The Biden Administration..V3

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PackFansXL said:

But in what media session will someone hold him accountable and ask him to explain how this does not contribute to inflation, or who exactly is paying for it?

(of course the answer to the last one will be, "we're socking it to the billionaires", and all the gullibles out there will high-five and celebrate, not realizing that that model isn't feasible)
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yep...when I was in school (12-16) tuition was roughly 4000 a semester.

Also, the cost of living in raleigh is much more than when you were in school..heck even a lot more than when I was there.

This cancellation of debt doesn't fix the underlying problem.
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PackFansXL said:


This thread by Jason Furman, who served as the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under President Obama, is worth a read:

I'd like to meet the construction worker with a college degree making $38k a year, because I'd like to hire him just because he's grossly underpaid in the market and I'd like to take advantage of that.
Steve Videtich
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PackFansXL said:

Romney can go **** himself! He's part of the reason we got here and this is happening.
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Steve Videtich said:

PackFansXL said:

Romney can go **** himself! He's part of the reason we got here and this is happening.
TRUE!!!!! F Romney.

I paid my student loans back. I also worked in college. I also partied my ass off and had to work and take out student loans.

I'm not ashamed or disappointed in the decisions I made. I owned them just like I owned my own debt then and what debt I have now.


Too bad one side of the aisle doesn't seem to think that is necessary.

All of these "women's studies, African American Studies, rhythmic dance, jazz etc.... BS majors" that were never and will NEVER pay off $150k student loan debt should be printed, broadcast and exposed for the public to see.

This is a slap in the damn face to people who have worked hard, paid their bills and now are seeing it does in deed pay to be a useless drag on the economy and society.

Way to go lefties... be freaking proud that you let your precious little feewlings elect Sleepy Joe because you couldn't handle a few mean tweets.

I also see the clown show that usually has all the answers when it comes to lefty policy noticeably absent. They must be looking for new "T- Mobile phones, fresh new kicks, new flat screens and new Playstations..." you know how they roll when they have "free money."

They damn sure don't pay their student loan bills...
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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I'd like to know if Civ agrees with that, since he's in that line of business... something interesting might actually come of this discussion.
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TheStorm said:

I'd like to know if Civ agrees with that, since he's in that line of business... something interesting might actually come of this discussion.
What business is that?
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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My starting salary way back in 2002 when I started in construction was $42,000.

If you're currently breathing, show up on time, and have a good attitude, you can start out of school with no experience in the high 50s

If you've interned you can make damn close to 70k right now coming out of college.

It's wild times.
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Lost in all this is that communist Dictator Brandon does not have the power to cancel loan debt by his fiat. It requires an act of Congress.

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
Steve Videtich
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GuerrillaPack said:

Lost in all this is that communist Dictator Brandon does not have the power to cancel loan debt by his fiat. It requires an act of Congress.

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I started pouring concrete in 1997... during the summers after my first year teaching in NC.... I made $7.50 an hour tying rebar on flatwork with a pigtail. In NC... primarily in Charlotte/Monroe/Mooresville.....

A legit "construction worker" can make $50k a year now. NO DEGREE.

I retired from teaching after 5 years. Good thing I did.

Some of my co-workers there still aren't making $50k and complain all the time. We need teachers... but we need them to actually teach and not try and promote their ideas about the GOP "tying them down!"

Work... stay off the internet. Stay off message boards. Stay out of the NCAE and the BS that comes with it.

Notice how we have ZERO comments from the lefty lurkers.... wonder why?

Sleepy Joe and the rest of the MARXISTS have bitten off more than they can chew...... Good job comrades!!
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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Packchem91 said:

metcalfmafia said:

Who all here had to take out student loans to be able to afford college?

I'll raise my hand first.
I worked thru college. But my memory fails me these days, but i think the NC State tuition back in 1987-91 when i was a student was like $400 / semester??

**I was fortunate in that my blue-collar working parents paid my tuition, and my working helped my apartment costs and food, so I was not strapped.

That said, college tuition has skyrocketed --- fueled in part by the printable money fund that is the FAFSA. If my memory is correct, NC State tuition has gone up 10x in 35 years? And starting salaries have certainly not.

It is ironic that the most liberal bastions in our society are overcharging big-eyed kids and sticking them with $100k of debt, then whining that we should all buy in to help them out.

