Climate Change

75,737 Views | 550 Replies | Last: 2 days ago by GuerrillaPack
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In brief, the agenda to supposedly combat "climate change" or "global warming" is a false pretext in order to enact the policy of the ruling elites for the impoverishment/enslavement of mankind, and ultimately for mass worldwide human population reduction.

This agenda, if fully implemented, is going to have dramatic and far-reaching impacts on nearly every aspect of our lives, and for the worse -- making us much poorer, and vastly reducing our quality of life.

We all know, for example, that as Biden and others have stated, they are calling for the "phasing out of fossil fuels". And that goal is a very bad idea for our quality of life (having widely available and cheap fuel), which we can discuss in greater detail. But it goes much, much further than just this.

For instance....the climate change cultists claim that we are also going to have to phase out eating beef, because cow burps and farts are heating up the climate too much -- which is going to cause the sea level to rise half an inch and "kill us all" as the alarmists claim with no evidence whatsoever. NWO spokesman Bill Gates, who is not a medical doctor, but is apparently an "expert" not only in vaccines but also climatology, is making the argument that we phase out livestock and transition to synthetic, lab-grown and "plant-based meats".

This policy to phase out livestock is now going into effect. Here is a news article from just last week, detailing how Northern Ireland is going to reduce its supply of sheep and cattle by 1.2 million and it's chickens by 5 million by 2035, as required by a "climate act" that was passed into law:


Northern Ireland faces loss of 1 million sheep and cattle to meet climate targets

Fri 22 Apr 2022 03.00 EDT

Northern Ireland will need to lose more than 1 million sheep and cattle to meet its new legally binding climate emissions targets, according to an industry-commissioned analysis seen by the Guardian.
The large-scale reduction in farm animals comes after the passing of the jurisdiction's first ever climate act, requiring the farming sector to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 and reduce methane emissions by almost 50% over the same period.

About a third of human-caused methane emissions come from livestock, mostly from the burps and manure of beef and dairy cattle. Analysis by KPMG, commissioned by industry representatives including the Ulster Farmers' Union (UFU), estimates more than 500,000 cattle and about 700,000 sheep would need to be lost in order for Northern Ireland to meet the new climate targets.

Separate analysis by the UK government's climate advisers suggests chicken numbers would also need to be cut by 5 million by 2035. Both the pig and poultry sectors in Nothern Ireland have seen rapid growth in the past decade.

This is just scratching the surface of the drastic changes to our lives that are coming if these Marxist, NWO elites are successful in implementing this insane agenda. It also involves, of course, huge tax increases ("carbon taxes"), which is nothing more than a scheme to steal and transfer the wealth of the masses (to the elites/government), and destroy the middle class and further destroy our standard of living. It involves closing off vast tracks of land from future human development, with the true aim of further limiting human population expansion/growth...which is also accomplished by banning abundant and cheap supplies of energy. And by banning much of our food supply, this is further evidence that this is all part of an anti-human agenda aimed at lowering worldwide human population.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
wolf howl
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People are going to wake up one day and the results won't be pretty.
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The climate change fraudsters are not just implementing policy that we must ban eating beef and other livestock to "save the world" from this completely fabricated and non-existent "catastrophic threat" from "climate change". They are also pushing for and implementing policies that will result in reducing crop production, because they claim that the use of fertilizer is "causing harmful emissions".

For instance, the government of Canada, due to it's "obligations" as a result of signing onto the Paris Agreement, is pushing for reducing emissions from fertilizer by 30% by 2030...and is targeting wheat, barley and other cereal crops.


Feds target cereals as major emitter

Published: April 21, 2022

The policy makers at Agriculture Canada are concerned about greenhouse gas emissions from wheat, barley and other cereal crops.

In a discussion document released in March on reducing emissions from fertilizer applied to cropland, Ag Canada says that Canadian cereal growers produce more nitrous oxide gas than farmers in Europe, Australia, Ukraine and the United States.

"Available data show that Canadian cereal production likely has one of the highest levels of emissions intensity (amount of GHGs emitted per unit of product) amongst major exporting countries," the document says.

