TRUMP 2024

496,685 Views | 6291 Replies | Last: 28 min ago by GuerrillaPack
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Yes, 1913, fraud wise. 1871 treason wise.

On the pedophile and human trafficking front, look for something to break out of Hollywood that's 100 times bigger than P Diddy....expected within a few weeks. Gonna get really rocky about that time, across all fronts.
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Werewolf said:

Yes, 1913, fraud wise. 1871 treason wise.

On the pedophile and human trafficking front, look for something to break out of Hollywood that's 100 times bigger than P Diddy....expected within a few weeks. Gonna get really rocky about that time, across all fronts.
something... but you have no idea what it will be or if it will even happen, right?
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SmaptyWolf said:

Civilized said:

SmaptyWolf said:

ncsupack1 said:

SmaptyWolf said:

ncsupack1 said:

SmaptyWolf said:

ncsupack1 said:

SmaptyWolf said:

ncsupack1 said:

Werewolf said:

DeNIro is still wearing a mask just like #Nappy.

Science…DeNiro has completely become unhinged. One of many people that Trump broke.

I dunno, as someone who's lived around NYC for a while now, I'd say DeNiro sounds pretty on point.

Like I said, Trump has broken folks. There are people on the left that either compare him or call him Hitler. What do you call that?

I didn't hear any mention of Hitler. Just that Trump has been a 2-bit con man his whole life. Which is true.
I see where this is going. Folks on the left at times, have compare the two, yes? Not in this case.

Probably. And posters in the Water Cooler regularly insist that Obama was a fraud president, Biden is a fraud president, all elections that don't elect Republicans are totally fraud, and by the way all Democrats are Satanic pedophiles in league with the Illuminati trying to kill you with Covid vaccines.

I dunno, I think you guys have won the "Who is broken?" contest, hands down.
Don't say probably, they do. And once again, find a post were I have said either of the above. I'll wait.
I see where this is going. Folks on the Water Cooler say that all the time, yes? I've personally never seen any poster in the Water Cooler compare Trump to Hitler... though I'm not surprised that it happens sometimes, because Trump is in fact f'ing nuts.

*Raises hand* I think I did. :-p

Seriously though, several months ago I definitely said his speeches sometimes evoked Hitler. As usual, people struggle with nuance so what got lost by some on here was nobody including me was saying Trump's misdeeds or leadership flaws are even in the stratosphere of Hitler's unparalleled evil.

Hitler oversaw and encouraged the extermination of over 6 million Jews. Trump has said and done some mess but nobody on the planet currently (knock on wood) can approach Hitler.

But the populist themes, scapegoating immigrants, clearly liking/respecting authoritarian leaders around the world, word choices in speeches, etc. are absolutely evocative.

Trump loves being seen as a strongman and obviously likes and models himself after the leadership style of other strongmen, common sense bedamned when it comes to both the horrible optics and the actual application of his appreciation for truly wretched human beings/leaders.


"He said, 'Well, but Hitler did some good things.' I said, 'Well, what?' And he said, 'Well, [Hitler] rebuilt the economy.' But what did he do with that rebuilt economy? He turned it against his own people and against the world. And I said, 'Sir, you can never say anything good about the guy. Nothing,'" retired Marine Gen. John Kelly said. "It's pretty hard to believe he missed the Holocaust, though, and pretty hard to understand how he missed the 400,000 American GIs that were killed in the European theater."

Oh yeah, I do remember that. But since I did get the nuance I guess it didn't register in my mind as "calling Trump Hitler".

There's no doubt that it's bizarre, though, how much Trump likes to quote Hitler and cosplay being a dictator. It's funny... quoting Hitler typically ends any politicians career instantly. For Trump that's an average Tuesday before 9am. We're definitely living in interesting times.

Man there have been many dozens of things Trump has said or done that would be the end of basically every other non-autocrat politician on the planet. That stuff is like rocket fuel for MAGA though.

His unchained behavior lost him 2020 and lost a lot of down-ballot MAGA politicians their elections in 2018, 2020, and 2022 and he got impeached twice and has been quad-indicted and lost a huge civil suit and has had his NY business dealings punitively limited so it's not like his behavior is completely without electoral or legal or financial consequences.

But, he is still the frontrunner for 2024. No other past leader in any democratic election around the world would be in his current electoral position given the history.
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TheStorm said:

Werewolf said:

Yes, 1913, fraud wise. 1871 treason wise.

On the pedophile and human trafficking front, look for something to break out of Hollywood that's 100 times bigger than P Diddy....expected within a few weeks. Gonna get really rocky about that time, across all fronts.
something... but you have no idea what it will be or if it will even happen, right?