Appreciate the responses from you and Storm. I guess I should have phrased my question differently. I meant to ask who had to take out student loans and had to pay them off themselves without help from parents.

I think your post is spot on though and points completely to the predatory nature of loans and the schools being complicit with the lenders. FAFSA is pushed on 17/18 year olds like it's the best thing they could ever do. When I was in high school , kids had no idea what they were signing up for in the next 10 or more years of their life.

I say all this a guy who's about to pay his off so I might be a little miffed if this were to pass
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The Financial Aid was great and still is.

You have to be smart enough to pay your bills and not major in stupid stuff that doesn't pay.

Is the juice worth the squeeze?

Majoring in "women's studies" will get you a job screaming at the sky when a candidate you don't like gets elected. Or working at Starbucks.

It's MARXISM at it's best...
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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BBW12OG said:

The Financial Aid was great and still is.

You have to be smart enough to pay your bills and not major in stupid stuff that doesn't pay.

Is the juice worth the squeeze?

Majoring in "women's studies" will get you a job screaming at the sky when a candidate you don't like gets elected. Or working at Starbucks.

It's MARXISM at it's best...
I'm not saying the concept of financial aid at it's core isn't great because it is. It gives people the ability to attend college who otherwise could not afford it. What has happened though recently (and I can speak to how schools do it since 2011) is that the lending agencies are in bed with schools...pushing pushing pushing kids to get signed up for loans. It's not sold as "hey this is here if you need it." It's sold as "Get signed up for FAFSA now! Come by the advisor's office and get the papers and get a gift card! It's FAFSA week at the school!"

Hell from doing some research online, FAFSA overhauled their application system to make it easier than ever complete with color coding! Sounds like a car loan to me.

Keep in mind, you can say that the lenders are predatory and still believe that people need to pay back what they borrowed.
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Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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That's about how the world as we know it revolves today.

I've never purchased a car, a lawnmower, or anything else I didn't have to pay off.

MARXISM is damn near taken over our country. The view of "equity" has to slap people with common damn sense in the face.

Flag this, do what you lefties want with it.

Here's a novel idea... if you aren't happy with your station in life... do better. Any person that is not a damn white male has a few legs up when it comes to getting an advantage.

We are the most discriminated, alienated and ignored demographic in the world right now. Hell, I can't even begin to tell you how many hires I have put forward to my company that get kicked out because they are white males!!

Here's a thought... when you have the most loved person in your world that needs a major medical procedure, why don't you tell them that you want the most DIVERSE person to perform the procedure. Not the best, most qualified. You want the most equitable hire.

I bet each and every one of you STFU.
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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This is my field. I speak at conferences on student loans.

Financial aid used to be a way to access higher education.

Now higher education is a way to access fincancial aid.

Schools do their best to limit fraud but the system in place is truly broken.
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High Travoltage said:

This is my field. I speak at conferences on student loans.

Financial aid used to be a way to access higher education.

Now higher education is a way to access financial aid.

Schools do their best to limit fraud but the system in place is truly broken.
Yep. I can remember my daughter telling me - that at the community college level especially - that there are tons of kids that sign up for classes, just to get that semester's Pell Grant money (that's the free money, right?)... and then never attend, and work in the bar and restaurant trade and party. Next semester. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. I mean 10 years ago already that was like $2,700.00 a semester... I have no idea what it is now.

That's also why I'm confused as to why if you are one of those getting Pell Grants - under the Obama / Rice 'bribes for votes' scheme, you get $20k forgiven instead of $10k?... unless I have my student loan terms mixed up? *It's been a while since I have had any experience with this other than just making payments... after the 2007-2011 economic crash, I needed some short term supplemental funds to help get her through college without totally screwing the pooch financially with our previous investments. Again, I'm glad that these programs are available for students and their parents... but damn it - you have to pay that money back.

Pell Grant, Stafford, Perkins... I forget which is which.

And to BBW's point, I wonder what my bank would say if I called them and said that I've decided not to pay off the remainder of my loan for that new car I bought last year? Oh, and Nina Turner? she ain't ever going to pay off that student loan anyway - and she knows nobody will do a damn thing about it either... b-b-but, racism!
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Under this administration can I identify as a couple who has Pell Grants, a person of color, gay, transgender and brag about having 15 abortions and get more money?

Just asking..... I'm sure my fan club can help me out with this one!!!

Be proud lefties.... be proud.
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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And here ladies and gentlemen and lefties.... is the true mouthpiece of this MARXIST regime...

Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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TheStorm said:

I'd like to know if Civ agrees with that, since he's in that line of business... something interesting might actually come of this discussion.

Yeah that "typical construction worker" making $38k with a "construction management credential" (whatever that means, maybe a professional certificate from a community college) is a complete bull**** number. That position doesn't exist. Unskilled labor is making $40k-$50k a year now. Highly skilled trades up to twice that. PM salaries go from $50k - $60k on up depending on talent and experience.

My main site PM makes around $110k a year in a normal year including salary and bonuses. Owned his own framing business for 20 years. Dad was an architect. He's been on construction sites since he could walk and has been framing since he was 15 or 16. No college education.

I think that's one of the big gripes with college expenses at this point. Too many people go to a private or very expensive 4-year public uni when a more affordable state school would cost them many tens of thousands less. Too many kids go to 4-year public uni when they don't know what the hell they want to do, or when a 2-year CC degree or professional cert would have sufficed. Too few kids learn trades, which cost exceedingly little to learn and can provide fairly quick and significant financial return for them and their families. College loans are too readily available and too extensively utilized.

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As an addendum to the above, I will say that the extent of the "I paid off my college loans so I'm pissed that others are having some of theirs forgiven" seems oddly selective. There is never this same level of griping when taxes get cut on the rich, or corporate taxes get cut, both of which provide significant and direct financial benefit to only a portion of the population (and ironically not the portion that could use a leg up the most).
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Civilized said:

As an addendum to the above, I will say that the extent of the "I paid off my college loans so I'm pissed that others are having some of theirs forgiven" seems oddly selective. There is never this same level of griping when taxes get cut on the rich, or corporate taxes get cut, both of which provide significant and direct financial benefit to only a portion of the population (and ironically not the portion that could use a leg up the most).
Taxes go up; taxes go down. "Rich" people pay the bulk of our nation's federal taxes. Corporate taxes cost the end customers in the form of higher prices, the employees in the form of lost raises, and stockholders in the form of reduced capital expenditures and reduced profits. While corporate taxes are advertised as getting those mean businesses, they really are stealth taxes on all consumers including middle income and the poor.

Biden's action is a blatant usurpation made for a dishonest attempt at buying votes. His administration makes him look incredibly foolish with all these directives that are illegal relative to the powers afforded to the executive branch by the constitution. It's like we agreed to play Texas Hold'em and he keeps yelling Go Fish!
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Civilized said:

As an addendum to the above, I will say that the extent of the "I paid off my college loans so I'm pissed that others are having some of theirs forgiven" seems oddly selective. There is never this same level of griping when taxes get cut on the rich, or corporate taxes get cut, both of which provide significant and direct financial benefit to only a portion of the population (and ironically not the portion that could use a leg up the most).
I think the biggest thing people have with this argument is taxes arent elective. I dont have a choice in paying taxes.

My biggest issue with loan forgiveness is that it doesnt fix the core of the issue. Anytime there is more money to be made (whether it be education costs, healthcare, mortgages, etc), people are always going to take advantage of it, thus causing the prices to go up. If you want to dig into the real issue of why these things are so expensive, take federal money completely out of those fields and see what the market does. But no one wants to have those conversations, because its a cold hearted decision.
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Keep toting that lefty water Civ.... you can justify anything your MARXIST comrades pull off.

This reply pretty much sums up you and what I have seen from your ideology.

Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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More spin and BS...

Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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metcalfmafia said:

Packchem91 said:

metcalfmafia said:

Who all here had to take out student loans to be able to afford college?

I'll raise my hand first.
I worked thru college. But my memory fails me these days, but i think the NC State tuition back in 1987-91 when i was a student was like $400 / semester??

**I was fortunate in that my blue-collar working parents paid my tuition, and my working helped my apartment costs and food, so I was not strapped.

That said, college tuition has skyrocketed --- fueled in part by the printable money fund that is the FAFSA. If my memory is correct, NC State tuition has gone up 10x in 35 years? And starting salaries have certainly not.

It is ironic that the most liberal bastions in our society are overcharging big-eyed kids and sticking them with $100k of debt, then whining that we should all buy in to help them out.

Appreciate the responses from you and Storm. I guess I should have phrased my question differently. I meant to ask who had to take out student loans and had to pay them off themselves without help from parents.

