
2,448,272 Views | 20293 Replies | Last: 1 day ago by Werewolf
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GuerrillaPack said:

Packchem91 said:

Naahhh, I just hope he has to pay a huge price for purposefully peddling and profiting off his misinformation.

Amd the fact so many people believed him showed just how stupid many people in this country are
If we lived in a just society where wicked people were actually prosecuted and sued for peddling lies and misinformation (and being responsible for actually killing and maiming thousands/millions of people), then King Fauci, the head of the CDC, and others powerful people peddling the lies about the covid scamdemic should be in prison. They've peddled these poison injections that have killed tens of thousands, and maimed and damaged millions more.

We don't live in a just society. We live in upside down world. We are ruled by criminals, in an empire of lies. The show trial against Alex Jones is meant to chill free speech, and lead to more censorship of those telling the truth on important subjects (which the Left and Establishment falsely label as "misinformation").

The Leftist Establishment spews nothing but misinformation and lies. 99% of what you are getting from the far Left Establisment Lamestream media, government, and Establishment academia is lies and deception, designed to enslave and destroy you -- per their Marxist agenda.

The Biden regime has already pushed Big Tech to censor and ban those who oppose the "official narrative" on covid -- those who speak out against the vaccines, etc. That's where this is all going. The Left want to sue, censor, silence, and ruin the life of anyone who opposes their tyrannical agenda.
OR Alex Jones is being sued for defamation because he lied. No one is sending him to prison, no one is saying he can't continue to speak his "truth" to his followers.

He's paying a momentary price for being a grifter of the highest order for using a terrible lie to fill his pockets.

Not sure why anyone wouldn't cheer for that. Again just because you believe in someone or support them shouldn't abstain them for being held liable if they do something dumb.
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Mormad said:

I feel guilty about it, but I guess that's natural.

Do you feel guilty because you exposed them to COVID only?

Would your level of guilt been different if you didn't test positive for C19 and had another rhinovirus, non COVID-19 coronavirus, parainfluenza, adenovirus, enterovirus, or RSV?

Should you then test for every single virus, every time you have a hint of an allergy or cough because something is caught in your throat? At the time you thought nothing of it and if it wasn't COVID you would have still thought nothing of it, even though many of those other things could be more or less risky to your friend and his daughter.

You likely weren't the first person they came into contact with this week who may have been sick and certainly won't be the last.

The feelings of guilt and shame over a ridiculously common respiratory virus need to end. That is a failing of public health and policies which encouraged blame and shame.

Almost everyone has had at least one infection at this point (whether they know it or not). Not to mention everyone likely having countless exposures.

Of course I am not advocating to not treat others with respect when you are sick and trying to minimize spread/not being intentionally reckless.

Feel better soon.
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Breaking...Brandon Regime to declare monkeypox "a public health emergency":


Biden officials plan to declare monkeypox a public health emergency

August 4, 2022

The Biden administration plans to declare the monkeypox outbreak a public health emergency as soon as Thursday in an effort to galvanize awareness and unlock additional flexibility and funding to fight the virus's spread.

The declaration would come from Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, who is expected to discuss the plan at an afternoon briefing, said two officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to comment. The health secretary is planning a second declaration empowering federal officials to expedite medical countermeasures, such as potential treatments and vaccines, without going through full-fledged federal reviews
Oh, wow...GREAT!!! They won't even have to test or fully review the monkeypox vaccine for safety!! Sign up NOW people!

I bet many of you are already starting to get scared about Monkeypox, and starting to consider getting the vaccine. If not now, you're getting close. All it will take is more "reporting" in the Lamestream media, and more "nudging" and persuasion from the media and government. As they talk about it more and more, breathlessly reporting on the supposed "emergency" and how you "need" to take the vaccine to "be safe", many of you are going to go along with it. Why? Because you trust the Gubbamint and the commie Lamestream media. You actually think these scumbags give you the "truth". Lmao.

Me, it's the opposite. I know the Establishment media and government are the enemy. I know that the truth is 180 degree opposite of what they are saying, and the more they push something, the more I resist.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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I'm not planning on getting any more vaccines except my flu shot next year and a shingles shot. Now if people I come in contact on a daily basis start getting Monkeypox I will consider it. But nobody will mandate I get it, same as no one mandated I get the Pfizer vaccines. I got those of my own free will.

BTW that microchip they installed last April when I got my second vaccine is acting up. I can no longer communicate with the Mars Rover. Who should I contact to remedy this issue?

Still waiting for the altered DNA they injected when I had my booster to start showing itself. Is there a timeline on when that should take place?
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GuerrillaPack said:

Can't believe this has people up in arms. Thought it was well done.
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GuerrillaPack said:

Packchem91 said:

Naahhh, I just hope he has to pay a huge price for purposefully peddling and profiting off his misinformation.

