That's not correct Steve. - I got this Steve... Comrade Civ hasn't had a beatdown in a few months and is getting awful big for his brown pants that match his brown shirt. You know how the MARXIST/COMMUNIST Party rolls.. and he's one of the "pretendependents" on here that are too chicken **** to actually own up to what they believe. I'm not.
I've never said there was collusion. BS.. you have said it for months. And you insinuate it every damn chance you get.
I said it was, and is, very reasonable to suspect and investigate collusion for the following reasons:
a. there is extremely clear consensus in the intelligence community that there was significant Russian interference (that Trump denied publicly until he couldn't any more); Who paid for the Steele Dossier? Who used it? Who's MSM propaganda machine made it clear that it was the "smoking gun?" Was the interference only helping President Trump or did it also do things to disparage him? I think the Steele Dossier that was put together by Russians didn't paint him in a very compelling light do you Hypocrite Civ?
b. Trump's team communicated and met directly with Russian nationals in Trump Towers for the express purpose of being delivered dirt on Clinton; Did they get any? Did they pay for the Steele Dossier? Why was your Queen not EVER investigated over it? Please Hypocrite Civ do tell us the answer to that. Why is when YOUR party does it it is referred to as "oppo research" and when the GOP does it it is called collusion.
c. Trump was clearly aided by that information and Russia's interference; And you are going to die on this hill? Your Queen had an investigation started that lasted for two years over a BS bought and paid for fake dossier that was debunked but yet your MSM overlords never let it go. It was all a hoax paid for and perpetrated by your MARXIST/COMMUNIST Party. No issues with that right Hypocrite Civ? You don' think that helped the Queen and her party for the next two+ years?
d. Multiple Trump handlers went to prison for lying to investigators and obstructing justice; How many of them went to jail for things that had to do with the campaign or election? I bet if you investigate any of your party's operatives a hell of a lot of them would be in jail too. Look at who was doing the investigating and what they were charged with. You are spouting off MSM points like you are reading them off their webpage. Which 90% sure you are as you always do Hypocrite Civ.
e. Trump himself was likely shielded from an obstruction charge only by the stature of his office; Another BS question from you. If he had done something wrong he would have been perp walked down 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and you damn well know it Hypocrite Civ. You are reaching for straws now and it's very typical of someone who lacks the facts or intelligence to sustain an argument or support a statement. Laughable as always.
f. Mueller didn't prove collusion but was clear that his findings weren't an exoneration. His job wasn't to exonerate or convict. You obviously are in way too deep and are clueless on the investigation other than what you are reading off CNN or MSNBC. Nice try. Another "FAIL" by you....
I agree with you that part of Trump's massive appeal is that he wasn't a traditional politician, and that Clinton was terribly unlikeable for a variety of reasons. Frankly I think both were terrible presidential candidates.
Where we disagree is the apparent need for people to live in this fantasy land where Trump's claims of MASSIVE election FRAUD in the STOLEN election - with zero evidence and that resulted in losing 69 of 70 lawsuits and getting his two biggest enablers sued for over a billion dollars each - have any merit, or are in any way similar to the collusion investigation and findings, given the significant Russian interference and direct ties to his team that were found by multiple investigations. How can you prove something that was never investigated by non-partisan investigators? You don't think that the powers that be knew that any investigation would further destroy this country? The state legislatures and governors that changed the voting procedures and controlled the investigative abilities of their opposing party's rights to do so curbed any fact that may or may not have come out. Making that blanket statement without context is typical of a lefty. Wouldn't expect anything less from you Hypocrite Civ.
Now go wash up and put some ice on those. I'm sure you are going to be hurting after that. And next time you ring the damn bell make sure you are ready for dinner. I'll damn sure serve you up something nice any damn time you want it.
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002
"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson