The "Flat Earth" movement - Could Establishment claims about the universe be false?

117,322 Views | 712 Replies | Last: 5 mo ago by ncsupack1
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Of course you can solve all this by heading east or west as you seem fit and start walking. If you are right that the earth is flat we all win if you get my point. Eventually you will fall off
I asked a ref if he could give me a technical foul for thinking bad things about him. He said, of course not. I said, well, I think you stink. And he gave me a technical. You can't trust em.

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Civilized said:

GuerrillaPack said:

No. Actually, I already explained several times in this thread WHY this is being done -- including in detail in the initial post in the thread. So here we go again...the "orthodox" model of the universe (ie, Big Bang, evolution, heliocentric theory, spherical earth) has all been concocted by enemies of God (eg, Freemasons, etc) who have power in our society for the specific purpose of attacking the credibility of the Bible and to cause people to reject God. In short, it is an elaborate Satanic conspiracy.

As for proof, I've been providing numerous pieces of evidence in this thread that DISprove the "orthodox" model, and demonstrate how it is false.

You want to keep accusing me of being "close-minded". Isn't that projection on your part? Closed minds refuse to consider alternative arguments and evidence. That is exactly what you have admitted that YOU are doing here. You have admitted to me that you basically refuse to consider 99% of the evidence I'm providing.

My mind is not closed. You don't think I've ever considered the arguments for a spherical earth, the heliocentric model, and the rest of the Big Bang "orthodox" pseudo-scientific Establishment model of the universe? I've only had it SHOVED DOWN MY THROAT my entire life....just like everyone else -- via the Establishment "education" systems, Establishment media and Hollywood, etc. So I've considered all sides of these arguments. I've looked at both sides. But have most of those who believe the orthodox model? No. Most have only blindly believed what they've been told to believe, and never even thought to seriously question or examine if what they are told is true, and seriously consider alternative models/theories of the nature of the universe.

You need to be honest with yourself and just say that you're prioritizing faith over science.

Empirical, evidence-based science conflicts with your faith so you reject science because it's more comfortable than re-evaluating your faith.

That's your prerogative, but let's not pretend like that's not what's happening.

This explains it all
I asked a ref if he could give me a technical foul for thinking bad things about him. He said, of course not. I said, well, I think you stink. And he gave me a technical. You can't trust em.

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I asked a ref if he could give me a technical foul for thinking bad things about him. He said, of course not. I said, well, I think you stink. And he gave me a technical. You can't trust em.

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GuerrillaPack said:

Glasswolf said:

Looks round to me
We talked about this on page 3 of this thread. The Felix Baumgartner jump used a GoPro camera which has a fisheye lens. A fisheye lens distorts the horizon, giving it an artificial curve. That jump was from around 128,000 ft in altitude. At that altitude the horizon is actually flat (as it always is).

Don't believe me? Do you believe Neil DeGrasse Tyson then? He admits in this video that the Baumgartner jump used a "wide angle lens" that distorted the horizon giving it an artificial curve, and that at that altitude the horizon would be flat. Tyson actually says "it's flat".

And here is proof of a flat horizon from that altitude...

There have been many high altitude balloons launched recently with cameras (not having fish-eyed lenses) which show a totally flat horizon. Here is one from around 120,000 feet showing a flat horizon:

LOL, talk about obviously faked. At one point in that video the surface is actually concave a little bit. Clearly manipulated, just like you claim the actual real pictures to be.
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One day I'll have my FIL let you know reasons that God could be a woman.
I asked a ref if he could give me a technical foul for thinking bad things about him. He said, of course not. I said, well, I think you stink. And he gave me a technical. You can't trust em.

Steve Videtich
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Glasswolf said:


I expect no less than 5 videos coming shortly to dispute these 10 things because a preacher in the south says so.
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I think this pretty much sums up this thread
Good read for some:

#1: Conspiracy Theories Make Us Feel Special.
#2: Conspiracy Theories Help Us Make Sense of a Chaotic and Complicated World.
#3: Conspiracy Theories Make Our Reality Seem More Exciting.

"I'm talking about conspiracy theories related to false flag attacks, Deep State, Illuminati, Freemasons, QAnon, Flat Earth, shadow government, or any other belief system that hinges on the assumption that much of our lives are controlled by plots hatched in secret places by a select few individuals.

Based on my research, there are three primary reasons all people are attracted to these types of conspiracy theories. (I'll address my fellow Christian brothers and sisters in the final section).

In other words: "The masses have been fooled by the media and/or government, but I'm special and different, and I know the truth!"
While narcissism isn't a motivator for all conspiracy theorists, it does explain why some people have such a hard time letting go of a conspiracy theory even when confronted with incontrovertible proof their beliefs are wrong.
And, this is also why challenging someone's belief in a conspiracy theory is often interpreted by that person as a personal attack. No one wants to admit they've been fooled. And once you sacrificed your reputation and social capital for the sake of a conspiracy (like posting something on Facebook), it becomes harder for your ego to disengage from the illusion.
And, perhaps more damaging, conspiracy theories gradually become self-isolating echo chambers. If you ever argued with someone peddling a conspiracy theory, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

When people attach their belief in a conspiracy theory to their ego, it can be nearly impossible to convince them that they're wrong. Every piece of contrarian evidence you present to a friend or family member simply becomes part of the conspiracy and expands the scope of the deception.
That's what "They" want you to believe. If you just did some research, you'd find The Truth. All your sources are just part of the Cover-Up. You actually believe those "fact-checking" websites? I wish you'd open your eyes and not be such a sheep.
It's an insidious bit of circular logic that not only creates a criticism-proof belief system, but it also makes a twisted sort of sense.

The people most likely to believe the government is too incompetent to be trusted are often the people most likely to believe the government also has the ability to secretly orchestrate massive operations under the noses of most Americans.

Government bureaucracy is boring. Conspiracy theories are ridiculously entertaining. If you don't believe me, do a deep dive into the beliefs of Flat Earthers, 9/11 Truthers, and QAnon followers. They're intoxicatingly addictive.

Every conspiracy theory is a gateway drug to an even more ludicrous and far-reaching conspiracy theory. Once you believe the government is powerful enough to stage a fake mass shooting with "crisis actors," it doesn't take much of a leap to convince yourself they can also manufacture a virus scare to crash the U.S. economy (or vice versa).

Of the seven things the Lord finds detestable mentioned in the sixth chapter of Proverbs, "a lying tongue," "a false witness who pours out lies," and "a person who stirs conflict in the community" are included in the list.

Of course, not all Christians are conspiracy theorists (and those that are aren't all to the extent I've explored above). But there are enough Christian conspiracy theorists doing enough damage that other Christians shouldn't feel afraid to call them out. We need to hold ourselves and each other to a higher standard of objective truth.

And it's important to note that a lot of Christians share conspiracy theories out of good faith. They believe they're sharing the truth. But most conspiracy theories are rotten at the core. It's obvious they're rooted in fear, insecurity, and loneliness. And they're often designed to give us more reasons to loathe our ideological enemies.

Conspiracy theories speak to our desire to be a part of a story bigger than ourselves. And what blows my mind is that Christians should already believe that to be true. Christians shouldn't need to buy into conspiracy theories to feel special, or to make sense of the world, or to make their lives feel more exciting.

If you don't have the time nor patience to fact-check an article or video, you have no business sharing it. Because you're bearing false witness. Even if you think you're making a difference, you're deceiving other people. You're harming your witness and the witness of your community."

Or, in the words of pastor Ed Stetzer,

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Did anyone else wince reading this because it hit so close to home on this thread? I'd be lying if I said I wasn't mildly uncomfortable with a poster or two being robbed of their clothes in front of an audience.
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Waynecountywolf went off the top rope.
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waynecountywolf said:

I think this pretty much sums up this thread


In other words: "The masses have been fooled by the media and/or government, but I'm special and different, and I know the truth!"
While narcissism isn't a motivator for all conspiracy theorists, it does explain why some people have such a hard time letting go of a conspiracy theory even when confronted with incontrovertible proof their beliefs are wrong. hominem attack. Attack the messenger, and not the message.

Also, the human psychological factor of it being very hard for people to admit when they are wrong or have been fooled...that works both ways. What about all the people who have been fooled/deceived by the Establishment (media, academia, etc), and don't want to admit that they are wrong?

This is, in fact, a HUGE barrier for ALL people -- in their ability to grow and learn new information in life in general.

But guess what? So-called "conspiracy theorists" have already proven that they have the ability to admit when they are wrong, and to be able to change their beliefs based on new information. Because 99% of the time they didn't start out believing the "conspiracy theory". 99% of the time they started out believing the "official" story or the Establishment belief -- eg, heliocentric and globe earth theories, official story on 9/11, official story on JFK assassination. Then, once they learned new information and evidence, they had the intellectual integrity and honesty to be able to change their view on those issues based on the conclusion that the evidence demands.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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waynecountywolf said:

The people most likely to believe the government is too incompetent to be trusted are often the people most likely to believe the government also has the ability to secretly orchestrate massive operations under the noses of most Americans.

That's a strawman argument. The vast majority of so-called "conspiracy theorists" are NOT saying that the government is "incompetent". We are actually saying that the government (and elites in other spheres of power) are incredibly wicked. And, to the contrary, we acknowledge that these ruling elites are, for the most part, very intelligent and cunning.

The "incompetence" excuse for government is actually most commonly alleged by people who are NOT "conspiracy theorists" -- as a way to explain the fact that most governments are failing or having a harmful effect on society.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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waynecountywolf said:

I think this pretty much sums up this thread
Good read for some:


Or, in the words of pastor Ed Stetzer,

These type of "pastors" are the worst of the worst. These are Judas Goats, leading their followers to destruction. They are allied with and in many cases actual agents of the government. FEMA actually has a program (referred to as "Clergy Response Teams") where they have thousands of preachers and pastors across the nation already signed up and on board with them -- so that in the event of a "crisis" or "disaster" that these pastors will instruct their followers to go along with the "offiical" Government agenda during that time.

Here is an official FEMA document related to these "Clergy Response Teams".

Here is a local news report on the FEMA "Clergy Response Teams", where the media admits these clergy were used during Hurricane Katrina to get people to go along with martial law and gun confiscations in the aftermath of Katrina:

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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The idea that Christians, as a general matter, should not believe in conspiracies is utterly preposterous.

Guess what the ultimate conspiracy is, and which is at the root of all so-called "conspiracy theories"? That Satan is conspiring against God and God's people.

The Bible is a book about a conspiracy. One of the central themes of the Bible is that Satan (allied with other fallen angels and his human followers) is waging an eternal war against God and God's people. And this war has been going on for thousands of years, since the fall of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. The book of Revelation, for example, goes into great detail about this Satanic conspiracy -- and describes Satan and his minions aiming to bring in a one-world government and one-world religious and economic system, including the "mark of the Beast", etc.

And now with the draconian government response to "covid-19" all over the world, we can actually see much of this agenda materializing -- the move to digital currencies and a cashless society, Government "tracking and tracing" of citizens, and possible mandatory vaccines to be able to travel or have a job (and potentially to be able to buy and sell).

It's absolutely incredible that more churches are not speaking out against this agenda as it is happening RIGHT NOW.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

These type of "pastors" are the worst of the worst.

That's hilarious.

