CNN says InfoWars and "conspiracy theories" should be banned from the internet

47,359 Views | 231 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by Werewolf
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Civilized said:

How many of the following do you NOT side with Alex Jones on:

The government is employing weather weapons
The government is using chemicals to turn people and frogs gay
The fluoride in drinking water is making people dumb
The life-ruining Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine is being pushed on young women around the world
Bill Gates' philanthropic work is part of a mass eugenics effort
The government created the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) epidemic
Government climate change data is fabricated
Vaccines cause autism and this has been covered up by the government, and the pharmaceutical industry
The Sandy Hook shooting was staged to promote gun control
9/11 was an inside job by the U.S. government as a pretext for going to war
Bill Gates admits that he wants human population reduction. All Alex Jones is doing is telling us what Bill Gates says out of his own mouth, and "piecing together" the agenda of Gates and other elites from other available evidence.

Here is a short video of Gates saying that he wants human population reduction (to fight "global warming"), and saying that vaccines aid in reducing global human population.

Now, of course, Gates would argue that people in the 3rd world have a lot of children because of infant/child mortality from diseases, and that by having vaccines they will have less children. But there is also ample evidence that vaccines are harmful, and causing all sorts of diseases/disorders (eg, Autism, cancers, etc).

Regardless, Bill Gates openly admits he wants human population reduction and believes that vaccines will aid in this goal.

And, yes, the "gloabal warming" hysteria is a complete lie and fraud -- used to accomplish the elites' goals of human population reduction, mass increase in taxation and regulation (enslavement of the masses), and furthering the formation of global government (ie, with global taxation and regulation to "fight global warming").
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Civilized said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Civilized said:

How many of the following do you NOT side with Alex Jones on:

The government is employing weather weapons
The government is using chemicals to turn people and frogs gay
The fluoride in drinking water is making people dumb
The life-ruining Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine is being pushed on young women around the world
Bill Gates' philanthropic work is part of a mass eugenics effort
The government created the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) epidemic
Government climate change data is fabricated
Vaccines cause autism and this has been covered up by the government, and the pharmaceutical industry
The Sandy Hook shooting was staged to promote gun control
9/11 was an inside job by the U.S. government as a pretext for going to war
Let's address issue of fluoride.

Here is a Harvard study that Alex Jones routinely cites. It says that even slight exposure to fluoride is toxic, and that fluoride can lower IQ from around 7-15 points, and they recommend that more study be done to determine it's negative impact on children's cognitive development.

Harvard School of Public Health: "Impact of fluoride on neurological development in children"


"In a meta-analysis, researchers from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and China Medical University in Shenyang for the first time combined 27 studies and found strong indications that fluoride may adversely affect cognitive development in children. Based on the findings, the authors say that this risk should not be ignored, and that more research on fluoride's impact on the developing brain is warranted.


The average loss in IQ was reported as a standardized weighted mean difference of 0.45, which would be approximately equivalent to seven IQ points for commonly used IQ scores with a standard deviation of 15.* Some studies suggested that even slightly increased fluoride exposure could be toxic to the brain. Thus, children in high-fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low-fluoride areas."

This is what conspiracy theorists do though - they take a theory that has some kernel of truth, embellish it, ascribe nefarious and malicious intent to it, and wrap it into the guise of some covert, powerful, elite establishment puppeteer using it as a means to get one over on the unwashed masses for their own gain.

Fluoride is simply an example of a chemical with some benefits also having side effects.

Frogs' hormones are extremely sensitive to environmental pollutants. Some of those pollutants impact their sex hormones.

These things are not news.

They cross the line into lunacy when it's suggested that the government secretly orchestrates these things for nefarious purposes.

And those are probably the two least-crazy theories. 9/11? Sandy Hook? Mass Eugenics? Weaponizing HIV? It's all lunacy peddled to suggestive government skeptics.

If we were talking about just one or two issues where the elites are deceiving/harming/defrauding the citizenry, then you could chalk it up as a "coincidence" or "accident". But when you have dozens and dozens of major issues where the Establishment/elite/government are deceiving, defrauding, and harming the populace....then that highly indicates malevolent intent.

On the issue of poisoning the masses, do you know that Obama's "Science Czar", John P. Holdren, wrote a book back in the 1970s literally advocating for forced abortions, sterilization of the population, and other measures in order to lower human population?

FoxNews: "Obama's Science Czar Considered Forced Abortions, Sterilization as Population Growth Solutions"


"As first reported by Frontpage Magazine, Holdren and his co-authors spend a portion of the book discussing possible government programs that could be used to lower birth rates.

Those plans include forcing single women to abort their babies or put them up for adoption; implanting sterilizing capsules in people when they reach puberty; and spiking water reserves and staple foods with a chemical that would make people sterile."

This is prima facie evidence of malevolent intent by the elite against the people.

And note the bolded section quoted above. The plans included putting chemicals in the food and water supply that would sterilize or otherwise harm the public -- presumably with the public being totally unaware of it. Let me submit to you that these plans have actually been implemented -- eg, fluoride and other chemicals put in the water supplies, BHP and all other sorts of harmful chemicals in food products, etc.

Here is the book Holdren wrote on Amazon.
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We're all Red on the inside. Some of us are just Blue in the face, and they're sick.
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The soy boy commie pansies at CNN are not satisfied with just banning most conservatives from social media. They now want Twitter and Facebook to hide "likes" and follower counts, so that they can conceal how popular conservative messages are on the sites.

Is CNN now not even pretending to be a "news organization", and now wants to be known as a lobbyist group whose aim is to destroy freedom of speech and push mass censorship everywhere?

And note the hypocrisy. They are currently whining and accusing Trump of being a "threat to freedom of the press" just because Trump calls them out as liars...while CNN spends all of their time lobbying to shut down conservative and alternative media.

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We're all Red on the inside. Some of us are just Blue in the face, and they're sick.
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Memo Reveals Soros-Funded Social Media Censorship Plan

"The recent wave of censorship of conservative voices on the internet by tech giants Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Apple mirrors a plan concocted by a coalition of George Soros-funded, progressive groups to take back power in Washington from President Trump's administration.

A confidential, 49-page memo for defeating Trump by working with the major social-media platforms to eliminate "right wing propaganda and fake news" was presented in January 2017 by Media Matters founder David Brock at a retreat in Florida with about 100 donors, the Washington Free Beacon reported at the time."

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Congressional Democrats are emboldened by this Big Tech censorship, and are talking about legislation to codify the censorship agenda, in order to silence conservatives and anti-Establishment voices.

Democratic Senator Ron Wyden says that speech that "does not meet our values" (ie, Leftist values) should be censored off of social media, and internet companies should be penalized for not doing it:

"I think what the Alex Jones case shows, we're gonna really be looking at what the consequences are for just leaving common decency in the dust," Wyden told Recode's Kara Swisher. "... What I'm gonna be trying to do in my legislation is to really lay out what the consequences are when somebody who is a bad actor, somebody who really doesn't meet the decency principles that reflect our values, if that bad actor blows by the bounds of common decency, I think you gotta have a way to make sure that stuff is taken down."

"If we were talking about really horrible pornography, I think they would have moved pretty quickly to deal with it," he added. "I think it's also worth noting that, with respect to Alex Jones, there are probably a thousand accounts out there that are as bad as Alex Jones."

Senate Democrats Are Circulating Plans for Government Takeover of the Internet

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The talking point has gone out. Allowing freedom of speech on the internet is "dangerous to our democracy".

Translation...allowing people the freedom to information outside of the control of the Establishment and government is "dangerous" to the powers-that-be's control over the government and media and their agenda to exploit the masses. So only the Leftist Establishment is allowed to have a voice, and must tell us how to think and vote.

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Civilized said:

How many of the following do you NOT side with Alex Jones on:

The government is employing weather weapons
The government is using chemicals to turn people and frogs gay
The fluoride in drinking water is making people dumb
The life-ruining Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine is being pushed on young women around the world
Bill Gates' philanthropic work is part of a mass eugenics effort
The government created the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) epidemic
Government climate change data is fabricated
Vaccines cause autism and this has been covered up by the government, and the pharmaceutical industry
The Sandy Hook shooting was staged to promote gun control
9/11 was an inside job by the U.S. government as a pretext for going to war
In the news yesterday:

Accumulation of Aluminum (an ingredient in vaccines) in the brain is linked to Alzheimer's and Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

"Exposure to aluminium, which is added to vaccines and antiperspirants, is thought to interact with a patient's genes, causing their immune system to mistakenly attack the layer that surrounds nerves."

Aluminium in brain tissue linked to Alzheimer's

Aluminum and thimerosal (a mercury compound) are added to vaccines.

Health Risks of Vaccinating Your Children

"According to the Centers for Disease Control, common ingredients in vaccines include thimerosal, aluminum, gelatin, human serum albumin, antibiotics, egg proteins, and yeast proteins just to name a few."
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Even if you don't like Alex Jones, I think you'll love this:

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Trump speaks out again.

Rumor is that the Trump administration is about to take action to combat Big Tech censorship of conservatives.

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Ann Coulter sounds the alarm on Big Tech censorship of conservatives.

She says "we are facing a crisis in free speech", and with the Left controlling the Establishment media, Hollywood, the universities, etc....the only place left to find the truth is on "tiny corners of the internet". And this is why Big Tech is censoring conservatives.

Says we should "apply the First Amendment" to big social media, because it is a "public square".

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Democratic Senator Mark Warner is playing a big role in this agenda to censor conservatives on social media:

TIMELINE: Virginia Democrat Mark Warner Surprise Force Behind Masters of the Universe Crackdown on Speech

Twitter this week suspended InfoWars host Alex Jones for seven days for what it said were violations of its policies, following Facebook, YouTube, Apple, and Spotify's simultaneous banning last week.

It is not clear what prompted those platforms to suddenly take collective action, but it came about one week after Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, led a charge threatening new regulation of social media companies who cannot stop bad actors from using their platforms.

Two weeks ago, on July 30, a white paper authored by Warner's staff was leaked to Axios, which blamed major social media firms for allowing Russians to interfere with the 2016 elections and outlined 20 proposals for regulating social media firms.
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If you've never listened to Alex Jones, here's a good compilation of clips of some of the best segments from his daily radio/TV show:

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Google is rigging the algorithms in their search results to promote Leftist/Establishment sources, and suppress conservative and anti-Establishment sources. This has been going on for over a year and probably several years, but is now much worse.

Trump calling them out, and threatening action:

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In their Stalinist/Maoist jihad to censor all anti-Establishment and conservative voices from the internet, as expected, the Leftist Establishment is now pushing for ALL of those who think like Alex Jones to be banned from social media.

The New York Times is now advocating and lobbying that Infowars fan pages be banned from Facebook, as well as anti-vaccine groups and others who dare to espouse opinions not approved by our Marxist-Leftist would-be overlords. NY Times employees are even reporting posts to the Facebook thought police for "hate speech", trying to get these groups banned, as stated in the article below.

"Facebook's Private Groups Offer Refuge to Fringe Figures"

Oh, and Alex Jones is not "fringe". He is extremely popular and one of the biggest media figures who backed Trump and was responsible for building the support for his election. It is the communist Lamestream media that is quickly becoming a fringe industry, which hardly anyone trusts, watches, or takes seriously.
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Alex Jones crashes Congress and confronts the Establishment media on the censorship of conservatives by Big Tech.

Alex is on FIRE here:

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Alex Jones on CNBC yesterday speaking about Big Tech censorship of conservatives.

The REAL "election meddling" is not by Russia. It is by the Democrats and Leftists in Big Tech trying to silence all conservative voices on social media ahead of the elections.

