One of the biggest take-aways from Trump's speech was that he isn't trying to even pretend to "work with" the communist Democrats. Over and over in the speech, he just called out the Democrats for being completely opposed to him on EVERYTHING and unwilling to work with Republicans on ANYTHING. They cannot be reasoned with. They are dug in ideologically and will not budge or be reasonable on anything.
Trump has recognized the obvious fact, that many of us recognized long ago, that there is too big of a difference in worldview between right-wing/Christians/conservatives and the hardcore Leftists, which the elected Democrats in Congress are a part of. Conservatives and Marxists-Leftists don't have any shared values. We are ENEMIES. We cannot "coexist" or compromise on things. One side will win and the other will lose.
Commie Leftists support an anti-American, tyrannical, anti-Christian, Satanic communist agenda -- eg, murdering the unborn, LGBTQ perversion insanity, 70 genders, cut boys genitals off and girls breasts off, boys in girls' sports, censoring free speech to promote the Leftist narrative, weaponizing the courts to persecute conservatives on bogus/sham charges, banning all firearm ownership so that people are totally enslaved and defenseless against an all-powerful Marxist State, etc etc etc.
Hardcore Leftists are enemies of America. Maybe many of them can eventually snap out of their brainwashing, and leave the cult. But as long as they are a part of that communist, anti-American, anti-Christian cult...they are outright enemies that cannot be reasoned with, and cannot be worked with to make true progress in making our nation better. Not until they snap out of the brainwashing.
As an example, look at how Leftists have turned on RFK Jr and won't even support him on his "make America healthy again" agenda. Leftists used to champion getting toxins out of the food and environment. Now, because they have been brainwashed by the cult-leader pundits and top Democrats, they hate everything that RFK Jr stands for and won't support ANYTHING that he is advocating, no matter how reasonable.
UNBRIDGEABLE: Steve Bannon Recounts Rush Limbaugh's Advice To President Trump On Not Trying To Appease Hateful Democrats