6/30/2020 Morning DHHS update (as of 12:00pm)
NC Cases
NC Deaths
Currently Hospitalized
908 <- 90% reporting (was 843 at 75% yesterday) Higher#, Higher%. Still stable
Completed Tests
804 Deaths are now Congregate (+8)
146 Deaths are now Unknown Setting (+1)
+18 Deaths Overall since yesterday.
393 Deaths assumed General Population (+9)
950 Congregate and Unknown Setting. (+9)
216 Congregate Facilities now have an outbreak. (+6)
WRAL is at 1366* deaths
1186 positive cases over 23,728 new tests. 5.0% positive rate.
DHHS says they only added 18,676 completed tests, but the actual delta is 23,728 since yesterday.
7/1/2020 Morning DHHS update (as of 12:00pm)NC Cases66,513
NC Deaths1373
Currently Hospitalized901 <- 86% reporting (was 908 at 90% yesterday) Lower#, Lower%. Still stable
Completed Tests942,238
819 Deaths are now Congregate (+15)
147 Deaths are now Unknown Setting (+1)
+30 Deaths Overall since yesterday.
407 Deaths assumed General Population (+14)966 Congregate and Unknown Setting. (+16)212 Congregate Facilities now have an outbreak. (-4)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
WRAL is at 1376* deaths
1843 positive cases over 32,205 new tests. 5.7% positive rate.
Highest case day.... BUT
DHHS says they only added 17,660 completed tests, but the actual delta is 32,205 since yesterday. Some fishy stuff going on with pushing cases around on a day Cooper is to talk. That or they had a normal reporting wave going on that would peak on Fridays. For some reason that has changed and we now have this Wednesday spike. Either way cases up. Looking over my past updates and then seeing that DHHS is now reporting for those days, they are doing a significant amount of backdating on their completed tests chart which is why some of the data is way off.
Of the deaths reported today. 21 fill in data spread over the last week.
The following dates more than 2 weeks ago had deaths added:
6/13, 6/12, 6/9, 6/8, 6/6, 6/3
AND 5/14. Two deaths also either occurred prior to 5/7 or were not charted.
I'll guess most of the backlog was Cabarrus (5 deaths) and Johnston (3 deaths) since they were the only counties reporting more than 2. Although Granville, Pasquotank, Scotland, and Wayne each reported 2 deaths and they are all typically lower number counties.
Cases nothing that unusual. Medium counties numbers were just a tick higher than normal, but Meck +364 and Wake +238 had some of their highest, if not highest reporting days.
Here is the current Date of Death graph.