TRUMP 2024

313,002 Views | 4806 Replies | Last: 12 hrs ago by wolfbreath
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Carville upset the NY Times won't play along with the Dems ridiculous Democracy threat.

"Now you have Joe Kahn, the new editor or publisher, whatever he is at The New York Times, saying, 'We're just got to cover this down the middle. We're going to cover what it is.' I don't think that's the role of the news media at a time when the entire Constitution is in peril," Carville said during his "Politics War Room" podcast, which was first reported by The Daily Caller.
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TheStorm said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

TheStorm said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:


"This verdict is an absolute miscarriage of justice," said Senator Vance."While the outcome of this trial will no doubt be subject to appeal, it's a disgrace to our judicial system that such measures will be necessary. The partisan slant of this jury pool shows why we ought to litigate politics at the ballot box and not in the courtroom. Ultimately, I have faith that the 2024 election will be decided by the American people, not corrupt judges and prosecutors."

Sorry JD, I missed the part where paying off porn stars and filing falsified tax returns, obstructing the return of top secret documents, and trying to overturn free and fair elections was "politics." Just seems like plain old law-breaking to me.

Vance lives on Trump Fantasy Island but he does bend the knee and kiss the ring, though, so there is that.
Let's see... Civ, please give us your recommendation for VP... I know some on here value your opinion on Republican doings...
If you are talking about me, you probably didn't read my post very carefully then - because it said the complete opposite of what you've been referencing ever since I first posted it. Might want to go back several pages and read it again and then start over.
I'm not!

Glad you asked, Cary. As one of this board's most esteemed Independents I think that...

Seriously, though - like we've said Trump clearly needs this pick to appeal to moderates/undecideds and Haley will garner the most moderate/undecided votes and it's not even close. Scott and Rubio are a probably distant 2a and 2b. Vance, Cotten, Burgum et. al. are losers.

Y'all ignore this incredible advice at your own peril...
Civ, are you concerned about Trump supporters giving up, if he chooses Haley? You know, kind of the same way they didn't get out to vote, for the Senate election runoffs, in 2020...

You're always balancing risks and benefits in life/business/politics but if I'm a Trump strategist the risk of not winning over enough moderates/independents/swing voters including and especially suburban white women outweighs the risk of Trump voters becoming somehow less motivated by who he chooses for VP.

Who exactly would those mythical potentially unmotivated Trump voters be? He's got his base regardless. They're not going to not show up. So who isn't showing up because he chooses Haley? What demographic are they in?

Think about my question and your response. How many people on this board, said Trump caused the two senate seats to be lost? Now, your proposing his base will show up, regardless?

Yea, I don't know if I agree…
Those two Senate seats were lost the night of the general election when the elections were stolen... Some dumbass like --- might try to claim otherwise, but they'd be 100% wrong.
No argument from me... I'm pointing out a narrative was created and stated, in a number of places, including this forum...
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packofwolves said:

Carville upset the NY Times won't play along with the Dems ridiculous Democracy threat.

"Now you have Joe Kahn, the new editor or publisher, whatever he is at The New York Times, saying, 'We're just got to cover this down the middle. We're going to cover what it is.' I don't think that's the role of the news media at a time when the entire Constitution is in peril," Carville said during his "Politics War Room" podcast, which was first reported by The Daily Caller.
I would love to hear what Carville thinks makes (actual actions) where the Constitution is in peril.
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Man. There's probably 5-6 different threads that this could fit in, but:
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TheStorm said:

Man. There's probably 5-6 different threads that this could fit in, but:

We don't need to be overly dramatic about Trump and democracy.

Trump ain't Hitler, and our democracy will be standing in four years regardless of who wins in 2024.

But there's no reason to feign surprise at comparisons to an anti-democratic monster given Trump's penchance for admiring other anti-democratic morons and modeling his leadership style after them; his having a weirdly high number of Hitler and Third Reich references in his speeches; and him, you know, trying to overturn our election in 2020.

No reason to act like these comparisons are being made about Ronald Reagan or some other Republican that's a sane and anti-authoritarian leader that hasn't sounded like Hitler in speeches and hasn't tried to overthrow an election in recent memory.
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Democrats have been comparing Republicans to Hitler for decades. No reason to feign outrage about being called out about it. It's SOP for the party.
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Will our Republic fall be the wayside in four years? That's possible; however, we will probably still be a democracy…. Our form of government is definitely in peril as we see more challenges to our constitutional norm.