You say someone like Ed Stetzer is "the worst"

His background:

"He holds master's degrees from Liberty University School of Divinity and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, a Doctor of Ministry from Beeson Divinity School, and a Ph.D. from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary[url=][1][/url].
Stetzer is Billy Graham Distinguished Chair of Church, Mission, and Evangelism at Wheaton College and Executive Director of the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College. Formerly, he worked as Executive Director of LifeWay Research, a division of LifeWay Christian Resources, and as LifeWay's Missiologist in Residence. Before that, Stetzer served as Director of Research and Missiologist-In-Residence for the North American Mission Board.
Stetzer currently serves as Visiting Professor of Research and Missiology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School[url=][1][/url]"

And then you come here with "evidence" from a crackpot like Dean Odle, who allegedly got a fake education from a fake university in Nigeria.
And HE is credible, but the guy who is actually educated in this topic, who has forgotten more than anyone you've posted "proof" from will ever know about religion and Christianity, that guy is "the worst".

His "education", if you can call it that:

"Dean Odle is ordained by Eagles Wings Inc., the international ministry of Eugene May. "
"In 2002, Dean received a PhD in the Philosophy of International Evangelism and Missions from Pilgrims University in Aba, Nigeria."

LOL. He somehow got a "PHD" from a fake university in Nigeria.

Yeah, let's believe HIM. Not the guy who actually has some credentials in the field. Can't believe him, he's "the worst".

LOL. Your posts today exhibit everything shown in that expose' post by Wayne County.
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GuerrillaPack said:

waynecountywolf said:

I think this pretty much sums up this thread


In other words: "The masses have been fooled by the media and/or government, but I'm special and different, and I know the truth!"
While narcissism isn't a motivator for all conspiracy theorists, it does explain why some people have such a hard time letting go of a conspiracy theory even when confronted with incontrovertible proof their beliefs are wrong. hominem attack. Attack the messenger, and not the message.

No.....the message is being attacked as well. But when the messenger either can't, or won't THINK, and believe overwhelming, indisputable evidence to the contrary of what he/she is saying, that messenger likely will be eventually attacked as well.
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Pacfanweb said:

No.....the message is being attacked as well. But when the messenger either can't, or won't THINK, and believe overwhelming, indisputable evidence to the contrary of what he/she is saying, that messenger likely will be eventually attacked as well.

The evidence is on my side. But those who disagree with me are going to have to actually look at the evidence for themselves and seriously consider my argument, in order to see that.

"Unfortunately, no one can be told what the matrix is. You have to see it for yourself."
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Psalm 2:1-3

1 Why do the nations rage
and the peoples plot in vain?
2 The kings of the earth take their stand,
and the rulers conspire together
against the Lord and his Anointed One:
3 "Let's tear off their chains
and throw their ropes off of us."

The "rulers" of the earth are CONSPIRING against Almighty God, His Son, and God's people.

And just looking at the world, how can any Christian not see that? Is it not blatantly obvious that the leaders in spheres of power (eg, Establishment academia, Establishment media, Hollywood, governments, etc) are waging war against God? Is it not perfectly clear that they are hostile to God, the Bible, and Christians and pushing an anti-Christ agenda?
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Pacfanweb said:

And then you come here with "evidence" from a crackpot like Dean Odle, who allegedly got a fake education from a fake university in Nigeria.
And HE is credible, but the guy who is actually educated in this topic, who has forgotten more than anyone you've posted "proof" from will ever know about religion and Christianity, that guy is "the worst".

His "education", if you can call it that:

"Dean Odle is ordained by Eagles Wings Inc., the international ministry of Eugene May. "
"In 2002, Dean received a PhD in the Philosophy of International Evangelism and Missions from Pilgrims University in Aba, Nigeria."

LOL. He somehow got a "PHD" from a fake university in Nigeria.

Yeah, let's believe HIM. Not the guy who actually has some credentials in the field. Can't believe him, he's "the worst".

LOL. Your posts today exhibit everything shown in that expose' post by Wayne County.
This is more ad hominem attack that has ZERO MERIT. Just because the university is located in Nigeria does not mean that the university is "fake". Are you saying that Nigeria as a nation is not capable of having legitimate universities?

Again, you have probably not listened to even 5 minutes of Dean Odle speaking. But that doesn't stop you from vitriolically attacking the man and viciously smearing him -- eg, "crackpot", etc.

That said, I don't care about doctorate degrees from universities. I don't base my decision on who is most credible by how many letters they have after their name, or who studied at the most "elite" university. To the contrary, most of the time those who have PhD degrees from the most "elite" universities are the most untrustworthy -- because in order to obtain those degrees, they have had to become minions of the Establishment, parroting back and going along with the the Marxist/anti-Christian agenda of the Establishment.

I judge whether a person is credible by what they say -- ie, the substance of their argument and whether what they are saying is backed by logic and evidence.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Nigeria says it is fake.

And you don't consider evidence or do any of the things you say you do. That's a complete blatant lie. You just find someone who says what you want to believe and take that as fact, and discount anyone with any actual science. You don't even consider it. You're lying every time you say you have considered it. There's no way you can look at the actual physical evidence we have of these things and come to any other conclusion, unless you simply are not looking at it, or just aren't going to believe it no matter what anybody says. And that's the same thing as not looking at it. So you're just lying.
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Pacfanweb said:

Nigeria says it is fake.

And you don't consider evidence or do any of the things you say you do. That's a complete blatant lie. You just find someone who says what you want to believe and take that as fact, and discount anyone with any actual science. You don't even consider it. You're lying every time you say you have considered it. There's no way you can look at the actual physical evidence we have of these things and come to any other conclusion, unless you simply are not looking at it, or just aren't going to believe it no matter what anybody says. And that's the same thing as not looking at it. So you're just lying.
I see you are now taking cues from that FEMA Clergy Response Team "pastor" to harshly accuse anyone you disagree with as a "LIAR!".

No. I'm telling the TRUTH. But, as the Bible says, the Devil has deceived the whole world, and only a few people are able to see the truth.

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

Pacfanweb said:

Nigeria says it is fake.

And you don't consider evidence or do any of the things you say you do. That's a complete blatant lie. You just find someone who says what you want to believe and take that as fact, and discount anyone with any actual science. You don't even consider it. You're lying every time you say you have considered it. There's no way you can look at the actual physical evidence we have of these things and come to any other conclusion, unless you simply are not looking at it, or just aren't going to believe it no matter what anybody says. And that's the same thing as not looking at it. So you're just lying.
I see you are now taking cues from that FEMA Clergy Response Team "pastor" to harshly accuse anyone you disagree with as a "LIAR!".

No. I'm telling the TRUTH. But, as the Bible says, the Devil has deceived the whole world, and only a few people are able to see the truth.

And where does Nigeria say that this university is fake? What is your source for that? Can you provide a link?
You wouldn't believe the link even if he gave it.

Why do you think you the one who isn't deceived? It's far more likely than you being one of the "few people able to see the truth"
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IseWolf22 said:

Why do you think you the one who isn't deceived? It's far more likely than you being one of the "few people able to see the truth"
God's word says that most people are deceived and only a few are able to see the truth. That means that the vast majority of people are deceived -- let's say, hypothetically, 90-95%+ of people (depending on the specific issue). What is popular and believed by most in this world is most likely wrong, and the result of deception from the devil and his minions. Not the other way around. So, a good rule of thumb is that those who have found the truth are going to be in an extreme minority -- ie, have a "fringe" belief.

I was deceived on many of these issues -- at one time. And I'm sure that I'm still deceived on many things, and believe things that are false. That's a result of being born into a world that is in many ways controlled by Satan and his henchmen. Over our lives, the task for everyone is to discover and filter out the lies, and seek out and find the truth.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

waynecountywolf said:

I think this pretty much sums up this thread
Good read for some:


Or, in the words of pastor Ed Stetzer,

These type of "pastors" are the worst of the worst. These are Judas Goats, leading their followers to destruction. They are allied with and in many cases actual agents of the government. FEMA actually has a program (referred to as "Clergy Response Teams") where they have thousands of preachers and pastors across the nation already signed up and on board with them -- so that in the event of a "crisis" or "disaster" that these pastors will instruct their followers to go along with the "offiical" Government agenda during that time.

Here is an official FEMA document related to these "Clergy Response Teams".

Here is a local news report on the FEMA "Clergy Response Teams", where the media admits these clergy were used during Hurricane Katrina to get people to go along with martial law and gun confiscations in the aftermath of Katrina:

Wow. I have worked for FEMA directly as well as indirectly.
U are a lost ____________.
"This one time at FEMA Camp.................."
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Pacfanweb said:

GuerrillaPack said:

These type of "pastors" are the worst of the worst.

That's hilarious.

You say someone like Ed Stetzer is "the worst"

His background:

"He holds master's degrees from Liberty University School of Divinity and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, a Doctor of Ministry from Beeson Divinity School, and a Ph.D. from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary[url=][1][/url].
Stetzer is Billy Graham Distinguished Chair of Church, Mission, and Evangelism at Wheaton College and Executive Director of the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College. Formerly, he worked as Executive Director of LifeWay Research, a division of LifeWay Christian Resources, and as LifeWay's Missiologist in Residence. Before that, Stetzer served as Director of Research and Missiologist-In-Residence for the North American Mission Board.
Stetzer currently serves as Visiting Professor of Research and Missiology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School[url=][1][/url]"

And then you come here with "evidence" from a crackpot like Dean Odle, who allegedly got a fake education from a fake university in Nigeria.
And HE is credible, but the guy who is actually educated in this topic, who has forgotten more than anyone you've posted "proof" from will ever know about religion and Christianity, that guy is "the worst".

His "education", if you can call it that:

"Dean Odle is ordained by Eagles Wings Inc., the international ministry of Eugene May. "
"In 2002, Dean received a PhD in the Philosophy of International Evangelism and Missions from Pilgrims University in Aba, Nigeria."

LOL. He somehow got a "PHD" from a fake university in Nigeria.

Yeah, let's believe HIM. Not the guy who actually has some credentials in the field. Can't believe him, he's "the worst".

LOL. Your posts today exhibit everything shown in that expose' post by Wayne County.
....and then we have GuerillaPack
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waynecountywolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:

waynecountywolf said:

I think this pretty much sums up this thread
Good read for some:


Or, in the words of pastor Ed Stetzer,

These type of "pastors" are the worst of the worst. These are Judas Goats, leading their followers to destruction. They are allied with and in many cases actual agents of the government. FEMA actually has a program (referred to as "Clergy Response Teams") where they have thousands of preachers and pastors across the nation already signed up and on board with them -- so that in the event of a "crisis" or "disaster" that these pastors will instruct their followers to go along with the "offiical" Government agenda during that time.

Here is an official FEMA document related to these "Clergy Response Teams".

Here is a local news report on the FEMA "Clergy Response Teams", where the media admits these clergy were used during Hurricane Katrina to get people to go along with martial law and gun confiscations in the aftermath of Katrina:

Wow. I have worked for FEMA directly as well as indirectly.
U are a lost ____________.
"This one time at FEMA Camp.................."
Ok, and??

What did I say that was wrong? Nothing.

Did you watch the video? The Lamestream media news channel flat out admitted that the FEMA program with "Clergy Response Team" pastors exists, and that they were used to tell people to obey the government as they implemented martial law and gun confiscations in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack has made my top 100 poster list to have some BBQ and a beer with sometime.
Any other takers?
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Oh fo sho.

