So coinbase is offering chances to earn rewards and crypto through education. I see some videos but it wants to verify my ID first. Should I do it? Is it safe? I'm a little skiddish. What say you experts.
Absolutely safe. You will get about $30 worth of different coins. I just consolidated them all into one I wanted.ncsualum05 said:
So coinbase is offering chances to earn rewards and crypto through education. I see some videos but it wants to verify my ID first. Should I do it? Is it safe? I'm a little skiddish. What say you experts.
Personally, I wouldn't touch sh#&coin and all its digital variations for multiple reasons and this past week has certainly burned a lot of the FOMO crowd. But then again, I'm an investor not a speculator, though the definition between the two is open to question. That said, commodities (and the digital "currencies" are not that) are where the best $$ is likely to be made going forward, especially agricultural investments, because I suspect that food inflation will persist even if inflation elsewhere flips over into severe deflation.ncsualum05 said:
Question.... offer to stake eth on coin base with current 6% apy. For the 2.0 network. Worth it? I plan to hold onto the asset. Also if I buy more will that be taken into account? There's a waitlist so not sure if I should try it.
I got in less than 2 weeks ago. Obviously my initial buy in was not good b/c everything tanked since. I wasn't at the top though. But I've been studying up on this and looking at a lot of things and although I'm new and learning I feel very confident about this. Buying dips has been great but I haven't been able to really put some big money in yet. Just little bits. That might change in the next week though.Wlfpackamk said:
I'd you're new to crypto it's been a rough 2 weeks. If you believe that it's an alternative currency this is the best buy time there has been in several months. Lots of models say buy now or regret later.
CSCO will benefit, I hopeOldsouljer said:
As western governments continue to look at Huawei with a wary eye (and rightly so,IMO), someone else is going to have to be the 5G driver on this side of the globe. I just placed a bet on dirt-cheap Nokia and it looks poised to surge.
Tech plays aside, I think anyone would do well to quickly throw up some defensive hedges against inflation.
Do you still have the Doge?PackBacker07 said:
I bought a ton of Dogecoin and AMC months ago, and sold a lot of AMC yesterday at peak. I'm in on these new wave investment "strategies."
Yeah I got in through coinbase. Only a small position though because it's a complete meme and could crash at any time.PackBacker07 said:
Yeah, I still have it. I think it'll shoot up at some point this year. The Coinbase addition was huge, and I saw some chatter on twitter today that Square may get into the crypto game, which would be another huge plus. At such a small dollar amount per coin, I think it's worth holding on to for a while.
No answers? Maybe because there is none, at least to us plebeians. Anyway, next-to-no-interest return or not, I've seen enough, I'm mostly in cash for the moment as I believe the smart money is, while the bagholders hold onto hope and wishful thinking. The small cap indices haven't gained across this year since February and look like they're at the edge of a precipice right now. Large caps don't look much better but that's typical at the end of a bull market. Maybe the Fed will save the day yet, but I wouldn't bet my nest egg on it. They run in the same circles with the same geniuses who claim they couldn't see Afghanistan falling in just eleven days.PoleD said:
Recently have come into about 300k. 120k of it will go for kid's college. Need to be able to withdraw 30k a year for that. The rest I would like to keep liquid as we will be looking for a house.
Where is a good place to keep this money with little risk and higher interest than I would get at a traditional bank?
My best advice to you is to go and see a fee based RIA. They will be able to best help you manage your money. If you are in the Raleigh area I would recommend Capital Investment Company or Beacon Financial. Both are really good and know their stuff. Both used to also be clients as well.Oldsouljer said:No answers? Maybe because there is none, at least to us plebeians. Anyway, next-to-no-interest return or not, I've seen enough, I'm mostly in cash for the moment as I believe the smart money is, while the bagholders hold onto hope and wishful thinking. The small cap indices haven't gained across this year since February and look like they're at the edge of a precipice right now. Large caps don't look much better but that's typical at the end of a bull market. Maybe the Fed will save the day yet, but I wouldn't bet my nest egg on it. They run in the same circles with the same geniuses who claim they couldn't see Afghanistan falling in just eleven days.PoleD said:
Recently have come into about 300k. 120k of it will go for kid's college. Need to be able to withdraw 30k a year for that. The rest I would like to keep liquid as we will be looking for a house.
Where is a good place to keep this money with little risk and higher interest than I would get at a traditional bank?
PoleD said:
Recently have come into about 300k. 120k of it will go for kid's college. Need to be able to withdraw 30k a year for that. The rest I would like to keep liquid as we will be looking for a house.
Where is a good place to keep this money with little risk and higher interest than I would get at a traditional bank?
Sorry I just saw this. The traditional finance system is a failure which is why crypto is a great option right now. Lord you're lucky what I wouldn't give for 180 k right now to figure out where to park it.PoleD said:
Recently have come into about 300k. 120k of it will go for kid's college. Need to be able to withdraw 30k a year for that. The rest I would like to keep liquid as we will be looking for a house.
Where is a good place to keep this money with little risk and higher interest than I would get at a traditional bank?
I'm of the opinion that they had a good idea forcing a silver squeeze but their timing was off. Trying that today might work better than a few years ago because multiple factors are fueling silver's slow rise. I don't know that anything is going to come of this gold revaluation talk but if it does, it might light a fire under silver. Gold is already becoming unaffordable, cryptocurrencies are great for speculators but a joke as a safe haven option….that leaves cheap, unloved, undervalued silver as the play for the future. Takes patience but I've been stacking silver since $4 an ounce. A 7-8X gain over two decades is a good investment, and potentially a damned good shield against extreme dollar devaluation.caryking said:
That was a populist revolt! The group of Reddit investors has the equal right to buy, hold, sell whatever and whenever they want. That whole saga was emblematic of the establishment vs the populist. The way people acted was so hypocritical. Charlie Gasparino acted like a fool saying things like: these people are messing with Investment Bankers money…
Is spin needed? I didn't know it was Trump's job to instruct investors how to place their money. Moreover, the US markets are extremely overbought relative to overseas bourses and would fall regardless if who is in the White House.erniencsu02 said:
so instead of Mag7 money going to small cap and mid cap stocks it's going to overseas stocks.
Good job Trump.
Im sure Trumpers will spin it how they may
Sleepy Joe was better at the economy and he was asleep at the wheel for 4 years.
Someone give Trump some ambien. Maybe the market will get back on track
mid cap and small cap were not overbought and were ripe for the taking.Oldsouljer said:Is spin needed? I didn't know it was Trump's job to instruct investors how to place their money. Moreover, the US markets are extremely overbought relative to overseas bourses and would fall regardless if who is in the White House.erniencsu02 said:
so instead of Mag7 money going to small cap and mid cap stocks it's going to overseas stocks.
Good job Trump.
Im sure Trumpers will spin it how they may
Sleepy Joe was better at the economy and he was asleep at the wheel for 4 years.
Someone give Trump some ambien. Maybe the market will get back on track
Mid cap and small cap are struggling with higher rates….and their valuations are still plenty high relative to their EPS. No matter, when the bigs collapse, the rest will go down with them.erniencsu02 said:mid cap and small cap were not overbought and were ripe for the taking.Oldsouljer said:Is spin needed? I didn't know it was Trump's job to instruct investors how to place their money. Moreover, the US markets are extremely overbought relative to overseas bourses and would fall regardless if who is in the White House.erniencsu02 said:
so instead of Mag7 money going to small cap and mid cap stocks it's going to overseas stocks.
Good job Trump.
Im sure Trumpers will spin it how they may
Sleepy Joe was better at the economy and he was asleep at the wheel for 4 years.
Someone give Trump some ambien. Maybe the market will get back on track
My goodness if this was happening during sleepy joe's time in office....
funny thing is look who started the stock market crash of 2024 thread.