The Biden Administration..V3

907,988 Views | 10736 Replies | Last: 1 day ago by Werewolf
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Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Anything else?

Three minutes of research:

He purchased a house in 1972 for $185,000 and sold it in 1996 for $1.2 million. He rolled those proceeds into a raw land purchase and built another home estimated to cost $1.5 million total (land and build cost) that's worth closer to $3 mil today (but should be paid for unless he's leveraged to the hilt given the equity he had in his original house purchase).

Bought his beach house in 2017 for $2.7 mil.

All that seems perfectly contextual.

Forbes article from 2019:

The Bidens Made Twice as much in 2017 Than Previous 19 Years Combined

Joe Biden's first year in the private sector proved to be his most lucrative in at least two decades. He and his wife, Jill, earned about $11.1 million in 2017, nearly double their total earnings from 1998 to 2016, which added up to $5.8 million, according to a Forbes analysis of tax returns. The couple brought in another $4.6 million last year.

The bulk of the Bidens' big payday came from a book deal and speaking engagements. Joe Biden routed his book and speaking payments through a company named CelticCapri Corp., which took in $9.5 million in 2017 and $2.7 million in 2018. His memoir, Promise Me, Dad, came out in November 2017 and has sold over 300,000 copies. On his financial disclosure report, Biden listed 30 book tour events, which paid him a total of $1.8 million, plus another 19 speaking engagements that provided $2.4 million.

Lets be honest here... How many of you make 175K/year? Then, how many of you make whatever a VP makes/year? Lastly, how many of you have a 2.7M home?

He bought the $2.7MM home the same year he made $9.5MM.

What exactly is the problem?
You really didn't answer my questions.

Do you make 175K/year?
Do you make whatever a VP/makes?
Do you own a 2.7M home? (BTW, that just one of his homes)
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Anything else?

Three minutes of research:

He purchased a house in 1972 for $185,000 and sold it in 1996 for $1.2 million. He rolled those proceeds into a raw land purchase and built another home estimated to cost $1.5 million total (land and build cost) that's worth closer to $3 mil today (but should be paid for unless he's leveraged to the hilt given the equity he had in his original house purchase).

Bought his beach house in 2017 for $2.7 mil.

All that seems perfectly contextual.

Forbes article from 2019:

The Bidens Made Twice as much in 2017 Than Previous 19 Years Combined

Joe Biden's first year in the private sector proved to be his most lucrative in at least two decades. He and his wife, Jill, earned about $11.1 million in 2017, nearly double their total earnings from 1998 to 2016, which added up to $5.8 million, according to a Forbes analysis of tax returns. The couple brought in another $4.6 million last year.

The bulk of the Bidens' big payday came from a book deal and speaking engagements. Joe Biden routed his book and speaking payments through a company named CelticCapri Corp., which took in $9.5 million in 2017 and $2.7 million in 2018. His memoir, Promise Me, Dad, came out in November 2017 and has sold over 300,000 copies. On his financial disclosure report, Biden listed 30 book tour events, which paid him a total of $1.8 million, plus another 19 speaking engagements that provided $2.4 million.

Lets be honest here... How many of you make 175K/year? Then, how many of you make whatever a VP makes/year? Lastly, how many of you have a 2.7M home?

He bought the $2.7MM home the same year he made $9.5MM.

What exactly is the problem?
That is the problem!!! It is for him and everybody else that leaves politics and makes that kind of money. For most liberals, the rich getting richer bothers the hell out of them, but its ok, when their own do it...

Meanwhile, Trump builds a business, in NYC, and probably uses the system to his advantage (as he says). Then, once he becomes the president, all hell breaks loose and he should pay his fair share, he's a con man, etc...

For me, Trump made his living, prior to politics. Biden made his living, because of politics!

I still don't understand what you're mad about.

That he made money on a private memoir book deal and speaking arrangements?

People don't begrudge Trump simply making money in business. They didn't begrudge Ross Perot or Mike Bloomberg doing the same before they sought political office either.

It's fairly obvious the ways that Trump is different than Ross Perot and Mike Bloomberg but people can weigh in for themselves about why he's historically unlikeable (as was Hillary Clinton). I don't need to speak for them. Simply making money in business wouldn't make the top-10 list for most people, I'd bet. Definitely doesn't for me.

But regardless, we're moving the goal posts all around here.

Do you agree that, on its face, Biden buying a $2.7MM beach house the same year he made $9MM on his memoir and speaking engagements seems rational from an economic standpoint?
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SmaptyWolf said:

Oldsouljer said:

SmaptyWolf said:

packgrad said:

SmaptyWolf said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

These statements further confirm that they don't have any evidence of illegality by Joe.

These shells weren't empty companies with no business purpose. They were foreign investments and consulting arrangements, mostly Hunter's, with clearly defined business purposes and activities.

There is currently zero evidence that consequential money flowed to Joe in a way that demonstrates corruption or influence-peddling.

Hunter's a hot mess and the optics aren't awesome. And there are many reasons why Joe shouldn't be president again.

Maybe this changes over time but as it stands right now the Pubs are slinging political mud not turning up actual evidence of corruption.
How can you make this post after the response, of my post above? The money, for the lifestyle Joe lives, came from somewhere…. Whether it's with Hunters dealings, or not, the guy has been paid.

Now, take packgrad's examples, just above, and the stench is just awful!

Oh, please parroting the left-wing talking points…. You know… zero evidence..

It's so apparent, zero evidence, was passed around, and used by these people. Narrative control!!
In 1974, Biden bought a home in Greenville for $185,000. Monthly payments on that were maybe a little high for a Senate salary of $44,000, but well within normal. In 1996 he sold the house for $1.2 million and used the money to buy a smaller house in Greenville that was, at the time, easily affordable on a Senate salary of $133,000. Then, a few years ago, using money from speaking fees, he bought a vacation home in Rehoboth Beach for $2.7 million.

That's it. Biden currently owns two homes, one that was easily affordable on a Senate salary and a second that was paid for out of post-vice-presidential speaking fees. There's nothing there. At all.

But you guys keep up the good work CONNECTING THE DOTS! The Dems appreciate your service helping them retake the House in 2024.

Hope you researched your info a little better on this than your BS cancer story. That was debunked in seconds.
The fact that you need to "debunk" a grieving father's rationalization for why his relatively young Iraq War veteran son suddenly died of brain cancer is a pretty clear indication of what a bunch of demonic jackals you guys have become. Jesus.
You appear to be indulging in a number of argumentative fallacies including appeal to motive, poisoning the well, and ergo decedo (traitorous critic fallacy). All of these are ad hominem variations but you also include appeal to ridicule and judgmental language which are sub-variants of appeal to emotion.

In summary, yes, I think y'all have had your brains boiled by years of relentless right-wing propaganda that has you believing a bunch of laughably stupid things that require a 4th grade critical thinking class to pull apart. Feel free to translate that into Latin.

Sorry, I'll let you get back to believing that Trump, a well-known con man in the NYC area for decades, is actually the only one that can save America if only the evil FBI being led by a massive conspiracy of pedophiles would leave him alone.

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Civilized said:

That being said, running it to ground exhaustively is best for the country.
But you felt differently when it was Trump and of course still would, if it were a Republican, right?
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TheStorm said:

Civilized said:

That being said, running it to ground exhaustively is best for the country.
But you felt differently when it was Trump and of course still would, if it were a Republican, right?

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packofwolves said:

SmaptyWolf said:

packofwolves said:

SmaptyWolf said:

Gulfstream4 said:

BBW12OG said:

So... wonder where Civ and the rest of his slap happy morons are on this.....


What's pathetic is how desperate you guys are for a "gotcha".

If Biden had never actually been to ground zero you may have a point, but he was there the week after instead of the day after, and being off by a few days had no impact on what he was saying at all. Even Dubya had to wait a few days before he was allowed to flex on the pile.

Lol, it's another example of Joe exaggerating and/or telling lies. Not a significant one this time, especially when compared to Joe telling a gold star mom who lost a son in the Afghanistan withdrawal that he could relate because his son Beau came home in a flag draped casket. There is no end to the bs Joe spews.
His son died of brain cancer from the toxic burn pits he was exposed to serving in Iraq. Let the dude say whatever he wants about it. Man, there's something wrong with you guys.

Joe has no business comparing his son's death with brain cancer to a mother who lost her son due to a bomb during the poorly executed Afghanistan withdrawal. Joe makes up this bs all the time to try and compare his experience to someone else's. If you follow those stories, those people do not appreciate Joe's words.

This has nothing to do with the sympathy myself and many others (republicans, democrats) have for Joe's loss of his son. And spare me your pathetic lecture. I lost a niece in the prime of her life to a grade 4 Glioblastoma. Brain cancer is no joke. Your comment is out of line.

Good post and I agree 100%.
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Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Anything else?

Three minutes of research:

He purchased a house in 1972 for $185,000 and sold it in 1996 for $1.2 million. He rolled those proceeds into a raw land purchase and built another home estimated to cost $1.5 million total (land and build cost) that's worth closer to $3 mil today (but should be paid for unless he's leveraged to the hilt given the equity he had in his original house purchase).

Bought his beach house in 2017 for $2.7 mil.

All that seems perfectly contextual.

Forbes article from 2019:

The Bidens Made Twice as much in 2017 Than Previous 19 Years Combined

Joe Biden's first year in the private sector proved to be his most lucrative in at least two decades. He and his wife, Jill, earned about $11.1 million in 2017, nearly double their total earnings from 1998 to 2016, which added up to $5.8 million, according to a Forbes analysis of tax returns. The couple brought in another $4.6 million last year.

The bulk of the Bidens' big payday came from a book deal and speaking engagements. Joe Biden routed his book and speaking payments through a company named CelticCapri Corp., which took in $9.5 million in 2017 and $2.7 million in 2018. His memoir, Promise Me, Dad, came out in November 2017 and has sold over 300,000 copies. On his financial disclosure report, Biden listed 30 book tour events, which paid him a total of $1.8 million, plus another 19 speaking engagements that provided $2.4 million.

Lets be honest here... How many of you make 175K/year? Then, how many of you make whatever a VP makes/year? Lastly, how many of you have a 2.7M home?

He bought the $2.7MM home the same year he made $9.5MM.

What exactly is the problem?
That is the problem!!! It is for him and everybody else that leaves politics and makes that kind of money. For most liberals, the rich getting richer bothers the hell out of them, but its ok, when their own do it...

Meanwhile, Trump builds a business, in NYC, and probably uses the system to his advantage (as he says). Then, once he becomes the president, all hell breaks loose and he should pay his fair share, he's a con man, etc...

For me, Trump made his living, prior to politics. Biden made his living, because of politics!

I still don't understand what you're mad about.

That he made money on a private memoir book deal and speaking arrangements?

People don't begrudge Trump simply making money in business. They didn't begrudge Ross Perot or Mike Bloomberg doing the same before they sought political office either.

It's fairly obvious the ways that Trump is different than Ross Perot and Mike Bloomberg but people can weigh in for themselves about why he's historically unlikeable (as was Hillary Clinton). I don't need to speak for them. Simply making money in business wouldn't make the top-10 list for most people, I'd bet. Definitely doesn't for me.

But regardless, we're moving the goal posts all around here.

Do you agree that, on its face, Biden buying a $2.7MM beach house the same year he made $9MM on his memoir and speaking engagements seems rational from an economic standpoint?
Civ, you're good… "I don't know what you're mad about"

You completely missed the point, as always…. Biden has used his political connections to get rich. Trump, Perot (EDS and Perot Industries), Bloomberg all got rich using their business acumen.

As far as Trump being historically unlikeable… again, the narrative doesn't reflect the truth. Even Oprah had him, in her last week on TV, as one of the most influential and likable people. Hell, his show was extremely popular. Trump, fell out of favor, with people, like you, since his political career.

No, I don't agree that Biden buying a 2.7M house, in the same year, as making 9M, seems rational. Biden used the political system for his personal gain. Biden is the epitome of a political hack, that I can't stand!! Sorry, we see it differently…

BTW, I'll answer my questions…

On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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Civilized said:

packofwolves said:

Civ - thanks for posting the articles. Will read them when I have time later. Regarding Hunter, I do think the IRS whistleblowers are very credible. And if what they say is true, the investigation was stopped or significantly hindered regarding the taxes. The interview with Hunter was prevented in Dec before Joe took office. So regarding the taxes, I do believe it needs to be fully investigated. I don't have confidence the special counsel will perform a proper investigation considering the sweet heart deal he tried to get through court, But hopefully that is not the case. He did let the statute run out on earlier tax years.

I agree, the IRS whistleblowers seemed credible to me too.

I think it's unfortunate but fairly predictable that the President's son would have a tax case handled differently than me or you if we were to get audited and later investigated. I wasn't upset to see a judge later step in and throw out the sweetheart plea deal. We don't need to exacerbate the optics or the actual chasm in criminal justice outcomes in this country between the privileged and the less fortunate.

The bigger and more important question for our country though is whether there are any credible leads that seem to implicate Joe in criminality and on that topic my suspicion is that if there were inklings of it so far they would have surfaced at some point and Pubs would be screaming about them from the rooftops.

That being said, running it to ground exhaustively is best for the country.

Hopefully we will find out now that the impeachment inquiry is official. With the inquiry, there should not be interference obtaining records.
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packofwolves said:

Civilized said:

packofwolves said:

Civ - thanks for posting the articles. Will read them when I have time later. Regarding Hunter, I do think the IRS whistleblowers are very credible. And if what they say is true, the investigation was stopped or significantly hindered regarding the taxes. The interview with Hunter was prevented in Dec before Joe took office. So regarding the taxes, I do believe it needs to be fully investigated. I don't have confidence the special counsel will perform a proper investigation considering the sweet heart deal he tried to get through court, But hopefully that is not the case. He did let the statute run out on earlier tax years.

I agree, the IRS whistleblowers seemed credible to me too.

I think it's unfortunate but fairly predictable that the President's son would have a tax case handled differently than me or you if we were to get audited and later investigated. I wasn't upset to see a judge later step in and throw out the sweetheart plea deal. We don't need to exacerbate the optics or the actual chasm in criminal justice outcomes in this country between the privileged and the less fortunate.

The bigger and more important question for our country though is whether there are any credible leads that seem to implicate Joe in criminality and on that topic my suspicion is that if there were inklings of it so far they would have surfaced at some point and Pubs would be screaming about them from the rooftops.

That being said, running it to ground exhaustively is best for the country.

Hopefully we will find out now that the impeachment inquiry is official. With the inquiry, there should not be interference obtaining records.

Yep. Always fun and clarifying to get adults in the room and cut through the political rhetoric with subpoenas and sworn testimony.
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Civilized said:

packofwolves said:

Civilized said:

packofwolves said:

Civ - thanks for posting the articles. Will read them when I have time later. Regarding Hunter, I do think the IRS whistleblowers are very credible. And if what they say is true, the investigation was stopped or significantly hindered regarding the taxes. The interview with Hunter was prevented in Dec before Joe took office. So regarding the taxes, I do believe it needs to be fully investigated. I don't have confidence the special counsel will perform a proper investigation considering the sweet heart deal he tried to get through court, But hopefully that is not the case. He did let the statute run out on earlier tax years.

I agree, the IRS whistleblowers seemed credible to me too.

I think it's unfortunate but fairly predictable that the President's son would have a tax case handled differently than me or you if we were to get audited and later investigated. I wasn't upset to see a judge later step in and throw out the sweetheart plea deal. We don't need to exacerbate the optics or the actual chasm in criminal justice outcomes in this country between the privileged and the less fortunate.

The bigger and more important question for our country though is whether there are any credible leads that seem to implicate Joe in criminality and on that topic my suspicion is that if there were inklings of it so far they would have surfaced at some point and Pubs would be screaming about them from the rooftops.

That being said, running it to ground exhaustively is best for the country.

Hopefully we will find out now that the impeachment inquiry is official. With the inquiry, there should not be interference obtaining records.

Yep. Always fun and clarifying to get adults in the room and cut through the political rhetoric with subpoenas and sworn testimony.
Look in the mirror when you say's all your side does..
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caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Anything else?

Three minutes of research:

He purchased a house in 1972 for $185,000 and sold it in 1996 for $1.2 million. He rolled those proceeds into a raw land purchase and built another home estimated to cost $1.5 million total (land and build cost) that's worth closer to $3 mil today (but should be paid for unless he's leveraged to the hilt given the equity he had in his original house purchase).

Bought his beach house in 2017 for $2.7 mil.

All that seems perfectly contextual.

Forbes article from 2019:

The Bidens Made Twice as much in 2017 Than Previous 19 Years Combined

Joe Biden's first year in the private sector proved to be his most lucrative in at least two decades. He and his wife, Jill, earned about $11.1 million in 2017, nearly double their total earnings from 1998 to 2016, which added up to $5.8 million, according to a Forbes analysis of tax returns. The couple brought in another $4.6 million last year.

The bulk of the Bidens' big payday came from a book deal and speaking engagements. Joe Biden routed his book and speaking payments through a company named CelticCapri Corp., which took in $9.5 million in 2017 and $2.7 million in 2018. His memoir, Promise Me, Dad, came out in November 2017 and has sold over 300,000 copies. On his financial disclosure report, Biden listed 30 book tour events, which paid him a total of $1.8 million, plus another 19 speaking engagements that provided $2.4 million.

Lets be honest here... How many of you make 175K/year? Then, how many of you make whatever a VP makes/year? Lastly, how many of you have a 2.7M home?

He bought the $2.7MM home the same year he made $9.5MM.

What exactly is the problem?
That is the problem!!! It is for him and everybody else that leaves politics and makes that kind of money. For most liberals, the rich getting richer bothers the hell out of them, but its ok, when their own do it...

Meanwhile, Trump builds a business, in NYC, and probably uses the system to his advantage (as he says). Then, once he becomes the president, all hell breaks loose and he should pay his fair share, he's a con man, etc...

For me, Trump made his living, prior to politics. Biden made his living, because of politics!

I still don't understand what you're mad about.

That he made money on a private memoir book deal and speaking arrangements?

People don't begrudge Trump simply making money in business. They didn't begrudge Ross Perot or Mike Bloomberg doing the same before they sought political office either.

It's fairly obvious the ways that Trump is different than Ross Perot and Mike Bloomberg but people can weigh in for themselves about why he's historically unlikeable (as was Hillary Clinton). I don't need to speak for them. Simply making money in business wouldn't make the top-10 list for most people, I'd bet. Definitely doesn't for me.

But regardless, we're moving the goal posts all around here.

Do you agree that, on its face, Biden buying a $2.7MM beach house the same year he made $9MM on his memoir and speaking engagements seems rational from an economic standpoint?
Civ, you're good… "I don't know what you're mad about"

You completely missed the point, as always…. Biden has used his political connections to get rich. Trump, Perot (EDS and Perot Industries), Bloomberg all got rich using their business acumen.

As far as Trump being historically unlikeable… again, the narrative doesn't reflect the truth. Even Oprah had him, in her last week on TV, as one of the most influential and likable people. Hell, his show was extremely popular. Trump, fell out of favor, with people, like you, since his political career.

No, I don't agree that Biden buying a 2.7M house, in the same year, as making 9M, seems rational. Biden used the political system for his personal gain. Biden is the epitome of a political hack, that I can't stand!! Sorry, we see it differently…

BTW, I'll answer my questions…


We're just talking about two different things buddy.

You're saying Biden's wealth accumulation is unsavory.

I'm not arguing that point. I'm just saying it's legal (as far as we know right now).
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Redwolf said:

Civilized said:

packofwolves said:

Civilized said:

packofwolves said:

Civ - thanks for posting the articles. Will read them when I have time later. Regarding Hunter, I do think the IRS whistleblowers are very credible. And if what they say is true, the investigation was stopped or significantly hindered regarding the taxes. The interview with Hunter was prevented in Dec before Joe took office. So regarding the taxes, I do believe it needs to be fully investigated. I don't have confidence the special counsel will perform a proper investigation considering the sweet heart deal he tried to get through court, But hopefully that is not the case. He did let the statute run out on earlier tax years.

I agree, the IRS whistleblowers seemed credible to me too.

I think it's unfortunate but fairly predictable that the President's son would have a tax case handled differently than me or you if we were to get audited and later investigated. I wasn't upset to see a judge later step in and throw out the sweetheart plea deal. We don't need to exacerbate the optics or the actual chasm in criminal justice outcomes in this country between the privileged and the less fortunate.

The bigger and more important question for our country though is whether there are any credible leads that seem to implicate Joe in criminality and on that topic my suspicion is that if there were inklings of it so far they would have surfaced at some point and Pubs would be screaming about them from the rooftops.

That being said, running it to ground exhaustively is best for the country.

Hopefully we will find out now that the impeachment inquiry is official. With the inquiry, there should not be interference obtaining records.

Yep. Always fun and clarifying to get adults in the room and cut through the political rhetoric with subpoenas and sworn testimony.
Look in the mirror when you say's all your side does..

What is?
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Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Anything else?

Three minutes of research:

He purchased a house in 1972 for $185,000 and sold it in 1996 for $1.2 million. He rolled those proceeds into a raw land purchase and built another home estimated to cost $1.5 million total (land and build cost) that's worth closer to $3 mil today (but should be paid for unless he's leveraged to the hilt given the equity he had in his original house purchase).

Bought his beach house in 2017 for $2.7 mil.

All that seems perfectly contextual.

Forbes article from 2019:

The Bidens Made Twice as much in 2017 Than Previous 19 Years Combined

Joe Biden's first year in the private sector proved to be his most lucrative in at least two decades. He and his wife, Jill, earned about $11.1 million in 2017, nearly double their total earnings from 1998 to 2016, which added up to $5.8 million, according to a Forbes analysis of tax returns. The couple brought in another $4.6 million last year.

The bulk of the Bidens' big payday came from a book deal and speaking engagements. Joe Biden routed his book and speaking payments through a company named CelticCapri Corp., which took in $9.5 million in 2017 and $2.7 million in 2018. His memoir, Promise Me, Dad, came out in November 2017 and has sold over 300,000 copies. On his financial disclosure report, Biden listed 30 book tour events, which paid him a total of $1.8 million, plus another 19 speaking engagements that provided $2.4 million.

Lets be honest here... How many of you make 175K/year? Then, how many of you make whatever a VP makes/year? Lastly, how many of you have a 2.7M home?

He bought the $2.7MM home the same year he made $9.5MM.

What exactly is the problem?
That is the problem!!! It is for him and everybody else that leaves politics and makes that kind of money. For most liberals, the rich getting richer bothers the hell out of them, but its ok, when their own do it...

Meanwhile, Trump builds a business, in NYC, and probably uses the system to his advantage (as he says). Then, once he becomes the president, all hell breaks loose and he should pay his fair share, he's a con man, etc...

For me, Trump made his living, prior to politics. Biden made his living, because of politics!

I still don't understand what you're mad about.

That he made money on a private memoir book deal and speaking arrangements?

People don't begrudge Trump simply making money in business. They didn't begrudge Ross Perot or Mike Bloomberg doing the same before they sought political office either.

It's fairly obvious the ways that Trump is different than Ross Perot and Mike Bloomberg but people can weigh in for themselves about why he's historically unlikeable (as was Hillary Clinton). I don't need to speak for them. Simply making money in business wouldn't make the top-10 list for most people, I'd bet. Definitely doesn't for me.

But regardless, we're moving the goal posts all around here.

Do you agree that, on its face, Biden buying a $2.7MM beach house the same year he made $9MM on his memoir and speaking engagements seems rational from an economic standpoint?
Civ, you're good… "I don't know what you're mad about"

You completely missed the point, as always…. Biden has used his political connections to get rich. Trump, Perot (EDS and Perot Industries), Bloomberg all got rich using their business acumen.

As far as Trump being historically unlikeable… again, the narrative doesn't reflect the truth. Even Oprah had him, in her last week on TV, as one of the most influential and likable people. Hell, his show was extremely popular. Trump, fell out of favor, with people, like you, since his political career.

No, I don't agree that Biden buying a 2.7M house, in the same year, as making 9M, seems rational. Biden used the political system for his personal gain. Biden is the epitome of a political hack, that I can't stand!! Sorry, we see it differently…

BTW, I'll answer my questions…


We're just talking about two different things buddy.

You're saying Biden's wealth accumulation is unsavory.

I'm not arguing that point. I'm just saying it's legal (as far as we know right now).
Biden wrote a book that people wanted to buy, and therefore he made money. There's literally nothing unsavory about it, and he didn't need "political connections" any more than any other celebrity does who writes a book every other day.

If anyone is actually concerned about "unsavory", I'd invite them to put aside the "Apprentice" fan fiction version of Trump's biography, and spend 5 minutes looking into his actual history in NYC. Hoo boy.
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packofwolves said:

Civilized said:

packofwolves said:

Civ - thanks for posting the articles. Will read them when I have time later. Regarding Hunter, I do think the IRS whistleblowers are very credible. And if what they say is true, the investigation was stopped or significantly hindered regarding the taxes. The interview with Hunter was prevented in Dec before Joe took office. So regarding the taxes, I do believe it needs to be fully investigated. I don't have confidence the special counsel will perform a proper investigation considering the sweet heart deal he tried to get through court, But hopefully that is not the case. He did let the statute run out on earlier tax years.

I agree, the IRS whistleblowers seemed credible to me too.

I think it's unfortunate but fairly predictable that the President's son would have a tax case handled differently than me or you if we were to get audited and later investigated. I wasn't upset to see a judge later step in and throw out the sweetheart plea deal. We don't need to exacerbate the optics or the actual chasm in criminal justice outcomes in this country between the privileged and the less fortunate.

The bigger and more important question for our country though is whether there are any credible leads that seem to implicate Joe in criminality and on that topic my suspicion is that if there were inklings of it so far they would have surfaced at some point and Pubs would be screaming about them from the rooftops.

That being said, running it to ground exhaustively is best for the country.

Hopefully we will find out now that the impeachment inquiry is official. With the inquiry, there should not be interference obtaining records.
In theory, though I don't know that any of this will go far. I absolutely hate that the Dems crossed the Rubicon by starting an impeachment a couple years ago because when you do things like that, there's no turning back. That sword cuts both ways. And it shows how little they care about the nobler things that matter in governance. As for the other side of the aisle, they're just as bad with their complicity, there's no doubt in my mind that McCarthy got his hand forced to do something he doesn't want to do. There's a handful of "Mr. Smith's" in Congress, the rest are Uniparty.
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Civilized said:

Redwolf said:

Civilized said:

packofwolves said:

Civilized said:

packofwolves said:

Civ - thanks for posting the articles. Will read them when I have time later. Regarding Hunter, I do think the IRS whistleblowers are very credible. And if what they say is true, the investigation was stopped or significantly hindered regarding the taxes. The interview with Hunter was prevented in Dec before Joe took office. So regarding the taxes, I do believe it needs to be fully investigated. I don't have confidence the special counsel will perform a proper investigation considering the sweet heart deal he tried to get through court, But hopefully that is not the case. He did let the statute run out on earlier tax years.

