Climate Change

74,114 Views | 548 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by GuerrillaPack
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BBW12OG said:

Funny how just a "mere" 7 years ago they had summer in Europe and it wasn't sensationalized like it is today.

Also, I was in Europe for the Red Sox vs. Yankees London Series June/July 2019. We were there for 10 days total. In London, it was over 90 degrees everyday. We traveled through Scotland, flew over to Ireland, took the ferry down through Wales to Cardiff to the Killers concert at Cardiff Castle. Guess what? It was hot where it was supposed to be hot. Cloudy/rainy where it was supposed to be cloudy/rainy.

Something about this time really stinks to high heavens on how the "Liberal World Order" and the World Economic Forum is now pulling the strings. All it took was a feckless MARXIST PARTY puppet to get in office and try and destroy America.

Just like George Soros said..."(sic) the only way to destroy America is from within..."

Notice the temps. Notice the sensationalized graphics on the most recent one compared to the previous one.

lol the highest temp on that bottom map is 90, most of it is 75-85. I'd take that heatwave any day!
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BBW12OG said:

Funny how just a "mere" 7 years ago they had summer in Europe and it wasn't sensationalized like it is today.

Also, I was in Europe for the Red Sox vs. Yankees London Series June/July 2019. We were there for 10 days total. In London, it was over 90 degrees everyday. We traveled through Scotland, flew over to Ireland, took the ferry down through Wales to Cardiff to the Killers concert at Cardiff Castle. Guess what? It was hot where it was supposed to be hot. Cloudy/rainy where it was supposed to be cloudy/rainy.

Something about this time really stinks to high heavens on how the "Liberal World Order" and the World Economic Forum is now pulling the strings. All it took was a feckless MARXIST PARTY puppet to get in office and try and destroy America.

Just like George Soros said..."(sic) the only way to destroy America is from within..."

Notice the temps. Notice the sensationalized graphics on the most recent one compared to the previous one.

LOL....people will never see through this.
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TheStorm said:

Packchem91 said:

hokiewolf said:

Packchem91 said:

Packchem91 said:

100+ degrees in England. Looking at the globe, and how far north it is, that is just phenomenal. Whether you believe in climate change or not, that is a crazy occurrence.
Given the lack of AC, the lack of preparation for such high temps, and just how much higher that is than the norm, it must be wholly misreable there right now
Was just looking at this -- the average daily high in London in July is about 75-78. So this was 25-28 degrees hotter yesterday.
For context, Charlotte's average high in July is 88. So a comparable increase would be about 115-120.

Again, setting aside any context of global warming, and just thinking of the context of what the poor Englishters must have experienced with that type of delta....
there was actually a worse heatwave back in 2003.

And in 2019

Interesting…never really thought about the impact of the Sahara on weather that far north (I'd get the French coast on the Med).

Weather anomalies and extremes are fascinating (setting aside the deadly nature).
Yeah. You just took it as gospel right out of the gate, and entirely because it fit your preconceived opinion...
what is my preconceived notion? so was it historically hot in England or not?

Two things can be true ---- global warming can be a thing, and the media can blow it out of proportion. I accept both.

Example -- media used the Yellowstone flooding a month or so ago as a sign of global warming. Sure, it was a 500 year flood, so was historical. But it was, IMO, a coinciding of a couple of events:
1) large late season snowfall in days/weeks preceding
2) huge temp spike over a weekend resulting in fast melt
3) lots of rain, but really only a couple of wasn't like they got a foot of rain
4) shallow rivers in a mountain gorge where the water can only go one way

Did global warming contribute? I don't know. Was it histoical? Absolutely. Was it a sign the world is coming to an end as the media says or that we should change all of our policies...absolutely not.
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I know right? LOL
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Packchem91 said:

TheStorm said:

Packchem91 said:

hokiewolf said:

Packchem91 said:

Packchem91 said:

100+ degrees in England. Looking at the globe, and how far north it is, that is just phenomenal. Whether you believe in climate change or not, that is a crazy occurrence.
Given the lack of AC, the lack of preparation for such high temps, and just how much higher that is than the norm, it must be wholly misreable there right now
Was just looking at this -- the average daily high in London in July is about 75-78. So this was 25-28 degrees hotter yesterday.
For context, Charlotte's average high in July is 88. So a comparable increase would be about 115-120.

Again, setting aside any context of global warming, and just thinking of the context of what the poor Englishters must have experienced with that type of delta....
there was actually a worse heatwave back in 2003.

And in 2019

Interesting…never really thought about the impact of the Sahara on weather that far north (I'd get the French coast on the Med).

