June 6, 1944 Operation Overlord

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July 3, 1944: after 5 days of reorganization following the capture of Cherbourg, the 1st (US) Army relaunched its offensive south of the Cotentin peninsula towards Saint-L. The Americans quickly came up against German defences in the Normandy bocage.

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griff17matt said:

I don't know much about the non-American forces during WWII in the ETO. Thanks for all these posts, Wolfer. It's making me want to go find a good book that covers some of that info as well.
found these while watching Gettysburg videos

2 videos on WWII

Part 20 of the Gettysburg series
Although it is most noted for its role in the Civil War, the history of Gettysburg extends well into the 20th century. It was a tank training ground during WWI. Many citizens of Adam County served during WWII and the area where the Confederates charged the Union line of the 3rd day of the battle was the site of an Axis POW camp. And now the history of WWII is being brought to life in Gettysburg at the World War II: American Experience museum. We had a chance to go back and get an update on the progress of the museum AND hop in a genuine WWII Sherman tank and drive it over the same fields that the Confederates crossed on their march to Gettysburg. Definitely an experience like no other. Be sure to watch this one to the very end!

Part 13 of the Gettysburg series.
When you think of Gettysburg, you'll immediately think of the Civil War battle that took place there. But if you have an appreciation for military history, there is something else in Gettysburg that you MUST see. It is the World War II American Experience that has one of the most impressive collections of WWII vehicles (that we get to explore the inside of) and memorabilia that you will ever see. The Buck family, who are the preservationists behind this monumental effort, have a deep well of knowledge to draw from and are passionate about sharing it with others. There will be more videos to follow from this place, but for now, check out the origins of the World War II Experience in Gettysburg, PA. To learn more about the World War II Experience and how you can be apart of the effort to educate the next generation, visit their website here: http://www.visitww2.com/

In his book, Brave Men, the famous WWII correspondent Ernie Pyle wrote, "The Germans fight for glory, the British for their homes and the Americans fight for souvenirs." We're back in the Gettysburg Museum of History (www.gettysburgmuseumofhistory.com) where we are looking at some of the rarest and most unique bringback items from WWII. This one has to be seen to be believed. And be sure to checkout the previous two episodes from this amazing museum!!!

Tank Destroyers of Gettysburg!!! | History Traveler Episode 286
Gettysburg is more than the battle that took place there in 1863.
In this episode, we're heading back to the WWII American Experience with Jared Frederick of @ReelHistory to explore a bit of WWII history and check out some cool historic vehicles including a newly restored M36 tank destroyer. This episode was produced in partnership with The Gettysburg Museum of History. See how you can support history education & artifact preservation by visiting their website & store at https://www.gettysburgmuseumofhistory..
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History Underground series
Starting November 7th, we'll be launching Normandy 1944, a new series from History Traveler where we are going to be hitting some of the most iconic spots of the D-Day invasion along with some lesser known spots that you may not be aware of. We'll also be unearthing some stories that have been buried since June of 1944. In conjunction with Normandy 1944, we'll also be unveiling some special episodes of American Artifact where we'll be joining Erik Dorr of The Gettysburg Museum of History as he unveils some special artifacts that are directly tied to the Normandy invasion.
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July 6, 1944: heavy rainfall across Normandy on this day temporarily froze the front, with the Germans taking advantage of the lack of Allied air cover to counter-attack locally, in particular at Mont Castre against the 90th Infantry Division.

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[#DDay79 - 1944-2023]
July 8, 1944: I (GB) Corps attacks at 4:20 am towards Caen as part of Operation Charnwood. The 3rd (CA) Infantry Division deploys to the west towards the heights of the Ardenne Abbey: its losses are heavy, but the enemy lines are shaken by the offensive.

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[#DDay79 - 1944-2023]
July 9, 1944: the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division enters Caen in the early morning, linking up with soldiers of the 3rd British Infantry Division in the late afternoon. The left bank of Caen is now under Allied control...

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#DDay79 - 1944-2023]
July 10, 1944:the VIII (US) Corps definitively seized Mont Castre in the Cotentin region after heavy losses (photo) while the VIII (GB) Corps launched Operation Jupiter to capture, unsuccessfully, hill 112 at Esquay-Notre-Dame

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July 11, 1944: on that day, #Bradley transmitted to the 1st (US) Army staff an idea for a maneuver to break through the front south of the Cotentin peninsula, using the massive air raid implemented during Operation Charnwood.