I agree, the IRS whistleblowers seemed credible to me too.

I think it's unfortunate but fairly predictable that the President's son would have a tax case handled differently than me or you if we were to get audited and later investigated. I wasn't upset to see a judge later step in and throw out the sweetheart plea deal. We don't need to exacerbate the optics or the actual chasm in criminal justice outcomes in this country between the privileged and the less fortunate.

The bigger and more important question for our country though is whether there are any credible leads that seem to implicate Joe in criminality and on that topic my suspicion is that if there were inklings of it so far they would have surfaced at some point and Pubs would be screaming about them from the rooftops.

That being said, running it to ground exhaustively is best for the country.

Hopefully we will find out now that the impeachment inquiry is official. With the inquiry, there should not be interference obtaining records.

Yep. Always fun and clarifying to get adults in the room and cut through the political rhetoric with subpoenas and sworn testimony.
Look in the mirror when you say's all your side does..

What is?
Subpoenas and sworn testimony! You guys wrote the book and now it's on the other foot.
How do you like it….gees. Are you that far gone you don't see how your side started this?
Bill Ayers says hello. So does Susan Rosenberg..No no your side clearly started this war on capitalism.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
SmaptyWolf said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Anything else?

Three minutes of research:

He purchased a house in 1972 for $185,000 and sold it in 1996 for $1.2 million. He rolled those proceeds into a raw land purchase and built another home estimated to cost $1.5 million total (land and build cost) that's worth closer to $3 mil today (but should be paid for unless he's leveraged to the hilt given the equity he had in his original house purchase).

Bought his beach house in 2017 for $2.7 mil.

All that seems perfectly contextual.

Forbes article from 2019:

The Bidens Made Twice as much in 2017 Than Previous 19 Years Combined

Joe Biden's first year in the private sector proved to be his most lucrative in at least two decades. He and his wife, Jill, earned about $11.1 million in 2017, nearly double their total earnings from 1998 to 2016, which added up to $5.8 million, according to a Forbes analysis of tax returns. The couple brought in another $4.6 million last year.

The bulk of the Bidens' big payday came from a book deal and speaking engagements. Joe Biden routed his book and speaking payments through a company named CelticCapri Corp., which took in $9.5 million in 2017 and $2.7 million in 2018. His memoir, Promise Me, Dad, came out in November 2017 and has sold over 300,000 copies. On his financial disclosure report, Biden listed 30 book tour events, which paid him a total of $1.8 million, plus another 19 speaking engagements that provided $2.4 million.

Lets be honest here... How many of you make 175K/year? Then, how many of you make whatever a VP makes/year? Lastly, how many of you have a 2.7M home?

He bought the $2.7MM home the same year he made $9.5MM.

What exactly is the problem?
That is the problem!!! It is for him and everybody else that leaves politics and makes that kind of money. For most liberals, the rich getting richer bothers the hell out of them, but its ok, when their own do it...

Meanwhile, Trump builds a business, in NYC, and probably uses the system to his advantage (as he says). Then, once he becomes the president, all hell breaks loose and he should pay his fair share, he's a con man, etc...

For me, Trump made his living, prior to politics. Biden made his living, because of politics!

I still don't understand what you're mad about.

That he made money on a private memoir book deal and speaking arrangements?

People don't begrudge Trump simply making money in business. They didn't begrudge Ross Perot or Mike Bloomberg doing the same before they sought political office either.

It's fairly obvious the ways that Trump is different than Ross Perot and Mike Bloomberg but people can weigh in for themselves about why he's historically unlikeable (as was Hillary Clinton). I don't need to speak for them. Simply making money in business wouldn't make the top-10 list for most people, I'd bet. Definitely doesn't for me.

But regardless, we're moving the goal posts all around here.

Do you agree that, on its face, Biden buying a $2.7MM beach house the same year he made $9MM on his memoir and speaking engagements seems rational from an economic standpoint?
Civ, you're good… "I don't know what you're mad about"

You completely missed the point, as always…. Biden has used his political connections to get rich. Trump, Perot (EDS and Perot Industries), Bloomberg all got rich using their business acumen.

As far as Trump being historically unlikeable… again, the narrative doesn't reflect the truth. Even Oprah had him, in her last week on TV, as one of the most influential and likable people. Hell, his show was extremely popular. Trump, fell out of favor, with people, like you, since his political career.

No, I don't agree that Biden buying a 2.7M house, in the same year, as making 9M, seems rational. Biden used the political system for his personal gain. Biden is the epitome of a political hack, that I can't stand!! Sorry, we see it differently…

BTW, I'll answer my questions…


We're just talking about two different things buddy.

You're saying Biden's wealth accumulation is unsavory.

I'm not arguing that point. I'm just saying it's legal (as far as we know right now).
Biden wrote a book that people wanted to buy, and therefore he made money. There literally nothing unsavory about it, and he didn't need "political connections" any more than any other celebrity does who writes a book every other day.

If anyone is actually concerned about "unsavory", I'd invite them to put aside the "Apprentice" fan fiction version of Trump's biography, and spend 5 minutes looking into his actual history in NYC. Hoo boy.
You love you some government employees, don't you?
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Anything else?

Three minutes of research:

He purchased a house in 1972 for $185,000 and sold it in 1996 for $1.2 million. He rolled those proceeds into a raw land purchase and built another home estimated to cost $1.5 million total (land and build cost) that's worth closer to $3 mil today (but should be paid for unless he's leveraged to the hilt given the equity he had in his original house purchase).

Bought his beach house in 2017 for $2.7 mil.

All that seems perfectly contextual.

Forbes article from 2019:

The Bidens Made Twice as much in 2017 Than Previous 19 Years Combined

Joe Biden's first year in the private sector proved to be his most lucrative in at least two decades. He and his wife, Jill, earned about $11.1 million in 2017, nearly double their total earnings from 1998 to 2016, which added up to $5.8 million, according to a Forbes analysis of tax returns. The couple brought in another $4.6 million last year.

The bulk of the Bidens' big payday came from a book deal and speaking engagements. Joe Biden routed his book and speaking payments through a company named CelticCapri Corp., which took in $9.5 million in 2017 and $2.7 million in 2018. His memoir, Promise Me, Dad, came out in November 2017 and has sold over 300,000 copies. On his financial disclosure report, Biden listed 30 book tour events, which paid him a total of $1.8 million, plus another 19 speaking engagements that provided $2.4 million.

Lets be honest here... How many of you make 175K/year? Then, how many of you make whatever a VP makes/year? Lastly, how many of you have a 2.7M home?

He bought the $2.7MM home the same year he made $9.5MM.

What exactly is the problem?
That is the problem!!! It is for him and everybody else that leaves politics and makes that kind of money. For most liberals, the rich getting richer bothers the hell out of them, but its ok, when their own do it...

Meanwhile, Trump builds a business, in NYC, and probably uses the system to his advantage (as he says). Then, once he becomes the president, all hell breaks loose and he should pay his fair share, he's a con man, etc...

For me, Trump made his living, prior to politics. Biden made his living, because of politics!

I still don't understand what you're mad about.

That he made money on a private memoir book deal and speaking arrangements?

People don't begrudge Trump simply making money in business. They didn't begrudge Ross Perot or Mike Bloomberg doing the same before they sought political office either.

It's fairly obvious the ways that Trump is different than Ross Perot and Mike Bloomberg but people can weigh in for themselves about why he's historically unlikeable (as was Hillary Clinton). I don't need to speak for them. Simply making money in business wouldn't make the top-10 list for most people, I'd bet. Definitely doesn't for me.

But regardless, we're moving the goal posts all around here.

Do you agree that, on its face, Biden buying a $2.7MM beach house the same year he made $9MM on his memoir and speaking engagements seems rational from an economic standpoint?
Civ, you're good… "I don't know what you're mad about"

You completely missed the point, as always…. Biden has used his political connections to get rich. Trump, Perot (EDS and Perot Industries), Bloomberg all got rich using their business acumen.

As far as Trump being historically unlikeable… again, the narrative doesn't reflect the truth. Even Oprah had him, in her last week on TV, as one of the most influential and likable people. Hell, his show was extremely popular. Trump, fell out of favor, with people, like you, since his political career.

No, I don't agree that Biden buying a 2.7M house, in the same year, as making 9M, seems rational. Biden used the political system for his personal gain. Biden is the epitome of a political hack, that I can't stand!! Sorry, we see it differently…

BTW, I'll answer my questions…


We're just talking about two different things buddy.

You're saying Biden's wealth accumulation is unsavory.

I'm not arguing that point. I'm just saying it's legal (as far as we know right now).
Yes we are!
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
How long do you want to ignore this user?
packgrad said:

Civ's talking points being pushed by Biden…
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Oldsouljer said:

packofwolves said:

Civilized said:

packofwolves said:

Civ - thanks for posting the articles. Will read them when I have time later. Regarding Hunter, I do think the IRS whistleblowers are very credible. And if what they say is true, the investigation was stopped or significantly hindered regarding the taxes. The interview with Hunter was prevented in Dec before Joe took office. So regarding the taxes, I do believe it needs to be fully investigated. I don't have confidence the special counsel will perform a proper investigation considering the sweet heart deal he tried to get through court, But hopefully that is not the case. He did let the statute run out on earlier tax years.

I agree, the IRS whistleblowers seemed credible to me too.

I think it's unfortunate but fairly predictable that the President's son would have a tax case handled differently than me or you if we were to get audited and later investigated. I wasn't upset to see a judge later step in and throw out the sweetheart plea deal. We don't need to exacerbate the optics or the actual chasm in criminal justice outcomes in this country between the privileged and the less fortunate.

The bigger and more important question for our country though is whether there are any credible leads that seem to implicate Joe in criminality and on that topic my suspicion is that if there were inklings of it so far they would have surfaced at some point and Pubs would be screaming about them from the rooftops.

That being said, running it to ground exhaustively is best for the country.

Hopefully we will find out now that the impeachment inquiry is official. With the inquiry, there should not be interference obtaining records.
In theory, though I don't know that any of this will go far. I absolutely hate that the Dems crossed the Rubicon by starting an impeachment a couple years ago because when you do things like that, there's no turning back. That sword cuts both ways. And it shows how little they care about the nobler things that matter in governance. As for the other side of the aisle, they're just as bad with their complicity, there's no doubt in my mind that McCarthy got his hand forced to do something he doesn't want to do. There's a handful of "Mr. Smith's" in Congress, the rest are Uniparty.

I know conservatives have been conditioned with a decades-long standard playbook into going completely torch and pitchforks over piddling nonsense like Hillary's emails... there's never anything to any of these "scandals", but they always achieve their intended purpose of making the target *seem* shady. Of course this latest thing is a new innovation... don't even bother making up something to go after, just impeach now and figure it out later.

So now imagine if Biden, a few months ago, had actually threatened to withhold vital military aid to one of our allies (while they were under attack) unless they were willing to dig up and/or fabricate political dirt on Trump. Something that is unquestionable serious, corrupt, and illegal, with hard evidence that it happened. Can you imagine what conservatives would do with ACTUAL corruption? Forget the "Rubicon", they would begin impeachment hearings that day, and they would be right to. If we don't do that when a leader is acting brazenly corrupt, then there's no such thing as the rule of law.

That was like an average Wednesday for Trump.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
SmaptyWolf said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Anything else?

Three minutes of research:

He purchased a house in 1972 for $185,000 and sold it in 1996 for $1.2 million. He rolled those proceeds into a raw land purchase and built another home estimated to cost $1.5 million total (land and build cost) that's worth closer to $3 mil today (but should be paid for unless he's leveraged to the hilt given the equity he had in his original house purchase).

Bought his beach house in 2017 for $2.7 mil.

All that seems perfectly contextual.

Forbes article from 2019:

The Bidens Made Twice as much in 2017 Than Previous 19 Years Combined

Joe Biden's first year in the private sector proved to be his most lucrative in at least two decades. He and his wife, Jill, earned about $11.1 million in 2017, nearly double their total earnings from 1998 to 2016, which added up to $5.8 million, according to a Forbes analysis of tax returns. The couple brought in another $4.6 million last year.

The bulk of the Bidens' big payday came from a book deal and speaking engagements. Joe Biden routed his book and speaking payments through a company named CelticCapri Corp., which took in $9.5 million in 2017 and $2.7 million in 2018. His memoir, Promise Me, Dad, came out in November 2017 and has sold over 300,000 copies. On his financial disclosure report, Biden listed 30 book tour events, which paid him a total of $1.8 million, plus another 19 speaking engagements that provided $2.4 million.

Lets be honest here... How many of you make 175K/year? Then, how many of you make whatever a VP makes/year? Lastly, how many of you have a 2.7M home?

He bought the $2.7MM home the same year he made $9.5MM.

What exactly is the problem?
That is the problem!!! It is for him and everybody else that leaves politics and makes that kind of money. For most liberals, the rich getting richer bothers the hell out of them, but its ok, when their own do it...

Meanwhile, Trump builds a business, in NYC, and probably uses the system to his advantage (as he says). Then, once he becomes the president, all hell breaks loose and he should pay his fair share, he's a con man, etc...

For me, Trump made his living, prior to politics. Biden made his living, because of politics!

I still don't understand what you're mad about.

That he made money on a private memoir book deal and speaking arrangements?

People don't begrudge Trump simply making money in business. They didn't begrudge Ross Perot or Mike Bloomberg doing the same before they sought political office either.

It's fairly obvious the ways that Trump is different than Ross Perot and Mike Bloomberg but people can weigh in for themselves about why he's historically unlikeable (as was Hillary Clinton). I don't need to speak for them. Simply making money in business wouldn't make the top-10 list for most people, I'd bet. Definitely doesn't for me.

But regardless, we're moving the goal posts all around here.

Do you agree that, on its face, Biden buying a $2.7MM beach house the same year he made $9MM on his memoir and speaking engagements seems rational from an economic standpoint?
Civ, you're good… "I don't know what you're mad about"

You completely missed the point, as always…. Biden has used his political connections to get rich. Trump, Perot (EDS and Perot Industries), Bloomberg all got rich using their business acumen.

As far as Trump being historically unlikeable… again, the narrative doesn't reflect the truth. Even Oprah had him, in her last week on TV, as one of the most influential and likable people. Hell, his show was extremely popular. Trump, fell out of favor, with people, like you, since his political career.

No, I don't agree that Biden buying a 2.7M house, in the same year, as making 9M, seems rational. Biden used the political system for his personal gain. Biden is the epitome of a political hack, that I can't stand!! Sorry, we see it differently…

BTW, I'll answer my questions…


We're just talking about two different things buddy.

You're saying Biden's wealth accumulation is unsavory.

I'm not arguing that point. I'm just saying it's legal (as far as we know right now).
Biden wrote a book that people wanted to buy, and therefore he made money. There's literally nothing unsavory about it, and he didn't need "political connections" any more than any other celebrity does who writes a book every other day.

If anyone is actually concerned about "unsavory", I'd invite them to put aside the "Apprentice" fan fiction version of Trump's biography, and spend 5 minutes looking into his actual history in NYC. Hoo boy.

Don't disagree, I'm just saying the conversation shouldn't even be about "savory." It's not germane to whether Biden is corrupt.

Cary was saying Biden shouldn't be able to live his lifestyle on a government salary, implying that the only way Biden could be doing so is if he was on the take.

My only point is that based on what we know about Biden's earnings there's nothing apparently illegal about the means by which a Biden lives his lifestyle.

How long do you want to ignore this user?
Civilized said:

SmaptyWolf said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Anything else?

Three minutes of research:

He purchased a house in 1972 for $185,000 and sold it in 1996 for $1.2 million. He rolled those proceeds into a raw land purchase and built another home estimated to cost $1.5 million total (land and build cost) that's worth closer to $3 mil today (but should be paid for unless he's leveraged to the hilt given the equity he had in his original house purchase).

Bought his beach house in 2017 for $2.7 mil.

All that seems perfectly contextual.

Forbes article from 2019:

The Bidens Made Twice as much in 2017 Than Previous 19 Years Combined

Joe Biden's first year in the private sector proved to be his most lucrative in at least two decades. He and his wife, Jill, earned about $11.1 million in 2017, nearly double their total earnings from 1998 to 2016, which added up to $5.8 million, according to a Forbes analysis of tax returns. The couple brought in another $4.6 million last year.

The bulk of the Bidens' big payday came from a book deal and speaking engagements. Joe Biden routed his book and speaking payments through a company named CelticCapri Corp., which took in $9.5 million in 2017 and $2.7 million in 2018. His memoir, Promise Me, Dad, came out in November 2017 and has sold over 300,000 copies. On his financial disclosure report, Biden listed 30 book tour events, which paid him a total of $1.8 million, plus another 19 speaking engagements that provided $2.4 million.

Lets be honest here... How many of you make 175K/year? Then, how many of you make whatever a VP makes/year? Lastly, how many of you have a 2.7M home?

He bought the $2.7MM home the same year he made $9.5MM.

What exactly is the problem?
That is the problem!!! It is for him and everybody else that leaves politics and makes that kind of money. For most liberals, the rich getting richer bothers the hell out of them, but its ok, when their own do it...

Meanwhile, Trump builds a business, in NYC, and probably uses the system to his advantage (as he says). Then, once he becomes the president, all hell breaks loose and he should pay his fair share, he's a con man, etc...

For me, Trump made his living, prior to politics. Biden made his living, because of politics!

I still don't understand what you're mad about.

That he made money on a private memoir book deal and speaking arrangements?

People don't begrudge Trump simply making money in business. They didn't begrudge Ross Perot or Mike Bloomberg doing the same before they sought political office either.

It's fairly obvious the ways that Trump is different than Ross Perot and Mike Bloomberg but people can weigh in for themselves about why he's historically unlikeable (as was Hillary Clinton). I don't need to speak for them. Simply making money in business wouldn't make the top-10 list for most people, I'd bet. Definitely doesn't for me.