Weather anomalies and extremes are fascinating (setting aside the deadly nature).
Yeah. You just took it as gospel right out of the gate, and entirely because it fit your preconceived opinion...
what is my preconceived notion? so was it historically hot in England or not?

Two things can be true ---- global warming can be a thing, and the media can blow it out of proportion. I accept both.

Example -- media used the Yellowstone flooding a month or so ago as a sign of global warming. Sure, it was a 500 year flood, so was historical. But it was, IMO, a coinciding of a couple of events:
1) large late season snowfall in days/weeks preceding
2) huge temp spike over a weekend resulting in fast melt
3) lots of rain, but really only a couple of wasn't like they got a foot of rain
4) shallow rivers in a mountain gorge where the water can only go one way

Did global warming contribute? I don't know. Was it histoical? Absolutely. Was it a sign the world is coming to an end as the media says or that we should change all of our policies...absolutely not.
If only the predicted "Ice Age" that was going to occur before the year 2000 had only happened.

It's funny how as many scientist discredit "Second Ice Age Imminent," "Global Warming" and now "Climate Change." That science is awesome when it supports your ideology.

Now do this.... If your heart stops beating are you dead?

If a drunk driver kills a pregnant woman why are they charged with TWO counts of 2nd Degree murder, Death by motor vehicle, vehicular homicide...whatever the County/State's charges would be. TWO counts, not one. And it ain't the car that is benefiting from the 2nd charge.

Science am I right???? Lefties..... just damn.
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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Agreed - you definitely get instances of media reports characterizing a single flood or heat wave as proof of climate change, which isn't entirely right. GuerillaPack was actually right when he said we can't just look at one lone heat wave in the summer and say the future is here. But you *can* say this is an example of what we'll be seeing more often in the future, and that's what I've seen reported about the British heat wave.

We're well past the point of asking if man made climate change (AGW) is a thing, except maybe on the Water Cooler, lol. It's not that extreme weather events occur, because that's not new. It's that they occur more frequently and severely. You have to look at trends and evidence across many areas. There's a long list of major scientific organizations that have endorsed AGW. Many nations are adopting carbon cutting policies.

What's still somewhat debatable are the effects of warming - whether it will be not so bad or really bad for people and everything else that lives on earth. The problem with getting that answer wrong is that things may not be reversible, and could actually accelerate. Personally, I'd hate to be like the frog in the pot of water on the stove and not realize I'm cooked until it's too late to jump out. And is a nuclear/wind/solar/fusion future really so bad? (Not asking you, Packchem - just typing out loud at this point.)
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The communist puppet kid sniffer in Chief has declared a "climate emergency", in order to issue "executive action" to enact the commie agenda.


SOMERSET, Mass./WASHINGTON, July 20 (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden said on Wednesday that climate change is an emergency but stopped short of a formal declaration, announcing a modest package of executive actions and promising more aggressive efforts.

"Climate change is literally an existential threat to our nation and to the world," Biden said. "This is an emergency, an emergency, and I will look at it that way."

This is the modus operandi of tyrants...declare a faux "emergency" and then you are able to suspend the normal due process of law and law-making, and then grant yourself "emergency powers" -- eg, what happened during the covid pLandemic.

Stop and ask there really such an "emergency" going on with the climate? Of course there is not. This is insanity. It's ideologues and radical communists pushing their agenda on a false pretext. On outright lies. And it's a big lie. It's the big lie technique. Tell lies so big that people are dumbfounded, and think "hey if they're making such bold claims, it must be true".

And it's the duration and frequency of the lies and propaganda. When you have the communist Establishment media, the Hollywood crowd, and Marxist-controlled academia pushing these lies for years and years and years, 24/7/365, people start to actually believe the lies. I mean, so what if Al Gore was totally wrong with his ridiculous doomsday predictions of the North Pole ice cap being "totally gone" by 2014, and wrong about everything else. The Marxist Establishment "experts" and faux "authorities" are still repeating the same lies, so it must be true. My precious Leftist overlords would never lie to me. They love me.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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And the MARXIST PARTY supporters on here still are toting the left wing agenda....
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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The price of gasoline doubling in the last 6 months is a true emergency. The cost of rent and food and everything else going up 20-30% in the last year is a true emergency. Going on a path to hyperinflation and destruction of our currency and economy is a true emergency.

Not the temperature being a little hot in Europe for a couple weeks. And the temperature being a little cold in Texas a year and a half ago.