For one, a healthy republic, like ours depends on a just an un-partisan judicial system. For years, we have heard how our judicial system is systematically racsist.

Now, we saw Trump go through a partisan process like no other. So, if our system is systematically racist, why can't it be partisan?
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TheStorm said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

TheStorm said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:


"This verdict is an absolute miscarriage of justice," said Senator Vance."While the outcome of this trial will no doubt be subject to appeal, it's a disgrace to our judicial system that such measures will be necessary. The partisan slant of this jury pool shows why we ought to litigate politics at the ballot box and not in the courtroom. Ultimately, I have faith that the 2024 election will be decided by the American people, not corrupt judges and prosecutors."

Sorry JD, I missed the part where paying off porn stars and filing falsified tax returns, obstructing the return of top secret documents, and trying to overturn free and fair elections was "politics." Just seems like plain old law-breaking to me.

Vance lives on Trump Fantasy Island but he does bend the knee and kiss the ring, though, so there is that.
Let's see... Civ, please give us your recommendation for VP... I know some on here value your opinion on Republican doings...
If you are talking about me, you probably didn't read my post very carefully then - because it said the complete opposite of what you've been referencing ever since I first posted it. Might want to go back several pages and read it again and then start over.
I'm not!

Glad you asked, Cary. As one of this board's most esteemed Independents I think that...

Seriously, though - like we've said Trump clearly needs this pick to appeal to moderates/undecideds and Haley will garner the most moderate/undecided votes and it's not even close. Scott and Rubio are a probably distant 2a and 2b. Vance, Cotten, Burgum et. al. are losers.

Y'all ignore this incredible advice at your own peril...
Civ, are you concerned about Trump supporters giving up, if he chooses Haley? You know, kind of the same way they didn't get out to vote, for the Senate election runoffs, in 2020...

You're always balancing risks and benefits in life/business/politics but if I'm a Trump strategist the risk of not winning over enough moderates/independents/swing voters including and especially suburban white women outweighs the risk of Trump voters becoming somehow less motivated by who he chooses for VP.

Who exactly would those mythical potentially unmotivated Trump voters be? He's got his base regardless. They're not going to not show up. So who isn't showing up because he chooses Haley? What demographic are they in?

Think about my question and your response. How many people on this board, said Trump caused the two senate seats to be lost? Now, your proposing his base will show up, regardless?

Yea, I don't know if I agree…
Those two Senate seats were lost the night of the general election when the elections were stolen... Some dumbass like --- might try to claim otherwise, but they'd be 100% wrong.
Stormie is all over it! It doesn't matter how many turn out to vote if Dominion is the system used. Biden will will be 10 votes or whatever # is req'd to avoid some sort of an audit.
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Werewolf said:

TheStorm said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

TheStorm said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:


"This verdict is an absolute miscarriage of justice," said Senator Vance."While the outcome of this trial will no doubt be subject to appeal, it's a disgrace to our judicial system that such measures will be necessary. The partisan slant of this jury pool shows why we ought to litigate politics at the ballot box and not in the courtroom. Ultimately, I have faith that the 2024 election will be decided by the American people, not corrupt judges and prosecutors."

Sorry JD, I missed the part where paying off porn stars and filing falsified tax returns, obstructing the return of top secret documents, and trying to overturn free and fair elections was "politics." Just seems like plain old law-breaking to me.

Vance lives on Trump Fantasy Island but he does bend the knee and kiss the ring, though, so there is that.
Let's see... Civ, please give us your recommendation for VP... I know some on here value your opinion on Republican doings...
If you are talking about me, you probably didn't read my post very carefully then - because it said the complete opposite of what you've been referencing ever since I first posted it. Might want to go back several pages and read it again and then start over.
I'm not!

Glad you asked, Cary. As one of this board's most esteemed Independents I think that...

Seriously, though - like we've said Trump clearly needs this pick to appeal to moderates/undecideds and Haley will garner the most moderate/undecided votes and it's not even close. Scott and Rubio are a probably distant 2a and 2b. Vance, Cotten, Burgum et. al. are losers.

Y'all ignore this incredible advice at your own peril...
Civ, are you concerned about Trump supporters giving up, if he chooses Haley? You know, kind of the same way they didn't get out to vote, for the Senate election runoffs, in 2020...