Here it is from the official government document:


Discussion Document: Reducing emissions arising from the application of fertilizer in Canada's agriculture sector

In December 2020, the Government of Canada announced its Strengthened Climate Plan, "A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy." It includes a number of measures affecting the agriculture sector, with a goal to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and increase carbon sequestration. This discussion paper addresses one of these measures: a national target to reduce absolute levels of GHG emissions arising from fertilizer application by 30% below 2020 levels by 2030.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Within the next few weeks all hell is going to break loose. It's coming to a head with nowhere to go otherwise. We're in for a helluva 2-3 months coming up. Ready for a major crisis?
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European Union votes to ban gas-powered vehicles by 2035.


EU Lawmakers Pass Ban on New Petrol, Diesel Cars by 2035

June 8, 2022

In the face of strong conservative opposition, European Parliament lawmakers on Wednesday narrowly voted to back a European Commission proposal for a total ban on new CO2-emitting vehicles by 2035.

The Commission last year unveiled plans to stop the sale of vehicles using internal combustion engines as part of an ambitious climate target to cut emissions by more than half over this decade and 90% by 2035.

The measure passed by 339 votes to 249 with 24 abstentions at a session in Strasbourg -- in practice limiting future sales to emissions-free all-electric models.

Cars currently account for 12% of all CO2 emissions in the 27-member EU bloc, while transportation overall accounts for around a quarter.

Newsflash to climate-tards who believe all this Leftist propaganda....electric vehicles are not going to "save the world from the imminent cataclysm of global warming" and the sea level rising 1/2 an inch and the temperature rising 1 degree and "killing us all in 10 years". Where do you think that electricity comes from? 61% of electricity generation in the United States comes from burning fossil fuels - coal, natural gas, petroleum. About 19% is from nuclear energy.

And do you know how toxic and costly it is to produce the lithium batteries that go in these electric vehicles? The mining for this lithium will further "rape the earth", and disposal of the batteries is toxic for the environment.

Also, if they were to try to go to 100% electric vehicles right now, you would have to vastly increase the production of electricity. How are they going to do that? They are shutting down power plants in the United States and hardly building any new ones at all. Have you heard the news about massive levels of rolling blackouts in half the country this year? They don't have the capacity right now to generate the electricity we currently need.

So if this insane push to ban gas-powered vehicles goes through, what you will actually have happen is that far fewer people will be able to drive any vehicle at all -- because they won't have the electricity-producing capacity to power an EV for everyone -- and/or it will make the cost of electricity so high, that many people will not be able to afford to use an EV.

But again, the REAL agenda here from the Marxist NWO elites is that they want to make everyone poor, and easier to control. They want to restrict the ability of the public to travel. Electric vehicles will be extremely costly, and only the "upper class" will be able to afford them. With the way inflation is going, much of the lower classes are not going to be able to afford any vehicle, even if we just had gas-powered vehicles.

The elite agenda (as publicly stated in United Nations Agenda 2030, for example) is to herd humanity into compact cities -- because people will be forced onto public transportation, and cannot afford personal vehicles. They don't want people to be independent, and out in the country able to farm and live off the land, and where they are harder to track and control. They want them crammed into cities (unable to farm, etc), totally dependent upon the government and "system" for survival.

You see...the use of fossil fuels and electricity are modern inventions that have VASTLY improved the quality of life for the average person. They are cheap forms of energy, making the lives of the average person much easier, and enabling us all to become richer and able to do many wonderful things -- like travel the world, etc.

But here's the problem. The ruling elites are Luciferians. They don't like it that the lives of the average person are greatly improved by the use of fossil fuels and electricity. So they are moving to eliminate these things. It's that simple.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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3,000 head of cattle simply drop dead in SW Kansas. Must be climate change, right?
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Senile kid sniffer in chief and the communist Left plan to force you out of your personal vehicles and onto public transportation...because of "muh global warming" hoax.

If you believe these communists actually care about "cleaning up the environment" or "saving humanity from a 1 degree temperature increase catastrophe", I have some ocean front property in Arizona for sale specially for you.


Joe Biden Plans to Take 'Millions of Cars Off the Road' to Reduce Oil Consumption

23 June 2022

President Joe Biden on Wednesday again promoted his infrastructure dreams of taking people out of their gas-powered vehicles and putting them on trains and other forms of public transit.

