Werewolf said:
The WEF/NWO crowd has jumped on the CCP horse to continue their ride. They like the authoritarianism and master/slave system of govt and commerce. The CCP has carte blanche to do as they please.
Absolutely. The reason that the powers-that-be who think they rule the world (ie, Rothschilds and other international banking families, who use guys like Klaus Schwab and the WEF as their front group puppets) are not requiring China to lower their emissions is because China is their model of governance for the world -- ie, a super totalitarian, repressive government that is spying on everything their citizens do, with a "social credit" score system to repress and punish dissidents, millions of dissidents in concentration camps, mass murdering millions of dissidents, persecuting and trying to stamp out Christianity within their country, etc.
China doesn't need to be "brought down" and have their citizens repressed with carbon taxes. They are already enslaved under hardcore communism. The United Nations and WEF overlords are now intending to totally enslave and subject the citizens of the developed world (United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, etc), under hardcore communist tyranny, using the "climate change" farce as a political weapon to do that -- highly tax the people in those nations, get their nations trillions more in debt, destroying their economies, etc.
There is no real "threat" from alleged "global warming". The fact that the United Nations (and WEF, etc) allows and is ok with China to "pollute" more than then entire rest of the developed world combined proves that it is not a real threat. There is not "catastrophe" coming from a little warming. And the elites at the United Nations & WEF (etc) know that.
As I've stressed over and over in this thread, the real reason for the "climate change" ("global warming") agenda has nothing to do with the weather or any alleged "threat" from warming. It is completely a POLITICAL agenda -- ie, to bring in the NWO/WEF's political agenda for communism and totalitarian control -- as China already has.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19