Child sniffer and groper in chief says that muh climate change is "the ONLY existential threat humanity faces", and that it's "more frightening than a nuclear war if the global temperature increases 1.5 degrees over the next twenty....ten years".
Wow, really?!! We're supposed to actually believe that GARBAGE?? But guess what? Braindead Leftist libtards eat this load of crap up and actually believe it!! They believe that billions of people are going to die if the temperature rises 1.5 degrees in just 10 more years!!
No, Joe, you Luciferian tyrannical communist sack of chit...Marxist scum like you are the threat to humanity -- with your cheer-leading of the mass murder of hundreds of millions of the unborn, and destroying those who are born by forcibly brainwashing them in school to be Sodomites or transgenders who will never have children, with mandatory drag queen story time. No more children being more humanity. And that's what Satanic communist trash like you want.
OMG!!! Only ten more years, or billions of us are going to die in a worldwide holocaust from the temperature rising 1.5 degrees, more deadly than a nuclear war!!
It's science!! Sounds unbelievable...but you know it "must" be true, because libtard Leftist bleeding hearts say so. They never lie, and they love us!! Sure, they hate unborn children and actually love murdering them...and they hate God...but, yes, these Satanists "love" you, because the Marxist activists on tv and in the universities say so and that conservatives are the "meanies".
Only 10 more years!! That's why we have to take DRASTIC action, and act NOW!! Ban gasoline engines NOW!!! Stop eating meat NOW!! Shut down the farms NOW!! NOW!!!
Hey libtards....let me give you a clue here...your communist overlords actually desire and want to mass murder billions of humans. That's their goal. They've already mass murdered how many unborn children worldwide over the last 50 years? The latest stats I could find says that there are 73 million abortions per year worldwide. At that rate, they've mass murdered over 1.4 billion unborn children in just the last 20 years!!
These Leftist communists want billions to die,
and they are using the "global warming" LIE to accomplish that objective! How? By using this hoax to forcibly shut down about 1/3 of the farms (by law in the Paris Agreement) in many European countries, for example, by the year 2030. Cut the food supply by at least 33%, and billions of people will die...that simple.
Do you know what the Georgia Guidestones said? About keeping humanity under 500 million in worldwide population -- because that is "sustainable" blah blah blah.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19