I think your post is spot on though and points completely to the predatory nature of loans and the schools being complicit with the lenders. FAFSA is pushed on 17/18 year olds like it's the best thing they could ever do. When I was in high school , kids had no idea what they were signing up for in the next 10 or more years of their life.

I say all this a guy who's about to pay his off so I might be a little miffed if this were to pass
Sorry, i wasn't disagreeing with you -- rather, its fully understandable how young adults get into this situation.
While some just make poor decisions (pursuing degrees that don't result in career paths), sometimes they are somewhat forced into it if they don't get into schools of choice.

A lot of kids in my area end up going to Wingate and get teaching / nursing / social worker degrees (all noble and necessary). Many go there when they don't get into State or UNC or UNCC, or maybe they do it because they have family commitments and this is what fits.
But the tuition is $40k a year. Some of that is paid by grants, but a lot still falls on the student.

So this is not someone going to Harvard and then being strapped, but just a fall-back school and suddenly.
To me, the much bigger question is why have college costs spiraled so much. there is no way someone should have to fork over $40k a year tuition at Wingate.
Two, we've all seen what colleges are doing -- you can't pass one that doesn't have cranes all over the place where construction is ongoing. If not on campus, then adjacent to it with highend apartments.
Its become a huge business. And unfortunately, much of it is driven by the availability of funding thru the government.

**And of course, it can also be argued that tax payer $$ also made it much cheaper for us to be able to go to NC State than Wingate....but even State has gone up over 10x in tuition costs in 30 years. Has starting salary gone up that much (with 3 kids who've all graduated from State / USC in the past 5 years, I know the answer is "no!!")
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A whistleblower claims FBI officials instructed agents not to investigate Hunter Biden's laptop ahead of the 2020 presidential election, saying the bureau was "not going to change the outcome of the election again," according to Senator Ron Johnson (R., Wis.)

Johnson writes that "individuals with knowledge of the FBI's apparent corruption" told his office that FBI officials intentionally undermined efforts to investigate President Biden's son.

"After the FBI obtained the Hunter Biden laptop from the Wilmington, DE computer shop, these whistleblowers stated that local FBI leadership told employees, 'you will not look at that Hunter Biden laptop' and that the FBI is 'not going to change the outcome of the election again,'" he wrote.

Democrats have accused the FBI of contributing to Hillary Clinton's loss in 2016 by reopening an investigation into her private email server days before the presidential election.
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Consider this source.... one of the MARXIST'S favorite media outlets has turned on him... I bet 91 people out of 100 would laugh at this... and especially the clowns that worship Sleepy Joe!

Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Still trying to figure out how it is constitutional for Biden to act as dictator and decide to spend $500 billion dollars on his own whim.

Are we just deliberately bypassing the Constitution now?

Did Brandon claim some "emergency power" to be able to suspend the Constitution and act as dictator?
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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BBW12OG said:

More spin and BS...

Much of what entertains us in the Corporate Media is this kind of keeps us watching the wrong thing. We are distracted with what "they" want us to be distracted with. Corporate Media is controlled to do this.

Control the may benefit them but it doesn't hurt them as those opposed to this ridiculous s$it won't vote for them. It distracts those of us opposed to them by changing the conversation. We face a machine with an agenda and lots of money to go about driving it.
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GuerrillaPack said:

Still trying to figure out how it is constitutional for Biden to act as dictator and decide to spend $500 billion dollars on his own whim.

Are we just deliberately bypassing the Constitution now?

Did Brandon claim some "emergency power" to be able to suspend the Constitution and act as dictator?
it's not and the republicans should be all over it. If they were prudent they would create and investigative committee, get the government out of the student loan game, and perhaps bring up articles of impeachment
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hokiewolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Still trying to figure out how it is constitutional for Biden to act as dictator and decide to spend $500 billion dollars on his own whim.

Are we just deliberately bypassing the Constitution now?

Did Brandon claim some "emergency power" to be able to suspend the Constitution and act as dictator?
it's not and the republicans should be all over it. If they were prudent they would create and investigative committee, get the government out of the student loan game, and perhaps bring up articles of impeachment
Ever wonder why they don't?

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Wonder what people were saying when Trump the traitor pushed his tax cut bill thru for the rich?I'll tell you,nothing!All was fine!!Old Joe helping with student loans and some are mad!!SmBIGh
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