings aren't hurt or they aren't offended.

Good grief how many so-called "independents" on this site claimed they hate President Trump because of his "mean tweets..?"

They use that to justify voting for the MARXIST ideologies they support.

And again, when shown the facts they can't refute them. They dance around, obfuscate and dodge trying to be held responsible for their voting decisions but what they can't do is prove that I am wrong.

Trying to blame the gun, the gun manufacturers and the NRA would be like me blaming the pencil, pencil making company and the teacher's union when I failed a test.

Stupid liberal logic will ruin this country.
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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What stops a homicidal maniac with an AR-15?

Good guys with AR-15s.

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Red State Cops in TN should be receiving the Presidential Medal of Honor....

The blue state cops in Uvalde should be brought up on charges for gross negligence.

That in itself shows you the difference between the two political parties in this country more than anything can or ever will.

One side tells you what you should do. The other takes care of business.

That's the main reason the lefties want to ban guns. They know damn well when they try to force their *******ized beliefs on Americans one side won't put up with it and has a way of making sure they aren't forced to conform.

Sipping wine while wearing a cardigan listening to smooth jazz damn sure doesn't strike fear into my eyes.
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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GuerrillaPack said:

Looks like a politically-motivated attack to me. A mentally ill "transgender" freak is upset about the government of Tennessee recently taking action against the transgender insanity, and then this person attacks a Christian school in retaliation for that.

Also, it was reported that the attacker initially considered another school, but saw that the school had armed security, and decided against attacking that location.

See??....what deters attacks like these is when they know there is a chance they will face armed resistance. Schools that are "gun free zones" are preferred targets for these wicked, insane people, because their targets are sitting ducks.

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A Twitter profile by the name of Trans Resistance Network wrote on Monday that "anti-trans hate" has "consequences" in relation to the killing of six people at a Christian school in Nashville, TN.

The man who killed six people including three children in Nashville "felt he had no other effective way to be seen than to lash out by taking the life of others," according to the Trans Resistance Network's statement.

The statement alleged that right-wing figures promote "anti-trans hate" by "calling for nothing less than the genocidal eradication of trans people from society." The Trans Resistance Network describes itself on its WordPress site as committed to "the survival of gender diverse people and families through strategic coordination of community defense, mutual-aid, and alternative systems of gender affirming care," adding that "trans rights are human rights."
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Werewolf said:

And that jives with my own personal experience. I can think of half a dozen teenagers I knew or heard of in my community who died in automobile accidents while I was in high school. I can't think of one single teenager who was shot and killed with a firearm.

And yet there is dead silence from commie left-wing libtards on this. If they are such "bleeding heart humanitarians", then why don't they care about all the automobile deaths, which are the #1 killer of children? Where are the calls from Leftists for more "car control"?? Why not calls to raise the age of children driving cars to 18 or 21 years old?? Etc

Why don't commie Leftiwing libtards care about 600,000+ unborn children murdered every year in the United States? Don't they "care about the children"??

Of course they don't. These people don't give one rats arse about the lives of children. It's all a front, to push their totalitarian, communist gun ban agenda. Because they want to empower the totalitarian communist State/government, and disempower the people. They are driven by an authoritarian spirit that seeks to subject and dominate.

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

Werewolf said:

And that jives with my own personal experience. I can think of half a dozen teenagers I knew or heard of in my community who died in automobile accidents while I was in high school. I can't think of one single teenager who was shot and killed with a firearm.

And yet there is dead silence from commie left-wing libtards on this. If they are such "bleeding heart humanitarians", then why don't they care about all the automobile deaths, which are the #1 killer of children? Where are the calls from Leftists for more "car control"?? Why not calls to raise the age of children driving cars to 18 or 21 years old?? Etc

Why don't commie Leftiwing libtards care about 600,000+ unborn children murdered every year in the United States? Don't they "care about the children"??

Of course they don't. These people don't give one rats arse about the lives of children. It's all a front, to push their totalitarian, communist gun ban agenda. Because they want to empower the totalitarian communist State/government, and disempower the people. They are driven by an authoritarian spirit that seeks to subject and dominate.

For the US

And compared to other large / wealthy countries

Clearly, we are the only country with bad people in it
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I like to use common sense...