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#DDay79 - 1944-2023]
July 11, 1944: Operation Stack, launched that day by the 51st Infantry Division in the Colombelles sector, ended in failure for I (GB) Corps forces: the Socit Mtallurgique de Normandie factories remained in German hands.

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[#DDay79 - 1944-2023]
July 12, 1944: fighting along the Normandy front remains fierce and indecisive. The 1st (US) Army was only able to make minimal gains in the face of a formidable enemy defense, based on the nature of the Normandy bocage, which favors the defender.

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[#DDay79 - 1944-2023]
July 13, 1944: despite the slight progress made by the Allies in recent days, #Eisenhower is confident. He therefore authorized the 28th (US) Infantry Division, the 21st Army Group's amphibious reserve, to be deployed in Normandy.

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July 15, 1944: in the evening, the XII (GB) Corps launched Operation Greenline, aimed at securing German forces south of Tourville, in the Hill 112 sector: the 15th Infantry Division joined in, but only managed to gain a few hundred meters.

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[#DDay79 - 1944-2023]
July 16, 1944: Operation Pomegranate is launched today in the Odon valley by the XXX (GB) Corps. Its aim was to fix the II. SS-Panzerkorps, following on from the previous day's Operation Greenline, in preparation for Operation Goodwood, east of Caen.

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July 17, 1944: While the XIX (US) Corps is assaulting the II. Fallschirmkorps near Saint-L, Generalfeldmarschall Rommel is seriously wounded when his car is strafed by an Allied fighter-bomber.

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July 18, 1944: Saint-L (more than 90% destroyed by bombing raids) was reached by the 29th Infantry Division, which fought bloody battles in the streets until early evening.
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July 19, 1944: while the Americans prepare Operation Cobra, the VIII (GB) Corps relaunches its action on the 2nd day of the Goodwood offensive. But the previous day's momentum had already been considerably reduced by enemy counter-attacks.

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July 20, 1944: the Goodwood offensive runs out of steam, due to German defenses and showers that reduce armor mobility. The reserves of Panzergruppe West are committed, limiting the reactivity of the 7. Armee before Operation Cobra.

As a result, Montgomery now considers that the Goodwood objectives have been achieved, and that the 2nd (GB) Army's priority is now to consolidate its territorial gains and preserve its combat potential.

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On July 21, 1944, von Kluge wrote a letter to the Fhrer in which he tried to convince Hitler of the urgent need to withdraw. In his view, no tactic was satisfactory in the face of the total superiority of the Allied air forces.

He says: "Despite all our efforts, we are fast approaching the point where our already weakened defenses will collapse. When the enemy moves into open terrain, the deficiency of our mobility will prevent any effective and orderly conduct of the fighting."

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On July 22, 1944, as a prelude to Operation Cobra, the 90th Infantry Division attacked the St-Germain-sur-Sves sector, a salient in the VIII (US) Corps system, defended by troops from Fallschirmjger-Regiment 6 and tanks from the 2. SS-Panzer Division.

This position, encircled by a river system serving as a natural obstacle, was defended by troops from Fallschirmjger-Regiment 6, supported by tanks from the 2. SS-Panzer Division. The Germans did not give in, and caused heavy losses in the American ranks.

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July 24, 1944: Operation Cobra south of the Cotentin peninsula begins. Due to bad weather, Air Chief Marshal Leigh-Mallory orders the postponement of the preparatory raid, but many crews are not informed, and 685 tons of bombs are dropped.

This bombardment hit Panzer-Lehr-Division units hard, knocking out around 350 soldiers and a dozen tanks.
The Americans feared that the bombs had alerted the entire LXXXIV. Armeekorps, and that the 24-hour postponement of the offensive would be fatal to Operation Cobra...

But the Germans were convinced that the main offensive had already begun. Consequently, the Panzer-Lehr-Division kept a majority of its units in the quadrilateral, which was to be targeted again by Allied aircraft the following day.

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Montgomery (right) issued directive M515 on July 27, describing the future Bluecoat operation, which he saw as the British equivalent of Cobra. "The coup de grce on the eastern flank will be delivered with force on the right wing of the 2nd (GB) Army".

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Back in 2014, British veteran Bernard Jordan had escaped from his retirement home to attend the commemorations of the D-Day 70th anniversary. He had traveled with his medals hidden under his raincoat to join a bus of veterans heading for Ouistreham, Normandy...

He died a few months later, and his extraordinary story, which went round the world, inspired the film "The Great Escaper", due to be released in cinemas in October 2023. He will be played by the famous actor Sir Michael Caine.

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July 28, 1944: the Germans try to limit the total collapse of the 7. Armee's western front. Units of the LXXXIV. Armeekorps form several columns and wait until nightfall before attempting to cross the American positions towards Percy. Bundesarchiv

That same day, Hitler agreed to reinforce the Normandy front with three additional divisions from the south of France: the 84. Infanterie-Division, the 331. Infanterie-Division and the 708. Infanterie-Division.

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On July 29, 1944, the VIII (US) Corps continued its offensive south of Coutances (photo). The 4th Armored Division linked up with the VII (US) Corps near Crences and Lengronne, thus achieving the objectives of Operation Cobra.

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July 30, 1944: the 2nd (GB) Army begins Operation Bluecoat. The aim of the VIII (GB) Corps is to break through the front south of the Souleuvre and reach Vire, when the XXX (GB) Corps has to seize the heights of Mont Pinon.

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July 31, 1944: in 6 days, the VIII (US) Corps has made 56 km progress towards Avranches in the south of the Cotentin peninsula. In response, Von Kluge alertes the XXV. Armeekorps from St-Malo in an attempt to defend Brittany.
La Rochelle-Normande, NARA

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August 1, 1944: at around 11 am, French General Leclerc lands at St-Martin-de-Varreville (Utah Beach) at the head of the 2nd (FR) Armored Division staff, welcomed by American General Walton H. Walker of the 3rd (US) Army.

The French division was under the command of the XV (US) Corps, then in the process of building up its strength before being committed to the front line

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August 1, 1944: 3rd (US) Army led by Lieutenant General Patton enters Brittany with VIII Corps under his command. True to his reputation, Patton brought 7 divisions across the Pontaubault bridge (photo) over the Slune in just 72 hours.

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August 2, 1944: during Operation Bluecoat, the VIII (GB) Corps engages in heavy fighting against the II. SS-Panzerkorps near Bois du Homme and south-east of Fort l'Evque. The 11th Armoured Division succeeds in taking Bny-Bocage (photo).

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August 3, 1944: "Sepp" Dietrich (photo), I. SS-Panzerkorps commander, opposes the decision to withdraw the 1. SS and 12. SS-Panzerdivisionen from the Caen region to contribute to a planned counter-attack cutting off the American towards Avranches...

General der Artillerie Warlimont, OKW's deputy chief of operations, retorted that tanks were not designed for static defense. Finally, the following night, only the 1. SS-Panzerdivision was attached to the 7. Armee, after having been relieved by the 89. Infanterie-Division.

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August 4, 1944: in preparation for the counter-attack towards Avranches, Hitler agrees to withdraw part of the German forces towards the Orne. This movement enables the XII (GB) Corps to advance in its entire sector and seize Hill 112 (photo).

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August 5, 1944: as of today, the II (CA) Corps staff takes command of the 1 Dywizja Pancerna (1st Polish armored division) led by genera brygady Stanislaw Maczek (top left), which landed in Normandy a few days earlier.

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August 6, 1944: the German 7. Armee finalizes its preparations for Operation Lttich, which is intended to cut the Avranches corridor by nightfall, despite Hitler's final hesitations as he seeks to increase the number of tanks.

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August 7, 1944: fighters of the VII (US) Corps bravely hold out against the armored raids of the XLVII. Panzerkorps launched towards Avranches. At the end of the morning, weather conditions allow Allied fighter-bombers to halt Operation Lttich.
Von Kluge received a message from Hitler expressing his disappointment at the failure of Operation Lttich: he ordered him to launch a new offensive the following day. Generalleutnant von Schwerin, accused of disobedience, was relieved of his command of the 116. Panzerdivision.

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August 8, 1944: hard pressed by the II (CA) Corps' Operation Totalize towards Falaise, General Eberbach commanding the 5. Panzerarmee ordered the remnants of the forces opposing the Canadians to reorganize, managing to stop the enemy in the evening.

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