PackFansXL said:
The American public wants baby formula of high quality, as it wants from every other FDA-regulated product. Ironically, it is likely that contamination and other quality-control shortcomings are much more common with other FDA-regulated products from overseas than with the products that sparked the FDA's actions, but we just don't know about them.
In a long series of eleven different tweets (which are worth reading through), Abbott affirms that: "a comprehensive investigation by Abbott, FDA and CDC found no evidence that our formulas caused infant illnesses." Despite these conclusive findings, the Abbott plant still remains closed at the behest of the FDA.
The unequal treatment of American facilities in favor of foreign facilities has been apparent to regulatory experts for decades. FDA-regulated facilities in the U.S. can be inspected by the FDA at any time and for any reason, while facilities located overseas are inspected much less often, with sometimes as much as seven years between routine inspections.
Even worse: In spite of documented, repeated violations by overseas manufacturers, the FDA continues to rely on these foreign manufacturers for information on the quality control of the products they produce. Instead of conducting independent testing of these imported drugs, the FDA trusts the obviously unreliable Chinese and Indian manufacturers at their word. Independent analyses have found that foreign-made drugs show a pattern of mislabeling, potency inaccuracy, and cancer-causing contamination of our critical medicines, but due to language and legal barriers, it is hard to pin down who is responsible, and parent companies face few or no consequences.
While the current system is unfair and favors overseas manufacturers, there is a simple solution. The FDA could perform independent quality-control checks on all foreign and domestically made FDA-regulated products before they get to drugstores, ensuring quality compliance.
The FDA should mandate real-time "release testing" (RTRT) a term of art that refers to comprehensive testing of products on every FDA-regulated item arriving at an American port of entry.
The FDA's current way of doing things is badly outdated and has proven to be politically unworkable, unreliable, and unsafe.
The more I learn about the incompetence of our government agencies, the angrier I get. They are asleep at the wheel!
You can't lord over the needy if they are needy.
It's all part of the
MARXISM/COMMUNISM 101.. call it a conspiracy theory or whatever you would like. What you can't call it is a lie.
As long as the people are beholden to the government the government has power. The minute the people don't need the government they figure out the government has been keeping them down.
Why are the lowest educated, poorest, most crime ridden cities in the United States mostly inhabited by African Americans and have been controlled by democrats for upwards of 80+ years? Their "beloved" democrat party knows if they ever lose the base of African Americans they will NEVER hold office again.
So what do they do? They falsely accuse everything Conservative of being some type of "-ist" and that they hate everything to do with them and trying to make their lives better. Which is BS.
I would have to challenge those communities and ask them exactly what the hell has to happen for them to open their eyes and stop voting for the lefties that have had power for so long and done absolutely nothing for them or their cities.
But when you constantly are given "freebies" every two years during election cycles some people could care less........ and that my friends is the damn truth whether you choose to believe it or not.
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002
"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson