Climate Change

74,113 Views | 548 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by GuerrillaPack
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About the time some of you brainwashed morons were in diapers.

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Werewolf said:

About the time some of you brainwashed morons were in diapers.

At end of clip, he says "spend 1 Trillion dollars to undo the industrial revolution".

Yep. Only now it's spending like $10-20 trillion (inflation). And that is the goal. These communist Satanic faux "elites" running the WEF and pushing this "New World Order" agenda hate mankind. Their goal is to impoverish and enslave reduce our quality of life, and make us poor and easier to control and subjugate.

It is an anti-human agenda. Look at how these Satanic communist scum are now moving to shut down one third of the farms in European countries and ban the eating of meat. They want you eating crickets and worms, crammed in a 500 sf apartment, too poor to even own a car or travel, in a "15 minute city" -- selling this dystopian future to the brainwashed masses as "necessary" in order to save the earth from non-existent "global warming".
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Yep, prophetic...........and the European farmer situation is a grave one for Western Europe.
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A prime example of the wokesters at work. The useful idiots follow with eyes glazed over.

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#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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Absolutely dreadful decision by Biden Administration
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Remember all those protests in Europe with thousands of famers parking their tractors on the main highways in Paris and Berlin and elsewhere, including setting fires on the roads? Well it appears that it may have done some good, with the EU overlords considering or deciding to drop some of the insane climate hoax provisions, such as requiring 30%+ of farms to be shutdown and livestock liquidated.


EU Bends The Knee To Farmers: Drops Key Provisions In 2040 Climate Proposal

February 9, 2024

The European Commission has bent the knee to protesting farmers - and is dropping key passages in a proposal for a new 2040 goal aimed at cutting greenhouse gas pollution.

According to the EU exeuctive's plan, "all sectors" need to now contribute to the effort - but the previously mandated 30% cut to agricultural production between by 2040 is gone. The revised draft has also excluded a mandate for citizens to make lifestyle changes - such as eating less meat, and a push to end fossil fuel subsidies, Politico reports.


Farmers' protests have broken out in many countries across Europe in recent weeks, with the industry expressing discontent over the EU's green policies. Some of the largest demonstrations have been in Germany, prompted by a cut to diesel subsidies. Brussels has faced calls from industry groups and some political parties to lay out a 2040 climate pathway that doesn't ignite further anger.

The EU's plan is set to be presented on Tuesday and will recommend a 90 percent cut in total EU emissions by 2040 from 1990 levels a suggestion in line with scientific advice.

The updated version of the plan, which is still subject to change, framed agriculture in a more positive light compared to earlier drafts. The role the sector plays in the EU's "food sovereignty" was also emphasized.
"We need to make sure we have a balanced approach," said European Commission Wopke Hoekstra, who unveiled the revised proposal. "The vast majority of our citizens sees the effects of climate change, does want protection, but is also worried about what that implies for their livelihood."
Meanwhile, the BBC reports that the EU has also scrapped plans to cut pesticide use in half across the EU - which was to take effect by 2030 as part of the so-called "Green Deal."

But it's not over, for sure. This is only a temporary victory. The communists will just "re-group" and seek to implement their insane climate hoax agenda at a later time, or in other more stealthy ways in the meantime.

This is how these Satanic communist "elite" operate, when trying to implement their agenda. They "float" an aggressive plan, and then see how the general public reacts. If the public does not offer resistance, then they go forward full steam with their agenda. If they get a massive push back, then they dial it back...but only temporarily, and seek alternative ways to achieve their agenda.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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what is humorous, if not concerning, is the lethargic nature of the United States populous....embarrassing. If it were the 1770's, we'd be subjects of the British monarchy for at least another 1,000 years. Pitiful!
#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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Satan's clown world 2024...

This video here is the epitome of demonstrating how "climate change" is a 100% COMPLETE FRAUD.

HHS with an official announcement from a fake woman says that fake global warming and "climate change" is having a fake "negative impact on the physical and mental health of black communities".

Watch this trash. It's like watching the movie Idiocracy and one of the officials from President Dwayne Mountain Dew Camacho's government giving a declaration. This is the height of absurdity. Not only the idea that fake "climate change" is causing mental and physical distress in people...but sure, it's also "racist" because it's "hurting black people more".

Everything said in this is 100% garbage, lies, and made up horse chit....down to the lie that is the freak saying it. But communist Leftist libtarded Democrats each this chit up. Because they live a lie. They love lies. They only believe something is "true" if it's a lie.

Imagine how braindead or brainwashed you have to be in order to believe ANYTHING that is said in this, down to believing that this is a "woman" speaking to you. You'd have to have an IQ of about 65. And that's what your average Democrat voter is. Totally brainwashed...not even a sentient human being. A zombie. Sure, some of them once had an IQ above room temperature....but once they swallowed the communist brainwashing hook line and sinker, their brain no longer works. It's only able to "download" Satanic communist Leftist propaganda, spoon fed and beamed into it.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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She never said climate change is racist.

Also, FWIW:

2023 confirmed as world's hottest year on record
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dogplasma said:

Also, FWIW:

2023 confirmed as world's hottest year on record

More LIES. False and doctored, manipulated data. From the same crowd lying and saying it is "science" that there are 70 genders, men can become women, and that an unborn child "is not a human being."
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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If this occurs, will the #Sheeple wake up?

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Werewolf said:

If this occurs, will the #Sheeple wake up?

It takes only a few minutes of research to conclude this to be total fearmongering bullcrap.
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but you'll be all in if it occurs.....getcha goosebumps all over again....just thinking about 2020 all over again....with the 2024 election ripe for another
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GuerrillaPack said:

Satan's clown world 2024...

This video here is the epitome of demonstrating how "climate change" is a 100% COMPLETE FRAUD.

HHS with an official announcement from a fake woman says that fake global warming and "climate change" is having a fake "negative impact on the physical and mental health of black communities".

Watch this trash. It's like watching the movie Idiocracy and one of the officials from President Dwayne Mountain Dew Camacho's government giving a declaration. This is the height of absurdity. Not only the idea that fake "climate change" is causing mental and physical distress in people...but sure, it's also "racist" because it's "hurting black people more".

Everything said in this is 100% garbage, lies, and made up horse chit....down to the lie that is the freak saying it. But communist Leftist libtarded Democrats each this chit up. Because they live a lie. They love lies. They only believe something is "true" if it's a lie.

Imagine how braindead or brainwashed you have to be in order to believe ANYTHING that is said in this, down to believing that this is a "woman" speaking to you. You'd have to have an IQ of about 65. And that's what your average Democrat voter is. Totally brainwashed...not even a sentient human being. A zombie. Sure, some of them once had an IQ above room temperature....but once they swallowed the communist brainwashing hook line and sinker, their brain no longer works. It's only able to "download" Satanic communist Leftist propaganda, spoon fed and beamed into it.
Well to be clear climate change is not a fraud. All one has to do is examine tree rings, ice cores, geologic formations, etc and it's apparent that the climate has changed in the past, is changing now and will change in the future. We have gone from extreme heat to extreme cold, from high concentrations of CO2 and other gases to low concentrations of the same many times over.

Now what is a fraud is the climate change wackos who think by redistributing our money to others is going to stop climate change. This is nothing more than a socialist/Marxist scheme to end Capitalism and the Free World. They have fooled a lot of people into thinking if they give up their lifestyle and eat bugs in the dark that we'll save the Earth. The Earth doesn't need saving. It will be here long after we're all gone and the ants become the leaders.
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Climate change has very much been weaponized. For some in politics it is used to control and for others just plan fear porn. Sorry but climate change isn't the biggest threat to this country.
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Werewolf said:

About the time some of you brainwashed morons were in diapers.

lollers. Paul Harvey was a massive spreader of urban legends as fact. I don't put much stock in what he asserts about anything. Good entertainer though.
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I always enjoyed listening to Paul Harvey while disking land in the summer months.
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Texas Hail Storm Destroys Thousands of Acres of Solar Farms
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Lot of pollutions there in run off. But hey, green is better….
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Let's connect the dots for ya.
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Before many here were born.
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Ford loses around $40,000 on each electric vehicle it produces, and will lose a total of $5 billion dollars for the year from EV production.

This is typical of how "efficient" communism/Marxism works in practice.

And guess what? You can look forward to the traitors in Congress potentially "bailing out" these automakers for these losses -- because the cause of this disaster is the communist Biden regime's dictates for auto-makers to produce these EVs that nobody wants. The taxpayers are "subsidizing" and paying billions for this massive failed policy. So enjoy paying higher taxes for this. That's why Biden wants to jack up the capital gains tax to 45% and steal your 401k and real estate and investment gains.


Ford Motor Company @ford reported a whopping $132,000 loss on each electric vehicle (EV) sold during the first three months of 2024, amassing a $1.3 billion loss.

The auto manufacturer's electric vehicle unit revealed Thursday that they experienced a 20 percent decrease in sales volume and were forced to slash prices due to low consumer demand, CNN reported.

The revenue for Ford's EV car, the Model e, plunged by 84 percent to about $100 million, which the company blamed on EV price cuts across the auto industry.

"That resulted in the $1.3 billion loss before interest and taxes (EBIT), and the massive per-vehicle loss in the Model e unit," the publication noted.

The recent figures are part of a trend of loss for Ford, with their Model e reporting a full-year EBIT loss of $4.7 billion on the sale of 116,000 units. This is an average loss of $40,525 per vehicle and even that is just a third of the per-vehicle loss seen in the first three months of 2024.

Now, company officials are estimating that their EV division will lose a grand total of $5 billion this year, up from $4.7 billion last year.

"Americans don't want EVs at levels Biden's climate hysteria require," author and businessman Andy Puzder wrote on X. "Ford's EV Q1 losses soared to $1.3 billion a ridiculous $132,000 per EV sold. All Ford's profits came from combustion engine vehicle sales. Collectivist policies destroy prosperity."

"This does not appear to be "sustainable," said environmentalist Patrick Moore.

Energy and environmental science expert Steve Milloy called Ford's loss a "massive EV disaster."
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Manufacture a crisis, then profit off it.

The progressive way.
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Evidence of use being observed now relative to the extreme weather and tornadoes in the Midwest.

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"William Happer, professor emeritus in physics at Princeton University, and Richard Lindzen, professor emeritus of atmospheric science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), argued that the claims used by the EPA to justify the new regulations aren't based on scientific facts but rather political opinions and speculative models that have consistently proven to be wrong.
"The unscientific method of analysis, relying on consensus, peer review, government opinion, models that do not work, cherry-picking data and omitting voluminous contradictory data, is commonly employed in these studies and by the EPA in the Proposed Rule," Mr. Happer and Mr. Lindzen wrote. "None of the studies provides scientific knowledge, and thus none provides any scientific support for the Proposed Rule.
"All of the models that predict catastrophic global warming fail the key test of the scientific method: they grossly overpredict the warming versus actual data. The scientific method proves there is no risk that fossil fuels and carbon dioxide will cause catastrophic warming and extreme weather."
Climate models such as the ones that the EPA is using have been consistently wrong for decades in predicting actual outcomes, Mr. Happer told The Epoch Times. To illustrate his point, he presented the EPA with a table showing the difference between those models' predictions and the observed data."
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And Professor Bain from our on NCSU says that Wilmington and Manhattan NY will be under water in three years and people need to move inland 15 miles -what a joke !
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Doom and gloom sells
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PackProwl63 said:

And Professor Bain from our on NCSU says that Wilmington and Manhattan NY will be under water in three years and people need to move inland 15 miles -what a joke !

And then he and other liberal elites can buy a beach house for hardly nothing.

Great scam if you think about it.
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Gulfstream4 said:

PackProwl63 said:

And Professor Bain from our on NCSU says that Wilmington and Manhattan NY will be under water in three years and people need to move inland 15 miles -what a joke !

And then he and other liberal elites can buy a beach house for hardly nothing.

Great scam if you think about it.

Or fly private jets.
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ncsupack1 said:

Gulfstream4 said:

PackProwl63 said:

And Professor Bain from our on NCSU says that Wilmington and Manhattan NY will be under water in three years and people need to move inland 15 miles -what a joke !

And then he and other liberal elites can buy a beach house for hardly nothing.

Great scam if you think about it.

Or fly private jets.

Haha! Wasn't it Leonard DiCaprio that said he would fly all over the world (in his Gulfstream 550) to talk about global warming?
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Gulfstream4 said:

PackProwl63 said:

And Professor Bain from our on NCSU says that Wilmington and Manhattan NY will be under water in three years and people need to move inland 15 miles -what a joke !

And then he and other liberal elites can buy a beach house for hardly nothing.

Great scam if you think about it.

I'm on board. The Wilmington area beaches are definitely going to be underwater in 2 years. I'm starting a business to relieve these soon to be distressed properties off peoples hands.
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Gulfstream4 said:

ncsupack1 said:

Gulfstream4 said:

PackProwl63 said:

And Professor Bain from our on NCSU says that Wilmington and Manhattan NY will be under water in three years and people need to move inland 15 miles -what a joke !

And then he and other liberal elites can buy a beach house for hardly nothing.

Great scam if you think about it.

Or fly private jets.

Haha! Wasn't it Leonard DiCaprio that said he would fly all over the world (in his Gulfstream 550) to talk about global warming?

Not surprised if the dip shi$ did say that. All of those fools are completely dumb. How anyone with a brain buys into any of their crap?
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