SportManagementEngineer said:
cowboypack02 said:
IseWolf22 said:
cowboypack02 said:
IseWolf22 said:
cowboypack02 said:
IseWolf22 said:
King Leary said:
I'm dumping some money into the market and plan on holding for a year. Feels like this is a short term supply chain shock but no real long term effects.
Yep, I'm relatively young so I'm buying while the market is down
I hope you ended up happy today brother!
I actually haven't made a move yet. I think it's going to get worse. Time will tell if I waited too long.
Looks like today you were right my friend
I put some money in today!
I hope you hit it at closing bell instead of first thing this morning.
As another young guy, what sort of things are y'all investing in?
Believe it or not I own a ton of stock in Lowe's. Sold about a week and a half ago when it was at 125 a share, then bought in again 110 the other day. It closed around 113.75 this afternoon. I originally bought in last October when it was around 105 a share. Didn't turn out too bad for me. I also own a bunch in Canopy Growth Corp that turned out ok for me but I took a bath on Aurora Cannabis. Bought at 4 dollars a share, it went up to 10 a share, and now it is down to a little over a dollar. Should of sold it well before I did. Bought Halliburton at about 20 and it went up to 25 before I sold.
For you personally depending on how much you want to invest to start with I would recommend trying something like Stash. They invest in mutual funds that you pick out but they try to break it down using names like "Defending Freedom" for a fund that has alot of defense contractors in it. I think it makes trying to dip your toes into trading in your own a little bit easier without the heavier fees or the tons of research that you would have to make in order to make knowledgeable picks. The other thing like an app like that does is let you buy partial shares. Normally if you go out and buy a stock you have to buy the entire stock. For instance if you wanted to buy a stock that cost 150.00, your have to come up with the 150 plus fees, with something like stash I think you can invest in 5 dollar increments. I've played with it some but there is a cap on how much you can invest without getting into their heavier fees. If you have more than 5K ( I think) you can put your money I'm Betterment, which is a pretty cool deal too, but I don't have a ton of experience with it.
Something to keep in mind while your investing it to be mindful of the world around you. Big global events are going to move the market much more than they used to. The market dropped 1000 points because of Brexit, but shot back up once everything sorted itself out. You start hearing alot of talk about war start to look at stocks for defense contractors, new virus floating around look at pharmaceutical stocks. Market did the same thing when Trump got elected and shot up today after Biden cleaned up yesterday. The interest rate being cut by a half precent yesterday actually drove the market down.
Just make sure at the end of the day there are hundreds of different thoughts on investing. Some are successful and some aren't, but at the end of the day it's a bet. You can try to help your chances by investing in things like mutual funds or being extremely conservative but no one knows for sure. It's a gamble so I recommend anyone who wants to get into investing for themselves to start with not invest anything they aren't willing to lose.
Good Luck!