Here is an analysis that shows correlation of lower vaccination rates with the following:
- States with higher proportions of single parent households
- States with higher percent of households without internet
- States with lower percent of residents with bachelors degree or higher
- States with higher percent of uninsured residents
- States with lower household income
If the question is where to concentrate additional information and make it easier to get vaccinated, it makes sense to focus on those locations, which was the original question posed.
Well you absolutely nailed the lefty talking points of the day. I have been driving most of the afternoon and flipping channels. I see you have been listening as well.
I'll address three of the statements in bold. You, like usual, cherry picked the topics you wish to discuss.
1 - Which states have high number of single parent households? Which cities? What party is in charge of those cities politically? Doesn't the BLM mantra call for abolishing the "traditional nuclear family" because it is racist?"
And in fact, if that' the case shouldn't single family households be welcomed and embraced by you and the rest of the "woke" comrades? Be careful what you post. I'm not new at this. You, like your ilk, talk from both sides of your mouth depending on what the topic is and who you are talking to.
2 - Where do households not have access to the internet? Inner cities? False. Outlying areas in mountainous regions? Possibly. Please... after last year's lock downs there wasn't a school system in America that didn't provide laptops and tablets for their kids. That is a blatant lie/falsehood that I will give you a chance to retract. Yes.. there are areas that do not have internet service. But if you check with their parents I guarantee you that 100% of them have cell phones and use the WiFi via their phone provider. Show me a phone that doesn't have access to the internet outside of a flip phone and you know damn well those folks aren't going without the internet. Now... whether or not they provide for their children's education it is on them. That is a topic for another day. But... again, retract your comment or I will assume you were being dishonest on purpose.
3 - After ObummerCare I thought all the medical problems were solved. If there are people uninsured it is 100% on them. You and your team have lauded the ObummerCare as the greatest thing since sliced bread. If you have members of your
SOCIALIST/MARXIST Party that are uninsured it is on you and your comrades. It has been approved by the SCOTUS on three occasions over the last 10 years. You are either saying that the people without insurance aren't smart enough to obtain ObummerCare, too lazy to register for it, don't know how to do it or.... just don't care enough. If that's the case how far should the Government involvement go? Do you want people in houses making sure it is done? If that's that case then why stop there?
You lefties never stop at the basics. Next thing you know you will want people going door to door to make sure people vote. I mean I could even see a situation where you canvas areas with activists to "harvest" ballots from voters who never leave home to go to the grocery store, church, buy new clothes, visit family/friends etc... Wow... wouldn't that be something to behold?
I have traveled the United States for 18+ years for work and I have seen from one extreme to the next. I have seen the inner cities, desolate areas of the West, farmlands where the fields go on for miles and only a few houses are dotted along the roads. I have never come across these areas you and your comrades constantly tell people about. Riddle me this.... list 5 places that meet that list you posted. Take your time. And when you do... I'm certain there are less than 100 total residences that meet all three of those.
You lefties are something else. You provide me with much needed entertainment when you try to "prove" your points.
Once again... I'll wait for your response.
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002
"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson