Packchem91 said:
TheStorm said:
Werewolf said:
caryking said:
Packchem91 said:
caryking said:
Packchem91 said:
caryking said:
Packchem91 said:
caryking said:
packgrad said:
Packchem91 said:
packgrad said:
Hey guys, look. The POS liar shows up to defend trafficman. **** sticks together though. Not surprising.
Awww, I thought you'd ignored me (again). Someone is lying.
You were, ******bag. Didn't you notice with all of your posts to me I didn't reply to? It was obvious you were desperate for my attention, and still are. Pitiful. I admit I made a mistake though taking you off ignore. With that said, I'll put you back on ignore.
To address one more time what the lying piece of **** is talking about…. I said I did not believe the story that a 9yo had been raped and needed an abortion, but was unable to because of the new law. The story that came from an abortion activist. That is what and who I said I didn't believe. When the victims came out I expressed my sadness for them.
Because packchem is a retched piece of ****, he misrepresented my statement to say I didn't believe a child and mother. A completely out of context quote. Gaslighting. Lying. Just an utter trash move. Something that would be done a POS loser message board guy, which packchem is in spades.
That's the story of lying packchem and why he is on ignore.
Have you noticed that Chem gets in arguments all the time, on all the boards…
Lol, you have any more jokes for us Cary?
I disagree with plenty of people and usually have cordial debates about it. That's what message boards are for. Just like you argue with people you disagree with on this board all the time. Amazing concept
The only person I argue with is you. Everyone else is a debate…
Meh, semantics.
BTW, i see you have yet another homage to BBW in your signature. I know you don't like me aligning you with your little buddy, but you've had signatures with defenses to him half the time we've "argued", lol.
I'd like to use your eloquent defense of him to show either the complete stupidity of your "ideogical alignent" argument -- or, maybe its the brilliance of it, you tell me.
You have claimed multiple times that you are for the complete shutdown of immigration, of any kind.
This aligns with the white nationalist party's agenda. So, i guess BBW should start calling you a white nationalist (all caps??) every time he responds.....
Chem, I put a statement, by BBW, to illustrate what he is saying. Some, on here, aren't able to put 2+2 together and get 4; therefore, I've quoted something, he said, to more clearly illustrate what some are unable to see.
Stupidity or brilliance? Isn't that a fine line for some?
Immigration? Call it what you want. I have an opinion that we have enough immigrants, in our country, already. Finish the wall, then do immigration reform. I've also said that our immigration process is probably very burdensome, just like most processes within government. In fact, someone on here, complained about the process, based on the time and bureaucracy, to get a family member here. I am confident it's too much.
Yes, shutdown immigration, until we solve the above! I realize that's a strong position. I also realize people need a kick in the butt in order to be accountable.
Well, congrats WHITE NATIONALIST. It's funny to see self-proclaimed Christians that are also WHITE NATIONALISTS
Footnote: this is clearly a commentary on peoples voting and how it aligns with a WHITE NATIONALIST ideology, whether you think you are a WHITE NATIONALIST or not..
Isn't that the way this works??
Chem has no idea what ethnicity I am…. That's a typical lefty summarizing things and categorizing people, based on ethnicity. No shame on his part!
Wonder how aggrieved the Kim would be if the person expressing concern over out-of-control immigration -- either legal or illegal --- was:
1. American Indian
2. African American
3. Latino
4. Asian
5. Hindu Indian
6. Arabian
7. Japanese
8. Chinese
The fact that an American citizen is concerned about losing our national identity with so many non-AMericans inside our borders is racism if that American is white. How about the 8 listed above? Maybe citizens of 1 thru 8 also think 15% of our population being of foreign decent and culture could be destabilizing.
What if all 15% were Chinese and had arrived in the last 2-3 years..........illegally. Would the Kim be concerned?
No. Because, unfortunately it doesn't fit his talking points… being on the other side of most arguments is one thing, but calling people on this site "White Nationalist's" when they are nothing anywhere even close to that is in very poor form and as egregious as anything else anybody else has ever posted here.
Also, Glass… the first time that Marco actually participates in a conversation here about anything, please let me know… and you can tell Steve that I said the same thing. You both know who he is anyway
I'll wait for you to call out BBW for calling everyone not on the right wing a MARXIST
I don't know if Cary is a WN or not. But his opinion on immigration is in lock step with that platform. And per his own signature line, that is apparently ok to refer to someone by the group with whom they share beliefs
How is it different? Oh yeah, because when BBW does it, he's labelling the couple of posters here who don't lean way to the right on every topic
I'll say it for you again Chem.... Here are the facts of what members of YOUR party, the
MARXIST PARTY, have promoted, put up for vote in Congress and routinely echo to members of YOUR main stream media mouthpieces. Abolishing the Electoral College (which would mean NY and California elect POTUS)
- Abolishing the Filibuster eliminating the voice of the minority (ensuring single party rule)
- Adding D.C. and Puerto Rico (which would ensure single party rule)
- Expanding the SCOTUS after having elected enough lefty Senators to overcome Sinema and Manchin's objections to (ensure single party rule from the bench)
- Abolishing the 2nd Amendment
- Federalizing elections where the party in power controls the districting in ALL 50 states from the federal level (this would gerrymander the House to ensure single party rule)
- Open borders (they pretty much are now but this would usher in new voters to ensure single party rule in future elections)
- Reimagining the DA offices to take a more equitable approach to enforcing the laws and administering justice (equity is a key platform of the MARXIST theory and is being applied across the country on a daily basis. Especially in the current administration)
- Removing all testing requirements for colleges to have a more "equitable" and "diverse" student body. (meaning it doesn't matter if you are qualified as long as you check a quota box making everyone the same regardless of skill level. Pillar of MARXISM.)
Here are just a few and there are dozens more. I know you probably are going to respond with a big "nuh uh.." but it is obvious this is where the left is today and they are getting more extreme by the minute.
And your BS childish attempt to equate the above with White Nationalism was a pathetic and immature way of saying you haven't got a defense for what I have been saying.
NONE of the GOP members have ever supported, quoted, promoted ANY of the White Nationalist ideas and if they would have they wouldn't be in office.
The only White Nationalist ideas that have been expressed by members of Congress have come from YOUR party from the Democratic Socialist members Tilab and Omar. FACT.
Now back to your complaint about being called a
MARXIST... when you vote for candidates that support the above bulleted comments and facts YOU are voting for those policies whether you support all of them or not.
Again, no member of the GOP has ever promoted, tweeted, supported White Nationalist ideas or materials. That was YOUR team. FACT.
Now you can try and spin this all you want. It's obvious you don't have a leg to stand on.
I told Glass the same thing and any of the rest of the lefty brigade on here. You can claim to be a raspberry covered donut but just saying it doesn't make you one. What makes you, Glass and the rest
MARXISTS is the fact that you willingly vote for candidates that promote
MARXIST ideology whether they own up and admit to it or not.
Read that linked article. And if you can't see the similarities and the obvious correlation between
MARXISM and what today's so-called "democrat party" is then you never will. And most likely you don't want to come to grips with what you support and who you really are.
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002
"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson