mrcpack17 said:
Real research has 100% been stopped and new grants are not being awarded. My better half works at Duke in medical/academic research. If it weren't for the lawsuit NC's AG signed onto that ordered a restraining order to continue releasing funding, she would be out of a job. For now, it just looks like she has a job until the current funding runs out in a couple of years. Then who knows. But new work is not being planned. Mice lines for research are not being procured. Real research has 100% stopped and it's far worse in states that did not sign onto the lawsuit that resulted in the aforementioned restraining order as PIs and lab staff have already been cut at places like Alabama. When all of these cuts and layoffs finally get tallied up, the hit to the economy is going to be significant, not to mention the stunting of further findings in the medical field.
For reference, her work focuses on kidneys, diabetes and how these are connected to the heart. Her team has been published a number of times and their clinical has had many positive results but the future of that work is all totally up in the air because a roided out 70 year old who is afraid of seed oils thinks we've spent too much money on this stuff. He's going after cancer research even harder. Be careful what you wish for.
Ever wonder how we were sold the mRNA vaccines?
Ever wonder why Ivermectin was so deadly for human consumption?
Naah, you haven't and therefore you don't and won't get the correlation.
You're living in a bubble.
There needs to be a complete overhaul of how the federal govt does its business. Scrap it, start over with better controls. IMHO, much much smaller.
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