I'll buy his bourbon or Truly or seltzer or whatever his heathen poison of choice is!
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GuerrillaPack said:

waynecountywolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:

waynecountywolf said:

I think this pretty much sums up this thread
Good read for some:


Or, in the words of pastor Ed Stetzer,

These type of "pastors" are the worst of the worst. These are Judas Goats, leading their followers to destruction. They are allied with and in many cases actual agents of the government. FEMA actually has a program (referred to as "Clergy Response Teams") where they have thousands of preachers and pastors across the nation already signed up and on board with them -- so that in the event of a "crisis" or "disaster" that these pastors will instruct their followers to go along with the "offiical" Government agenda during that time.

Here is an official FEMA document related to these "Clergy Response Teams".

Here is a local news report on the FEMA "Clergy Response Teams", where the media admits these clergy were used during Hurricane Katrina to get people to go along with martial law and gun confiscations in the aftermath of Katrina:

Wow. I have worked for FEMA directly as well as indirectly.
U are a lost ____________.
"This one time at FEMA Camp.................."
Ok, and??

What did I say that was wrong? Nothing.

Did you watch the video? The Lamestream media news channel flat out admitted that the FEMA program with "Clergy Response Team" pastors exists, and that they were used to tell people to obey the government as they implemented martial law and gun confiscations in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
1. You are crazy.
2 Sure FEMA uses all kinds of folks to tell those affected by a disaster how to register for assistance including local churches and synagogues-they even hold meetings in these FEMA uses other local agencies and volunteer groups as well as churches for assistance.what does a FEMA tip sheet have to do with the price of eggs in China?
How would you do it??
3 Interested in how you think guns were confiscated- where, by who, guns from who?
4 You use whatever Lamestream media that fits your agenda I suppose KSLA was OK in this instance.
5. "obey the government"? not even close,Bud
6 You are still loony.
edit dont forget the "FEMA camps"
I am just here for the conspiracy theories
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waynecountywolf said:

1. You are crazy.
2 Sure FEMA uses all kinds of folks to tell those affected by a disaster how to register for assistance including local churches and synagogues-they even hold meetings in these FEMA uses other local agencies and volunteer groups as well as churches for assistance.How would you do it??
3 Interested in how you think guns were confiscated- where, by who, guns from who?
4 You use whatever Lamestream media that fits your agenda I suppose KSLA was OK in this instance.
5. "obey the government"? not even close,Bud
6 You are still loony.
edit dont forget the "FEMA camps"
And could you explain exactly how I am supposedly "crazy"? For simply telling the TRUTH about something that few people know about? You are not even trying to tell me that anything I said is wrong. That video I posted of the news report basically admitted everything I'm saying. That news report admitted that they confiscated some peoples' guns in and around New Orleans after Katrina (see 0:28-0:35 in the short 2 minute video). And you want to tell me that I'm "lying" about that? And later in that news report they explicitly stated that the Clergy Response Team pastors would cite chapter 13 of Romans to tell people to "obey the government".

But I'm still "loony". Loony only because I'm aware of information most people don't know about.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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I think the thing that fascinates me about this thread is that GuerillaPack is here arguing with everyone.

Conspiracy theorists generally tend to end up in self-isolating bubbles, which are much bigger these days thanks to the internet.

I'm genuinely fascinated by what he's hoping to accomplish with this thread--is the goal to convert people to the cause? Is it just to argue and feel smarter than all the sheeple?
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GuerrillaPack said:

waynecountywolf said:

1. You are crazy.
2 Sure FEMA uses all kinds of folks to tell those affected by a disaster how to register for assistance including local churches and synagogues-they even hold meetings in these FEMA uses other local agencies and volunteer groups as well as churches for assistance.How would you do it??
3 Interested in how you think guns were confiscated- where, by who, guns from who?
4 You use whatever Lamestream media that fits your agenda I suppose KSLA was OK in this instance.
5. "obey the government"? not even close,Bud
6 You are still loony.
edit dont forget the "FEMA camps"
And could you explain exactly how I am supposedly "crazy"? For simply telling the TRUTH about something that few people know about? You are not even trying to tell me that anything I said is wrong. That video I posted of the news report basically admitted everything I'm saying. That news report admitted that they confiscated some peoples' guns in and around New Orleans after Katrina (see 0:28-0:35 in the short 2 minute video). And you want to tell me that I'm "lying" about that? And later in that news report they explicitly stated that the Clergy Response Team pastors would cite chapter 13 of Romans to tell people to "obey the government".

But I'm still "loony". Loony only because I'm aware of information most people don't know about.
To quote Jack:
"YOU couldnt handle THE TRUTH"
You are wrong. You dont have a clue but I will just let you continue with your conspiracy theories in your basement or cave.
"We took guns that were stolen that were stashed in alleyways. If we went into an abandoned house and a gun was there, absolutely we took the weapons," he said. "Obviously there were looters out there. We didn't want some burglar or looter to have an opportunity to arm themselves."
Police department spokesman Bob Young said it has stored 552 guns that were confiscated after Katrina, through Dec. 31, 2005. Police have said they only took guns that were stolen or found in abandoned homes.

Suppose you are technically correct in that they picked up a few guns but not a door to door confiscation as you want us to believe. Guns were not allowed then nor now, in any FEMA shelter or FEMA transportation well as any shelter for Salvation army etc. Thats good -if you dont like it pack your diddy bag and learn to swim Padre.

Again, I was there and YOU dont know squat.
I am just here for the conspiracy theories
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waynecountywolf said:

To quote Jack:
"YOU couldnt handle THE TRUTH"
You are wrong. You dont have a clue but I will just let you continue with your conspiracy theories in your basement or cave.
"We took guns that were stolen that were stashed in alleyways. If we went into an abandoned house and a gun was there, absolutely we took the weapons," he said. "Obviously there were looters out there. We didn't want some burglar or looter to have an opportunity to arm themselves."
Police department spokesman Bob Young said it has stored 552 guns that were confiscated after Katrina, through Dec. 31, 2005. Police have said they only took guns that were stolen or found in abandoned homes.

Suppose you are technically correct in that they picked up a few guns but not a door to door confiscation as you want us to believe. Guns were not allowed then nor now, in any FEMA shelter or FEMA transportation well as any shelter for Salvation army etc. Thats good -if you dont like it pack your diddy bag and learn to swim Padre.

Again, I was there and YOU dont know squat.
Oh, yeah..."I don't know squat". Sure, sure.

Look..I don't have to have been in New Orleans when it happened to know what happened.

The two articles you cited are apparently not telling the whole story. The police DID confiscate the firearms of citizens who lawfully owned those firearms. It was not just "stolen firearms". The Police Superintendent of New Orleans, at the time, flat out stated that "No one will be able to be armed. Guns will be taken. Only law enforcement will be allowed to have guns."

(Web Archive link to article)


Police Begin Seizing Guns of Civilians

SEPT. 9, 2005

NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 8 - Local police officers began confiscating weapons from civilians in preparation for a forced evacuation of the last holdouts still living here, as President Bush steeled the nation for the grisly scenes of recovering the dead that will unfold in coming days.


Last September 8, a little more than a week after the hurricane, New Orleans' police superintendent, Eddie Compass announced: "No one will be able to be armed. Guns will be taken. Only law enforcement will be allowed to have guns." Even legally registered firearms were seized, though exceptions were made for select businesses and for some wealthy individuals to hire guards.

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Here is short 2 minute video from ABC News showing the police and national guard going house to house in New Orleans searching for weapons, and even confiscating the firearms from those in a wealthy home. The video includes a New Orleans police spokesperson stating "No one will be able to be armed. We will take all the weapons." (1:10-1:15 in video).

But I "don't know squat".

And you were in New Orleans when this all happened? And you didn't know they were going house to house and confiscating peoples' firearms?

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
Steve Videtich
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GuerrillaPack said:

Look..I don't have to have been in New Orleans when it happened to know what happened.

This comment right here tells you all you need to know about who you are debating/arguing with. SMH
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