The "Flat Earth" movement - Could Establishment claims about the universe be false?

96,617 Views | 712 Replies | Last: 24 days ago by ncsupack1
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GuerrillaPack said:

grantwolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:

In this video below, Travis Kelce says that "there's at least 10 to 15 guys in every locker room" of each NFL team who believe the earth is flat. This is a compilation of clips showing that many prominent people/celebs are publicly coming out as flat earthers and Apollo "moon landing" deniers (eg, Candace Owens), or "signaling" that they are by publicly saying that they are "open" to considering those views (eg, Tucker Carlson).

Hate to break it to you, but Tucker Carlson is a lying grifter who preys on dumb and easily persuaded people.
Liars who prey on dumb and easily persuaded people? That's the ENTIRE far Left Lamestream media and Marxist-run academia/media/Hollywood Establishment described to a tee.

If they can silence the thousands of people involved in the fake moon landing and 9/11 sci-op and fake Sandy Hook shooting, why can't they silence you....the guy exposing them? One of the few guys with his eyes wide open to the truth?
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New video today from this excellent "flat earth" YouTube channel (that I highly recommend for those who want to research this subject):

A person conducted their own test by setting up a high-zoom camera on a beach in Maine (at an observer height of 3 feet above sea level), and looked at a light house on an off-shore island located about 10 miles away. If the earth were a "globe" as the faux scientific Establishment claims (with a circumference of 24,901 miles), then you should not be able to see the bottom 49 ft of the lighthouse because it would be "hidden behind the curve of a 49 foot bulge of water over the sphere".

But guess what? After zooming in, you can see the entire lighthouse all the way down to its base and the land upon which it sits!

Notice how before they start zooming in with the camera, you can hardly see the lighthouse, and probably can only see a portion of it or possibly not see it at all (with the naked human eye). But once they zoom in, the entire lighthouse becomes visible. This is the same phenomenon where boats appear to "disappear over the curve", but when you zoom in with a high-zoom camera, they become visible again. There are tons of videos on YouTube showing boats reappearing with a high-zoom camera. The reason this occurs is due to optical phenomena related to the limits of sight of the human eye.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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grantwolf said:

If they can silence the thousands of people involved in the fake moon landing and 9/11 sci-op and fake Sandy Hook shooting, why can't they silence you....the guy exposing them? One of the few guys with his eyes wide open to the truth?
It's not just little ol me saying these things. As I mentioned (and provided evidence for) on the previous page of this thread, there's at least probably 12% of the U.S. public who believes that the earth is flat. With around 340 million people in the United States, that's around 41 million Americans. Now, how do you propose they silence this many people? Of course, they are already doing things to suppress and silence our voices -- such as rigging the YouTube and Google search and recommendation algorithms to suppress or "shadow ban" anti-Establishment content on subjects such as the flat earth, exposing NASA frauds, exposing 9/11 as a false flag, etc. And they already outright banned videos on YouTube that allege that Sandy Hook was a staged psyop several years ago. It probably won't be too long before they outright ban videos on the other subjects as well, and YouTube essentially becomes like the Lamestream Establishment television media is now -- where you can't find ANY anti-Establishment voices.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Guerilla is the epitome of the Dunning-Kruger effect
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Obviously that YouTube video has been faked.
El Lobo Loco
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How does a "flat earther" explain how it is possible for one to travel east or west from a given location and reach the same destination?
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Shouldn't I be able to see Portugal/ Africa from the beach with a telescope? Since it's all flat.
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On rare occasions you can see the north Myrtle beach area from Holden Beach. But it's not like that most of the time. Wonder why that is. It's like there's some factor involved that affects sight lines…

Edit: Here's onboard video from yesterday's SpaceX Starlink launch. They had some technical difficulties with the rocket, but starting a couple of minutes in, there's the round earth again! Crazy.

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dogplasma said:

On rare occasions you can see the north Myrtle beach area from Holden Beach. But it's not like that most of the time. Wonder why that is. It's like there's some factor involved that affects sight lines…

Edit: Here's onboard video from yesterday's SpaceX Starlink launch. They had some technical difficulties with the rocket, but starting a couple of minutes in, there's the round earth again! Crazy.

Doctored video

Just ask Guerrilla. Every single image/ video showing the earth's curvature is fake.
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WolfpackUSC said:

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GuerrillaPack said:

New video today from this excellent "flat earth" YouTube channel (that I highly recommend for those who want to research this subject):

LOL...watching other people's YouTube channels is not "researching".

Hell, the video you provided is just some guy talking about some other guy's video. We don't have any proof of where the camera is or any other information about the original video. We don't know the conditions to calculate any light refraction, etc.

That isn't science.
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The new season of The Boys is out. I'm hoping to research that sometime soon.
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grantwolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:

New video today from this excellent "flat earth" YouTube channel (that I highly recommend for those who want to research this subject):

LOL...watching other people's YouTube channels is not "researching".

Hell, the video you provided is just some guy talking about some other guy's video. We don't have any proof of where the camera is or any other information about the original video. We don't know the conditions to calculate any light refraction, etc.

That isn't science.

You believe video from NASA on all sorts of things that cannot be verified (and even worse videos from NASA that are easily proven to be fake) -- as do most people because they just blindly trust the government and other "official" Establishment sources, and think that those sources could never lie to them.

You just assume from the start that those who advocate the flat earth view are liars, without any evidence to show that. But we know for a fact that NASA are liars, based on mountains of cases where they are lying and have produced phony photos/videos.

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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dogplasma said:

Obviously that YouTube video has been faked.
You have ZERO evidence whatsoever to support that false accusation.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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WolfpackUSC said:

Guerilla is the epitome of the Dunning-Kruger effect
I graduated from NC State in engineering. I am competent in science and mathematics.

Do you claim to be an astronomer or something?
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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WolfpackUSC said:

Shouldn't I be able to see Portugal/ Africa from the beach with a telescope? Since it's all flat.
The atmosphere limits how far you can see, with air particles scattering the light. Even while looking at hills or mountains at a distance of only a few miles away, you can notice that the hills or mountains further away have a lighter and lighter color - almost "merging" into the background of the sky, becoming closer to a light blue color themselves.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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WolfpackUSC said:


Keep the insults coming. To be insulted by people like you is a badge of honor for me.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

WolfpackUSC said:

Shouldn't I be able to see Portugal/ Africa from the beach with a telescope? Since it's all flat.
The atmosphere limits how far you can see, with air particles scattering the light. Even while looking at hills or mountains at a distance of only a few miles away, you can notice that the hills or mountains further away have a lighter and lighter color - almost "merging" into the background of the sky, becoming closer to a light blue color themselves.
They make telescopes that see other planets in outer space (allegedly), and you are saying that cannot make one strong enough to see Portugal? Am I understanding that correctly?
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I didn't see anybody claiming that these videos or photos were "faked" or "not verifiable", when they show that the city lights of Milwaukee or the Chicago skyline are visible from 60 or 70 miles away across Lake Michigan.

I guess that is because you think that the Leftist Lamestream Establishment media is "trustworthy" and therefore anything coming from them could "never be faked" and "does not need to be verified".

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Normal, especially considering you can't see the base of the buildings. What does that mean…..

What for it…the earth is a sphere!!!!

Oh no! The Russian space agency is in on the hoax too!

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wolfpackinNC said:

GuerrillaPack said:

WolfpackUSC said:

Shouldn't I be able to see Portugal/ Africa from the beach with a telescope? Since it's all flat.
The atmosphere limits how far you can see, with air particles scattering the light. Even while looking at hills or mountains at a distance of only a few miles away, you can notice that the hills or mountains further away have a lighter and lighter color - almost "merging" into the background of the sky, becoming closer to a light blue color themselves.
They make telescopes that see other planets in outer space (allegedly), and you are saying that cannot make one strong enough to see Portugal? Am I understanding that correctly?
If you look straight up from a telescope located on the surface of the earth and there is heavy cloud cover directly overhead, you won't be able to see any stars. And if you were to try to zoom in from the shore of the U.S. to see anything in Europe, guess what? You are going to have to be able to see through a TON of clouds that are located over the Atlantic Ocean. But even if there were not any cloud cover over the Atlantic at all blocking view, as I previously said the atmosphere itself (water vapor and other particulates in the air) are going to scatter the light and limit how far you are able to see...roughly down to several hundred miles, depending on the atmospheric conditions.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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WolfpackUSC said:

Normal, especially considering you can't see the base of the buildings. What does that mean…..