But these communists then want to shut down gas pipelines and stop drilling and "phase out fossil" fuels to make the price of gasoline even worse. And they want to pass bills through Congress to spend trillions of dollars on "infrastructure", sending everyone $1,000 checks to stay home during the covid scamdemic, and other garbage in order to make inflation and destruction of the value of the dollar worse.

These communists are not trying to actually make your life better. They are intentionally trying to make it worse. They are deliberately dismantling the economy and destroying the country as we speak. As communist authoritarians, they hate the current/traditional Western values and ideals of freedom and the free market. They want radical "change" in our society, as Obama and Chucky Schumer and others keep saying.

They are not trying to "solve" and "protect" us from any "crisis". They want a "crisis" to exist. Because if there is a "crisis", that gives them the pretext and "need" to take drastic actions and dramatically change our way of life. So they CREATE the faux "crisis" (eg, covid scamdemic, the myth of "climate change", false perception of a "gun violence crisis").

There is no crisis. Not covid. Not the climate. Not "gun violence". There is NOT a reason to radically alter our way of life, and destroy the Bill of Rights, and phase out fossil fuels.

Stop believing and being conned by their lies. Life is actually pretty good. All you have to do is turn off the Marxist propaganda and fear-mongering from the Lamestream media, and you can more clearly realize this. The only reason people believe in the fantasies of a "climate crisis", Wu Flu "crisis" and "gun violence crisis" is because they are gullible and being brainwashed by consuming communist propaganda from the Lamestream media and Establishment 24/7/365.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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dogplasma said:

Agreed - you definitely get instances of media reports characterizing a single flood or heat wave as proof of climate change, which isn't entirely right. GuerillaPack was actually right when he said we can't just look at one lone heat wave in the summer and say the future is here. But you *can* say this is an example of what we'll be seeing more often in the future, and that's what I've seen reported about the British heat wave.

We're well past the point of asking if man made climate change (AGW) is a thing, except maybe on the Water Cooler, lol. It's not that extreme weather events occur, because that's not new. It's that they occur more frequently and severely. You have to look at trends and evidence across many areas. There's a long list of major scientific organizations that have endorsed AGW. Many nations are adopting carbon cutting policies.

What's still somewhat debatable are the effects of warming - whether it will be not so bad or really bad for people and everything else that lives on earth. The problem with getting that answer wrong is that things may not be reversible, and could actually accelerate. Personally, I'd hate to be like the frog in the pot of water on the stove and not realize I'm cooked until it's too late to jump out. And is a nuclear/wind/solar/fusion future really so bad? (Not asking you, Packchem - just typing out loud at this point.)

I follow Brad Panovich, a long time meterologist on a local TV station, and clearly more of a scientist than entertainer.
He made the point the other day when asked about the specific heat wave in Europe, that it in no way proved global warming. But that he believes the trend of heat waves, which he demonstrated via a graph that people can either choose to believe or not, showed that we've had more of them recently.

And went on to make what I think is a great analogy. He compared effects of global warming and heat waves to baseball's steroid era. Plenty of HRs occurred w/o any impact from steroids....but overall there were more HRs because of the effect of steroids. Same for heat waves (or floods, or hurricanes, etc)....they've always occurred, always will. But the overall increase of them** should sound alarms that something is causing them

**And as we see on this site, some folks will find data that disagrees they've increased.
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Packchem91 said:

dogplasma said:

Agreed - you definitely get instances of media reports characterizing a single flood or heat wave as proof of climate change, which isn't entirely right. GuerillaPack was actually right when he said we can't just look at one lone heat wave in the summer and say the future is here. But you *can* say this is an example of what we'll be seeing more often in the future, and that's what I've seen reported about the British heat wave.

We're well past the point of asking if man made climate change (AGW) is a thing, except maybe on the Water Cooler, lol. It's not that extreme weather events occur, because that's not new. It's that they occur more frequently and severely. You have to look at trends and evidence across many areas. There's a long list of major scientific organizations that have endorsed AGW. Many nations are adopting carbon cutting policies.

What's still somewhat debatable are the effects of warming - whether it will be not so bad or really bad for people and everything else that lives on earth. The problem with getting that answer wrong is that things may not be reversible, and could actually accelerate. Personally, I'd hate to be like the frog in the pot of water on the stove and not realize I'm cooked until it's too late to jump out. And is a nuclear/wind/solar/fusion future really so bad? (Not asking you, Packchem - just typing out loud at this point.)

I follow Brad Panovich, a long time meterologist on a local TV station, and clearly more of a scientist than entertainer.
He made the point the other day when asked about the specific heat wave in Europe, that it in no way proved global warming. But that he believes the trend of heat waves, which he demonstrated via a graph that people can either choose to believe or not, showed that we've had more of them recently.

And went on to make what I think is a great analogy. He compared effects of global warming and heat waves to baseball's steroid era. Plenty of HRs occurred w/o any impact from steroids....but overall there were more HRs because of the effect of steroids. Same for heat waves (or floods, or hurricanes, etc)....they've always occurred, always will. But the overall increase of them** should sound alarms that something is causing them

**And as we see on this site, some folks will find data that disagrees they've increased.
Chem, I agree.. some will find data that paints a different picture. The data will come from reputable source, including meteorologist. To me, that is why the Federal Government shouldn't be involved. So, we end up with conflicting data and we also have "No" power for the Federal Government to take any actions. Unfortunately, that hasn't stopped them on anything, in the past…
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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GuerrillaPack said:

In brief, the agenda to supposedly combat "climate change" or "global warming" is a false pretext in order to enact the policy of the ruling elites for the impoverishment/enslavement of mankind, and ultimately for mass worldwide human population reduction.

This agenda, if fully implemented, is going to have dramatic and far-reaching impacts on nearly every aspect of our lives, and for the worse -- making us much poorer, and vastly reducing our quality of life.

We all know, for example, that as Biden and others have stated, they are calling for the "phasing out of fossil fuels". And that goal is a very bad idea for our quality of life (having widely available and cheap fuel), which we can discuss in greater detail. But it goes much, much further than just this.

For instance....the climate change cultists claim that we are also going to have to phase out eating beef, because cow burps and farts are heating up the climate too much -- which is going to cause the sea level to rise half an inch and "kill us all" as the alarmists claim with no evidence whatsoever. NWO spokesman Bill Gates, who is not a medical doctor, but is apparently an "expert" not only in vaccines but also climatology, is making the argument that we phase out livestock and transition to synthetic, lab-grown and "plant-based meats".

This policy to phase out livestock is now going into effect. Here is a news article from just last week, detailing how Northern Ireland is going to reduce its supply of sheep and cattle by 1.2 million and it's chickens by 5 million by 2035, as required by a "climate act" that was passed into law:


Northern Ireland faces loss of 1 million sheep and cattle to meet climate targets

Fri 22 Apr 2022 03.00 EDT

Northern Ireland will need to lose more than 1 million sheep and cattle to meet its new legally binding climate emissions targets, according to an industry-commissioned analysis seen by the Guardian.
The large-scale reduction in farm animals comes after the passing of the jurisdiction's first ever climate act, requiring the farming sector to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 and reduce methane emissions by almost 50% over the same period.

About a third of human-caused methane emissions come from livestock, mostly from the burps and manure of beef and dairy cattle. Analysis by KPMG, commissioned by industry representatives including the Ulster Farmers' Union (UFU), estimates more than 500,000 cattle and about 700,000 sheep would need to be lost in order for Northern Ireland to meet the new climate targets.

Separate analysis by the UK government's climate advisers suggests chicken numbers would also need to be cut by 5 million by 2035. Both the pig and poultry sectors in Nothern Ireland have seen rapid growth in the past decade.

This is just scratching the surface of the drastic changes to our lives that are coming if these Marxist, NWO elites are successful in implementing this insane agenda. It also involves, of course, huge tax increases ("carbon taxes"), which is nothing more than a scheme to steal and transfer the wealth of the masses (to the elites/government), and destroy the middle class and further destroy our standard of living. It involves closing off vast tracks of land from future human development, with the true aim of further limiting human population expansion/growth...which is also accomplished by banning abundant and cheap supplies of energy. And by banning much of our food supply, this is further evidence that this is all part of an anti-human agenda aimed at lowering worldwide human population.
You're a ****ing dumb ass.
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Mountainman97 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

In brief, the agenda to supposedly combat "climate change" or "global warming" is a false pretext in order to enact the policy of the ruling elites for the impoverishment/enslavement of mankind, and ultimately for mass worldwide human population reduction.

This agenda, if fully implemented, is going to have dramatic and far-reaching impacts on nearly every aspect of our lives, and for the worse -- making us much poorer, and vastly reducing our quality of life.

We all know, for example, that as Biden and others have stated, they are calling for the "phasing out of fossil fuels". And that goal is a very bad idea for our quality of life (having widely available and cheap fuel), which we can discuss in greater detail. But it goes much, much further than just this.

For instance....the climate change cultists claim that we are also going to have to phase out eating beef, because cow burps and farts are heating up the climate too much -- which is going to cause the sea level to rise half an inch and "kill us all" as the alarmists claim with no evidence whatsoever. NWO spokesman Bill Gates, who is not a medical doctor, but is apparently an "expert" not only in vaccines but also climatology, is making the argument that we phase out livestock and transition to synthetic, lab-grown and "plant-based meats".