But regardless, we're moving the goal posts all around here.

Do you agree that, on its face, Biden buying a $2.7MM beach house the same year he made $9MM on his memoir and speaking engagements seems rational from an economic standpoint?
Civ, you're good… "I don't know what you're mad about"

You completely missed the point, as always…. Biden has used his political connections to get rich. Trump, Perot (EDS and Perot Industries), Bloomberg all got rich using their business acumen.

As far as Trump being historically unlikeable… again, the narrative doesn't reflect the truth. Even Oprah had him, in her last week on TV, as one of the most influential and likable people. Hell, his show was extremely popular. Trump, fell out of favor, with people, like you, since his political career.

No, I don't agree that Biden buying a 2.7M house, in the same year, as making 9M, seems rational. Biden used the political system for his personal gain. Biden is the epitome of a political hack, that I can't stand!! Sorry, we see it differently…

BTW, I'll answer my questions…


We're just talking about two different things buddy.

You're saying Biden's wealth accumulation is unsavory.

I'm not arguing that point. I'm just saying it's legal (as far as we know right now).
Biden wrote a book that people wanted to buy, and therefore he made money. There's literally nothing unsavory about it, and he didn't need "political connections" any more than any other celebrity does who writes a book every other day.

If anyone is actually concerned about "unsavory", I'd invite them to put aside the "Apprentice" fan fiction version of Trump's biography, and spend 5 minutes looking into his actual history in NYC. Hoo boy.

Don't disagree, I'm just saying the conversation shouldn't even be about "savory." It's not germane to whether Biden is corrupt.

Cary was saying Biden shouldn't be able to live his lifestyle on a government salary, implying that the only way Biden could be doing so is if he was on the take.

My only point is that based on what we know about Biden's earnings there's nothing apparently illegal about the means by which a Biden lives his lifestyle.

On his government salary, he can not live his lifestyle. Period! Add in other income, whether lawful or not, then, yes, he can live his lifestyle!

My point is very simple: because of his political positions, he's been able to live his lifestyle. Yes, to me, that's unsavory!

Civ, you referenced three people…. All three of those people made money is the private sector, way before politics! So, my opinion is: you're are backwards on your thinking and you used three examples that prove my point!

It's really that simple…

As far the other person that's new chiming in….IT appears to be reading along with the same media hysteria as you! TDS and s real!!! I love how IT used conditioned describing people, on the other side of aisle….
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
How long do you want to ignore this user?
caryking said:

Civilized said:

SmaptyWolf said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Anything else?

Three minutes of research:

He purchased a house in 1972 for $185,000 and sold it in 1996 for $1.2 million. He rolled those proceeds into a raw land purchase and built another home estimated to cost $1.5 million total (land and build cost) that's worth closer to $3 mil today (but should be paid for unless he's leveraged to the hilt given the equity he had in his original house purchase).

Bought his beach house in 2017 for $2.7 mil.

All that seems perfectly contextual.

Forbes article from 2019:

The Bidens Made Twice as much in 2017 Than Previous 19 Years Combined

Joe Biden's first year in the private sector proved to be his most lucrative in at least two decades. He and his wife, Jill, earned about $11.1 million in 2017, nearly double their total earnings from 1998 to 2016, which added up to $5.8 million, according to a Forbes analysis of tax returns. The couple brought in another $4.6 million last year.

The bulk of the Bidens' big payday came from a book deal and speaking engagements. Joe Biden routed his book and speaking payments through a company named CelticCapri Corp., which took in $9.5 million in 2017 and $2.7 million in 2018. His memoir, Promise Me, Dad, came out in November 2017 and has sold over 300,000 copies. On his financial disclosure report, Biden listed 30 book tour events, which paid him a total of $1.8 million, plus another 19 speaking engagements that provided $2.4 million.

Lets be honest here... How many of you make 175K/year? Then, how many of you make whatever a VP makes/year? Lastly, how many of you have a 2.7M home?

He bought the $2.7MM home the same year he made $9.5MM.

What exactly is the problem?
That is the problem!!! It is for him and everybody else that leaves politics and makes that kind of money. For most liberals, the rich getting richer bothers the hell out of them, but its ok, when their own do it...

Meanwhile, Trump builds a business, in NYC, and probably uses the system to his advantage (as he says). Then, once he becomes the president, all hell breaks loose and he should pay his fair share, he's a con man, etc...

For me, Trump made his living, prior to politics. Biden made his living, because of politics!

I still don't understand what you're mad about.

That he made money on a private memoir book deal and speaking arrangements?

People don't begrudge Trump simply making money in business. They didn't begrudge Ross Perot or Mike Bloomberg doing the same before they sought political office either.

It's fairly obvious the ways that Trump is different than Ross Perot and Mike Bloomberg but people can weigh in for themselves about why he's historically unlikeable (as was Hillary Clinton). I don't need to speak for them. Simply making money in business wouldn't make the top-10 list for most people, I'd bet. Definitely doesn't for me.

But regardless, we're moving the goal posts all around here.

Do you agree that, on its face, Biden buying a $2.7MM beach house the same year he made $9MM on his memoir and speaking engagements seems rational from an economic standpoint?
Civ, you're good… "I don't know what you're mad about"

You completely missed the point, as always…. Biden has used his political connections to get rich. Trump, Perot (EDS and Perot Industries), Bloomberg all got rich using their business acumen.

As far as Trump being historically unlikeable… again, the narrative doesn't reflect the truth. Even Oprah had him, in her last week on TV, as one of the most influential and likable people. Hell, his show was extremely popular. Trump, fell out of favor, with people, like you, since his political career.

No, I don't agree that Biden buying a 2.7M house, in the same year, as making 9M, seems rational. Biden used the political system for his personal gain. Biden is the epitome of a political hack, that I can't stand!! Sorry, we see it differently…

BTW, I'll answer my questions…


We're just talking about two different things buddy.

You're saying Biden's wealth accumulation is unsavory.

I'm not arguing that point. I'm just saying it's legal (as far as we know right now).
Biden wrote a book that people wanted to buy, and therefore he made money. There's literally nothing unsavory about it, and he didn't need "political connections" any more than any other celebrity does who writes a book every other day.

If anyone is actually concerned about "unsavory", I'd invite them to put aside the "Apprentice" fan fiction version of Trump's biography, and spend 5 minutes looking into his actual history in NYC. Hoo boy.

Don't disagree, I'm just saying the conversation shouldn't even be about "savory." It's not germane to whether Biden is corrupt.

Cary was saying Biden shouldn't be able to live his lifestyle on a government salary, implying that the only way Biden could be doing so is if he was on the take.

My only point is that based on what we know about Biden's earnings there's nothing apparently illegal about the means by which a Biden lives his lifestyle.

On his government salary, he can not live his lifestyle. Period! Add in other income, whether lawful or not, then, yes, he can live his lifestyle!

My point is very simple: because of his political positions, he's been able to live his lifestyle. Yes, to me, that's unsavory!

Civ, you referenced three people…. All three of those people made money is the private sector, way before politics! So, my opinion is: you're are backwards on your thinking and you used three examples that prove my point!

It's really that simple…

As far the other person that's new chiming in….IT appears to be reading along with the same media hysteria as you! TDS and s real!!! I love how IT used conditioned describing people, on the other side of aisle….

Gotta be honest, Cary, your continued obsession with Biden making money in the private sector by very normal means after leaving the VP chair is weird and arbitrary.

First, it's a commie hot take. BBW will be very displeased. Seriously though, he's monetizing his experiences in ways that consumers want to consume. I'd take you for more of a free market guy than your take on this issue seems to indicate.

Second, politicians aren't priests. They don't take lifelong vows of poverty. It's obviously a very different and very criminal thing to take money from the public till to line their pockets. But if they make money writing memoirs, or speaking, or opening bait and tackle shops in Montana after they leave office, who cares? Their private lives and means of income after leaving office have zero impact on the rest of us.

Third, it' simply has nothing to do with the issue at hand, which is whether or not Biden's conduct was criminal.
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Ha! NIL for politicos. It's ruined college sports, no wonder it's ruining the nation.
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Oldsouljer said:

Ha! NIL for politicos. It's ruined college sports, no wonder it's ruining the nation.

Hahaha, truth!
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I am not surprised the Biden administration did this, but didn't expect they would put it in writing.
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SmaptyWolf said:

Oldsouljer said:

packofwolves said:

Civilized said:

packofwolves said:

Civ - thanks for posting the articles. Will read them when I have time later. Regarding Hunter, I do think the IRS whistleblowers are very credible. And if what they say is true, the investigation was stopped or significantly hindered regarding the taxes. The interview with Hunter was prevented in Dec before Joe took office. So regarding the taxes, I do believe it needs to be fully investigated. I don't have confidence the special counsel will perform a proper investigation considering the sweet heart deal he tried to get through court, But hopefully that is not the case. He did let the statute run out on earlier tax years.

I agree, the IRS whistleblowers seemed credible to me too.

I think it's unfortunate but fairly predictable that the President's son would have a tax case handled differently than me or you if we were to get audited and later investigated. I wasn't upset to see a judge later step in and throw out the sweetheart plea deal. We don't need to exacerbate the optics or the actual chasm in criminal justice outcomes in this country between the privileged and the less fortunate.

The bigger and more important question for our country though is whether there are any credible leads that seem to implicate Joe in criminality and on that topic my suspicion is that if there were inklings of it so far they would have surfaced at some point and Pubs would be screaming about them from the rooftops.

That being said, running it to ground exhaustively is best for the country.

Hopefully we will find out now that the impeachment inquiry is official. With the inquiry, there should not be interference obtaining records.
In theory, though I don't know that any of this will go far. I absolutely hate that the Dems crossed the Rubicon by starting an impeachment a couple years ago because when you do things like that, there's no turning back. That sword cuts both ways. And it shows how little they care about the nobler things that matter in governance. As for the other side of the aisle, they're just as bad with their complicity, there's no doubt in my mind that McCarthy got his hand forced to do something he doesn't want to do. There's a handful of "Mr. Smith's" in Congress, the rest are Uniparty.

I know conservatives have been conditioned with a decades-long standard playbook into going completely torch and pitchforks over piddling nonsense like Hillary's emails... there's never anything to any of these "scandals", but they always achieve their intended purpose of making the target *seem* shady. Of course this latest thing is a new innovation... don't even bother making up something to go after, just impeach now and figure it out later.

So now imagine if Biden, a few months ago, had actually threatened to withhold vital military aid to one of our allies (while they were under attack) unless they were willing to dig up and/or fabricate political dirt on Trump. Something that is unquestionable serious, corrupt, and illegal, with hard evidence that it happened. Can you imagine what conservatives would do with ACTUAL corruption? Forget the "Rubicon", they would begin impeachment hearings that day, and they would be right to. If we don't do that when a leader is acting brazenly corrupt, then there's no such thing as the rule of law.

That was like an average Wednesday for Trump.

Are you trying to look like a deranged hypocrite these last couple of pages? If so, congratulations on successful duplicity.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

SmaptyWolf said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Civilized said:

caryking said:

Anything else?

Three minutes of research:

He purchased a house in 1972 for $185,000 and sold it in 1996 for $1.2 million. He rolled those proceeds into a raw land purchase and built another home estimated to cost $1.5 million total (land and build cost) that's worth closer to $3 mil today (but should be paid for unless he's leveraged to the hilt given the equity he had in his original house purchase).

Bought his beach house in 2017 for $2.7 mil.

All that seems perfectly contextual.

Forbes article from 2019:

The Bidens Made Twice as much in 2017 Than Previous 19 Years Combined

Joe Biden's first year in the private sector proved to be his most lucrative in at least two decades. He and his wife, Jill, earned about $11.1 million in 2017, nearly double their total earnings from 1998 to 2016, which added up to $5.8 million, according to a Forbes analysis of tax returns. The couple brought in another $4.6 million last year.

The bulk of the Bidens' big payday came from a book deal and speaking engagements. Joe Biden routed his book and speaking payments through a company named CelticCapri Corp., which took in $9.5 million in 2017 and $2.7 million in 2018. His memoir, Promise Me, Dad, came out in November 2017 and has sold over 300,000 copies. On his financial disclosure report, Biden listed 30 book tour events, which paid him a total of $1.8 million, plus another 19 speaking engagements that provided $2.4 million.

Lets be honest here... How many of you make 175K/year? Then, how many of you make whatever a VP makes/year? Lastly, how many of you have a 2.7M home?

He bought the $2.7MM home the same year he made $9.5MM.

What exactly is the problem?
That is the problem!!! It is for him and everybody else that leaves politics and makes that kind of money. For most liberals, the rich getting richer bothers the hell out of them, but its ok, when their own do it...

Meanwhile, Trump builds a business, in NYC, and probably uses the system to his advantage (as he says). Then, once he becomes the president, all hell breaks loose and he should pay his fair share, he's a con man, etc...

For me, Trump made his living, prior to politics. Biden made his living, because of politics!

I still don't understand what you're mad about.

That he made money on a private memoir book deal and speaking arrangements?

People don't begrudge Trump simply making money in business. They didn't begrudge Ross Perot or Mike Bloomberg doing the same before they sought political office either.

It's fairly obvious the ways that Trump is different than Ross Perot and Mike Bloomberg but people can weigh in for themselves about why he's historically unlikeable (as was Hillary Clinton). I don't need to speak for them. Simply making money in business wouldn't make the top-10 list for most people, I'd bet. Definitely doesn't for me.

But regardless, we're moving the goal posts all around here.

Do you agree that, on its face, Biden buying a $2.7MM beach house the same year he made $9MM on his memoir and speaking engagements seems rational from an economic standpoint?
Civ, you're good… "I don't know what you're mad about"

You completely missed the point, as always…. Biden has used his political connections to get rich. Trump, Perot (EDS and Perot Industries), Bloomberg all got rich using their business acumen.

As far as Trump being historically unlikeable… again, the narrative doesn't reflect the truth. Even Oprah had him, in her last week on TV, as one of the most influential and likable people. Hell, his show was extremely popular. Trump, fell out of favor, with people, like you, since his political career.

No, I don't agree that Biden buying a 2.7M house, in the same year, as making 9M, seems rational. Biden used the political system for his personal gain. Biden is the epitome of a political hack, that I can't stand!! Sorry, we see it differently…

BTW, I'll answer my questions…


We're just talking about two different things buddy.

You're saying Biden's wealth accumulation is unsavory.

I'm not arguing that point. I'm just saying it's legal (as far as we know right now).
Biden wrote a book that people wanted to buy, and therefore he made money. There's literally nothing unsavory about it, and he didn't need "political connections" any more than any other celebrity does who writes a book every other day.

If anyone is actually concerned about "unsavory", I'd invite them to put aside the "Apprentice" fan fiction version of Trump's biography, and spend 5 minutes looking into his actual history in NYC. Hoo boy.

Don't disagree, I'm just saying the conversation shouldn't even be about "savory." It's not germane to whether Biden is corrupt.

Cary was saying Biden shouldn't be able to live his lifestyle on a government salary, implying that the only way Biden could be doing so is if he was on the take.

My only point is that based on what we know about Biden's earnings there's nothing apparently illegal about the means by which a Biden lives his lifestyle.

On his government salary, he can not live his lifestyle. Period! Add in other income, whether lawful or not, then, yes, he can live his lifestyle!

My point is very simple: because of his political positions, he's been able to live his lifestyle. Yes, to me, that's unsavory!

Civ, you referenced three people…. All three of those people made money is the private sector, way before politics! So, my opinion is: you're are backwards on your thinking and you used three examples that prove my point!

It's really that simple…

As far the other person that's new chiming in….IT appears to be reading along with the same media hysteria as you! TDS and s real!!! I love how IT used conditioned describing people, on the other side of aisle….

Gotta be honest, Cary, your continued obsession with Biden making money in the private sector by very normal means after leaving the VP chair is weird and arbitrary.

First, it's a commie hot take. BBW will be very displeased. Seriously though, he's monetizing his experiences in ways that consumers want to consume. I'd take you for more of a free market guy than your take on this issue seems to indicate.

Second, politicians aren't priests. They don't take lifelong vows of poverty. It's obviously a very different and very criminal thing to take money from the public till to line their pockets. But if they make money writing memoirs, or speaking, or opening bait and tackle shops in Montana after they leave office, who cares? Their private lives and means of income after leaving office have zero impact on the rest of us.

Third, it' simply has nothing to do with the issue at hand, which is whether or not Biden's conduct was criminal.

This has nothing to do with Biden!! He is just the topic of this thread. Any life long politician would get the same rebuke. In general, I think politicians are unsavory.

You know, if you go back and read other post of mine, I stated, at the time when they were running that both Burr and Tillis were unsavory. Burr, got rich off a politics! I went to fund raising event for Burr at someone's home. I told my wife, no way! That guy is is bad news!

Tillis, well, I met him at a breakfast, along with Karl Rove. I walked away from there saying the same thing about both of them. Tillis, I think made money, in the private sector, prior to politics, so, he may not be the case..

Civ, do us all a favor and not mistake cronyism to free market capitalism…
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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There are many in their 40s and n the crowd just like #theSieve. Its why there needs to be a serious overall of what has become....... an indoctrination-education system........and it should have been done yesterday. This nation is in a perilous situation......we need some more pain to wise up. It's coming.
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packofwolves said:

I am not surprised the Biden administration did this, but didn't expect they would put it in writing.
I am just laughing at the thought of the outrage if this came out of a Republican White House.
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FlossyDFlynt said:

packofwolves said:

I am not surprised the Biden administration did this, but didn't expect they would put it in writing.
I am just laughing at the thought of the outrage if this came out of a Republican White House.
Biden will tell the left that he did not ask the media to do this, but Republicans did. And it will then be true.

