The "Flat Earth" movement - Could Establishment claims about the universe be false?

117,282 Views | 712 Replies | Last: 5 mo ago by ncsupack1
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What a coincidence I am also shaped like a pair
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GuerrillaPack said:

dogplasma said:

Ran across this article overnight and immediately thought, hey, the earth may not be flat but there's still hope for the universe!

"As far as cosmologists can tell, space is almost perfectly flat."

"There's also a Goldilocks scenario for the universe, which scientists say is the most plausible. Most cosmological evidence points to the universe's density as being just right the equivalent of around six protons per 1.3 cubic yards and that it expands in every direction without curving positively or negatively. In other words, the universe is flat. (Perhaps this will come as some consolation to anyone disappointed by our planet's roundness.)"

This is yet another example demonstrating how the pseudo-scientific Establishment is constantly changing their position on things. Why? Because they don't actually know very much at all about the universe and physics with certainty, and what they actually do is just keep proposing a bunch of theories.

The Big Bang and evolution are obviously theories (and completely preposterous at that)...and yet the scientific Establishment (and media and Hollywood) talk about them as if they are "undeniable established facts". And those two ideas are the virtual "pillars" of modern "science". If those two giant lies are the foundations of their worldview, then how "scientifically" accurate and true can their worldview, in general, really be?

It's actually the same thing with the heliocentric model and the globular earth. These are actually just theories.
I don't think anyone in the science community has changed positions on the shape of the earth - that one's been pretty much rock solid for centuries, and there's plenty of first-hand evidence without having to climb into a rocket. But just because there may be debate about aspects of a particular theory doesn't mean the theory itself is invalid or fundamentally uncertain. Geologists might argue about how rock gets recycled in a subduction zone (or something - I'm not a geologist), but that's not a sign that plate tectonics is in trouble. Even though they have the word "theory" in them, scientific theories are based on facts and the scientific method. The scientific method, while not foolproof, has been pretty darn successful, which you might have to agree with if you're reading this from any sort of electronic device.
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You think a lot like me and I've wondered the same things myself. When i first heard of flat earth and laughed and thought it was some kind of joke, nonetheless i watched the youtube videos before the mass crack down of censonship of flat earth, gives me yet even one more reason i believe the earth to be flat. You will step on many toes on this subject and be labeled stupid and crazy and moat ppl you try to talk about this subject will look at you as if you're the craziest person ever. Like you i believe the bible to be the infallible word of God and i take the bible literally and jesus quoted scriptures when facing temptation in the desert. Let me fist begin with you are definitely not alone in wondering what the motives are behind NASAs hocus pocus and green screen magic but i do have a theory that i think will make a lot of the puzzle pieces fit together if you hear me out. Stories such as Noah's flood, Joshua's long day, the tower of Babel, the high mountain that satan took jesus to to see all of the Earth, even the story of creation in Genesis just dont make sense on a globe, but on a flat earth these storys make sense, all the puzzle pieces in your mind will fit together from beginning to end. We know that from the Bible the the devil is lyer from the beginning and was thrown to earth along with one third the hosts of heaven, also know as fallen angels, or gods of all other religions. He has always deceived man from the beginning in the garden. Make no mistake , Satan is not in hell in this moment in time , he is still on earth roaming around and so are his hosts. I dont profess to know all the answers but my theroy that seems to make the most of this globe earth nonsense is that the coming of days are in preparation and if we look at refer to 2 Thessalonians 2:11, which predicts that God will, in an end-times judgment, send "a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie." This great deception is associated with the satanic work of the Antichrist and his "displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie" (verse 9). This is in preparation for the man of lawlessness to reveal himself. I believe this great deception to be globe earth. So why a globe and all this nonsense of space in other worlds. Well here's what I think makes the most sense, I believe the Antichrist is going to come in the form of an alien. While this may sound crazy, too many people including myself have seen these beings of light in the sky. Too many people have told stories of being abducted by these beings and been experimented on. But they're not really aliens from another world as they would have you believe , what they really are are fallen angels. And when they come they're going to have all the answers to mankind's problems for the first three and a half years everything's going to be peaceful and everything is going to go great, and this alien from another world this alien from outer space is going to have all the answers to mankind's problems. He will be as a god and will change many things on earth and will unite all countries as one. But people who diligently read the Bible and take it for what it is and believe it as the absolute truth oh know that this nonsense of a global earth and outer space is a lie. But the people who don't read the Bible and people that don't know the truth and don't take the Bible seriously who believe NASA's and other branches of the Illuminati false doctrine will truly believe these beings are from another world and truly believe that these beings are from outer space which is nothing more than bull***** They will be able to do things only seen in comic books, they will be as god's and turn so many people away from the one true God of the Bible,. Yes even fellow Christians will fall away from the face many many fellow Christians, and they will begin to question their faith they will begin to ask themselves where is Jesus? Shouldn't have already been here by now. This may sound crazy and I may be wrong but it is a theory to me that makes a lot of sense. They don't have to tell you the countless proof of NASA's roots are deeply tied within Illuminati. And the sad thing is is NASA and Hollywood are getting better at lying or getting better hiding the truth but they like to slip the truth in every now and then in films such as this one if you're a marvel then watch the TV show agents of shield season general Talbot smashing through the firmament right before he is defeated by Daisy and professing to the world that he will be as a god and asking humans to kneel before him. Season 5 episode 22 Or I'm sure you've seen the famous Simpsons episode for the baseball goes flying through the firmanent and smashing it in water comes gushing out thus flooding the stadium. This one's really blows my mind it's show call gravity falls . Where the bad pyramid guy States to the good guy you think those chains are tight. Imagine living in the second dimension. Flat minds and a flat world with flat dreams. He goes on to say that he liberated his dimension and he's here to liberate ours, he goes on to explain that he can't escape the town that he's in because there's a confinement keeping him in.
He wants to escape and get past the barrier.
And then interesting it shows him breaking through the firmanent and shattering glass, then we are taken to a scene of a fake globe Earth where he goes on to say outside of these confines anything is possible. He goes on to say that he's going to make a fun world a better world and then it shows him eating the world and splitting it in half and destroying the United States with lasers,. He says that it'll be a party that never ends no more restrictions no more laws and then he goes higher and higher into space, saying that he can become more powerful then anything that you can imagine ,
. This cartoon really gave me the creeps when I saw it, watch it for yourself it's almost as if satan saying he's going to rise himself above the Stars. The sad truth is is Hollywood knows the truth and they blatantly throw it our faces.. this is just a few accounts that I can tell you about you can find many more online for yourself. So now you're not crazy and believing the world is flat because it really is flat and agencies that answer to fallen Angels know the world's flat and they use tools at their disposal to feed you this great deception.

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Voltmeter101 said:

You think a lot like me and I've wondered the same things myself. When i first heard of flat earth and laughed and thought it was some kind of joke, nonetheless i watched the youtube videos before the mass crack down of censonship of flat earth, gives me yet even one more reason i believe the earth to be flat. You will step on many toes on this subject and be labeled stupid and crazy and moat ppl you try to talk about this subject will look at you as if you're the craziest person ever. Like you i believe the bible to be the infallible word of God and i take the bible literally and jesus quoted scriptures when facing temptation in the desert. Let me fist begin with you are definitely not alone in wondering what the motives are behind NASAs hocus pocus and green screen magic but i do have a theory that i think will make a lot of the puzzle pieces fit together if you hear me out. Stories such as Noah's flood, Joshua's long day, the tower of Babel, the high mountain that satan took jesus to to see all of the Earth, even the story of creation in Genesis just dont make sense on a globe, but on a flat earth these storys make sense, all the puzzle pieces in your mind will fit together from beginning to end. We know that from the Bible the the devil is lyer from the beginning and was thrown to earth along with one third the hosts of heaven, also know as fallen angels, or gods of all other religions. He has always deceived man from the beginning in the garden. Make no mistake , Satan is not in hell in this moment in time , he is still on earth roaming around and so are his hosts. I dont profess to know all the answers but my theroy that seems to make the most of this globe earth nonsense is that the coming of days are in preparation and if we look at refer to 2 Thessalonians 2:11, which predicts that God will, in an end-times judgment, send "a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie." This great deception is associated with the satanic work of the Antichrist and his "displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie" (verse 9). This is in preparation for the man of lawlessness to reveal himself. I believe this great deception to be globe earth. So why a globe and all this nonsense of space in other worlds. Well here's what I think makes the most sense, I believe the Antichrist is going to come in the form of an alien. While this may sound crazy, too many people including myself have seen these beings of light in the sky. Too many people have told stories of being abducted by these beings and been experimented on. But they're not really aliens from another world as they would have you believe , what they really are are fallen angels. And when they come they're going to have all the answers to mankind's problems for the first three and a half years everything's going to be peaceful and everything is going to go great, and this alien from another world this alien from outer space is going to have all the answers to mankind's problems. He will be as a god and will change many things on earth and will unite all countries as one. But people who diligently read the Bible and take it for what it is and believe it as the absolute truth oh know that this nonsense of a global earth and outer space is a lie. But the people who don't read the Bible and people that don't know the truth and don't take the Bible seriously who believe NASA's and other branches of the Illuminati false doctrine will truly believe these beings are from another world and truly believe that these beings are from outer space which is nothing more than bull***** They will be able to do things only seen in comic books, they will be as god's and turn so many people away from the one true God of the Bible,. Yes even fellow Christians will fall away from the face many many fellow Christians, and they will begin to question their faith they will begin to ask themselves where is Jesus? Shouldn't have already been here by now. This may sound crazy and I may be wrong but it is a theory to me that makes a lot of sense. They don't have to tell you the countless proof of NASA's roots are deeply tied within Illuminati. And the sad thing is is NASA and Hollywood are getting better at lying or getting better hiding the truth but they like to slip the truth in every now and then in films such as this one if you're a marvel then watch the TV show agents of shield season general Talbot smashing through the firmament right before he is defeated by Daisy and professing to the world that he will be as a god and asking humans to kneel before him. Season 5 episode 22 Or I'm sure you've seen the famous Simpsons episode for the baseball goes flying through the firmanent and smashing it in water comes gushing out thus flooding the stadium. This one's really blows my mind it's show call gravity falls . Where the bad pyramid guy States to the good guy you think those chains are tight. Imagine living in the second dimension. Flat minds and a flat world with flat dreams. He goes on to say that he liberated his dimension and he's here to liberate ours, he goes on to explain that he can't escape the town that he's in because there's a confinement keeping him in.
He wants to escape and get past the barrier.
And then interesting it shows him breaking through the firmanent and shattering glass, then we are taken to a scene of a fake globe Earth where he goes on to say outside of these confines anything is possible. He goes on to say that he's going to make a fun world a better world and then it shows him eating the world and splitting it in half and destroying the United States with lasers,. He says that it'll be a party that never ends no more restrictions no more laws and then he goes higher and higher into space, saying that he can become more powerful then anything that you can imagine ,
. This cartoon really gave me the creeps when I saw it, watch it for yourself it's almost as if satan saying he's going to rise himself above the Stars. The sad truth is is Hollywood knows the truth and they blatantly throw it our faces.. this is just a few accounts that I can tell you about you can find many more online for yourself. So now you're not crazy and believing the world is flat because it really is flat and agencies that answer to fallen Angels know the world's flat and they use tools at their disposal to feed you this great deception.

Do you believe in paragraphs?
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Lots of weird accounts (non-subscribers with very low posts in the forums) make comments in this thread, and some of the others I've started - such as this most recent comment, from an account that was created today and that comment being their very first post. Just want to make clear that I only have one account on IPS. I get the feeling that some of these accounts are "alias" accounts used by regular posters.
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Apologies for keeping this thing alive, but now that I see it again with more than one positive response, I confess I'm fascinated by the flat earth belief! Here are just some basic things I don't understand how literally anyone could get past, and I know some of these have already been posted:

- The sun rises and sets, and it's the same size in the sky at all times (doesn't fade into the distance). Yet no one has been to either edge.
- Time zones.
- In the far north and south, the days are far longer in the summer and far shorter in the winter.
- Cyclones spin one direction above the equator and another direction below the equator.
- A Focault pendulum always moves in the same way.
- Around-the-world sailboat races that almost never go west and still end up where they started.
- Rockets all launch to the east and generally as close to the equator as possible.
- The sheer number of commercial and national space/satellite programs employing tens of thousands of people.
- There's a round shadow on the moon during a lunar eclipse.
- All other planets and the sun are clearly spherical.
- Things weigh less at the equator (very slightly).

Many of these are directly observable by anyone and collectively don't require any mental gymnastics if you're on a round spinning earth. And of course I didn't even bring up the hundreds of people and thousands of satellites that have (supposedly) been into space, taken thousands of pictures of earth, etc. Again, I just find the whole thing amazing.

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Not an alias account i can assure you I'm a real person and i know the thread was from a while ago but it showed up in a Google search when i was looking for something, and i just wanted to talk to someone who noticed the same things going on in the world as me. I knew i would face a lot of opposition In this subject in my post, that doesn't surprise me. But if you look at both sides with an open mind and you take the bible literally like i do then you can come to the conclusion that NASA is clearly hiding something. Do a Google search for anything flat earth related and you will see that they changed their algorithms to show you globe earth results at the top. Before YouTube caught hell from the whole flat earth movement catching on in the first place it was easy to find information about this subject, but now it is hard since the crackdown. Doesn't that alone spark curiosity? Why change something if it's not true? Also if you believe their is a god and you are a Christian then you should know that the Bible says the earth does not move, it has ends, it sits on four pillars, it is fixed and immovable, the sun and moon are inside the firmanent . You can make excuses and say and change words in the Bible and their meaning but that's what it says.

Isaiah 11:12
12 And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH. (KJV)

Revelation 7:1
1 And after these things I saw four angels standing on FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. (KJV)

Job 38:13
13 That it might take hold of the ENDS OF THE EARTH, that the wicked might be shaken out of it? (KJV)

Jeremiah 16:19
19 O LORD, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ENDS OF THE EARTH, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit. (KJV)

Daniel 4:11
11 The tree grew, and was strong, and the height thereof reached unto heaven, and the sight thereof to the ENDS OF ALL THE EARTH: (KJV)

Matthew 4:8
8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; (KJV)
1 Chronicles 16:30: "He has fixed the earth firm, immovable."
Psalm 93:1: "Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm ..."
Psalm 96:10: "He has fixed the earth firm, immovable ..."
Psalm 104:5: "Thou didst fix the earth on its foundation so that it never can be shaken."
Isaiah 45:18: "...who made the earth and fashioned it, and himself fixed it fast..."

Also when Jesus comes back EVERY eye will see him, how would this be possible on a rotating ball???

Take it for what it says, God does not lie. The devil does.

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Yes i do, and I'm sorry for the bad English. I was in a hurry.
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I'm sorry for hijacking your thread and I'm sorry if i stepped on anyone's toes because everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. I just like to talk to other ppl that wonder the same things that I have noticed. I kind of figured that I would get a lot of hate replies on this, but like you, this subject does fascinate me and it does make any logical person pause an for a moment and think.
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Voltmeter101 said:

I'm sorry for hijacking your thread and I'm sorry if i stepped on anyone's toes because everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. I just like to talk to other ppl that wonder the same things that I have noticed. I kind of figured that I would get a lot of hate replies on this, but like you, this subject does fascinate me and it does make any logical person pause an for a moment and think.

No, I don't think you hijacked it at all. I'm in favor of the maximum amount of freedom of speech and debate. My comment about suspicious accounts was more in reference to several other accounts in the forum that oppose me. But I also wanted to make clear that I don't have any alias accounts on here.

I welcome your contributions, and think you made many good points.
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GuerrillaPack said:

Lots of weird accounts (non-subscribers with very low posts in the forums) make comments in this thread, and some of the others I've started - such as this most recent comment, from an account that was created today and that comment being their very first post. Just want to make clear that I only have one account on IPS. I get the feeling that some of these accounts are "alias" accounts used by regular posters.
I've checked the IP addresses and back searched email addresses as I do with everyone. No issues here
I asked a ref if he could give me a technical foul for thinking bad things about him. He said, of course not. I said, well, I think you stink. And he gave me a technical. You can't trust em.

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dogplasma said:

Apologies for keeping this thing alive, but now that I see it again with more than one positive response, I confess I'm fascinated by the flat earth belief! Here are just some basic things I don't understand how literally anyone could get past, and I know some of these have already been posted:

- The sun rises and sets, and it's the same size in the sky at all times (doesn't fade into the distance). Yet no one has been to either edge.
- Time zones.
- In the far north and south, the days are far longer in the summer and far shorter in the winter.
- Cyclones spin one direction above the equator and another direction below the equator.
- A Focault pendulum always moves in the same way.
- Around-the-world sailboat races that almost never go west and still end up where they started.
- Rockets all launch to the east and generally as close to the equator as possible.
- The sheer number of commercial and national space/satellite programs employing tens of thousands of people.
- There's a round shadow on the moon during a lunar eclipse.
- All other planets and the sun are clearly spherical.
- Things weigh less at the equator (very slightly).

Many of these are directly observable by anyone and collectively don't require any mental gymnastics if you're on a round spinning earth. And of course I didn't even bring up the hundreds of people and thousands of satellites that have (supposedly) been into space, taken thousands of pictures of earth, etc. Again, I just find the whole thing amazing.

I've addressed many of these issues throughout the thread, and we could talk about each issue at length...but I'll just respond briefly.

1. Atmospheric conditions, and particularly atmospheric lensing or magnification, cause the size of the sun to appear consistent throughout the day. Here is an article that goes into this in depth:

2. Time zones do not preclude the view that the earth could be a flat plane. The sun acts like a "spotlight" and only illuminates about half of the earth at any time. It is not located "93 million" miles away, but much closer, perhaps only a few hundred miles above the earth.

Also, as pointed out at the link above, the flat earth model better explains the vast difference in the intensity/heat of the sun at midday versus at sunset and sunrise. If the sun was "93 million" miles away, then there shouldn't be much difference, and the amount of atmosphere the sunlight would travel through would be about the same at midday or sunrise/sunset. However, on the flat earth model, with a sun that is much closer to the earth, there is a very big difference in the amount of atmosphere it must shine through at sunrise/sunset versus midday.

3. The seasons can also be explained on a flat earth model. The sun does not circle the earth in the same path throughout the year. Rather, it makes a circuit with a smaller diameter about the North Pole (which is located in the center of the earth) during the summer in the "northern hemisphere" ..and then a circuit with a larger diameter in the winter.

I've got to stop here for now, but will try to address your other points later.
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I respect the creativity and persistence of the flat earth arguments, and I think I should just leave it at that.
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I'll let you guys have the Brickyard thread die its inevitable death.

But responding to NorthWolf's two videos:

Those are 2 of the most embarrassingly unscientific videos I think I've ever seen to try to explain anything even remotely scientifically based.

Ever wonder why these diagrams and experiments are so crude and rudimentary and not done by anyone with any seemingly basic understanding of science, light, refraction, light falloff, etc?

I mean seriously....a paper drawing of a sun viewed on a table behind a tank of water? THAT explains the sunset? A "not to scale" model of the 40-mile wide sun circling the globe with no scientifically verifiable size or distance from the ground (3,000 miles??!), showing a spotlight on the Earth that doesn't simulate accurately that half of the earth receives sunlight at all times....
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grantwolf said:

I'll let you guys have the Brickyard thread die its inevitable death.

But responding to NorthWolf's two videos:

Those are 2 of the most embarrassingly unscientific videos I think I've ever seen to try to explain anything even remotely scientifically based.

Ever wonder why these diagrams and experiments are so crude and rudimentary and not done by anyone with any seemingly basic understanding of science, light, refraction, light falloff, etc?

I mean seriously....a paper drawing of a sun viewed on a table behind a tank of water? THAT explains the sunset? A "not to scale" model of the 40-mile wide sun circling the globe with no scientifically verifiable size or distance from the ground (3,000 miles??!), showing a spotlight on the Earth that doesn't simulate accurately that half of the earth receives sunlight at all times....
Adding my post for reference:

The sun is not "millions of miles" from the surface of the earth. It is much much closer, and acts more like a "spotlight". Therefore, it does not illuminate the entire surface of the flat plane earth at once. The sun does not actually go down (in elevation) below the flat plane earth. It circles above the surface of the earth (with the north pole being the center of that circuit) constantly at the same height above the surface of the earth. The rising and setting of the sun is due to optical phenomena, including the law of perspective and atmospheric lensing (where water vapor in the atmosphere magnifies the size of the sun).

These videos explain it:

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Simply speaking (and the guy's first video simulation illustrates perfectly), a single point light source can't illuminate half of a circular plane in the way that sun verifiably illuminates the actual earth.

A single point source of light CAN and DOES illuminate half of a spherical object.
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grantwolf said:

Simply speaking (and the guy's first video simulation illustrates perfectly), a single point light source can't illuminate half of a circular plane in the way that sun verifiably illuminates the actual earth.

A single point source of light CAN and DOES illuminate half of a spherical object.
How do you know that exactly one half of the earth is illuminated at one time? Is this actually proven, or just an assumption...based on the theory of the earth being a globe?
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

grantwolf said:

Simply speaking (and the guy's first video simulation illustrates perfectly), a single point light source can't illuminate half of a circular plane in the way that sun verifiably illuminates the actual earth.

A single point source of light CAN and DOES illuminate half of a spherical object.
How do you know that exactly one half of the earth is illuminated at one time? Is this actually proven, or just an assumption...based on the theory of the earth being a globe?
Right. Just an assumption. There's no way for us to know what time the sun rises and sets on any areas of the Earth. JFC.

By the way, I made a handy diagram (to scale) showing the "law of perspective" that makes the sun disappear below the horizon. Does this make sense to you?

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I didn't say that I believe the sun is 3,000 miles above the earth. That may have been said in one of the videos, but that doesn't mean that I believe that particular number to be true.
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Also, you can't explain why the sun's intensity is highest at the equator on a flat earth model, while also explaining the seasons.
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GuerrillaPack said:

I didn't say that I believe the sun is 3,000 miles above the earth. That may have been said in one of the videos, but that doesn't mean that I believe that particular number to be true. you know we are on a flat earth, but you don't know how big the sun is, or how high up it is. And you totally believe that guy's video, except maybe not his assumption of how high the sun is.

This seems all so very scientific.
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grantwolf said:

Right. Just an assumption. There's no way for us to know what time the sun rises and sets on any areas of the Earth. JFC.

Around the winter solstice in North America, we only get 7 hrs and 40 minutes of daylight, and around the summer solstice we get 14 hours and 30 minutes of daylight. If the earth was a big spinning ball, then shouldn't we be getting 12 hrs of daylight and 12 hours of night all throughout the year?
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grantwolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:

I didn't say that I believe the sun is 3,000 miles above the earth. That may have been said in one of the videos, but that doesn't mean that I believe that particular number to be true. you know we are on a flat earth, but you don't know how big the sun is, or how high up it is. And you totally believe that guy's video, except maybe not his assumption of how high the sun is.