What for it…the earth is a sphere!!!!

Oh no! The Russian space agency is in on the hoax too!

Wow, the Himalayan mountains are orange, as well as the entirety of Greece and Russia, and other random areas of the world that are not actually orange.

That's not a real photograph taken from some "satellite in space". That's a CGI image, just like all the ones that NASA admits are CGI. There is not one genuine photograph in existence showing that earth is a "sphere floating in space".
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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You're competent in science?

LOL at your last reply.

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WolfpackUSC said:

You're competent in science?

LOL at your last reply.

And what do you have your degree in?

And please explain why half of the earth in your CGI Russian "globe" is a color of orange that is ridiculous. Please explain the "science" on that.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

WolfpackUSC said:

You're competent in science?

LOL at your last reply.

And what do you have your degree in?

And please explain why half of the earth in your CGI Russian "globe" is a color of orange that is ridiculous. Please explain the "science" on that.

Masters degree in geospatial science.

I work with satellite and aerial imagery everyday.

I also instructed the use of various satellite imagery for targeting purposes. A huge chuck of that is teaching the spherical earth, you know, the basics.

Check mate.
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WolfpackUSC said:

Normal, especially considering you can't see the base of the buildings. What does that mean…..

What for it…the earth is a sphere!!!!

Wrong chief. If you were located on the shore of Lake Michigan 60 miles away as in those photographs, and if hypothetically the earth was a "sphere" as the faux scientific Establishment tells us, then there should be a "bulge of water from the curvature of the earth" that is 2,186 ft higher than the ground level in Chicago...meaning that all of those skyscrapers should be hidden from view.

It all depends on the atmospheric conditions on any given day to determine how much of the skyline and buildings are visible. If there is too much water vapor and cloud coverage, then you won't be able to see them at all. If conditions are right to create a superior mirage, then it creates a situation where the water surface level (horizon) appears higher than it actually is, causing a portion of the lower levels of the buildings to not be visible.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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I was having fun following this thread.....
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WolfpackUSC said:

GuerrillaPack said:

WolfpackUSC said:

You're competent in science?

LOL at your last reply.

And what do you have your degree in?

And please explain why half of the earth in your CGI Russian "globe" is a color of orange that is ridiculous. Please explain the "science" on that.

Masters degree in geospatial science.

I work with satellite and aerial imagery everyday.

I also instructed the use of various satellite imagery for targeting purposes. A huge chuck of that is teaching the spherical earth, you know, the basics.

Check mate.
Oh, so "check mate" you "win" because you claim to work in a related field. Sorry, that's not how it works...where he who has the "greater authority" always "wins the argument". If that were the case, then no one would be able to question or argue against NASA, since NASA is the "ultimate authority".

Why didn't you give us your super "scientific" explanation of how the earth is a ridiculous color of orange that doesn't actually exist in your Russian CGI image??
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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So what damn color is the earth? I need to know.
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ncsupack1 said:

So what damn color is the earth? I need to know.
You need to be less of a condescending arrogant smart ***
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

ncsupack1 said:

So what damn color is the earth? I need to know.
You need to be less of a condescending arrogant smart ***
Arrogant? I haven't claimed to a expert on any of this. Both of you seem confident in what you are explaining. Sorry you took it that way.
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GuerrillaPack said:

dogplasma said:

Obviously that YouTube video has been faked.
You have ZERO evidence whatsoever to support that false accusation.
Lol, that was heavy sarcasm. But, oh, the irony in your response.
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ncsupack1 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

ncsupack1 said:

So what damn color is the earth? I need to know.
You need to be less of a condescending arrogant smart ***
Arrogant? I haven't claimed to a expert on any of this. Both of you seem confident in what you are explaining. Sorry you took it that way.
Ok, it seemed like a snarky comment. If not, I take back what I said.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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