Climate Change

74,089 Views | 548 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by GuerrillaPack
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"Were" shooting blanks now?
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TheStorm said:

"Were" shooting blanks now?
Yep, the old man -- see what happens when you turn 67? You've got 3 or 4 more good years......
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Communist faux "scientists" recommend that the UK must shut down all it's airports, totally ban eating cows and lamb, and stop all new construction over the "climate change" hoax.

Because all CO2 must be stopped. Including the CO2 humans exhale as they breathe. We must genocide humanity and stop all human order to "save humanity". Because that's what these Satanic communists care about so much...mass genocide of humanity....errr, I mean "saving humanity"...these Satanic communists love you.


(Natural News) In order to meet its 2050 zero emissions climate goals, the United Kingdom must eventually shut down all of its airports; ban all of its residents from eating beef and lamb; and put an end to all new construction everywhere.

This is the recommendation of scientists from the University of Oxford and Imperial College London (ICL), who fear that allowing humans to live normal lives for too much longer will lead to the downfall of the planet as it melts into a puddle of warming.

Between 2020 and 2029, every last airport in the UK, excluding Heathrow in London and the two major airports in Glasgow and Belfast, will need to close its doors. Then, between 2030 and 2049, Heathrow, Glasgow, and Belfast will need to be shuttered as well meaning no more air travel.

All of this is necessary in order for the UK to obey the dictates of the Climate Change Act, which prohibits all activities that create any kind of "emissions." Since just about every action emits something, the climate cultists are essentially calling for the mass genocide of humanity as a final solution to climate change.

(Related: According to NASA, climate change is actually caused by natural changes in Earth's solar orbit it has absolutely nothing to do with eating meat or flying on airplanes).
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Sieve; you aren't a Japanese American are you? For $15K, you could have done a better conversion.
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The communist propagandists are getting desperate, it seems, with pushing this "climate change" hoax horse chit.

So they're now blaming everything bad that happens on "climate change"...including the rise in diseases, cancers, etc.

The rise in heart attacks, deaths, and cancers caused by dangerous mRNA vaccines? No, it wasn't actually caused by those toxic fake "vaccines". It was caused by "climate change"....and braindead commie libtards will believe it!!
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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The Biden Regime apparently wants all Americans to return to the days where Americans washed their clothes and hung them outside.

The Department of Energy (DOE) released devastating rules to dramatically slash water and energy use limits for Americans' dishwashers below current levels.

The news only gets worse for American homeowners, however. Fox News also reveals the Regime is strongly considering brutal crackdowns on even more household appliances including washers, refrigerators, and dryers.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Surprise surprise...the lab-grown fake meat is orders of magnitude worse for the the "toxic" carbon dioxide emissions than raising cattle and other livestock.

Kind of like strip mining the earth for rare earth minerals for batteries is orders of magnitude worse for the environment than extracting and burning oil and other fossil fuels.

If you think the communist Left who worship mass murdering unborn children actually care about the environment or humanity, you are insane. Just as insane as people who believe there are now 70 genders and men can become women, and the rest of the Satanic communist Left's agenda.

These communist Satanists don't care about you, or humanity, or the environment. They have an anti-human agenda. That's what abortion is about....lowering human population. And that's what the fake "environmentalist" and "climate change" agenda is all about. It's about limiting and reducing human activity on the earth, lowering our quality of life, and eventually phasing out our quality of life.

They want humanity eating bugs and fake lab-grown meat, and living in 200 sf coffin apartments in a dystopian crammed city, not being able to travel anywhere, with your entire life being tracked and controlled by the government, and so people become so depressed that they don't have children...and eventually there is no hope for humanity, except for a small number of human "goyim" slaves left to serve the Satanic "elite" rulers.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Commie NYC mayor, following orders from on high from his Satanic NWO/communist overlords, signals crack down on eating meat and dairy, to save us from the "global warming" hoax...

How about we make a compromise here?...I think only braindead brainwashed Democrat-voting commie libtards should be forced to eat crickets and bugs and fake lab grown meat. You degenerate libtard zombies can save the rest of us from the non-existent "global warming climate change" fake "crisis". Meanwhile...conservatives, Christians, and other patriotic Americans who are not totally insane will be the only ones who can still eat meat and dairy.

Practice what you preach, but let the rest of us who reject your insane communist Satanic anti-human agenda keep our freedoms and live as we want. But, oh no, you can't have that...because you have malicious intent and want to strip us of our freedoms and do us harm, and lower our quality of life and try to make us as miserable as you are.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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I've already posted in this thread how they are using the Satanic communist anti-human "climate change / global warming" scam in order to shut down farms in Canada, Ireland, and the Netherlands.

Now they are ramping up the propaganda to push shutting down farms in the United States as well...



May 31, 2023

One of Kerry's most urgent missions is to overhaul our extremely successful agricultural industry. At a recent meeting of AIM for Climate, co-hosted by U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and the UAE Minister of Climate Change and Environment, Kerry thundered that farmers worldwide create fully one-third of global greenhouse gases, an amount that must come down if the world is to reach net zero emissions.

"Food systems themselves contribute a significant amount of emissions just in the way in which we do the things we've been doing…" intoned Kerry, having evidently co-opted Vice President Kamala Harris' speechwriter.

He further warned: "We're facing record malnutrition at a time when agriculture, more than any other sector, is suffering from the impacts of the climate crisis. And I refuse to call it climate change anymore. It's not change. It's a crisis."

Left out of Kerry's near-hysterical speech was any indication of how changes sponsored by AIM for Climate might deliver both lower emissions and more nutrition. But a strategy paper published by the Department of Agriculture gives some clues. For example, it proposes "conversion of inedible biomass and waste into new materials, food, and fuels", which sounds tasty.

The paper also advocates research and education on "diet-related chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain cancers." Does anyone doubt this agency will soon suggest that for health reasons Americans must stop eating red meat?
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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A good number of the posters here are gonna have to be loaded into the cattle cars before they question what's underway.
#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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Werewolf said:

A good number of the posters here are gonna have to be loaded into the cattle cars before they question what's underway.
They think that it's just the "evil backward" Bible-thumping right-wing conservatives who will be loaded on the cattle cars. They think that by being "good" little brainwashed commie Leftist lemmings, they will be spared and allowed to be "favored citizens" in the new communist "New World Order" future. See those polls where roughly half of Democrats favored sending those who would not take the covid vaxx to detention camps. Leftists think that they will be manning the detention camps, and lording over imprisoned "evil" right-wingers.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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WEF Young Global Leader, Dr. Vanessa Kerry, appointed as WHO Director-General Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health

Vanessa's father is John Kerry, who is Joe Biden's Climate Czar.

See how it works?
It's all one big evil fooking club.
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By 2030 you will not eat meat and you will be allowed only three items of new clothing a year


#billgates #ownnothingandbehappy #greatreset #eatbugs
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Many governments around the world, of course following the agenda per directive from their WEF/United Nations/Rothschild/etc masters, are now implementing laws/policies to force their populations to reduce or eliminate eating meat, on the pretext that we "must eliminate livestock in order to save the world" from the global warming aka climate change hoax.

Germany's socialist/Green government, for example, is moving to implement policies to drastically reduce meat consumption.


German Government Embraces Plant-Based Food Shift to Fight Climate Crisis

January 5, 2023

Germany's government is finalizing its National Nutrition Strategy, a cornerstone of which supports a plant-based shift within its food system as a move to improve the population's health while reducing climate impact.


German government prepares to end meat consumption - Rations of just 10 grams daily!

07 June 2023

The German government's SRU Council on the Environment recommends all citizens be limited to a meat equivalent of just 2 sausages a month in an all-encompassing totalitarian behavior control plan.


Germany's Federal Minister of Agriculture, Cem Özdemir (Green Party) is now moving to force Germans to radically stop meat consumption by limiting meat intake to just 10 grams daily, which is equivalent to about 2 burgers a month.

The German government's latest proposal stems from recommendations made by the Sachverstndigenrat fr Umweltfragen (SRU) - German Advisory Council on the Environment, which is set up to directly advise the German government on policy.


According to the SRU government advisory council, "the manifold environmental crises of our time" can only be overcome by radically altering human behavior, which means "the way we live, consume, move and feed ourselves." (page 11).

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

Many governments around the world, of course following the agenda per directive from their WEF/United Nations/Rothschild/etc masters, are now implementing laws/policies to force their populations to reduce or eliminate eating meat, on the pretext that we "must eliminate livestock in order to save the world" from the global warming aka climate change hoax.

Germany's socialist/Green government, for example, is moving to implement policies to drastically reduce meat consumption.


German Government Embraces Plant-Based Food Shift to Fight Climate Crisis

January 5, 2023

Germany's government is finalizing its National Nutrition Strategy, a cornerstone of which supports a plant-based shift within its food system as a move to improve the population's health while reducing climate impact.


German government prepares to end meat consumption - Rations of just 10 grams daily!

07 June 2023

The German government's SRU Council on the Environment recommends all citizens be limited to a meat equivalent of just 2 sausages a month in an all-encompassing totalitarian behavior control plan.


Germany's Federal Minister of Agriculture, Cem Özdemir (Green Party) is now moving to force Germans to radically stop meat consumption by limiting meat intake to just 10 grams daily, which is equivalent to about 2 burgers a month.

The German government's latest proposal stems from recommendations made by the Sachverstndigenrat fr Umweltfragen (SRU) - German Advisory Council on the Environment, which is set up to directly advise the German government on policy.


According to the SRU government advisory council, "the manifold environmental crises of our time" can only be overcome by radically altering human behavior, which means "the way we live, consume, move and feed ourselves." (page 11).

Isn't it amazing that the people, who claim the MAGA crowd are bought into conspiracy theories, are exactly the people perpetrating the biggest conspiracies, on earth!!
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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Psy-op gaslighting experts personified with trillions supporting the operations. We have a nation full of their victims.
#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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NEW - Globalist Macron calls for a new "international taxation" on top of current taxes to finance "climate efforts."

@disclosetv (
Macron calls for an international taxation deal to finance climate efforts
Breaking news from around the world.
#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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Werewolf said:

NEW - Globalist Macron calls for a new "international taxation" on top of current taxes to finance "climate efforts."

@disclosetv (
Macron calls for an international taxation deal to finance climate efforts
Breaking news from around the world.
I saw an interview in Congress, I think it was Senator Kenney from Louisiana, where he was interviewing one of Biden's appointees in the department of energy (or something) at a hearing, and they were saying that it was estimated that it would cost like 50 trillion dollars (I assume just for the United States) to completely overhaul our entire society if we were railroaded into complying with this insane climate change agenda, per the Paris Agreement and whatnot.

The nation is already over $30 trillion in debt. Where are we going to get another $50 trillion?? Double federal income tax rates? Jack up tax rates on virtually everything in society (gasoline taxes, energy/power service taxes, etc) and add boatloads of new taxes?

This is ABSOLUTE INSANITY. Completely bankrupt the country, astronomically increase taxes so that the masses are totally impoverished and enslaved, ban us from eating beef and force us to eat crickets, ban us from travelling in automobiles, force and herd us into "15 minute" cities where we can hardly ever travel the country or world ever again, etc.

And all for what??

Some BLATANTLY OBVIOUS LIES and completely baseless fear-mongering about "the polar ice caps imminently melting", and an 18 year old autistic girl from Sweden's baseless fear-mongering about "the world will end in 5 years" being repeated every year?

You communist leftist libtards are leading the world to complete ruin and the enslavement of everyone for going along with this insanity. But that's what you want isn't it? You are nihilists aren't you? The communist leftist agenda is Satanic to the core, specifically designed to DESTROY society -- as seen with mass murder of the unborn and now destroying young children with mantatory drag queen shows and forced transgender transition surgery. You guys want to see the world burn, and destroyed in a sacrifice for Satan.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Part of the puzzle for a one world totalitarian govt. Comic books brought to life......and it's hard for most to come to terms with.
#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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Grocery shopping in 2050....ordering synthetic meat and McBug Burgers from Walmart/Amazon/McDonalds...

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Australian professor not under the influence of the global lords lays out teh truth.
#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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On purpose...... How much is it going to take for you to come to terms with it? You've been warned many times. If you think the Great Depression was ugly....and haven't seen nothing yet. All comfy we are.........right now.

#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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WEF wants us all to go vegan and wear uniforms

A report on social engineering lays out a future ( in which globalist technocrats can realize their Great Reboot program by 2030.

The document, published in 2019 and mentioned again in 2023, recommends that by 2030 we should not be allowed to eat meat or dairy products, we should be limited to three items of new clothing a year and one plane ride every three years. This will start with the countries that "consume the most.

#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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Farmers in Ireland protest government's plan to slaughter 200,000 dairy cows, to "lower greenhouse gas emissions"...

Again...this has nothing to do with these communist Satanic ruling elite "loving humanity" and wanting to "save the environment", because they are worried about non-existent "global warming" potentially harming humanity. These people are Luciferians who want to harm humanity, and who want to lower worldwide human population and lower your quality of life. PERIOD.

Do you really think demonic Satan-spawn trash like Klaus Schwab, George Soros, and Bill Gates are sweet little "bleeding heart liberals" who love you and want humanity to thrive and prosper?? And that they want you eating fake lab-grown "meat" because they care about you? If you do, you are total moron almost beyond hope at this point.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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WE must do something! Fast! I vote that Sieve and Hoak give up their automobiles and ride mules. Our planet will soon burn up.........

#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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Dr. John Clauser, the co-winner of the 2022 Nobel Physics prize and one the world's leading authorities on quantum mechanics, slammed the green agenda push by WEF-controlled countries as a "dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world's economy and the well-being of billions of people."

According to Dr. Clauser, the man-made climate change hoax is being perpetrated by government's and media organizations who are bought and paid for by the globalist elite.

The goal of globalists is to depopulate the planet and to drastically decrease the quality of life for those who remain.

"In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis," Clauser said.

"There is, however, a very real problem with providing a decent standard of living to the world's largest population and an associated energy crisis."

"The latter is being unnecessarily exacerbated by what, in my opinion, is incorrect climate science."

Dr. Clauser is not the first Nobel prize-winner to challenge the "settled" scientific and political narrative of "climate change."

As The People's Voice previously reported, the World Climate Declaration has been signed by by hundreds of scientists and professionals from around the world.

"There is no climate emergency," the document states.


John Francis Clauser (/klazr/; born December 1, 1942) is an American theoretical and experimental physicist known for contributions to the foundations of quantum mechanics, in particular the ClauserHorneShimonyHolt inequality.[1]

Clauser was awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, jointly with Alain Aspect and Anton Zeilinger "for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science".[2]

But who cares what a Nobel prize winner thinks, amirite? I trust the "real experts" like Dr. Greta Thunberg, Al Gore, Dr Bill Gates, and rat-faced communists like Klaus Schwab and George Soros.

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Are our summers hotter than before? Our own Van Denton's article:
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Pack00 said:

Are our summers hotter than before? Our own Van Denton's article:
Boom! Proves yet again for the 10,000th time that the communist Establishment Lamestream media are bald-faced LIARS. All you keep hearing this summer is about how "it's the hottest summer ever".

They will lie straight to your face about any issue, in order to push their far Left Marxist Satanic agendas -- no matter what it is...transgender insanity, tyrannical gun control, the covid scamdemic, and their precious "global warming" aka "climate change" fraud. They have been manipulating and misrepresenting the temperature "data" for many years, in order to push this falsehood that worldwide temperatures are "rising" and "getting worse" yada yada yada. The truth is that the earth is currently in a cycle of worldwide cooling, and has been for over 10-15 years.

When will people stop trusting the Establishment? "Mainstream" media, academia, Hollywood (etc) are all nothing but far Left Marxist ideologues pushing a radical agenda. They do nothing but LIE. And yet many of the brainwashed, braindead zombie masses just keep trusting them...and think that anyone who disagrees with them is an "insane conspiracy theorist", parroting the talking points they have been programmed to believe.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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The average American is producing less carbon now than before the average American owned a car. In the US, per capita production of CO2 has fallen below WW1 levels.

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