"We're investing almost $100 billion in public transit and rail, for all the studies show that it will take millions of cars off the road and significantly reduce pollution if there's a serious transportation system available," he said.

The president spoke about public transit during his speech on high gas prices Wednesday, promoting it as a potential solution.

Biden frequently talks about trains, since he has a deep love for them after traveling aboard the Amtrak commuter train to Delaware.

"We will take literally millions of automobiles off the road off the road saving tens of millions of barrels of oil, dealing with cleaning up the air," he boasted during an October event at an electric trolley museum in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

During the event, he admitted he was envious of China's high-speed trains and wanted more of them in America.

"If you can get in a train and go from here to Washington much faster than you can go in an automobile, you take a train," he said.

Biden received $66 billion in government spending to subsidize trains in his $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill that passed last year.

"I got more money for passenger rail than the entire Amtrak system cost to begin with," he bragged in October. "We're going to change the nation in a big way."

As I've said, the real motivation here from the communist NWO elite is to reduce the independence of humans, and make them easier to control. They don't like it that people now have the freedom to travel (relatively cheaply) wherever they want to go. They want you restricted and controlled, where you are herded into compact cities and can only go where the trains and other public transportation might take you.
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Werewolf said:

3,000 head of cattle simply drop dead in SW Kansas. Must be climate change, right?
Let me know when you find out if it was Pfizer or Moderna?
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More on the plan of the Luciferian communist NWO elites to starve out humanity, and reduce worldwide human population.

As discussed above in news out of Canada and Northern Ireland, there is a worldwide agenda to forcibly shut down farms and reduce the amount of livestock and crop production.

In the news now is that the government of the Netherlands is forcing Dutch farmers to reduce livestock production by reach the "climate requirements" of the Paris Climate Agreement, a legally binding international treaty which requires "a 50% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030".


Dutch farmers protest livestock cuts to curb nitrogen


Stroe (Netherlands) (AFP) Thousands of tractor-driving farmers demonstrated in central Netherlands on Wednesday, causing widespread traffic chaos as they protested against the government's far-reaching plans to cut nitrogen emissions.

In one of their largest-ever demonstrations, the farmers demanded the scrapping of recently announced plans by the Hague-based government, which could see a 30 percent reduction in livestock.

The Netherlands, the world's second-largest agricultural exporter, is one of the top greenhouse gas emitters in Europe -- especially of nitrogen -- with much of this blamed on cattle-produced manure and fertiliser.

But farmers say they are being unfairly targeted as opposed to big business and industry, with many vowing to resist any plans to scale down or close farms.

Traffic came to a standstill for kilometres around the town of Stroe, east of Amsterdam, as farmers and their tractors arrived from across the country to protest.


"It's not normal, what's being done to the farmers," one of the protesters Jan Poorter, 74, told AFP.

"It must happen gradually and that's not the case," added Poorter, a retired businessman as hundreds of tractors gathered on a field, many with horns blaring and safety lights flashing.

"You can't just close farms that are hundreds of years old. You just can't!"

Protesters carried signs saying "The future of farmers is being destroyed" and "Our children are afraid."
Despite the numbers involved and the anger on display, the demonstration remained peaceful as an official programme got underway.

Police however did intervene when a number of farmers drove onto the wrong side of the highway past a police road block, the NOS public broadcaster said.

Emergency services handed out water to farmers and motorists trapped in traffic as temperatures rose.
Prime Minister Mark Rutte said earlier this month the government's plan to cut nitrogen emissions "will have an enormous impact on farmers".

"This sector will change, but unfortunately there's no choice, we have to bring down nitrogen emissions," he said.

The Dutch government plans to cut greenhouse gas nitrogen by as much as 70 percent in 131 key areas -- many of them close to nature reserves -- to reach climate goals by 2030.

For farmers this means a 40-percent drop in emissions is expected, which would require around 30 percent less cattle, according to reports.

The government's announcement comes in the wake of a 2019 ruling by the country's highest administrative court, saying the Netherlands was not doing enough to protect its natural areas.

Thousands of pro-environment protesters marched on Sunday in the port city of Rotterdam to hail measures to reach climate goals fixed in Paris in 2015.
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TheStorm said:

Werewolf said:

3,000 head of cattle simply drop dead in SW Kansas. Must be climate change, right?
Let me know when you find out if it was Pfizer or Moderna?
Strawman fail.

The commie libtards actually do blame everything on muh climate change, including these cattle deaths.

See here from the communist "fact checkers":


In a paper published in the Lancet in March, researchers estimated heat stress in animals, described as "one of the major climate change impacts on domesticated livestock," could lead to annual losses of multiple billions of dollars for the global cattle production industry by the end of the century,( here )
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Twiiter post "something has just blown up" at the Hoover Dam.

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100+ degrees in England. Looking at the globe, and how far north it is, that is just phenomenal. Whether you believe in climate change or not, that is a crazy occurrence.
Given the lack of AC, the lack of preparation for such high temps, and just how much higher that is than the norm, it must be wholly misreable there right now
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Werewolf said:

Twiiter post "something has just blown up" at the Hoover Dam.

lol that looks like a transformer failure
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The thing about climate change is there is no allowance for a sound thought out opinion. You have to be in either extreme, either you deny it exists, or it's basically a religion for you and the apocalypse will happen any day now.

Why can't I have the opinion of yes I think there is man maid contribution to global warming but no I don't agree with your proposed solutions?
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hokiewolf said:

The thing about climate change is there is no allowance for a sound thought out opinion. You have to be in either extreme, either you deny it exists, or it's basically a religion for you and the apocalypse will happen any day now.

Why can't I have the opinion of yes I think there is man maid contribution to global warming but no I don't agree with your proposed solutions?
100% agree. And you could argue almost every major topic these days divides into 2 camps like that...nothing in the middle (not just this site, but nationally, if not world-wide on some topics).

Still, setting the causes and solutions aside, 100+ in England is absurd.
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hokiewolf said:

Werewolf said:

Twiiter post "something has just blown up" at the Hoover Dam.

lol that looks like a transformer failure
Probably aliens.
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hokiewolf said:

The thing about climate change is there is no allowance for a sound thought out opinion. You have to be in either extreme, either you deny it exists, or it's basically a religion for you and the apocalypse will happen any day now.

Why can't I have the opinion of yes I think there is man maid contribution to global warming but no I don't agree with your proposed solutions?
This is the reason I basically avoid these conversations all together. Its the reason I do pop into these threads occasionally, but hardly ever stick around for the full conversation because its just gonna end with mud slinging.
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Packchem91 said:

100+ degrees in England. Looking at the globe, and how far north it is, that is just phenomenal. Whether you believe in climate change or not, that is a crazy occurrence.
Given the lack of AC, the lack of preparation for such high temps, and just how much higher that is than the norm, it must be wholly misreable there right now

hokiewolf said:

The thing about climate change is there is no allowance for a sound thought out opinion. You have to be in either extreme, either you deny it exists, or it's basically a religion for you and the apocalypse will happen any day now.

Why can't I have the opinion of yes I think there is man maid contribution to global warming but no I don't agree with your proposed solutions?

And we had record low temperatures in Texas and surrounding states in "Snowmaggedon" (winter storm "Uri") in February of 2021 -- that is credited with killing 223 people.

We can't just look at one lone heat wave in the summer and freak out and say "wow, here's the evidence for global warming".

That's the same commie "logic" of looking at one mass shooting and then reacting emotionally to say, "wow there is a crisis here, we must ban guns".

The elite changed the name of their agenda from "global warming" to "climate change" because the real (not doctored and faked) temperature data showed that there was not evidence for global warming. The earth has actually been in a cooling phase for the last 10-15 years. The earth goes through natural cooling and warming cycles, and human CO2 or other pollutant production has almost zero effect on these cycles. The sun, oceans, and other natural phenomena are responsible for it all.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

Packchem91 said:

100+ degrees in England. Looking at the globe, and how far north it is, that is just phenomenal. Whether you believe in climate change or not, that is a crazy occurrence.
Given the lack of AC, the lack of preparation for such high temps, and just how much higher that is than the norm, it must be wholly misreable there right now

hokiewolf said:

The thing about climate change is there is no allowance for a sound thought out opinion. You have to be in either extreme, either you deny it exists, or it's basically a religion for you and the apocalypse will happen any day now.