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Millie Weaver, a reporter for Infowars, expects Twitter to ban all Infowars employees and associates.

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So Apple banned the Infowars app from the App Store a few days ago.

Oh, and some hack that writes for this website openly says in an article that he wishes he could KILL Alex Jones by stabbing him in the neck:

QUOTE from article:

"Did you see Jones harassing senators in the hallways of Washington on Wednesday? His neck veins were purple and bulging a nano-millimeter from bursting. A straight pin or Bic Pen would do it, I kept thinking. Super quick jab. Hardly anyone would see. And who would turn me in if they did?"

But that's ok for him to talk about murdering someone, right? Because he's a Leftist. Leftists are allowed to openly call for violence, and support terrorist organizations like Antifa that use violence. I bet this clown still has his Twitter account and Facebook page. Just like the thousands of Leftists on Twitter and Facebook who daily call for violence against Trump and Trump supporters.

But we can't allow conservatives to have freedom of speech on the internet, because they oppose islam or illegal immigration, or said something that the Left decides to label as "hate speech" or "objectionable".
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Here it is admitted. Twitter now going to overhaul their website in order to mass censor those who think "like Alex Jones".


Jack Dorsey says he's rethinking the core of how Twitter works

"Twitter chief executive Jack Dorsey said he is rethinking core parts of the social media platform so it doesn't enable the spread of hate speech, harassment and false news, including conspiracy theories shared by prominent users like Alex Jones and Infowars."

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GuerrillaPack said:

Here it is admitted. Twitter now going to overhaul their website in order to mass censor those who think "like Alex Jones".


Jack Dorsey says he's rethinking the core of how Twitter works

"Twitter chief executive Jack Dorsey said he is rethinking core parts of the social media platform so it doesn't enable the spread of hate speech, harassment and false news, including conspiracy theories shared by prominent users like Alex Jones and Infowars."

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PackBacker07 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Here it is admitted. Twitter now going to overhaul their website in order to mass censor those who think "like Alex Jones".


Jack Dorsey says he's rethinking the core of how Twitter works

"Twitter chief executive Jack Dorsey said he is rethinking core parts of the social media platform so it doesn't enable the spread of hate speech, harassment and false news, including conspiracy theories shared by prominent users like Alex Jones and Infowars."

So you Leftists can just stop pretending that you support freedom of speech.

While you're at it, stop pretending that you support the 2nd Amendment too. Also admit that you support totally open borders, having illegals vote, and effectively abolishing our border.

Just admit it all. Admit that you are open enemies of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and America as a nation.

Here's a hint...conservatives already know that's what most of you truly believe. We're just waiting for you to de-cloak and admit what you really believe.
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The far-Left bias of Google (owner of YouTube) is confirmed by this leaked video.

It's of an internal meeting by Google executives shortly after the 2016 election, where they are distraught/upset over the election of Trump, disparage Trump supporters, and discuss ways to use Artificial Intelligence and other algorithms to suppress conservative views (such as rigging the search results, which has been going on for the last few years).

Want to talk about election meddling? Google is a far, far bigger influence and problem than a few Russian bots. Like 1 million times a bigger influence.

Google and YouTube are HUGE influences on the formation of public opinion, and they are actively engaged in the suppression of conservative views and the promotion of Leftist/Democrat causes.
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"To attempt to silence a man is to pay him homage, for it is an acknowledgement that his arguments are both impossible to answer and impossible to ignore." --JBR Yant

"When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say." Tyrion Lannister
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Seems like a majority of people on the postponement thread disagreed with your opinion and a moderator silenced you. IF that's the case, then it is a damn shame.
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NatePait94 said:

Seems like a majority of people on the postponement thread disagreed with your opinion and a moderator silenced you. IF that's the case, then it is a damn shame.
No one disagreed with his opinion. It was the constant name calling between GW and another poster. The other posters post were deleted as well. No one was banned or even warned at least not by myself.
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