
2,448,825 Views | 20293 Replies | Last: 2 days ago by Werewolf
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Somehow this comedian popped up in my YouTube recommendations yesterday. He's got some hilarious work, from the little bit I've watched so far. This short segment on the covid vaccines got me LOLing this morning.

Makes a good point here, that is ironic...the people in the party most likely to take the vaccine (democrats) took a vaccine that "Trump created" (via "Operation Warp Speed"), while those in the party least likely to take it (republicans) were Trump supporters.

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

The communist Biden regime and Moderna are going to save us from the bird flu!!

Good, there's already been a few jumps.
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Paid off.........what a novel idea!!!
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No danger of #Nappy ever being locked up, he$$, he'll be 1st in line every time......with his sleeve already rolled up.

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#Nappy can be heard mumbling to himself "I'm glad our Federal Govt censored the truth and I'm glad they lied because I got to take six jabs of unknown concoction, and on top of that, I got a free ice cream cone and french fries, courtesy of the NY City Mayor. I love New York City!"

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Werewolf said:

#Nappy can be heard mumbling to himself "I'm glad our Federal Govt censored the truth and I'm glad they lied because I got to take six jabs of unknown concoction, and on top of that, I got a free ice cream cone and french fries, courtesy of the NY City Mayor. I love New York City!"

This is like some of the commie Leftist propagandists (eg, Nancy Pelosi) now continuing to tell us that Biden is "mentally sharp" and that it is Trump that is "senile".

The OUTRAGEOUS lies that the Left tells will be their downfall. As their agenda gets more and more insane and wicked, they have to tell more and more lies, and even more blatant lies. I guess they are emboldened because they think that they can just keep fooling everyone because they fooled most people at the very beginning, and perhaps because they mistakenly think that everyone has a 70 IQ like the average DemonRat voter.

No, although the lies worked at the beginning of the covid scamdemic, you just can't keep fooling everyone. Those of us with an IQ above the average libtard DemonRat voter are going to catch on to your lies and what your real agenda is.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Ben Affleck's daughter DEMANDS mask mandates and air filtration and UV light in government facilities!!

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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#Nappy, you need another one! #Nappy is easily the smartest guy in the Water Cooler, #FarNAway.

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Two mice go into a bar, one says to the other - "have you had the jab yet?"

He replies - "no way, they haven't finished testing it on humans yet!"

People think covid is over. No, it's not, and with bird flu coming, wearing your mask is more important now than ever, and in more places. Dr Fauci says you need to wear your mask in the shower!!

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GP, you could do #Nappy a favor and tag him on this important public service announcement.
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Top gynecologist sees 1200% increase in menstrual abnormalities (miscarriages, etc) and a 5 fold increase in the number of still births - from around 6 per 1,000 prior to the covid vaccines, to around 30 per 1,000 post covid vaccines.

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Here's a public service announcement for #daNappy.

#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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I finally found the explanation from Dr. Fraud Xi as to why we need so many BOOSTAS

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Werewolf said:

Here's a public service announcement for #daNappy.

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A reminder that natural immunity from having the Wu flu is not enough...and you need your 8-10 boosters

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Smartest guy on the board says 12 is a much better #.........and better than a Hot Fudge Sunday!!
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I bet #Nappy is as smart as the #POTUS himself, probably even smarter ;-)

What say you #Nappy? How about it, smartest man in the room?

#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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#Nappy is easily the smartest guy here in the Water Cooler. He's protected.

#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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A reminder guys...

If you are not vaccinated, and I mean up to date on your 2 initial shots and 10 boosters, then the Rona will HUNT YOU and it will FIND YOU!!!
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#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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Their demonic practice requires them to tell you what they're going to do, BEFORE THEY DO IT.

2012 Olympics

#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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2012 Olympics, telling you what they plan to do. Continued into 2020 with the dancing hospital staffs in the hospital halls.

#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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Werewolf said:

#Nappy is easily the smartest guy here in the Water Cooler. He's protected.

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He's taken 7 or 8 jabs to date; he is well protected.
#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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#Nappy is the smartest guy in Water Cooler, easily!!

#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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Pay attention fellas.......its called the #GreatAwakening

#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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U.S. Sheriff? Is that like the national police agency from "Escape from New York"? And why would a Biden US attorney be focused on Fauci and company?
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TheStorm said:

Nice to see Mormad willing to help me take the trash out to the curb...
Stumbled on to this little jewel. Looks like you and the doc didn't take the ole non-medical Were out to the curb after all. ;-) My sources just happened to be better! Stay tuned, you'll find that to be the case on a few others.
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TheStorm said:

Werewolf said:

U need that jab ........over and over again. LOL, I'm down for ya taking it monthly. It will protect you friend. Fauci says so and CNN does're good to go.

By the way, you seem to be a pretty cocky commie. Do what the Hoak won't fathom and take the 4 question quiz. We'll compare notes next year about this time. Here tis......I'll repeat a 2nd time.

1. Is double-chin Joe BIden the real Joe BIden? YES or NO?
2. Is the senile Joe Biden we've watched for the last 3 years the real Joe BIden? YES or NO
3. Is neither of these two the real Joe Biden? YES or NO

For extra points/credit:
4. Is Michelle Obama a biological woman? YES or NO

No need for a dissertation ........just type 4 times ............either a Y or an N.
I'll even go' my four.

NO. Both are.
Stormie, not wanting to have a fuss with you, firstly. Secondly, however, are these still your four answers to A, B, C & D?
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I'm not replying to Mormad's post to call him out. Great dude and maybe an even better doc in his field of expertise. I found this and I want to call attention to his last pgh.....and the word 'programmed'. This is precisely how we had such a colossal failure with our medical field ...simply sucking up the CDC, NIH and Fauci lies........EASILY PROGRAMMED.



dogplasma said:
Because it's free, easy to get, and it can only help you stay healthy. I doubt you'll find a doctor anywhere that doesn't recommend one, probably for those exact reasons. JMHO.
packgrad said:

Not really. Could have a reaction. Blood clots, myocarditis, diabetes, etc.

There's no reason a healthy 28 year old should need a booster shot based on the stats. JMHO

I respectfully disagree. And I've made it clear I've been booster hesitant as a healthy 52 yo in a high exposure career. There are many reasons a healthy 28 yo should consider getting a booster, and those reasons vary for each and every individual. There are also reasons they should consider not getting the booster, some of which you listed. The ultimate decision is based on each individual's ability to assess those reasons and weigh them against each other and make the right personal decision for themselves, their loved ones, their careers, etc.

Obviously, the decision making may be easier for older, sicker individuals, but i think saying there's no need for the consideration of a booster in any individual either assumes or disregards way too much. Plus, the dude's asking for advice. Telling him there's no need with no more knowledge of him than his age and his feeling that he's "pretty healthy" with no knowledge of the truth of that statement is not advice with a strong basis in fact. If a physician offered such an opinion without further knowledge it could be considered reckless? I wouldn't trust that doc very much.

Anyway, that's how I'm programmed to look at it i think. Right or wrong . Just my two cents.
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GuerrillaPack said:

Oldsouljer said:

It would be interesting to see if public opinion ever swings hard against the vax due to perceived injuries/fatalities because that would pressure Congress to rescind legal immunities.
Problem is our government is an oligarchy, not a republic with a representative democracy (as it should be). The politicians are effectively puppets of the "elite", "special interests", or whatever you want to call them. They don't care what we the people think.
Wonder how much the Water Cooler crowd would disagree with this as of today? You and I have been all over the damn truth.
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Civilized said:

BBW12OG said:

TheStorm said:

BBW12OG said:

Werewolf said:

BBW12OG said:

packgrad said:

I remember when one would get a mocking/patronizing "why would they lie?" when one dared question the cdc/fda/aap recommendations/guidance.

I remember when people called these apolitical organizations.
I remember a few posters on here that called all the facts that have been exposed "conspiracy theories."

I bet those poor souls are sitting at home with masks no right now wishing they would have waited until the "facts" had come out before making asses out of themselves.

A few I doubt would admit it as they have cornered the market on being obnoxious lefties that only want to parrot liberal talking points.
Those of us that worked so hard to share truth will never receive an apology. That's OK by me and could care less...... At the time I did what I thought was right and in spite of the hate that came with it. The full consequences of these criminal acts have not yet been realized.
Yes you did.... And I and a few others, greatly appreciate it.

I would LOVE to name names on the clowns that were duped and in love with the Elf Fauci....

They really showed their ignorance and willingness to swallow full loads of garbage that their lefty overlords fed them.