Why can't I have the opinion of yes I think there is man maid contribution to global warming but no I don't agree with your proposed solutions?

And we had record low temperatures in Texas and surrounding states in "Snowmaggedon" (winter storm "Uri") in February of 2021 -- that is credited with killing 223 people.

We can't just look at one lone heat wave in the summer and freak out and say "wow, here's the evidence for global warming".

That's the same commie "logic" of looking at one mass shooting and then reacting emotionally to say, "wow there is a crisis here, we must ban guns".

The elite changed the name of their agenda from "global warming" to "climate change" because the real (not doctored and faked) temperature data showed that there was not evidence for global warming. The earth has actually been in a cooling phase for the last 10-15 years. The earth goes through natural cooling and warming cycles, and human CO2 or other pollutant production has almost zero effect on these cycles. The sun, oceans, and other natural phenomena are responsible for it all.

appreciate you proving my point
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hokiewolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Packchem91 said:

100+ degrees in England. Looking at the globe, and how far north it is, that is just phenomenal. Whether you believe in climate change or not, that is a crazy occurrence.
Given the lack of AC, the lack of preparation for such high temps, and just how much higher that is than the norm, it must be wholly misreable there right now

hokiewolf said:

The thing about climate change is there is no allowance for a sound thought out opinion. You have to be in either extreme, either you deny it exists, or it's basically a religion for you and the apocalypse will happen any day now.

Why can't I have the opinion of yes I think there is man maid contribution to global warming but no I don't agree with your proposed solutions?

And we had record low temperatures in Texas and surrounding states in "Snowmaggedon" (winter storm "Uri") in February of 2021 -- that is credited with killing 223 people.

We can't just look at one lone heat wave in the summer and freak out and say "wow, here's the evidence for global warming".

That's the same commie "logic" of looking at one mass shooting and then reacting emotionally to say, "wow there is a crisis here, we must ban guns".

The elite changed the name of their agenda from "global warming" to "climate change" because the real (not doctored and faked) temperature data showed that there was not evidence for global warming. The earth has actually been in a cooling phase for the last 10-15 years. The earth goes through natural cooling and warming cycles, and human CO2 or other pollutant production has almost zero effect on these cycles. The sun, oceans, and other natural phenomena are responsible for it all.

appreciate you proving my point

The fact of the matter here is that there is NOT "global warming" going on right now. Also, it's a fact that man has negligible impact on the climate.

If you want to call it an "extreme" position to acknowledge these facts...then whatever. It's not extreme at all. It's acknowledging reality. It's following the real science.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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hokiewolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Packchem91 said:

100+ degrees in England. Looking at the globe, and how far north it is, that is just phenomenal. Whether you believe in climate change or not, that is a crazy occurrence.
Given the lack of AC, the lack of preparation for such high temps, and just how much higher that is than the norm, it must be wholly misreable there right now

hokiewolf said:

The thing about climate change is there is no allowance for a sound thought out opinion. You have to be in either extreme, either you deny it exists, or it's basically a religion for you and the apocalypse will happen any day now.

Why can't I have the opinion of yes I think there is man maid contribution to global warming but no I don't agree with your proposed solutions?

And we had record low temperatures in Texas and surrounding states in "Snowmaggedon" (winter storm "Uri") in February of 2021 -- that is credited with killing 223 people.

We can't just look at one lone heat wave in the summer and freak out and say "wow, here's the evidence for global warming".

That's the same commie "logic" of looking at one mass shooting and then reacting emotionally to say, "wow there is a crisis here, we must ban guns".

The elite changed the name of their agenda from "global warming" to "climate change" because the real (not doctored and faked) temperature data showed that there was not evidence for global warming. The earth has actually been in a cooling phase for the last 10-15 years. The earth goes through natural cooling and warming cycles, and human CO2 or other pollutant production has almost zero effect on these cycles. The sun, oceans, and other natural phenomena are responsible for it all.

appreciate you proving my point
yes you scientist-believing commie. LOL. You put it right on the tee. And knew someone would prove you 100% correct.
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Packchem91 said:

hokiewolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Packchem91 said:

100+ degrees in England. Looking at the globe, and how far north it is, that is just phenomenal. Whether you believe in climate change or not, that is a crazy occurrence.
Given the lack of AC, the lack of preparation for such high temps, and just how much higher that is than the norm, it must be wholly misreable there right now

hokiewolf said:

The thing about climate change is there is no allowance for a sound thought out opinion. You have to be in either extreme, either you deny it exists, or it's basically a religion for you and the apocalypse will happen any day now.

Why can't I have the opinion of yes I think there is man maid contribution to global warming but no I don't agree with your proposed solutions?

And we had record low temperatures in Texas and surrounding states in "Snowmaggedon" (winter storm "Uri") in February of 2021 -- that is credited with killing 223 people.

We can't just look at one lone heat wave in the summer and freak out and say "wow, here's the evidence for global warming".

That's the same commie "logic" of looking at one mass shooting and then reacting emotionally to say, "wow there is a crisis here, we must ban guns".

The elite changed the name of their agenda from "global warming" to "climate change" because the real (not doctored and faked) temperature data showed that there was not evidence for global warming. The earth has actually been in a cooling phase for the last 10-15 years. The earth goes through natural cooling and warming cycles, and human CO2 or other pollutant production has almost zero effect on these cycles. The sun, oceans, and other natural phenomena are responsible for it all.

appreciate you proving my point
yes you scientist-believing commie. LOL. You put it right on the tee. And knew someone would prove you 100% correct.
Right, because if the "scientific Establishment" has a perceived (media fabricated, government-coerced) "consensus" on something, then it's always "100% proof" that what they are promoting is "true". The covid scamdemic taught us that, right?

That same indisputable scientific Establishment who now tell us that there are 70 genders, that men can become women, and are also of the "overwhelming consensus" that we are "evolved monkeys" who came into existence by random chance on a rock flying through space after a Big Bang explosion. Who could EVER question the scientific Establishment? Such geniuses. So much truth. Such unquestionable "science". They could never lie. They could never deliberately promote falsehoods in order to push an agenda. Especially with the global warming agenda. Oh wait, they actually busted the "scientists" at the United Nations doctoring the worldwide temperature data to push the agenda? Just forget about that.

Why did the fraudsters change the name from "global warming" to "climate change"??

Are you trying to tell me that "global warming" is currently going on right now? Show us the real data proving that worldwide temperatures are on the rise.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

Packchem91 said:

hokiewolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Packchem91 said:

100+ degrees in England. Looking at the globe, and how far north it is, that is just phenomenal. Whether you believe in climate change or not, that is a crazy occurrence.
Given the lack of AC, the lack of preparation for such high temps, and just how much higher that is than the norm, it must be wholly misreable there right now

hokiewolf said:

The thing about climate change is there is no allowance for a sound thought out opinion. You have to be in either extreme, either you deny it exists, or it's basically a religion for you and the apocalypse will happen any day now.

Why can't I have the opinion of yes I think there is man maid contribution to global warming but no I don't agree with your proposed solutions?

And we had record low temperatures in Texas and surrounding states in "Snowmaggedon" (winter storm "Uri") in February of 2021 -- that is credited with killing 223 people.

We can't just look at one lone heat wave in the summer and freak out and say "wow, here's the evidence for global warming".

That's the same commie "logic" of looking at one mass shooting and then reacting emotionally to say, "wow there is a crisis here, we must ban guns".

The elite changed the name of their agenda from "global warming" to "climate change" because the real (not doctored and faked) temperature data showed that there was not evidence for global warming. The earth has actually been in a cooling phase for the last 10-15 years. The earth goes through natural cooling and warming cycles, and human CO2 or other pollutant production has almost zero effect on these cycles. The sun, oceans, and other natural phenomena are responsible for it all.

appreciate you proving my point
yes you scientist-believing commie. LOL. You put it right on the tee. And knew someone would prove you 100% correct.
Right, because if the "scientific Establishment" has a perceived (media fabricated, government-coerced) "consensus" on something, then it's always "100% proof" that what they are promoting is "true". The covid scamdemic taught us that, right?