This policy to phase out livestock is now going into effect. Here is a news article from just last week, detailing how Northern Ireland is going to reduce its supply of sheep and cattle by 1.2 million and it's chickens by 5 million by 2035, as required by a "climate act" that was passed into law:


Northern Ireland faces loss of 1 million sheep and cattle to meet climate targets

Fri 22 Apr 2022 03.00 EDT

Northern Ireland will need to lose more than 1 million sheep and cattle to meet its new legally binding climate emissions targets, according to an industry-commissioned analysis seen by the Guardian.
The large-scale reduction in farm animals comes after the passing of the jurisdiction's first ever climate act, requiring the farming sector to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 and reduce methane emissions by almost 50% over the same period.

About a third of human-caused methane emissions come from livestock, mostly from the burps and manure of beef and dairy cattle. Analysis by KPMG, commissioned by industry representatives including the Ulster Farmers' Union (UFU), estimates more than 500,000 cattle and about 700,000 sheep would need to be lost in order for Northern Ireland to meet the new climate targets.

Separate analysis by the UK government's climate advisers suggests chicken numbers would also need to be cut by 5 million by 2035. Both the pig and poultry sectors in Nothern Ireland have seen rapid growth in the past decade.

This is just scratching the surface of the drastic changes to our lives that are coming if these Marxist, NWO elites are successful in implementing this insane agenda. It also involves, of course, huge tax increases ("carbon taxes"), which is nothing more than a scheme to steal and transfer the wealth of the masses (to the elites/government), and destroy the middle class and further destroy our standard of living. It involves closing off vast tracks of land from future human development, with the true aim of further limiting human population expansion/growth...which is also accomplished by banning abundant and cheap supplies of energy. And by banning much of our food supply, this is further evidence that this is all part of an anti-human agenda aimed at lowering worldwide human population.
You're a ****ing dumb ass.
I know of at least one moderator that has read this poster's post. He stays on the boards damn near 16 hours a day.

I wonder why this is allowed to continue to happen?

Pretty damn sure if myself or another Conservative poster would have made the same comments we would have already been banned.

It's OK. It just further proves the consensus opinion on here that the moderation is done solely by who says what and who is doing the moderating. And we all know how that pendulum swings.

And it damn sure isn't to the right.
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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BBW12OG said:

Mountainman97 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

In brief, the agenda to supposedly combat "climate change" or "global warming" is a false pretext in order to enact the policy of the ruling elites for the impoverishment/enslavement of mankind, and ultimately for mass worldwide human population reduction.

This agenda, if fully implemented, is going to have dramatic and far-reaching impacts on nearly every aspect of our lives, and for the worse -- making us much poorer, and vastly reducing our quality of life.

We all know, for example, that as Biden and others have stated, they are calling for the "phasing out of fossil fuels". And that goal is a very bad idea for our quality of life (having widely available and cheap fuel), which we can discuss in greater detail. But it goes much, much further than just this.

For instance....the climate change cultists claim that we are also going to have to phase out eating beef, because cow burps and farts are heating up the climate too much -- which is going to cause the sea level to rise half an inch and "kill us all" as the alarmists claim with no evidence whatsoever. NWO spokesman Bill Gates, who is not a medical doctor, but is apparently an "expert" not only in vaccines but also climatology, is making the argument that we phase out livestock and transition to synthetic, lab-grown and "plant-based meats".

This policy to phase out livestock is now going into effect. Here is a news article from just last week, detailing how Northern Ireland is going to reduce its supply of sheep and cattle by 1.2 million and it's chickens by 5 million by 2035, as required by a "climate act" that was passed into law:


Northern Ireland faces loss of 1 million sheep and cattle to meet climate targets

Fri 22 Apr 2022 03.00 EDT

Northern Ireland will need to lose more than 1 million sheep and cattle to meet its new legally binding climate emissions targets, according to an industry-commissioned analysis seen by the Guardian.
The large-scale reduction in farm animals comes after the passing of the jurisdiction's first ever climate act, requiring the farming sector to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 and reduce methane emissions by almost 50% over the same period.

About a third of human-caused methane emissions come from livestock, mostly from the burps and manure of beef and dairy cattle. Analysis by KPMG, commissioned by industry representatives including the Ulster Farmers' Union (UFU), estimates more than 500,000 cattle and about 700,000 sheep would need to be lost in order for Northern Ireland to meet the new climate targets.

