Ok, I'm getting ready to go out on a limb that may cause some to think: he's lost his mind!
What I'm seeing and hearing is an alliance that may be starting with people that would never see eye to eye. They probably want see eye to eye on the solution; however, they see the same issue...
Issue is Elite vs Populist
We have, and have had, an unholy alliance between big Corporation and big Government. Nothing about that is free-market capitalism. The establishment politicians have wanted it this way in order to get rich, and they have.
For some time, we have people complaining about this through different means. Think about what the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street were really saying... the system is rigged and the Elites, or some would say, Establishment Politicians, are screwing people.
Same complaint; however, a different means of fixing the issues. We even had, for a short period, AOC and Ted Cruz aligned. How could that be?
Where am I on all this? I pulled out of the market (not completely) in the early 2000's because I hated the short selling going on. I literally despise short selling. That said, I have always argued for a minimalist, almost libertarian, constitutional government. Stop the crony capitalism as it makes real capitalism look bad. This ties off with short selling as I believe this creates a world of cronyism. Just watch the business pundits manipulate stocks all day long on TV.
I guess I'm m an oxymoron: a libertarian populist!
What I'm seeing and hearing is an alliance that may be starting with people that would never see eye to eye. They probably want see eye to eye on the solution; however, they see the same issue...
Issue is Elite vs Populist
- Elites are the Oligarchs that have protected their well being via crony capitalism
- Populist are people like MAGA, anti-establishment politicians, and occupy wall-street types
We have, and have had, an unholy alliance between big Corporation and big Government. Nothing about that is free-market capitalism. The establishment politicians have wanted it this way in order to get rich, and they have.
For some time, we have people complaining about this through different means. Think about what the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street were really saying... the system is rigged and the Elites, or some would say, Establishment Politicians, are screwing people.
Same complaint; however, a different means of fixing the issues. We even had, for a short period, AOC and Ted Cruz aligned. How could that be?
Where am I on all this? I pulled out of the market (not completely) in the early 2000's because I hated the short selling going on. I literally despise short selling. That said, I have always argued for a minimalist, almost libertarian, constitutional government. Stop the crony capitalism as it makes real capitalism look bad. This ties off with short selling as I believe this creates a world of cronyism. Just watch the business pundits manipulate stocks all day long on TV.
I guess I'm m an oxymoron: a libertarian populist!