This seems all so very scientific.
The globe theorists and heliocentric solar system theorists don't know either. If you go back many years, the "scientists" were saying that the distance from the earth to the sun was "4 million miles", then that number grew in several iterations over the years until the supposed "consensus" is now "93 million miles". You think they've ALWAYS said "93 million"??

The so-called "scientific" THEORIES are ever changing. Same with the preposterous theory of evolution and Big Bang. The faux "scientists" are forever changing their stupid little theories and drastically changing their claims -- about "age of the universe" and everything else.

You really think these people are practicing real science?
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GuerrillaPack said:

grantwolf said:

Right. Just an assumption. There's no way for us to know what time the sun rises and sets on any areas of the Earth. JFC.

Around the winter solstice in North America, we only get 7 hrs and 40 minutes of daylight, and around the summer solstice we get 14 hours and 30 minutes of daylight. If the earth was a big spinning ball, then shouldn't we be getting 12 hrs of daylight and 12 hours of night all throughout the year?
If the axis of the earth was not tilted relative to the sun, and we lived on the equator, yes.

..but did you notice how quickly and effortlessly I totally debunked that dude's video demonstration? Took me like 30 seconds of thought and 5 minutes of drawing. And I haven't devoted a Youtube channel to the "theory".
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grantwolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:

grantwolf said:

Right. Just an assumption. There's no way for us to know what time the sun rises and sets on any areas of the Earth. JFC.

Around the winter solstice in North America, we only get 7 hrs and 40 minutes of daylight, and around the summer solstice we get 14 hours and 30 minutes of daylight. If the earth was a big spinning ball, then shouldn't we be getting 12 hrs of daylight and 12 hours of night all throughout the year?
If the axis of the earth was not tilted relative to the sun, and we lived on the equator, yes.

..but did you notice how quickly and effortlessly I totally debunked that dude's video demonstration? Took me like 30 seconds of thought and 5 minutes of drawing. And I haven't devoted a Youtube channel to the "theory".

Totally debunked? There are other optical phenomena that affect how far you can see something besides just law of perspective.
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GuerrillaPack said:

grantwolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:

grantwolf said:

Right. Just an assumption. There's no way for us to know what time the sun rises and sets on any areas of the Earth. JFC.

Around the winter solstice in North America, we only get 7 hrs and 40 minutes of daylight, and around the summer solstice we get 14 hours and 30 minutes of daylight. If the earth was a big spinning ball, then shouldn't we be getting 12 hrs of daylight and 12 hours of night all throughout the year?
If the axis of the earth was not tilted relative to the sun, and we lived on the equator, yes.

..but did you notice how quickly and effortlessly I totally debunked that dude's video demonstration? Took me like 30 seconds of thought and 5 minutes of drawing. And I haven't devoted a Youtube channel to the "theory".

You haven't debunked the video with your drawing. You may think you have, but not the case at all.
Feel free to explain how my illustration doesn't illustrate the stupidity of that guy's video demonstration, based on the measurements he gave (that I used).
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GuerrillaPack said:

grantwolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:

grantwolf said:

Right. Just an assumption. There's no way for us to know what time the sun rises and sets on any areas of the Earth. JFC.

Around the winter solstice in North America, we only get 7 hrs and 40 minutes of daylight, and around the summer solstice we get 14 hours and 30 minutes of daylight. If the earth was a big spinning ball, then shouldn't we be getting 12 hrs of daylight and 12 hours of night all throughout the year?
If the axis of the earth was not tilted relative to the sun, and we lived on the equator, yes.

..but did you notice how quickly and effortlessly I totally debunked that dude's video demonstration? Took me like 30 seconds of thought and 5 minutes of drawing. And I haven't devoted a Youtube channel to the "theory".

Totally debunked? There are other optical phenomena that affect how far you can see something besides just law of perspective.
4 edits??...
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This fun following.
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GuerrillaPack said:

grantwolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:

grantwolf said:

Right. Just an assumption. There's no way for us to know what time the sun rises and sets on any areas of the Earth. JFC.

Around the winter solstice in North America, we only get 7 hrs and 40 minutes of daylight, and around the summer solstice we get 14 hours and 30 minutes of daylight. If the earth was a big spinning ball, then shouldn't we be getting 12 hrs of daylight and 12 hours of night all throughout the year?
If the axis of the earth was not tilted relative to the sun, and we lived on the equator, yes.

..but did you notice how quickly and effortlessly I totally debunked that dude's video demonstration? Took me like 30 seconds of thought and 5 minutes of drawing. And I haven't devoted a Youtube channel to the "theory".

Totally debunked? There are other optical phenomena that affect how far you can see something besides just law of perspective.
The inverse square law is not going to be friendly. Example:

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In the summer in the southern hemisphere, there's daylight for the better part of 24 hrs a day near Antarctica. As far as I can envision, there's simply no way to reckon this if the world is flat like a record and the sun is a local bright spot. Just doesn't work.

BTW, if you watched today's Starship test flight feed, you'd have seen a curved earth.
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dogplasma said:

In the summer in the southern hemisphere, there's daylight for the better part of 24 hrs a day near Antarctica. As far as I can envision, there's simply no way to reckon this if the world is flat like a record and the sun is a local bright spot. Just doesn't work.

BTW, if you watched today's Starship test flight feed, you'd have seen a curved earth.
There's actually no genuine footage of a 24 hour day of continuous sunlight in Antarctica, with the sun doing a complete circle around the horizon 360 degrees . An "official" video where they supposedly showed a 24 hour period of continuous daylight with the sun doing a 360 degree circuit was exposed to have been doctored/faked.

Exposed here:

Things like this really aren't that hard to fathom once you see, for instance, how blatantly fake and fraudulent the supposed Apollo "moon landings" just one GIGANTIC "red flag" example of how far NASA and the U.S. Government are willing to go to perpetuate monumental lies and frauds in order to support this false cosmology.
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It doesn't have to be 24 hours. Imagine the outer circumference of your disc-shaped flat earth is seeing more than 12 hours of sunlight in a day. That means more than half of the outer circumference (the part closer to Antarctica) is illuminated at once. Meanwhile, at the same time of year, the northern latitudes are seeing less than 12 hours of daylight. If the sun is projecting a circle of light onto the earth's surface, there's no way that's possible just by simple geometry. It doesn't work no matter how you slice it.
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Let's simplify this.

Just tell me where the sun is right now. It should be directly over some place on the pizza. Where is it right now?

Where will it be at 10pm EST? These should be super-easy questions to answer, as this would be easily observable.
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If you can't explain something as simple as the globe's existence, which children understand, what chance do you have of having a high-level intellectual conversation about things such as politics or society in general?

Simply, you don't.
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grantwolf said:

If you can't explain something as simple as the globe's existence, which children understand, what chance do you have of having a high-level intellectual conversation about things such as politics or society in general?

Simply, you don't.
Lol. It's the 180 degree opposite. The right-wing "conspiracy theorists" who reject the Marxist-Leftist Establishment are the ones who truly understand what is going on in the world -- in relation to politics, cultural movements, "science", etc.

Libtards who blindly follow what the Leftist-run "Establishment" tells them to believe are completely deceived on the vast majority of things. They fall for all the deceptions and scams -- the "70 genders" and the transgender insanity, the covid scamdemic and the getting the vaccine, the "climate change" hoax/fraud, how it is "great" to send children to be groomed by pedophile Sodomites at drag queen shows, how it is a "sacred right" to be able to murder unborn children, the theory of evolution and the Big Bang theory and denying the existence of God, etc etc etc.

The Marxist Leftist Establishment are LYING about everything. That's the simple reality that people must face. They are the enemies of humanity. They are Luciferians waging war against God, and advancing this Satanic anti-Christ "New World Order" agenda.
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