TRUMP 2024

1,047,209 Views | 12215 Replies | Last: 7 hrs ago by SmaptyWolf
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Even FOX NEWS is catching on to the 17th letter of the alphabet. ;-)
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America is on the way back!!! Greenlanders wearing MAGA caps!
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Flexing our newfound muscle!
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Werewolf said:

Flexing our newfound muscle!

Looks like a 767. I've been through Greenland a few time for fuel. Cold as "you know what" but a beautiful country.
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hokiewolf said:

SmaptyWolf said:

hokiewolf said:

This ain't a black and white issue, sorry. But you can't stop fires when you have sustained winds over 50mph and gusts up to 90min. Fire doesn't care if you're gay or straight, democrats or republican. DEI has nothing to do with this.

To boil this tragedy into a political talking point t is just a ****ty thing to do

Remember when Dems lol'd at Western NC for being completely unprepared for flooding? Yeah, me neither.

There's something seriously wrong with these guys.
Yeah, I think I'm pretty much done here. Which I'm sure will be celebrated. I've tried to post things that are at least legit conversation points for both sides but those get ignored for dumb hyperbole. It's just not interesting anymore.
Aw c'mon. But it's fun!
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Getting into the nuts and bolts, while the American people slept, the American Govt sold them out.......turned a blind eye.

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Werewolf said:

Getting into the nuts and bolts, while the American people slept, the American Govt sold them out.......turned a blind eye.

Joe is making bank off Ukraine while China is getting more and more ahead.
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Gulfstream4 said:

Werewolf said:

Getting into the nuts and bolts, while the American people slept, the American Govt sold them out.......turned a blind eye.

Joe is making bank off Ukraine while China is getting more and more ahead.
Yep, we've been fleeced by the Globalists who control our Federal Govt - aggressively - for at least the last 34-35 years and certainly to a degree since Kissinger's trip to China. #SOLD-us-OUT

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#MAGA Is coming like a freight train, baby!
Who is this Scavino character?LOL ;-)

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Charlie Kirk podcast - Trip to Greenland w Don Jr
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Nothing could have been done.....


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Dems cry about politicizing this because their leadership had absolutely zero preparedness for an event that happens every year. But climate change and Donald Trump.....

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packgrad said:

Dems cry about politicizing this because their leadership had absolutely zero preparedness for an event that happens every year. But climate change and Donald Trump.....

Those fires in California are so bad we need to send a couple billion dollars to Ukraine ASAP!
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Gulfstream4 said:

packgrad said:

Dems cry about politicizing this because their leadership had absolutely zero preparedness for an event that happens every year. But climate change and Donald Trump.....

Those fires in California are so bad we need to send a couple billion dollars to Ukraine ASAP!
#daGobbler insists it's necessary.
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Gulfstream4 said:

packgrad said:

Dems cry about politicizing this because their leadership had absolutely zero preparedness for an event that happens every year. But climate change and Donald Trump.....

Those fires in California are so bad we need to send a couple billion dollars to Ukraine ASAP!

He sent another $500 million yesterday I think. While America burns.

Democrat leadership...
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packgrad said:

Dems cry about politicizing this because their leadership had absolutely zero preparedness for an event that happens every year. But climate change and Donald Trump.....

Zero planning, not properly clearing brush and dead wood yearly, not allowing for controlled burns, and cutting the budgets for your fire services and not allowing insurance companies in the market to raise rates to stabilize their risk, and then starting a new insurance program that is insolvent. All contributed 99.999999% to this issue. Climate change has a minimal impact.

Simply put, California has not prepared for potential disasters. There are a lot of hands that are culpable in this being the disaster it is. It starts in Sacramento and goes to LA. The return on taxes that California residents get from state government is minimal.

They dont have simple things that have worked forever in the volunteer world - 2500+ gallon tankers and starting a tanker shuttle for water supply.

Again, the winds the other night made every thing that you could do to control a fire impossible to execute any plan. But there was a clear lack of planning for a wildfire in hurricane forced winds and how to organize to take a stand when you can.
Originator of the Tony Adams Scale
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hokiewolf said:

packgrad said:

Dems cry about politicizing this because their leadership had absolutely zero preparedness for an event that happens every year. But climate change and Donald Trump.....

Zero planning, not properly clearing brush and dead wood yearly, not allowing for controlled burns, and cutting the budgets for your fire services and not allowing insurance companies in the market to raise rates to stabilize their risk, and then starting a new insurance program that is insolvent. All contributed 99.999999% to this issue. Climate change has a minimal impact.

Simply put, California has not prepared for potential disasters. There are a lot of hands that are culpable in this being the disaster it is. It starts in Sacramento and goes to LA. The return on taxes that California residents get from state government is minimal.

They dont have simple things that have worked forever in the volunteer world - 2500+ gallon tankers and starting a tanker shuttle for water supply.

Again, the winds the other night made every thing that you could do to control a fire impossible to execute any plan. But there was a clear lack of planning for a wildfire in hurricane forced winds and how to organize to take a stand when you can.
Your post is the only one that talks about the neglect California has shown to mitigate this disaster!

Yes, the conditions the other night were horrible for this event. Yes, people, of all ilk have lost significantly. Yes, I hate to see anyone lose like this, regardless of their race, political position, or whatever. It's awful! No one should wish this on anybody. It's an absolute disaster!

Now, California needs to stop this disaster, however, they can! It has to stop! Smart people need to get together and end these fires with as little more damage as possible.

When done, I hope the people of California recognize the failures that contributed to this disaster. Hopefully, Climate Change is not in the narrative! This disaster is the real man made disaster. This was and is a lack of WILL by the government to mitigate this type of disaster. They need to realize they live in a desert and start planning for this type of event.

Unfortunately, Climate Change will be the cause, according to them. We already see it happening. For that, because of their STUPIDITY, I hope the Federal Government doesn't spend one more penny in support. It's time for California to grow up and fix their ways.

They can fix their ways if they have the WILL!! Pray for them!!
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hokiewolf said:

packgrad said:

Dems cry about politicizing this because their leadership had absolutely zero preparedness for an event that happens every year. But climate change and Donald Trump.....

Zero planning, not properly clearing brush and dead wood yearly, not allowing for controlled burns, and cutting the budgets for your fire services and not allowing insurance companies in the market to raise rates to stabilize their risk, and then starting a new insurance program that is insolvent. All contributed 99.999999% to this issue. Climate change has a minimal impact.

Simply put, California has not prepared for potential disasters. There are a lot of hands that are culpable in this being the disaster it is. It starts in Sacramento and goes to LA. The return on taxes that California residents get from state government is minimal.

They dont have simple things that have worked forever in the volunteer world - 2500+ gallon tankers and starting a tanker shuttle for water supply.

Again, the winds the other night made every thing that you could do to control a fire impossible to execute any plan. But there was a clear lack of planning for a wildfire in hurricane forced winds and how to organize to take a stand when you can.
Well said. Fire and 100 mph gusts is a recipe for disaster but California failed its citizens in not being prepared for inevitable disasters such as this. It's absolutely heartbreaking.
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Gobbler is correct, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Tree and minnow hugging can cost much but it's great for virtue signaling.
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Werewolf said:

Gobbler is correct, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Tree and minnow hugging can cost much but it's great for virtue signaling.
I think the minnow hugging is an exaggeration as well. Did the area, where the water is, purport this minnow hugging issue? Yes!! I think it has more to do with the fresh water, in that area, that would get harmed, by the brackish water and sea water, unless some type of barrier were to put in place.

Now, the irony is that these are probably the same people that believe in evolution and want humans to solve the issue.

That said, they have known about this problem for 10's of years and have done nothing, it appears...
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The voters voted in $7.5B, I think, of funding 10 years ago to prepare for this and they've done nothing. Complete failure of leadership
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packgrad said:

The voters voted in $7.5B, I think, of funding 10 years ago to prepare for this and they've done nothing. Complete failure of leadership
I agree with you but I haven't found the reasons why nothing got done yet. It must be regulatory because that info is hard to find.
Originator of the Tony Adams Scale
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hokiewolf said:

packgrad said:

The voters voted in $7.5B, I think, of funding 10 years ago to prepare for this and they've done nothing. Complete failure of leadership
I agree with you but I haven't found the reasons why nothing got done yet. It must be regulatory because that info is hard to find.

Of course it regulatory. Democrat run states/municipalities are bureaucratic ****holes. It's a Herculean effort to get anything done.
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hokiewolf said:

packgrad said:

Dems cry about politicizing this because their leadership had absolutely zero preparedness for an event that happens every year. But climate change and Donald Trump.....

Zero planning, not properly clearing brush and dead wood yearly, not allowing for controlled burns, and cutting the budgets for your fire services and not allowing insurance companies in the market to raise rates to stabilize their risk, and then starting a new insurance program that is insolvent. All contributed 99.999999% to this issue. Climate change has a minimal impact.

Simply put, California has not prepared for potential disasters. There are a lot of hands that are culpable in this being the disaster it is. It starts in Sacramento and goes to LA. The return on taxes that California residents get from state government is minimal.

They dont have simple things that have worked forever in the volunteer world - 2500+ gallon tankers and starting a tanker shuttle for water supply.

Again, the winds the other night made every thing that you could do to control a fire impossible to execute any plan. But there was a clear lack of planning for a wildfire in hurricane forced winds and how to organize to take a stand when you can.
I guess if you can't beat the stupid, join it.

You seriously believe there was zero planning? You really think they aren't clearing brush or doing controlled burns? You think not clearing enough brush or doing enough controlled burns is the issue, when the ENTIRE state is dried up from a severe drought and 100 mile/hour winds can ignite the slightest spark and ignite the fuel that's literally everywhere across millions of private acres? You really think a 2% budget cut (which I agree was stupid) really had any impact on the response, that you just agreed was IMPOSSIBLE TO CONTROL?

Funny, I don't remember this kind of takedown of North Carolina's lack of preparedness for flooding in the mountains. Where was the engineering? Oh that's right, that natural disaster was just an opportunity for the right wing to go after FEMA! Now they get to go after their other favorite punching bag, blue states! What a bunch of anti-American demons.

You need to pull your head out of right wing media and take a breath.
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I watched a lot of NBC 4 coverage. What I saw was a response with a lot of urban equipment - Class A engines and ladders that don't have pumps. I'm sure LA City and LA County dumped all the houses just to get the manpower. Where my concern is that the more affective Wildland Urban Interface vehicles that are more capable did not appear to be in the initial alarm or the other alarms for these fires until much later.

The reliance on the water system as your only source of water is a poor planning choice. There are reservoirs around these fires, there are swimming pools. Draft that water into portable fold-a-tanks and have tankers draft water from there and run a tanker shuttle to strategic areas to get the water where it is needed. It seems to me that this apparatus doesn't exist in the fleet, or within the mutual aid departments who have co tracts to provide mutual aid to LA City and LA County.

I'm calling Western Nevada FDs and telling them to haul ass to LA with their 3500 gallon engine and tankers for support. They've got these huge war wagons to fight fires in the rural desert where there are no water sources.

I would get CAL FIRE staged and ready to go, I would ask the Federal Govt and FEMA to declare an emergency and get Hot Shot crews to La and staged.

Then, when the winds die down, you have all the various different resources, including helicopters and airplanes to start to contain the two 15000 acres plus fires.

It does not appear, to my eye watching coverage and listening to the spokespeople from LA City FD and LA County that this happened

Absolutely prescribed burns and vegetation clearing DID NOT HAPPEN. Prescribed burns didn't happen because it would violate air quality laws in California. Vegitation clearing is supposed to be done by the property owner yearly but there is lax oversight because the city and county don't have the money or the resources to verify the citizens are doing their job to protect their property.

Finally it is inexcusable for California to not allow a rate hike for State Farm to reduce their risk portfolio so that they could survive and pay out a catastrophic fire event. So they exited the market. Instead, California decided they were going to do it, and that program is insolvent.

Don't get me started with the Mayor and her press conference. She demonstrated she has no idea what is happening or what she is doing. Same with Newsome, my man is out here blaming climate change and Trump while spending money on various progressive projects and regulations that continue to make California more unaffordable and also now more unsafe.

If you are going to beat the climate change drum for the sole reason that these wildfires were so devistating, then why was the government - state and local caught so flat footed with their response??
Originator of the Tony Adams Scale
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caryking said:

hokiewolf said:

packgrad said:

Dems cry about politicizing this because their leadership had absolutely zero preparedness for an event that happens every year. But climate change and Donald Trump.....

Zero planning, not properly clearing brush and dead wood yearly, not allowing for controlled burns, and cutting the budgets for your fire services and not allowing insurance companies in the market to raise rates to stabilize their risk, and then starting a new insurance program that is insolvent. All contributed 99.999999% to this issue. Climate change has a minimal impact.

Simply put, California has not prepared for potential disasters. There are a lot of hands that are culpable in this being the disaster it is. It starts in Sacramento and goes to LA. The return on taxes that California residents get from state government is minimal.

They dont have simple things that have worked forever in the volunteer world - 2500+ gallon tankers and starting a tanker shuttle for water supply.

Again, the winds the other night made every thing that you could do to control a fire impossible to execute any plan. But there was a clear lack of planning for a wildfire in hurricane forced winds and how to organize to take a stand when you can.
Your post is the only one that talks about the neglect California has shown to mitigate this disaster!

Yes, the conditions the other night were horrible for this event. Yes, people, of all ilk have lost significantly. Yes, I hate to see anyone lose like this, regardless of their race, political position, or whatever. It's awful! No one should wish this on anybody. It's an absolute disaster!

Now, California needs to stop this disaster, however, they can! It has to stop! Smart people need to get together and end these fires with as little more damage as possible.

When done, I hope the people of California recognize the failures that contributed to this disaster. Hopefully, Climate Change is not in the narrative! This disaster is the real man made disaster. This was and is a lack of WILL by the government to mitigate this type of disaster. They need to realize they live in a desert and start planning for this type of event.

Unfortunately, Climate Change will be the cause, according to them. We already see it happening. For that, because of their STUPIDITY, I hope the Federal Government doesn't spend one more penny in support. It's time for California to grow up and fix their ways.

They can fix their ways if they have the WILL!! Pray for them!!

Oh, it's going to be global warming. I've seen it several times already. Can't blame the democrats who run California.
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If true, this is HUUUUUGE!!
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Say it loud for the people in the back.

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hokiewolf said:

I watched a lot of NBC 4 coverage. What I saw was a response with a lot of urban equipment - Class A engines and ladders that don't have pumps. I'm sure LA City and LA County dumped all the houses just to get the manpower. Where my concern is that the more affective Wildland Urban Interface vehicles that are more capable did not appear to be in the initial alarm or the other alarms for these fires until much later.

The reliance on the water system as your only source of water is a poor planning choice. There are reservoirs around these fires, there are swimming pools. Draft that water into portable fold-a-tanks and have tankers draft water from there and run a tanker shuttle to strategic areas to get the water where it is needed. It seems to me that this apparatus doesn't exist in the fleet, or within the mutual aid departments who have co tracts to provide mutual aid to LA City and LA County.

I'm calling Western Nevada FDs and telling them to haul ass to LA with their 3500 gallon engine and tankers for support. They've got these huge war wagons to fight fires in the rural desert where there are no water sources.

I would get CAL FIRE staged and ready to go, I would ask the Federal Govt and FEMA to declare an emergency and get Hot Shot crews to La and staged.

Then, when the winds die down, you have all the various different resources, including helicopters and airplanes to start to contain the two 15000 acres plus fires.

It does not appear, to my eye watching coverage and listening to the spokespeople from LA City FD and LA County that this happened

Absolutely prescribed burns and vegetation clearing DID NOT HAPPEN. Prescribed burns didn't happen because it would violate air quality laws in California. Vegitation clearing is supposed to be done by the property owner yearly but there is lax oversight because the city and county don't have the money or the resources to verify the citizens are doing their job to protect their property.

Finally it is inexcusable for California to not allow a rate hike for State Farm to reduce their risk portfolio so that they could survive and pay out a catastrophic fire event. So they exited the market. Instead, California decided they were going to do it, and that program is insolvent.

Don't get me started with the Mayor and her press conference. She demonstrated she has no idea what is happening or what she is doing. Same with Newsome, my man is out here blaming climate change and Trump while spending money on various progressive projects and regulations that continue to make California more unaffordable and also now more unsafe.

If you are going to beat the climate change drum for the sole reason that these wildfires were so devistating, then why was the government - state and local caught so flat footed with their response??
If only they had reached out to you to act as their command center this would be going so much better! Lol, Jesus, give me a break. Consider the possibility that you don't in fact know better than California how to manage their extremely complicated wildfire situation. You definitely have one foot in the right wing cartoon world where Californians are just ineptly bumbling around trying to gay marry endangered wildlife while wildfires ignite around them.

Like I said, why the fu** do you guys always do this? Do lefties ever turn disasters in red states into an excuse to immediately score political points over the low tax/low infrastructure non-existent state responses that just boo-hoo that FEMA isn't helping fast enough?
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i would argue that whenever there is an extreme winter storm in Texas, "lefties" cover the air waves pretty well with criticism of the heavy red state govt with political gain in mind. and yes, for political points is stupid but the underlying criticism of being grossly un-prepared looks overwhelmingly true in both cases.
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Buddy, the Fire Chief said it herself, while trying to defend their actions. They only had one plan. Everything else was made up on the fly by guys in the field. That's wild.

Just like the FDs in Western NC, they collaborate heavily. They were overwhelmed by the breath of the flooding and the communications issues, but they executed their mutual aid plans exceptionally as well as the State of NC.
Originator of the Tony Adams Scale
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Slowly but surely, coming to the forefront. As posted many times, #TheGreatAwakening ;-)
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