That same indisputable scientific Establishment who now tell us that there are 70 genders, that men can become women, and are also of the "overwhelming consensus" that we are "evolved monkeys" who came into existence by random chance on a rock flying through space after a Big Bang explosion. Who could EVER question the scientific Establishment? Such geniuses. So much truth. Such unquestionable "science". They could never lie. They could never deliberately promote falsehoods in order to push an agenda. Especially with the global warming agenda. Oh wait, they actually busted the "scientists" at the United Nations doctoring the worldwide temperature data to push the agenda? Just forget about that.

Why did the fraudsters change the name from "global warming" to "climate change"??

Are you trying to tell me that "global warming" is currently going on right now? Show us the real data proving that worldwide temperatures are on the rise.
Look, lets just leave it at, we'll disagree to disagree
1) covid was fake
2) global warming is not true
3) earth is flat.

I take the opposite on each of those. I don't think either of us will change the others opinion
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Packchem91 said:

100+ degrees in England. Looking at the globe, and how far north it is, that is just phenomenal. Whether you believe in climate change or not, that is a crazy occurrence.
Given the lack of AC, the lack of preparation for such high temps, and just how much higher that is than the norm, it must be wholly misreable there right now
Was just looking at this -- the average daily high in London in July is about 75-78. So this was 25-28 degrees hotter yesterday.
For context, Charlotte's average high in July is 88. So a comparable increase would be about 115-120.

Again, setting aside any context of global warming, and just thinking of the context of what the poor Englishters must have experienced with that type of delta....
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Packchem91 said:

Look, lets just leave it at, we'll disagree to disagree
1) covid was fake
2) global warming is not true
3) earth is flat.

I take the opposite on each of those. I don't think either of us will change the others opinion
Right. You trust the "experts" and the people on TV and Marxist-controlled academia to tell you the "gospel truth" on life's most important questions. I have eyes that see. I see them lying over and over and over again, and pushing an INSANE agenda -- murder unborn children because "the fetus is not a human", 70 genders, evolved monkeys, Big Bang, drag queen story time, transgender madness, etc. And I question their agenda and motives, and their claims on the other important issues. And after digging around a little bit...what do you know? They actually are lying about almost everything important. And what do these people all have in common?...the commie Lamestream media, Marxist academia, etc? They all hate God. They are pushing an atheistic (actually Satanic) agenda. And that's what it really all boils down to. These people are haters of God. They hate God, and they intentionally reject him, and deliberately lie in order to deceive people and wage war against God.

If they are lying about all these things, is it REALLY that "out there" to think they could be lying about the true nature of the universe and cosmology?

Is it "crazy" to think they could also be deliberately lying about so-called "global warming" in order to push their (communist) agenda?

How many huge lies on massively important issues does it take before you stop trusting Marxist-controlled academia, commie Lamestream media, and whoever CNN and ABC/NBC/CBS tells you is an "expert" you "should trust"?

Maybe some people know that it's all lies, but they like believing the lies. Why? Because they also hate and reject God. They want to deceive people, and don't care if they themselves are deceived.

You trust a criminal, lying communist Establishment. I don't. And that makes me a "crazy conspiracy theorist" according to them.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

Packchem91 said:

Look, lets just leave it at, we'll disagree to disagree
1) covid was fake
2) global warming is not true
3) earth is flat.

I take the opposite on each of those. I don't think either of us will change the others opinion
And that makes me a "crazy conspiracy theorist" according to them.
You could have saved a lot of typing, just kept the line above, and we would have agreed 100%.
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Packchem91 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Packchem91 said:

Look, lets just leave it at, we'll disagree to disagree
1) covid was fake
2) global warming is not true
3) earth is flat.

I take the opposite on each of those. I don't think either of us will change the others opinion
And that makes me a "crazy conspiracy theorist" according to them.
You could have saved a lot of typing, just kept the line above, and we would have agreed 100%.

Yeah, it's a badge of honor to be smeared and disparaged by a God-hating communist scum Establishment, and the dupes who follow them and parrot their talking points.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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hokiewolf said:

Werewolf said:

Twiiter post "something has just blown up" at the Hoover Dam.

lol that looks like a transformer failure
That's exactly what it was, and it had already been made public long before "you know who" posted that link...
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Never said otherwise simply sharing an unusual occurrence at a highly important installation. I was planning to suggest to you a 5th jab to protect you from these types of events.
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Packchem91 said:

Packchem91 said:

100+ degrees in England. Looking at the globe, and how far north it is, that is just phenomenal. Whether you believe in climate change or not, that is a crazy occurrence.
Given the lack of AC, the lack of preparation for such high temps, and just how much higher that is than the norm, it must be wholly misreable there right now
Was just looking at this -- the average daily high in London in July is about 75-78. So this was 25-28 degrees hotter yesterday.
For context, Charlotte's average high in July is 88. So a comparable increase would be about 115-120.

Again, setting aside any context of global warming, and just thinking of the context of what the poor Englishters must have experienced with that type of delta....
there was actually a worse heatwave back in 2003.

And in 2019
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hokiewolf said:

Packchem91 said:

Packchem91 said:

100+ degrees in England. Looking at the globe, and how far north it is, that is just phenomenal. Whether you believe in climate change or not, that is a crazy occurrence.
Given the lack of AC, the lack of preparation for such high temps, and just how much higher that is than the norm, it must be wholly misreable there right now
Was just looking at this -- the average daily high in London in July is about 75-78. So this was 25-28 degrees hotter yesterday.
For context, Charlotte's average high in July is 88. So a comparable increase would be about 115-120.

Again, setting aside any context of global warming, and just thinking of the context of what the poor Englishters must have experienced with that type of delta....
there was actually a worse heatwave back in 2003.

And in 2019

Interesting…never really thought about the impact of the Sahara on weather that far north (I'd get the French coast on the Med).

Weather anomalies and extremes are fascinating (setting aside the deadly nature).
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This is a Twitter thread that is several tweets but I like where this lady is headed. It's time we start looking at Nuclear as the one true green solution.

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In a perfect world, a power source with no waste or emissions or fuel sources affected by politics would be great, but I think battery storage needed for wind and solar still needs time to catch up, and who knows when fusion becomes available. Meanwhile, nuclear is a great bridge to that future. The next gen small modular reactors still generate waste but are far more fail safe and cheaper to build and maintain than the old designs. The existing fleet of 70s and 80s era reactors are going to start aging out in the coming decades and carbon zero is finally becoming a priority.
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Funny how just a "mere" 7 years ago they had summer in Europe and it wasn't sensationalized like it is today.

Also, I was in Europe for the Red Sox vs. Yankees London Series June/July 2019. We were there for 10 days total. In London, it was over 90 degrees everyday. We traveled through Scotland, flew over to Ireland, took the ferry down through Wales to Cardiff to the Killers concert at Cardiff Castle. Guess what? It was hot where it was supposed to be hot. Cloudy/rainy where it was supposed to be cloudy/rainy.

Something about this time really stinks to high heavens on how the "Liberal World Order" and the World Economic Forum is now pulling the strings. All it took was a feckless MARXIST PARTY puppet to get in office and try and destroy America.

Just like George Soros said..."(sic) the only way to destroy America is from within..."

Notice the temps. Notice the sensationalized graphics on the most recent one compared to the previous one.

Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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Packchem91 said:

hokiewolf said:

Packchem91 said:

Packchem91 said:

100+ degrees in England. Looking at the globe, and how far north it is, that is just phenomenal. Whether you believe in climate change or not, that is a crazy occurrence.
Given the lack of AC, the lack of preparation for such high temps, and just how much higher that is than the norm, it must be wholly misreable there right now
Was just looking at this -- the average daily high in London in July is about 75-78. So this was 25-28 degrees hotter yesterday.
For context, Charlotte's average high in July is 88. So a comparable increase would be about 115-120.

Again, setting aside any context of global warming, and just thinking of the context of what the poor Englishters must have experienced with that type of delta....
there was actually a worse heatwave back in 2003.

And in 2019

Interesting…never really thought about the impact of the Sahara on weather that far north (I'd get the French coast on the Med).

Weather anomalies and extremes are fascinating (setting aside the deadly nature).
Yeah. You just took it as gospel right out of the gate, and entirely because it fit your preconceived opinion...
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