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packgrad said:

SmaptyWolf said:

Oldsouljer said:

packofwolves said:

Civilized said:

packofwolves said:

Civ - thanks for posting the articles. Will read them when I have time later. Regarding Hunter, I do think the IRS whistleblowers are very credible. And if what they say is true, the investigation was stopped or significantly hindered regarding the taxes. The interview with Hunter was prevented in Dec before Joe took office. So regarding the taxes, I do believe it needs to be fully investigated. I don't have confidence the special counsel will perform a proper investigation considering the sweet heart deal he tried to get through court, But hopefully that is not the case. He did let the statute run out on earlier tax years.

I agree, the IRS whistleblowers seemed credible to me too.

I think it's unfortunate but fairly predictable that the President's son would have a tax case handled differently than me or you if we were to get audited and later investigated. I wasn't upset to see a judge later step in and throw out the sweetheart plea deal. We don't need to exacerbate the optics or the actual chasm in criminal justice outcomes in this country between the privileged and the less fortunate.

The bigger and more important question for our country though is whether there are any credible leads that seem to implicate Joe in criminality and on that topic my suspicion is that if there were inklings of it so far they would have surfaced at some point and Pubs would be screaming about them from the rooftops.

That being said, running it to ground exhaustively is best for the country.

Hopefully we will find out now that the impeachment inquiry is official. With the inquiry, there should not be interference obtaining records.
In theory, though I don't know that any of this will go far. I absolutely hate that the Dems crossed the Rubicon by starting an impeachment a couple years ago because when you do things like that, there's no turning back. That sword cuts both ways. And it shows how little they care about the nobler things that matter in governance. As for the other side of the aisle, they're just as bad with their complicity, there's no doubt in my mind that McCarthy got his hand forced to do something he doesn't want to do. There's a handful of "Mr. Smith's" in Congress, the rest are Uniparty.

I know conservatives have been conditioned with a decades-long standard playbook into going completely torch and pitchforks over piddling nonsense like Hillary's emails... there's never anything to any of these "scandals", but they always achieve their intended purpose of making the target *seem* shady. Of course this latest thing is a new innovation... don't even bother making up something to go after, just impeach now and figure it out later.

So now imagine if Biden, a few months ago, had actually threatened to withhold vital military aid to one of our allies (while they were under attack) unless they were willing to dig up and/or fabricate political dirt on Trump. Something that is unquestionable serious, corrupt, and illegal, with hard evidence that it happened. Can you imagine what conservatives would do with ACTUAL corruption? Forget the "Rubicon", they would begin impeachment hearings that day, and they would be right to. If we don't do that when a leader is acting brazenly corrupt, then there's no such thing as the rule of law.

That was like an average Wednesday for Trump.

Are you trying to look like a deranged hypocrite these last couple of pages? If so, congratulations on successful duplicity.
Lol, you're right. I promised myself I'd try not to get into a back and forth with people permanently lost down the MAGA rabbit hole, and here I am doing it. As some of you noticed over in the Flat Earth thread, these conversations are pointless and always end the same way.
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SmaptyWolf said:

packgrad said:

SmaptyWolf said:

Oldsouljer said:

packofwolves said:

Civilized said:

packofwolves said:

Civ - thanks for posting the articles. Will read them when I have time later. Regarding Hunter, I do think the IRS whistleblowers are very credible. And if what they say is true, the investigation was stopped or significantly hindered regarding the taxes. The interview with Hunter was prevented in Dec before Joe took office. So regarding the taxes, I do believe it needs to be fully investigated. I don't have confidence the special counsel will perform a proper investigation considering the sweet heart deal he tried to get through court, But hopefully that is not the case. He did let the statute run out on earlier tax years.

I agree, the IRS whistleblowers seemed credible to me too.

I think it's unfortunate but fairly predictable that the President's son would have a tax case handled differently than me or you if we were to get audited and later investigated. I wasn't upset to see a judge later step in and throw out the sweetheart plea deal. We don't need to exacerbate the optics or the actual chasm in criminal justice outcomes in this country between the privileged and the less fortunate.

The bigger and more important question for our country though is whether there are any credible leads that seem to implicate Joe in criminality and on that topic my suspicion is that if there were inklings of it so far they would have surfaced at some point and Pubs would be screaming about them from the rooftops.

That being said, running it to ground exhaustively is best for the country.

Hopefully we will find out now that the impeachment inquiry is official. With the inquiry, there should not be interference obtaining records.
In theory, though I don't know that any of this will go far. I absolutely hate that the Dems crossed the Rubicon by starting an impeachment a couple years ago because when you do things like that, there's no turning back. That sword cuts both ways. And it shows how little they care about the nobler things that matter in governance. As for the other side of the aisle, they're just as bad with their complicity, there's no doubt in my mind that McCarthy got his hand forced to do something he doesn't want to do. There's a handful of "Mr. Smith's" in Congress, the rest are Uniparty.

I know conservatives have been conditioned with a decades-long standard playbook into going completely torch and pitchforks over piddling nonsense like Hillary's emails... there's never anything to any of these "scandals", but they always achieve their intended purpose of making the target *seem* shady. Of course this latest thing is a new innovation... don't even bother making up something to go after, just impeach now and figure it out later.

So now imagine if Biden, a few months ago, had actually threatened to withhold vital military aid to one of our allies (while they were under attack) unless they were willing to dig up and/or fabricate political dirt on Trump. Something that is unquestionable serious, corrupt, and illegal, with hard evidence that it happened. Can you imagine what conservatives would do with ACTUAL corruption? Forget the "Rubicon", they would begin impeachment hearings that day, and they would be right to. If we don't do that when a leader is acting brazenly corrupt, then there's no such thing as the rule of law.

That was like an average Wednesday for Trump.

Are you trying to look like a deranged hypocrite these last couple of pages? If so, congratulations on successful duplicity.
Lol, you're right. I promised myself I'd try not to get into a back and forth with people permanently lost down the MAGA rabbit hole, and here I am doing it. As some of you noticed over in the Flat Earth thread, these conversations are pointless and always end the same way.

I promised myself to always get into back and forth with people permanently lost down the left wing Marxist rabbit hole…
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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caryking said:

SmaptyWolf said:

packgrad said:

SmaptyWolf said:

Oldsouljer said:

packofwolves said:

Civilized said:

packofwolves said:

Civ - thanks for posting the articles. Will read them when I have time later. Regarding Hunter, I do think the IRS whistleblowers are very credible. And if what they say is true, the investigation was stopped or significantly hindered regarding the taxes. The interview with Hunter was prevented in Dec before Joe took office. So regarding the taxes, I do believe it needs to be fully investigated. I don't have confidence the special counsel will perform a proper investigation considering the sweet heart deal he tried to get through court, But hopefully that is not the case. He did let the statute run out on earlier tax years.

I agree, the IRS whistleblowers seemed credible to me too.

I think it's unfortunate but fairly predictable that the President's son would have a tax case handled differently than me or you if we were to get audited and later investigated. I wasn't upset to see a judge later step in and throw out the sweetheart plea deal. We don't need to exacerbate the optics or the actual chasm in criminal justice outcomes in this country between the privileged and the less fortunate.

The bigger and more important question for our country though is whether there are any credible leads that seem to implicate Joe in criminality and on that topic my suspicion is that if there were inklings of it so far they would have surfaced at some point and Pubs would be screaming about them from the rooftops.

That being said, running it to ground exhaustively is best for the country.

Hopefully we will find out now that the impeachment inquiry is official. With the inquiry, there should not be interference obtaining records.
In theory, though I don't know that any of this will go far. I absolutely hate that the Dems crossed the Rubicon by starting an impeachment a couple years ago because when you do things like that, there's no turning back. That sword cuts both ways. And it shows how little they care about the nobler things that matter in governance. As for the other side of the aisle, they're just as bad with their complicity, there's no doubt in my mind that McCarthy got his hand forced to do something he doesn't want to do. There's a handful of "Mr. Smith's" in Congress, the rest are Uniparty.

I know conservatives have been conditioned with a decades-long standard playbook into going completely torch and pitchforks over piddling nonsense like Hillary's emails... there's never anything to any of these "scandals", but they always achieve their intended purpose of making the target *seem* shady. Of course this latest thing is a new innovation... don't even bother making up something to go after, just impeach now and figure it out later.

So now imagine if Biden, a few months ago, had actually threatened to withhold vital military aid to one of our allies (while they were under attack) unless they were willing to dig up and/or fabricate political dirt on Trump. Something that is unquestionable serious, corrupt, and illegal, with hard evidence that it happened. Can you imagine what conservatives would do with ACTUAL corruption? Forget the "Rubicon", they would begin impeachment hearings that day, and they would be right to. If we don't do that when a leader is acting brazenly corrupt, then there's no such thing as the rule of law.

That was like an average Wednesday for Trump.

Are you trying to look like a deranged hypocrite these last couple of pages? If so, congratulations on successful duplicity.
Lol, you're right. I promised myself I'd try not to get into a back and forth with people permanently lost down the MAGA rabbit hole, and here I am doing it. As some of you noticed over in the Flat Earth thread, these conversations are pointless and always end the same way.

I promised myself to always get into back and forth with people permanently lost down the left wing Marxist rabbit hole…
Heh, at least he didn't say you people.
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