You're always balancing risks and benefits in life/business/politics but if I'm a Trump strategist the risk of not winning over enough moderates/independents/swing voters including and especially suburban white women outweighs the risk of Trump voters becoming somehow less motivated by who he chooses for VP.

Who exactly would those mythical potentially unmotivated Trump voters be? He's got his base regardless. They're not going to not show up. So who isn't showing up because he chooses Haley? What demographic are they in?

Think about my question and your response. How many people on this board, said Trump caused the two senate seats to be lost? Now, your proposing his base will show up, regardless?

Yea, I don't know if I agree…
Those two Senate seats were lost the night of the general election when the elections were stolen... Some dumbass like --- might try to claim otherwise, but they'd be 100% wrong.
Stormie is all over it! It doesn't matter how many turn out to vote if Dominion is the system used. Biden will will be 10 votes or whatever # is req'd to avoid some sort of an audit.
100M or bust!
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ncsupack1 said:

Oldsouljer said:

Werewolf said:

Looks like Americans are coming together! #MAGA

Judging from some people I've talked to in Durham lately who've previously never voted Republican, this doesn't surprise.

I'm confused, did he or did he not express support for Trump? The disclaimer says different.
I don't know, I'm just saying that I'm surprised by the AfAm support in Durham for Trump.
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The polls are fake, just like Reuters and all the other MSM news is lies and half-truths for a narrative.

75% of engaged voters want to be rid of Biden .......they are not all MAGA, but they want BIden out! They'll vote for Trump.

Plus, the Biden debacle is not over yet. Still too many Sheeple asleep and watching Sieve's recommended networks for news.
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Civilized said:

caryking said:

TheStorm said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:


"This verdict is an absolute miscarriage of justice," said Senator Vance."While the outcome of this trial will no doubt be subject to appeal, it's a disgrace to our judicial system that such measures will be necessary. The partisan slant of this jury pool shows why we ought to litigate politics at the ballot box and not in the courtroom. Ultimately, I have faith that the 2024 election will be decided by the American people, not corrupt judges and prosecutors."

Sorry JD, I missed the part where paying off porn stars and filing falsified tax returns, obstructing the return of top secret documents, and trying to overturn free and fair elections was "politics." Just seems like plain old law-breaking to me.

Vance lives on Trump Fantasy Island but he does bend the knee and kiss the ring, though, so there is that.
Let's see... Civ, please give us your recommendation for VP... I know some on here value your opinion on Republican doings...
If you are talking about me, you probably didn't read my post very carefully then - because it said the complete opposite of what you've been referencing ever since I first posted it. Might want to go back several pages and read it again and then start over.
I'm not!

Glad you asked, Cary. As one of this board's most esteemed Independents I think that...

Seriously, though - like we've said Trump clearly needs this pick to appeal to moderates/undecideds and Haley will garner the most moderate/undecided votes and it's not even close. Scott and Rubio are a probably distant 2a and 2b. Vance, Cotten, Burgum et. al. are losers.

Y'all ignore this incredible advice at your own peril...
Burgum is a self-promoting bum, pretty much a Pat McCrory clone.
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Trump's VP choice has not been shared above. It won't be any of em' although I really like Ben Carson as VP.
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I've told you guys before, messaging to those needing to know has been in Melania's dresses ...via the method of my days and before called semaphore. This dress is not semaphore per se but it once again may have some meaning and a message.

Sieve, you've got a great vocabulary, can you help me out? What does the word #retribution mean?

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What's that strange finger pointing at?
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Bring on DeSantis as VP. Winner

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packgrad said:

Democrats have been comparing Republicans to Hitler for decades. No reason to feign outrage about being called out about it. It's SOP for the party.

Side note. Watching the morning news. CNN and MSNBC TDS all day. Fox talks about American exceptionalism and D-Day.

Ever notice when you see a flag outside someone's house….you know, pretty good chance, that's not a democrat?
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packgrad said:

Bring on DeSantis as VP. Winner

Has to be a sharp lawyer, he and Ted Cruz meet that criteria, Vance does too. But I think DeSantis is the best lawyer of the bunch to effectively shepherd non-lawyer Trump's agenda past the 50,000 legal sharks in DC and make more progress than Trump's first term.
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Werewolf said:

I've told you guys before, messaging to those needing to know has been in Melania's dresses ...via the method of my days and before called semaphore. This dress is not semaphore per se but it once again may have some meaning and a message.

Sieve, you've got a great vocabulary, can you help me out? What does the word #retribution mean?

Thanks for the laugh!

The idea that Melania gets up in the morning and coordinates her outfit with the Q crowd to send clandestine messages to the faithful is glorious.
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grantwolf said:

Werewolf said:

I've told you guys before, messaging to those needing to know has been in Melania's dresses ...via the method of my days and before called semaphore. This dress is not semaphore per se but it once again may have some meaning and a message.

Sieve, you've got a great vocabulary, can you help me out? What does the word #retribution mean?

Thanks for the laugh!

The idea that Melania gets up in the morning and coordinates her outfit with the Q crowd to send clandestine messages to the faithful is glorious.

Definitely ranks up there as one of Were's most ridiculous posts.
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grantwolf said:

Werewolf said:

I've told you guys before, messaging to those needing to know has been in Melania's dresses ...via the method of my days and before called semaphore. This dress is not semaphore per se but it once again may have some meaning and a message.

Sieve, you've got a great vocabulary, can you help me out? What does the word #retribution mean?

Thanks for the laugh!

The idea that Melania gets up in the morning and coordinates her outfit with the Q crowd to send clandestine messages to the faithful is glorious.

lol…I just shake my head. Gotta keep it going.
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Werewolf said:

I've told you guys before, messaging to those needing to know has been in Melania's dresses ...via the method of my days and before called semaphore. This dress is not semaphore per se but it once again may have some meaning and a message.

Sieve, you've got a great vocabulary, can you help me out? What does the word #retribution mean?

WT everloving F
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I look at Melania's dresses for a different reason. Roar.
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packgrad said:

I look at Melania's dresses for a different reason. Roar.

No doubt. Fine wine, son!
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packgrad said:

Bring on DeSantis as VP. Winner

That's some heavy spin.

Disney got the development plan they wanted but reduced the 10 year investment from 17 billion to 8 billion. 17 billion is the new 20 year target.

The development plan that just passed the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District is basically the same at the last plan that the Disney controlled Reedy Creek Improvement District. DeSantis sued over that plan. He dropped his suit, Disney dropped theirs and also got their development plan.

DeSantis' attack on one of the largest employers in the state resulted in a lot of bad press and 2000 high paying jobs that Disney was going going to move from California to Florida.

DeSantis also quietly recently appointed a long time Disney allies to the CFTOD board and one to the district administrator.
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Shocking! What are the repercussions of a Juror discussing verdict ahead of time with family?
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Possible Mistrial in the Trump case for Juror misconduct.
Being an N. C. State fan builds great character!
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packofwolves said:

Shocking! What are the repercussions of a Juror discussing verdict ahead of time with family?
You beat me to it. LOL
Being an N. C. State fan builds great character!
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packofwolves said:

grantwolf said:

Werewolf said:

I've told you guys before, messaging to those needing to know has been in Melania's dresses ...via the method of my days and before called semaphore. This dress is not semaphore per se but it once again may have some meaning and a message.

Sieve, you've got a great vocabulary, can you help me out? What does the word #retribution mean?

Thanks for the laugh!

The idea that Melania gets up in the morning and coordinates her outfit with the Q crowd to send clandestine messages to the faithful is glorious.

Definitely ranks up there as one of Were's most ridiculous posts.
I'm sure he was just shorthanding for "QVC", Melania prolly has clothes endorsement deals.
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packofwolves said:

grantwolf said:

Werewolf said:

I've told you guys before, messaging to those needing to know has been in Melania's dresses ...via the method of my days and before called semaphore. This dress is not semaphore per se but it once again may have some meaning and a message.

Sieve, you've got a great vocabulary, can you help me out? What does the word #retribution mean?

Thanks for the laugh!

The idea that Melania gets up in the morning and coordinates her outfit with the Q crowd to send clandestine messages to the faithful is glorious.

Definitely ranks up there as one of Were's most ridiculous posts.

This and his 80% popular vote and 50 states for Trump.
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All smoke n mirrors, the real activity is elsewhere.

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Werewolf said:

All smoke n mirrors, the real activity is elsewhere.

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