yall two need to get a ****ing roomgriff17matt said:
lmao wasn't there some loser on packpride that was always DMing people to try to fight them or some ***** What is it with you dip****s taking everything on a message board so damn personal.
yall two need to get a ****ing roomgriff17matt said:
lmao wasn't there some loser on packpride that was always DMing people to try to fight them or some ***** What is it with you dip****s taking everything on a message board so damn personal.
Nah, I'm done, brother. He's blocked. Back to fighting the man!mdreid said:yall two need to get a ****ing roomgriff17matt said:
lmao wasn't there some loser on packpride that was always DMing people to try to fight them or some ***** What is it with you dip****s taking everything on a message board so damn personal.
Just curious, is this based on anything other than the current news? I have several people who keep telling me I should use Robinhood over other platforms and they do have significant amounts invested. They all work in the tech sphere though.Daviewolf83 said:
I hope this helps. I also think Robinhood's days are limited. They are not a serious company and a place I or others would ever try to execute trades in the future, if they are actively working to manipulate the market. I suspect the SEC will be contacting them shortly.
I used e-Trade in the past, but Fidelity is an option. Also consider Ameritrade and Schwab.King Leary said:
Had all my funds on Robinhood but after this I'll be going elsewhere. Any other good options? Been thinking about Fidelity
The terms of use agreement has some issues as far as I am concerned. For example, some investors reported today that Robinhood began automatically cashing people out of their positions today. They did this because they thought the people took risky positions in Gamestop. While it is in line with their terms of use, it is bad form in my mind.IseWolf22 said:Just curious, is this based on anything other than the current news? I have several people who keep telling me I should use Robinhood over other platforms and they do have significant amounts invested. They all work in the tech sphere though.Daviewolf83 said:
I hope this helps. I also think Robinhood's days are limited. They are not a serious company and a place I or others would ever try to execute trades in the future, if they are actively working to manipulate the market. I suspect the SEC will be contacting them shortly.
If you're concerned about what Robinhood did, check the others you mentioned as Schwab did the same thing, I think...Daviewolf83 said:I used e-Trade in the past, but Fidelity is an option. Also consider Ameritrade and Schwab.King Leary said:
Had all my funds on Robinhood but after this I'll be going elsewhere. Any other good options? Been thinking about Fidelity
Yea that is the catch, a ton of them did it.pineknollshoresking said:If you're concerned about what Robinhood did, check the others you mentioned as Schwab did the same thing, I think...Daviewolf83 said:I used e-Trade in the past, but Fidelity is an option. Also consider Ameritrade and Schwab.King Leary said:
Had all my funds on Robinhood but after this I'll be going elsewhere. Any other good options? Been thinking about Fidelity
I did post that I was having issues with Schwab, but it actually worked in my favor. I got my trade done eventually for AMC at 8.97 a share later in the morning. Been with Schwab ever since USAA migrated over and been pretty happy with them overall. I wont let them off the hook per se, but I can see a legitimate reason for having technical glitches due to sheer volume.pineknollshoresking said:If you're concerned about what Robinhood did, check the others you mentioned as Schwab did the same thing, I think...Daviewolf83 said:I used e-Trade in the past, but Fidelity is an option. Also consider Ameritrade and Schwab.King Leary said:
Had all my funds on Robinhood but after this I'll be going elsewhere. Any other good options? Been thinking about Fidelity
There are going to be investigations and hearings, but I am just not sure how successful they will be. Too many hands in the cookie jar.BBW12OG said:
I fired away on TD Ameritrade. Got an email late last night "apologizing" for the disruption in buying yesterday. I jumped in and made my purchase before the market opened. Set the "buy" price just over expected opening and NOK went up quickly then tanked when the phones started ringing from the powers that be.
Again, there needs to be a full investigation into this. Let's see how that pans out.
Divides which party? lol....that's funny. If nothing else the democrats are good at all pulling in the same direction.BBW12OG said:
Will be interesting to see how this divides which party. I'll keep the name calling out of this thread and save it for the political ones. But here you have Senator Feinstein paying fines for "forgetting" her husband bought stocks. I can believe she forgets where she is and what is going on but this? I ain't buying it.
File that under "oops, I got caught."
Then you have the Speaker, one of the most crooked politicians ever, and her husband basically doing insider trading in public view. I'm sure she will just have some ice cream and tell anyone that asks that "we are not here to talk about that" and move on to the next question.
