Civilized said:
caryking said:
Civilized said:
Wolfblood said:
Great moment when the cancer surviving kid got his secret service badge. The look on his face was amazing and then the spontaneous hug of the secret service director who presented it to him showed his genuine happiness and gratitude that he felt in the moment.
God bless you little guy and keep fighting. I'll be praying for your continued health.
The best moment of the night though was this same little guy coming up behind the high school senior that just learned he had been accepted at West Point and tapping him on the shoulder and giving him a high five.
I'm really saddened for those that were unable to enjoy those moments because of hatred for one man. That has to be a miserable existence and not a very healthy place to be mentally.
Stop with the straw man.
There isn't a person in America that's not satanic that didn't love that moment for the newly minted junior Secret Service officer. Politics, theater, all that - doesn't matter. For that little guy you could tell that was a moment of joy in what's been a colossally unfair hand of cards he's been dealt in his life.
Being that I didn't watch the speech, did the Dems stand when he was mentioned? Civ, I'm asking because I really don't know.
BTW, I 100% agree with your assessment…
No, because the Democrats are satanic.
Seriously though, neither party is standing for the other if what's been created is purely opportunistic political theater.
Parading a sweet and awesome cancer-surviving kid around as a political trophy immediately after gutting cancer research and the NIH is as hollow and hypocritical and politically gross as it gets.
Civ, that's sad. Actually, with something like that I feel fairly confident most Pubs would stand. That said, these moments can be vanity, at best, so, yes… both sides will stay seated. This one doesn't appear to be one of those moments.
Regarding the gutting of cancer research…. Honestly, with the amount of crap we are finding inside the federal government, I don't think true research will be affected. Now, I'm not a supporter of federal spending for all kinds of research. I prefer private sector investments.. BTW, I know I'm probably in the minority with my position.