For a comparison, I post a piece describing the increased incidence of cardiovascular issues seen within 30d of acute infection, carried out for 12 months. Dysrhythmia, inflammatory heart dz, ischemic heart dz, stroke, CHF,,myocarditis, pericarditis all increased after infection. Vaccines REDUCE your risk for these complications.
If you have a young son, I'd think hard about it. There is risk either way. Personal decision, hopefully with the input of your physician who knows you.
I'll add, I tend to put stock into the actions of my physician friends I trust and what they do with their own loved ones. My interventional cardiologist buddy of 15 yrs vaxxed his 16yo healthy son. I dont expect that to mean much here, but it increased my confidence. He must not be hearing about a lot of bad Vax outcomes here locally.
For a comparison, I post a piece describing the increased incidence of cardiovascular issues seen within 30d of acute infection, carried out for 12 months. Dysrhythmia, inflammatory heart dz, ischemic heart dz, stroke, CHF,,myocarditis, pericarditis all increased after infection. Vaccines REDUCE your risk for these complications.
If you have a young son, I'd think hard about it. There is risk either way. Personal decision, hopefully with the input of your physician who knows you.
I'll add, I tend to put stock into the actions of my physician friends I trust and what they do with their own loved ones. My interventional cardiologist buddy of 15 yrs vaxxed his 16yo healthy son. I dont expect that to mean much here, but it increased my confidence. He must not be hearing about a lot of bad Vax outcomes here locally.