For fun... peruse back through this thread when you have time. Notice how most, if not all, of the mask brigade have disappeared from the board. Wonder why?
No he didn't either.

All he did was throw **** up against the wall to see what stuck... and most of it was exactly that - **** .

The fact that by posting anything and everything, that he "lucked up" and got some things right (that most of us here had already been saying BTW - remember, he was very late to the party here) doesn't make him some kind of champion... maybe a chump, but I digress.

He's probably batting a slick .200 in the big picture about now.
If he's batting .200 what are the mask wearing get vaccinated 7 times people batting?

I know you and him have issues but you can't discredit everything the man said. And he was right a hell of a lot more than the mask crowd was/has been.

He didn't discredit everything the man said. He discredited 80%. That's what batting .200 means.
Loved spending 30 minutes tonight going back over some of the history. I have been correct on this JAB 95% of the time and was tripped up with fake stuff 5%. GP and I have nailed it all along.......not because I know **** about medicine.........its because I was reading the prevailing winds of the time. I knew the media lies about most everything of substance and had found alternative independent news sources. The TRUTH was right there with the independent podcasters who found the scientists and medical experts willing to tell the truth and PUT THEM ON THE AIR.

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TheStorm said:

Werewolf said:

TheStorm said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Mormad said:

TheStorm said:

Hey, Were!?!

Why don't you check and see if you can find an actual link to that "CNN Story" and bring it back here so that we can read the "actual article"?

Our boy didn't say the CNN story was real. He just posted the obviously altered headline. Everyone knows that CNN is arch communist Establishment propaganda, and would never post such a headline.

I enjoyed this comment on the tweet:


CNN wouldn't report that for all the tea in China! Even if we saw him fall out 2 seconds after receiving his 4th dose, they'd sooner blame a gamma-ray burst from Andromeda than they would the magical, super safe and effective, depopulation elixir.

Your boy 1000% thought that "CNN" story was real when he posted it... and I'm sure that you went scrambling around the internet in a frenzy as soon as you saw my post to see if you could find anything otherwise as well.

The biggest problem with you two, is that you think "normal" people actually give a crap about all the completely over the top nonsense that you end up posting here.

And when everything "correct" that you do happen to post here gets completely "drowned out" by all the crap that you post that's immediately recognizable as fake bull**** ... then that's what I would call an individual who has nothing but a complete lack of self-awareness.

And you both definitely "were" it well. Pun intended.
I overlooked this one the other night. I doubt Stormie is doing a lot of real HAHA in his gut. He is truly the non-conspiracy normie that happens to now have graphene oxide running through his veins. It's un-telling what else he got in his jabs. Scared little rabbit flushed so easily right into the trap/jabs. Celebrate all you wish with the fake info.........but I will promise you that I'm celebrating the fact that I wasn't the fool that you were to take that **** in my veins. You made a mistake that you cannot undo wise man. You're a heart attack, stroke, cancer and other disease walking. You no longer post here because you want it to go away. It's not going to go away my friend, you own that S$it in your veins, arteries, brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. Way to go, no need to worry about eating healthy or moderation in drinking for you....your health is in a world of trouble, friend. I'll continue with my's a helluva lot safer.
You didn't overlook **** . You just weren't hyped up enough yet to respond .

Thanks for the flurry... maybe someday you'll actually land one on me.
I've owned you on this topic my friend, I've owned you. You've been my little bitc$. But you finally figured it out so I give you the credit.

Here's to slapping you on the a$$ one more time my little bitc$ hoe.
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BIRD FLU is the next con job:


HHS Secretary Becerra just issued a PREP Act declaration for bird flu. This allows the FDA Commissioner to issue EUAs for bird flu vaccines, with no liability.

The US government has ordered 4.8 million doses of bird flu from the CSL Sequirus company, produced in dog kidney cells and using a dangerous squalene-containing adjuvant.

The AMA issued CPT codes for this vaccine last Friday, so doctors could be reimbursed for administering it.

There have been a total of 11 cases of bird flu in the US since 2022, all mild, most involving just conjunctivitis. None were shown to have been transmitted human-to-human.

Why would you need this vaccine, unless you expected a much more virulent virus to appear which had mysteriously gained the ability to spread between humans?

Will there be another lab-derived pandemic? Not on my watch!

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