Separate analysis by the UK government's climate advisers suggests chicken numbers would also need to be cut by 5 million by 2035. Both the pig and poultry sectors in Nothern Ireland have seen rapid growth in the past decade.

This is just scratching the surface of the drastic changes to our lives that are coming if these Marxist, NWO elites are successful in implementing this insane agenda. It also involves, of course, huge tax increases ("carbon taxes"), which is nothing more than a scheme to steal and transfer the wealth of the masses (to the elites/government), and destroy the middle class and further destroy our standard of living. It involves closing off vast tracks of land from future human development, with the true aim of further limiting human population expansion/growth...which is also accomplished by banning abundant and cheap supplies of energy. And by banning much of our food supply, this is further evidence that this is all part of an anti-human agenda aimed at lowering worldwide human population.
You're a ****ing dumb ass.
I know of at least one moderator that has read this poster's post. He stays on the boards damn near 16 hours a day.

I wonder why this is allowed to continue to happen?

Pretty damn sure if myself or another Conservative poster would have made the same comments we would have already been banned.

It's OK. It just further proves the consensus opinion on here that the moderation is done solely by who says what and who is doing the moderating. And we all know how that pendulum swings.

And it damn sure isn't to the right.
Agree, this guy needs to take a break
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I agree but only because I own uranium stocks
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Mountainman97 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

In brief, the agenda to supposedly combat "climate change" or "global warming" is a false pretext in order to enact the policy of the ruling elites for the impoverishment/enslavement of mankind, and ultimately for mass worldwide human population reduction.

This agenda, if fully implemented, is going to have dramatic and far-reaching impacts on nearly every aspect of our lives, and for the worse -- making us much poorer, and vastly reducing our quality of life.

We all know, for example, that as Biden and others have stated, they are calling for the "phasing out of fossil fuels". And that goal is a very bad idea for our quality of life (having widely available and cheap fuel), which we can discuss in greater detail. But it goes much, much further than just this.

For instance....the climate change cultists claim that we are also going to have to phase out eating beef, because cow burps and farts are heating up the climate too much -- which is going to cause the sea level to rise half an inch and "kill us all" as the alarmists claim with no evidence whatsoever. NWO spokesman Bill Gates, who is not a medical doctor, but is apparently an "expert" not only in vaccines but also climatology, is making the argument that we phase out livestock and transition to synthetic, lab-grown and "plant-based meats".

This policy to phase out livestock is now going into effect. Here is a news article from just last week, detailing how Northern Ireland is going to reduce its supply of sheep and cattle by 1.2 million and it's chickens by 5 million by 2035, as required by a "climate act" that was passed into law:


Northern Ireland faces loss of 1 million sheep and cattle to meet climate targets

Fri 22 Apr 2022 03.00 EDT

Northern Ireland will need to lose more than 1 million sheep and cattle to meet its new legally binding climate emissions targets, according to an industry-commissioned analysis seen by the Guardian.
The large-scale reduction in farm animals comes after the passing of the jurisdiction's first ever climate act, requiring the farming sector to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 and reduce methane emissions by almost 50% over the same period.

About a third of human-caused methane emissions come from livestock, mostly from the burps and manure of beef and dairy cattle. Analysis by KPMG, commissioned by industry representatives including the Ulster Farmers' Union (UFU), estimates more than 500,000 cattle and about 700,000 sheep would need to be lost in order for Northern Ireland to meet the new climate targets.

Separate analysis by the UK government's climate advisers suggests chicken numbers would also need to be cut by 5 million by 2035. Both the pig and poultry sectors in Nothern Ireland have seen rapid growth in the past decade.

This is just scratching the surface of the drastic changes to our lives that are coming if these Marxist, NWO elites are successful in implementing this insane agenda. It also involves, of course, huge tax increases ("carbon taxes"), which is nothing more than a scheme to steal and transfer the wealth of the masses (to the elites/government), and destroy the middle class and further destroy our standard of living. It involves closing off vast tracks of land from future human development, with the true aim of further limiting human population expansion/growth...which is also accomplished by banning abundant and cheap supplies of energy. And by banning much of our food supply, this is further evidence that this is all part of an anti-human agenda aimed at lowering worldwide human population.
You're a ****ing dumb ass.
Wow, second-grade level name-calling...what a compelling argument.

What's your problem? Are you one of these green freaks who believes in all the commie propaganda, and that we're all about to die from the sea level rising one tenth of an inch? I guess you watched Al Gore's an Inconvenient Truth and you believed it?

Or are you just still pissed off that the DemonRats plan to forcibly inject all of us with the vaxx got shot down?
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I hate to see him banned, though, he just makes me feel so smart.
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Oldsouljer said:

I hate to see him banned, though, he just makes me feel so smart.
U r a witty dude.........haha.
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This is an interesting new article about the earliest organized effort to cast doubt on climate change science. What surprised me is that it goes back to the very early 1990s. I forgot we'd been talking about global warming for that long!
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If you use Chrome, Google etc... you won't find these articles.

there are a ton more..
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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BBW12OG said:

If you use Chrome, Google etc... you won't find these articles.

there are a ton more..
BBW........keep telling em' ...........good few listen.

They might get up the courage to fact check your statement w ;-)
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dogplasma said:

This is an interesting new article about the earliest organized effort to cast doubt on climate change science. What surprised me is that it goes back to the very early 1990s. I forgot we'd been talking about global warming for that long!
I'm old enough to remember that in 1988, I think it was, they were predicting that Florida would be an archipelago by now (might have been Gore). That's one reason why I don't take climate Scientology very seriously.
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Oldsouljer said:

dogplasma said:

This is an interesting new article about the earliest organized effort to cast doubt on climate change science. What surprised me is that it goes back to the very early 1990s. I forgot we'd been talking about global warming for that long!
I'm old enough to remember that in 1988, I think it was, they were predicting that Florida would be an archipelago by now (might have been Gore). That's one reason why I don't take climate Scientology very seriously.
I'm still waiting for California to fall off the side of America...
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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Don't tease us like that.......

San Andreas is one of my favorite movies....
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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Oldsouljer said:

dogplasma said:

This is an interesting new article about the earliest organized effort to cast doubt on climate change science. What surprised me is that it goes back to the very early 1990s. I forgot we'd been talking about global warming for that long!
I'm old enough to remember that in 1988, I think it was, they were predicting that Florida would be an archipelago by now (might have been Gore). That's one reason why I don't take climate Scientology very seriously.
I think that gets back to the difference between what's presented in some media reports vs actual science consensus. I don't remember anyone saying Florida would be under water by 2020 (though Gore might have!), but there could have been some sensational reports about that, maybe based on one worst case scenario out of a group of scenarios. Maybe not even that sensational of a report - maybe just a question that got published and then repeated. That's the PR principle in the article I linked above - you don't need to win the argument, but repeat the idea or question enough times, intentionally or not, that it starts to sink into the consciousness.
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caryking said:

Oldsouljer said:

dogplasma said:

This is an interesting new article about the earliest organized effort to cast doubt on climate change science. What surprised me is that it goes back to the very early 1990s. I forgot we'd been talking about global warming for that long!
I'm old enough to remember that in 1988, I think it was, they were predicting that Florida would be an archipelago by now (might have been Gore). That's one reason why I don't take climate Scientology very seriously.
I'm still waiting for California to fall off the side of America...
Not until I visit Yosemite please, if it doesn't all burn in this current fire. Or have one more great seafood dinner in SF.
After that.....
Steve Videtich
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caryking said:

Oldsouljer said:

dogplasma said:

This is an interesting new article about the earliest organized effort to cast doubt on climate change science. What surprised me is that it goes back to the very early 1990s. I forgot we'd been talking about global warming for that long!
I'm old enough to remember that in 1988, I think it was, they were predicting that Florida would be an archipelago by now (might have been Gore). That's one reason why I don't take climate Scientology very seriously.
I'm still waiting for California to fall off the side of America...

Not sure Obama would've purchased their house in Martha's Vineyard if they were truly worried about it
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Newsom is putting Klaus' 2030 Agenda into action. Farmers pay for their own groundwater well water.
#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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According to researchers at Yale University, 72 percent of Americans tell pollsters that carbon dioxide should be regulated as a pollutant, while 77 percent believe that the government should fund further renewable-energy research and provide tax rebates for solar panels. But when you ask people about bearing the costs of such policies themselves, things change. A 2021 poll commissioned by my colleagues at the Competitive Enterprise Institute found that 35 percent of registered voters in the U.S. said they wouldn't be willing to spend even $1 a month to reduce the impacts of climate change.

Political and economic circumstances are causing people to wake up. Nordhaus argues that the fuel disruptions triggered by Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine alone mean "the end of climate policy as we know it." Political discontent in the developed world over high energy prices is not transitory, either. At home, the Biden administration is caught in a vise. It is unwilling to budge from announced decarbonization goals but is getting killed at the polls for skyrocketing fuel prices. The administration's attempts to deal with the toxic decline in public confidence consist of attempting to publicly harangue oil and gas companies into ignoring market realities, as well as begging the Saudi royal family to expand production (no luck so far).
Unless we embrace nuclear power, we have no chance of reducing greenhouse gases in any significant way here in the US. There is some small movement in that direction but not enough to get new nukes built. In the meantime, we attempt to count on unreliable wind and solar solutions. Unfortunately, honest discourse about choices including costs is just not supported in this current cultural climate.
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PackFansXL said:


According to researchers at Yale University, 72 percent of Americans tell pollsters that carbon dioxide should be regulated as a pollutant, while 77 percent believe that the government should fund further renewable-energy research and provide tax rebates for solar panels. But when you ask people about bearing the costs of such policies themselves, things change. A 2021 poll commissioned by my colleagues at the Competitive Enterprise Institute found that 35 percent of registered voters in the U.S. said they wouldn't be willing to spend even $1 a month to reduce the impacts of climate change.

Political and economic circumstances are causing people to wake up. Nordhaus argues that the fuel disruptions triggered by Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine alone mean "the end of climate policy as we know it." Political discontent in the developed world over high energy prices is not transitory, either. At home, the Biden administration is caught in a vise. It is unwilling to budge from announced decarbonization goals but is getting killed at the polls for skyrocketing fuel prices. The administration's attempts to deal with the toxic decline in public confidence consist of attempting to publicly harangue oil and gas companies into ignoring market realities, as well as begging the Saudi royal family to expand production (no luck so far).
Unless we embrace nuclear power, we have no chance of reducing greenhouse gases in any significant way here in the US. There is some small movement in that direction but not enough to get new nukes built. In the meantime, we attempt to count on unreliable wind and solar solutions. Unfortunately, honest discourse about choices including costs is just not supported in this current cultural climate.
That may be coming. Charts are looking long term positive for Uranium stocks, might be a good place to park some $$.
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PackFansXL said:

Unless we embrace nuclear power, we have no chance of reducing greenhouse gases in any significant way here in the US. There is some small movement in that direction but not enough to get new nukes built. In the meantime, we attempt to count on unreliable wind and solar solutions. Unfortunately, honest discourse about choices including costs is just not supported in this current cultural climate.
Who says we have to reduce greenhouse gases? Why is it a given that we have to do that?

There is no legitimate reason to do that. This is all based on the MASSIVE LIE that there is some "climate crisis" going on. That's not the case at all. There is no crisis. It's all a bunch of baseless fear-mongering -- Al Gore and other Leftist propagandists telling us that the north pole ice cap will completely melt in 5 more years, and coastal areas going under water, and other that we will go along with their communist NWO agenda to create trillions in new "carbon taxes" to the government, and phase out fossil fuels, and shut down farming -- as part of their larger Satanic anti-human agenda to try to lower world human population.

And the real temperature data shows the earth is in a cooling phase. There is no global warming. What is the crisis? Increased drought in some areas of the world? If that's a crisis, then why are the communist climate change cultists now urging us to shut down farming?

I say we increase greenhouse gasses. Carbon dioxide is not a "pollutant". Plants actually need it to survive, and produce crops. It's food for plants.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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The DOE is issuing grants for demo plants for two new modular designs, one by TerraPiower and one by another company that I don't remember. The TerraPower design uses liquid sodium as the primary coolant, which would be unique for a commercial nuke plant.

Duke Energy has new nuclear proposed as an option in their 2035 carbon reduction plan. Don't know for sure if that will happen - the NCUC has to pick a specific plan from the menu first, and it may or may not include new nuclear. It will include some wind and solar.
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GP, I believe that AGW is vastly overstated but it is a useful vehicle to encourage development of new nukes. Nuclear power is safe, highly reliable, inexpensive, pollution-free, and offers vast amounts of power with an emphasis on national security. If fears about AGW drive a nuclear recovery in this country, we will be far better off than if we rely on the unreliable clean energy sources like solar and wind and hoped for progress on batteries. All those technologies and/or materials are currently controlled by the CCP.
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PackFansXL said:

GP, I believe that AGW is vastly overstated but it is a useful vehicle to encourage development of new nukes. Nuclear power is safe, highly reliable, inexpensive, pollution-free, and offers vast amounts of power with an emphasis on national security. If fears about AGW drive a nuclear recovery in this country, we will be far better off than if we rely on the unreliable clean energy sources like solar and wind and hoped for progress on batteries. All those technologies and/or materials are currently controlled by the CCP.
100% I agree with you on this. Add in hydroelectric as well and you've got some real energy independence
Originator of the Tony Adams Scale
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