1) Mentally ill people who have violent thoughts or tendencies, who are medicated, should not have a gun. However, I am well aware that additional regulations won't stop people hell bent on mass murder. Guns are too easy to get out outside of the legal realm. There is no putting the genie back in the bottle.

2) AR-15s are rarely used in homicides.

3) There's always been more guns than people in this country, and yet mass school shootings are a very recent phenomenon. What has changed in the last 20 years? it certainly isn't the number of guns to people.
a) social media
b) politically charged narratives
c) a changing social narrative that deflects away from mental illness
d) 24 hour news cycles that glorify killers

4) By the time the police are called, it's too late. We need secure schools. That means metal detectors, no exterior locks or door handles. This idea that "kids will feel like they are in prison" is an insanely stupid and lazy argument. Kids already attend events where metal detectors are used.

4) See 4, if cops and the government can't protect my family, then I am going to own a gun and I am going to know how to use it. I'd rather have a fighting chance than no chance at all.

5) we already have examples of states and cities with strict gun control measures, and the gun homicide stats don't reflect any real impact of said strict measures.

Ultimately, there is no gun measure that can be put into existence that will stop mass shootings. However, we can do things to try and prevent mentally ill people and other lunatics from possessing a gun, legally and illegally. There's preventative measures we can implement to prevent them in schools, stores, etc. These things can be done without infringing upon law abiding citizens.
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Packchem91 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Werewolf said:

And that jives with my own personal experience. I can think of half a dozen teenagers I knew or heard of in my community who died in automobile accidents while I was in high school. I can't think of one single teenager who was shot and killed with a firearm.

And yet there is dead silence from commie left-wing libtards on this. If they are such "bleeding heart humanitarians", then why don't they care about all the automobile deaths, which are the #1 killer of children? Where are the calls from Leftists for more "car control"?? Why not calls to raise the age of children driving cars to 18 or 21 years old?? Etc

Why don't commie Leftiwing libtards care about 600,000+ unborn children murdered every year in the United States? Don't they "care about the children"??

Of course they don't. These people don't give one rats arse about the lives of children. It's all a front, to push their totalitarian, communist gun ban agenda. Because they want to empower the totalitarian communist State/government, and disempower the people. They are driven by an authoritarian spirit that seeks to subject and dominate.

For the US

And compared to other large / wealthy countries

Clearly, we are the only country with bad people in it
We are a uniquely diverse country that panders like hell to a certain demographic and refuses to call out what is a culture of not abiding by the law, viewing the nuclear family as a joke, viewing education for the most part as "bowing down to the white man," and disregarding ownership of shortcomings.

The left has made this their primary voting block. Ask LBJ...."once you got their vote you keep them poor, uneducated and dependent on the government. You'll never lose their vote." -1964/65?

You and your ilk are the epitome of this. You claim to have the moral high ground but yet you are nothing of the sort. What has your party done in the last 70 years to help out the black communities? Name a city that is run by the left that is better off since the lefties have been in charge? You can't.

Since you want to bring in some statistics why don't you explain this.

I'll hang up an listen.

Someone please quote this so Comrade Chem can see it. I'm sure he will remain silent when shown the facts.,non%2DHispanic%20individuals%2060.5%25%5D).

And to all the other democrats or people that tend to vote democrat I would love to hear you explain this. What has your party done in the last 70 years other than pander to the black community for votes?

Has your party closed the education gap?

Has your party closed the wealth gap?

Has your party decreased violent crime in the black community?

Has your party decreased teenage pregnancies?

Has your party decreased the number of blacks on welfare?

Has your party increased home ownership by blacks vs. whites per capita?

No... all you and your party care about is winning elections. Own it. At least a few of you should have the gumption to respond.

If not.... I won't be surprised. You are the people that claim to be "country over party" but you vote for 1 or 2 issues out of a 100 and claim to be independent... telling.
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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I was reading yesterday that the Satanic transgender freak activists are now demonizing Christians by the pejorative term "Christcucks", and openly advocating violence and saying that they should "kill Christcucks". But I forgot where I was reading that. I'll try to find it and post here.

Transgender terrorists have now murdered far, far more people than were ever harmed by the January 6th protesters. Oh, that's right, the January 6th protesters didn't kill ANYONE. ZERO. How many have the transgender terrorists now murdered in just the last few months and years?
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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