I have him muted, but it's the same ole BS with him.
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I guess where I get confused is with all the Hitler's the left sees. Bush was Hitler. Little Bush was Hitler. Trump is Hitler. It's like they see Hitler behind every tree. And yet if you look at which Party is pushing totalitarian ideas it's the Democrats. Whether it be Fascism or Marxism. It doesn't seem to matter to them, they just want power.
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Apparently Judge Merchant will instruct the jury that 4 jurors finding Trump guilty will be considered a unanimous verdict. That's in addition to the judge stating closing arguments shall not discuss/mention the laws. Judge's fix is in.
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barelypure said:

I guess where I get confused is with all the Hitler's the left sees. Bush was Hitler. Little Bush was Hitler. Trump is Hitler. It's like they see Hitler behind every tree. And yet if you look at which Party is pushing totalitarian ideas it's the Democrats. Whether it be Fascism or Marxism. It doesn't seem to matter to them, they just want power.

So many words are used quickly now, it desensitizes everybody. 2 big ones I hear thrown around all the time now are "Hitler" and "Genocide".

In the sports world it's "Generational". Every good prospect is labeled as generational these days, seen more so in NFL circles.
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barelypure said:

I guess where I get confused is with all the Hitler's the left sees. Bush was Hitler. Little Bush was Hitler. Trump is Hitler. It's like they see Hitler behind every tree. And yet if you look at which Party is pushing totalitarian ideas it's the Democrats. Whether it be Fascism or Marxism. It doesn't seem to matter to them, they just want power.

Holy strawman argument, Batman!

Stop normalizing Trump's rheteric and his fawning over oligarchs, dictators, and autocrats that are also America's adversaries. No other past presdient, Bush's obviously included, have done anything remotely similar.

It's unheard of, by American presdential standards and by democratic standards around the world.
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barelypure said:

I guess where I get confused is with all the Hitler's the left sees. Bush was Hitler. Little Bush was Hitler. Trump is Hitler. It's like they see Hitler behind every tree. And yet if you look at which Party is pushing totalitarian ideas it's the Democrats. Whether it be Fascism or Marxism. It doesn't seem to matter to them, they just want power.

Call me when Biden tweets Hitler quotes. Lol, yes, Trump does that. Oh, and of course Trump refers to Dems as "human scum". Lol, remember that one time when Hillary called you "deplorable" and you're still crying about it? Imagine if Biden called you "human scum" every day.

I wonder why Trump talks like that? Maybe because you guys eat it up?
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George W. Bush was considered "the devil himself" by Democrats... lie again, and say that wasn't true...
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TheStorm said:

George W. Bush was considered "the devil himself" by Democrats... lie again, and say that wasn't true...

They always have an excuse of why it's ok to call this one a tyrant of some sort or another. Hilarious the revisionist history the lefties live by.

They'd be well suited to read "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". Applies to all of their bull***** Hitler!!! RUSSIA!!!, Collusion!!!! Rape!!!!, Racist!!!! Other-ISTS!!!!!

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This is the one of the cases lefties cheerlead. What a joke. Lefties, talk about Hitler some more, hypocrites.

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packofwolves said:

Apparently Judge Merchant will instruct the jury that 4 jurors finding Trump guilty will be considered a unanimous verdict. That's in addition to the judge stating closing arguments shall not discuss/mention the laws. Judge's fix is in.

The jury instructions is they don't need to agree on the underlying predicate crime. In effect allowing a split jury conviction. Which was outlawed by Supreme Court in 2020.
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Ncsufist said:

packofwolves said:

Apparently Judge Merchant will instruct the jury that 4 jurors finding Trump guilty will be considered a unanimous verdict. That's in addition to the judge stating closing arguments shall not discuss/mention the laws. Judge's fix is in.

The jury instructions is they don't need to agree on the underlying predicate crime. In effect allowing a split jury conviction. Which was outlawed by Supreme Court in 2020.

No question the case will be dismissed on an appeal and they know it. But they don't care. Their objective is a conviction during this election cycle.
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Trump statement on how the trial is totally rigged. He also calls out the Biden regime as "fascists and communists", and specifically mentioned how we are now a nation of "rigged elections":

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

Trump statement on how the trial is totally rigged. He also calls out the Biden regime as "fascists and communists", and specifically mentioned how we are now a nation of "rigged elections":

Amazing how much you guys believe everything this con man tells you. You still have no idea you're in a cult.
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Steven1974 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Trump statement on how the trial is totally rigged. He also calls out the Biden regime as "fascists and communists", and specifically mentioned how we are now a nation of "rigged elections":

Amazing how much you guys believe everything this con man tells you. You still have no idea you're in a cult.

The TDS crowd now using the "you are!!'" retort.

Anybody that supports these political prosecutions is a brainwashed idiot. The majority of those same folks don't believe in genders also, and they want to talk about cults.

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Steven1974 said:

Amazing how much you guys believe everything this con man tells you. You still have no idea you're in a cult.
That's rich coming from someone on the side of the MENTALLY INSANE who would have us believe that there are "70 genders", "men can become women", and that "unborn children are not human beings but are just a clump of cells".

I've repeatedly been critical of Trump on these forums -- eg, for the RINO actions he took as president. But exactly what did he say in this clip that was "false"?

I've yet to see a commie DemonRat cult member even criticize Biden for anything. Will you be the first? Could you criticize Biden for his repeated groping and sniffing of young girls on camera?

The communist Left is the definition of a cult. All they do is march lock step with WHATEVER their commie overlords tell them to do, no matter how insane it gets -- the transgender insanity, now normalizing pedophilia by re-branding pedophiles as "minor attracted persons", etc.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Steven1974 said:

Amazing how much you guys believe everything this con man tells you. You still have no idea you're in a cult.

It's crazy.
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Civilized said:

Steven1974 said:

Amazing how much you guys believe everything this con man tells you. You still have no idea you're in a cult.

It's crazy.
No...what's TRULY crazy is "70 genders", forcing young girls to share the bathroom and locker room with grown men transgenders, mass murdering millions of unborn children and celebrating it as a "sacred right", celebrating sending young children to be given lap dances by drag queens, and supporting a senile pedo who gropes and sniffs young girls on camera over and over again.

What exactly IS your big criticism of Trump, by the way? What has he done that is so "egregious" in your eyes? The orange makeup??
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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packgrad said:

Steven1974 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Trump statement on how the trial is totally rigged. He also calls out the Biden regime as "fascists and communists", and specifically mentioned how we are now a nation of "rigged elections":

Amazing how much you guys believe everything this con man tells you. You still have no idea you're in a cult.

The TDS crowd now using the "you are!!'" retort.

Anybody that supports these political prosecutions is a brainwashed idiot. The majority of those same folks don't believe in genders also, and they want to talk about cults.

Yep their hatred for all things Trump just blinds them to the fact that not just Trump's rights are being violated, but this leads to everybody's rights being violated and taken away. This is total BS. There was no crime and they are trying to make up a crime out of a misdemeanor(where the statute of limitations has passed) and make it a felony. Then the judge is as corrupt as Joe Biden. Yep we are in a cult. The cult is living by the Constitution of the United States. What we are witnessing now is Banana Republic stuff and the leftist on here are completely blind to it. Actually pathetic.
Being an N. C. State fan builds great character!
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What's worse is with what has been acknowledged by the state of ga and how the dnc/biden/doj have people on the prosecutorial teams. Trump is actually correct in bunch or what he has been saying to some extent.
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Pay attention to the little things for hints & connecitons.

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Pedophiles fear Trump.

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"Whatever it takes" says the mentally ill.

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LOL, should I say "Enjoy the Show"?

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TheStorm said:

Werewolf said:

Yes, 1913, fraud wise. 1871 treason wise.

On the pedophile and human trafficking front, look for something to break out of Hollywood that's 100 times bigger than P Diddy....expected within a few weeks. Gonna get really rocky about that time, across all fronts.
something... but you have no idea what it will be or if it will even happen, right?
It was presented as 1,000 times bigger. Pressed for details, he said he could not preempt the release although he suggested there has been a slight dribble. We'll see, he's predicted everything else ......such as Trump's indictments nearly 3 years ago. I've been listening to Juan O'Savin for about 4 years now, he's a big fish, I have no idea who he is but he's very close to Trump and General Flynn.
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#Sieve, I'm gonna ask you straight up, "are you proud"? Just a YES OR NO

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TRUMP is the most investigated person in the HISTORY of the WORLD..........and they haven't been able to GET HIM.....
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barelypure said:

I guess where I get confused is with all the Hitler's the left sees. Bush was Hitler. Little Bush was Hitler. Trump is Hitler. It's like they see Hitler behind every tree. And yet if you look at which Party is pushing totalitarian ideas it's the Democrats. Whether it be Fascism or Marxism. It doesn't seem to matter to them, they just want power.

Democrats always accuse others of doing exactly what THEY are doing.
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Steven1974 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Trump statement on how the trial is totally rigged. He also calls out the Biden regime as "fascists and communists", and specifically mentioned how we are now a nation of "rigged elections":

Amazing how much you guys believe everything this con man tells you. You still have no idea you're in a cult.

Amazing how much you guys believe everything the liberal media tells you. You still have no idea you're in a cult.
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MIka and Joe on Trump. What happened?
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packgrad said:

This is the one of the cases lefties cheerlead. What a joke. Lefties, talk about Hitler some more, hypocrites.

That's about as anti-Sixth amendment as you can get. Merchan and Bragg need to get a RICO civil suit.
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