PackBacker07 said:
People who are internet illiterate, which seems to be 90% of the Water Cooler, will be the downfall of America. Fascism and autocracy abounds here. ****ing sickening.
I love the fact that you are accusing 90% of the Water Cooler of being responsible for the downfall of America. You and your lefty brethren, Glass, packchem, hokie, Civ, metcalf etc.... can take credit for that. Only one party is pushing for the following:
- eliminating the filibuster to "change the country"
- expanding the Supreme Court by nominating far left justices to ensure the MARXIST agenda is employed
- adding Puerto Rico and D.C. to ensure that the Senate stays in the MARXIST PARTY'S control
- enacting the "Voting Rights Act" which will turn control over ALL elections to guess who? The party in control of the Senate. It also allows ballot harvesting, same day voter registration, allows felons to vote, allows universal mail-in voting without requests for ballots, Federal control of voting districts determined by the party in control of the Senate
- enacting policies that will control information/disinformation, as in the "Ministry of Truth" that just blew up in their face, to limit information to only MARXIST ideologies
- eliminating fossil fuels and enacting the "Green New Deal" which will cripple this country and make people more dependent on the government than they already are
- eliminating the 2nd Amendment
- forcing parents to allow sex education, transgender education etc.. beginning at Kindergarten and if they speak out against it declare them "domestic terrorists"
- forcing Americans to accept their BS ideas that there are over 150 sexes and men can have babies
- telling the world that we have 30 years, 20 years, 12 years and now 8 years to save the planet by enacting ridiculous laws that punish the middle/lower classes while the elite jet set around the world telling us rubes how stupid we are for driving gasoline powered vehicles
- most of and the far most important, the lefties are smug, condescending, know-it-alls that come off just as that. They are out of touch with everyday America and it will come back to bite you and your brethren in the ass come November
Yeah... we are the ones destroying America. You are so blinded by your worship of the MSM and all of their propaganda you can't see the forest for the trees. Remember that come November. You and your comrades are doing the 90% of us on this board a favor.
Please keep being a condescending, arrogant blowhard know-it-all. We are cheering like hell for you.
Here's one more to think on... you see videos like this may work in YOUR world but for the 90% of us with kids and for 90% of the people we know that do not have their heads up their asses videos and statements like this are not what we want our children exposed to in a public school setting. Again, thank you for your smugness and arrogance. Greatly appreciated. Especially in November.
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002
"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson