wolfbreath said:
These are the same people who say it is also "science" that there are now 70 genders and that men can become women. They don't even know the most basic facts about biology, and yet want to lecture all of us on "science". They also say you are "dumb" if you believe in God and dare to reject their fairytale that "we are evolved monkeys who came into existence by random chance on a rock flying through space that was ejected from a big bang explosion". That is also "unquestionable science" according to these professional con artists.
A general rule in life is "believe and do the 180 degree opposite of what the communist Left and Democrats are promoting". There is not one thing that these fraudsters and their duped idiotic followers are right about. Not one. Everything they promote is deliberately designed to advance tyranny and big government power grabs, subvert Christianity and morality, and in general destroy society -- eg, abortion, transgender insanity, drag queen grooming of school children, aiding illegal alien invasion of the nation, destroying the first and second amendments, decriminalize looting and stealing, provide crack pipes for drug addicts, enact socialist "wealth transfer" welfare programs to pay half the country to not work and tax the working population half of their income to pay for all the freeloaders, demonize white people and promote racial division, etc.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19