Guys, this is "NOT" a democrat thing!!! Both parties do it and its disgusting!!! I see this as a Populist vs Elitist thing.cowboypack02 said:Divides which party? lol....that's funny. If nothing else the democrats are good at all pulling in the same direction.BBW12OG said:
Will be interesting to see how this divides which party. I'll keep the name calling out of this thread and save it for the political ones. But here you have Senator Feinstein paying fines for "forgetting" her husband bought stocks. I can believe she forgets where she is and what is going on but this? I ain't buying it.
File that under "oops, I got caught."
Then you have the Speaker, one of the most crooked politicians ever, and her husband basically doing insider trading in public view. I'm sure she will just have some ice cream and tell anyone that asks that "we are not here to talk about that" and move on to the next question.
BBW, I am confident Republican's get away with "oopsie" and its swept under the rug as well. When they really screw up, they get called out (EX: Richard Burr).BBW12OG said:
Oh agree it's a "both" party issue. My problem is that one party gets investigated and the other party gets by with an "oopsie" and it is swept under the rug. Not to mention the Treasury Secretary has an obvious conflict of interest and the current administration refuses to acknowledge it.
What I'm hearing you argue is the MSM... The MSM media is something you cannot control. It is, without a doubt, an arm of the Democratic Party (that's hyperbole); however, the MSM is full of Democrats and don't expect change in those networks.BBW12OG said:
I see your point. Doesn't make it any easier to accept that one party gets away with 90% of the misdeeds without so much as a mention and smallest indiscretion from a GOP'er gets front page, prime time coverage 24/7 until they are vilified as the next coming of Satan.
Her entire letter, in my opinion, is the epitome of hypocrisy. Actually, does she even know what going on?BBW12OG said:
Is the Senator from Massachusetts going after Citadel, the hedge fund owners or the "ones" who shut down trading? HELL NO... she's going after the Redditt group that followed the law, did everything legal and busted the hedge fund owners' balls.
I just saw this and she is so wrong. Here are my views:BBW12OG said:
Is the Senator from Massachusetts going after Citadel, the hedge fund owners or the "ones" who shut down trading? HELL NO... she's going after the Redditt group that followed the law, did everything legal and busted the hedge fund owners' balls.
I don't think its just a Democrat thing....its definitely both parties and just a lot of politicians in general.pineknollshoresking said:Guys, this is "NOT" a democrat thing!!! Both parties do it and its disgusting!!! I see this as a Populist vs Elitist thing.cowboypack02 said:Divides which party? lol....that's funny. If nothing else the democrats are good at all pulling in the same direction.BBW12OG said:
Will be interesting to see how this divides which party. I'll keep the name calling out of this thread and save it for the political ones. But here you have Senator Feinstein paying fines for "forgetting" her husband bought stocks. I can believe she forgets where she is and what is going on but this? I ain't buying it.
File that under "oops, I got caught."
Then you have the Speaker, one of the most crooked politicians ever, and her husband basically doing insider trading in public view. I'm sure she will just have some ice cream and tell anyone that asks that "we are not here to talk about that" and move on to the next question.
Elites - Protect me through use of government (Who pressured Robinhood to turn off trading?)
Populist - people on Reddit
The folks on CNBC were up in arms yesterday about this. Why? Essentially they said: we need to protect the system. All they care about is themselves, not there customers...
Charles Payne is the only Financial guy that gets it...
99% of people I know have never heard of a Bloomberg Terminal, much less know what it is. I'm kinda interested in knowing what type of financial background you have now.pineknollshoresking said:
This is what should cause us all big issues... On the Bloomberg Terminal (this is used to communicate out to the world financial sector), they referred to the Reddit people as:
Stock Insurrection(ist)
Why would they use the term insurrection? Isn't that familiar to the January 6th issue at the Capitol? What is the goal of referring to the Reddit people as the same as the Capitol incident?
I think your question is off a little... the question should have been something like: where are you getting information that talks about a Bloomberg Terminal. I'm not familiar with it...cowboypack02 said:99% of people I know have never heard of a Bloomberg Terminal, much less know what it is. I'm kinda interested in knowing what type of financial background you have now.pineknollshoresking said:
This is what should cause us all big issues... On the Bloomberg Terminal (this is used to communicate out to the world financial sector), they referred to the Reddit people as:
Stock Insurrection(ist)
Why would they use the term insurrection? Isn't that familiar to the January 6th issue at the Capitol? What is the goal of referring to the Reddit people as the same as the Capitol incident?