Amd the fact so many people believed him showed just how stupid many people in this country are
If we lived in a just society where wicked people were actually prosecuted and sued for peddling lies and misinformation (and being responsible for actually killing and maiming thousands/millions of people), then King Fauci, the head of the CDC, and other powerful people peddling the lies about the covid scamdemic should be in prison. They've peddled these poison injections that have killed tens of thousands, and maimed and damaged millions more.

We don't live in a just society. We live in upside down world. We are ruled by criminals, in an empire of lies. The show trial against Alex Jones is meant to chill free speech, and lead to more censorship of those telling the truth on important subjects (which the Left and Establishment falsely label as "misinformation").

The Leftist Establishment spews nothing but misinformation and lies. 99% of what you are getting from the far Left Establisment Lamestream media, government, and Establishment academia is lies and deception, designed to enslave and destroy you -- per their Marxist agenda.

The Biden regime has already pushed Big Tech to censor and ban those who oppose the "official narrative" on covid -- those who speak out against the vaccines, etc. That's where this is all going. The Left want to sue, censor, silence, and ruin the life of anyone who opposes their tyrannical agenda. With the precedent of this Alex Jones show trial, they will next have Pfizer or Fauci or whoever trying to sue prominent anti-vaxx doctors and other influential people for "misinformation".
look, i know you're a big Alex Jones-stan. I know you believe these mass shootings were staged. Thats fine. I can think those are idiotic opinions. But if you go out and slander folks who suffered like no one should have to suffer, when making those comments, you can and should be held accountable. If you're despicable enough to build a business empire off the suffering of those families, well, i have zero sympathy if they take everything you've ever made. Slimeballs deserve bad treatment.

If we find that the medical community knowingly and purposefully misled people with covid, then im ok with holding them accountable too, but if you want to compare a showman who led a bunch of gullible numbnuts who feared the government was going to take their money and guns and god-given rights to the medical community who was trying to handle a novel virus....well, frankly from you, i don't find that surprising.

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Packchem91 said:

look, i know you're a big Alex Jones-stan. I know you believe these mass shootings were staged. Thats fine. I can think those are idiotic opinions. But if you go out and slander folks who suffered like no one should have to suffer, when making those comments, you can and should be held accountable. If you're despicable enough to build a business empire off the suffering of those families, well, i have zero sympathy if they take everything you've ever made. Slimeballs deserve bad treatment.

If we find that the medical community knowingly and purposefully misled people with covid, then im ok with holding them accountable too, but if you want to compare a showman who led a bunch of gullible numbnuts who feared the government was going to take their money and guns and god-given rights to the medical community who was trying to handle a novel virus....well, frankly from you, i don't find that surprising.

Oh, riiiiiiight. We're "Soooo Craaaazzzy" with a capital "C" for thinking that the Democrats are trying to take our guns and take our rights. While the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives just literally passed an "assault weapons ban" just a few days ago. While Democrat-run cities and states do nothing but ban all sorts of guns for the past many years and decades.

Wow, we're so insane that we probably bark at the moon at night too. Just totally bonkers. Who could EVER dream up such a crazy idea as believing that the communist Democrats are trying to take our guns??? Alex Jones and his listeners belong in an insane asylum!!

Is that literally the "best" evidence you could come up with to "prove" that we are "crazy"? That we recognize the most obvious fact in the universe?? That Democrats are trying to ban guns?

Your argument is that weak? You have no argument.

It's the opposite. People who follow the Democrats and far Left Establishment media, and actually believe such astronomically insane nonsense as "no one is coming for your guns"...YOU are the crazy ones. These people have no grip on reality whatsoever. They live in a fantasy land of 400 genders, where unborn children "are not human beings", and the January 6th protest was "the deadliest and most heinous terrorist attack on muh democracy in history".
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Yes that bill passed the house. But add in that 2 republicans voted for it and 5 democrats voted against it and you know it will never pass in the Senate. Schumer isn't even sure he will bring it up for a vote
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packgrad said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Can't believe this has people up in arms. Thought it was well done.
It was well done... they used to call it satire.
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GuerrillaPack said:

Packchem91 said:

look, i know you're a big Alex Jones-stan. I know you believe these mass shootings were staged. Thats fine. I can think those are idiotic opinions. But if you go out and slander folks who suffered like no one should have to suffer, when making those comments, you can and should be held accountable. If you're despicable enough to build a business empire off the suffering of those families, well, i have zero sympathy if they take everything you've ever made. Slimeballs deserve bad treatment.

If we find that the medical community knowingly and purposefully misled people with covid, then im ok with holding them accountable too, but if you want to compare a showman who led a bunch of gullible numbnuts who feared the government was going to take their money and guns and god-given rights to the medical community who was trying to handle a novel virus....well, frankly from you, i don't find that surprising.

Oh, riiiiiiight. We're "Soooo Craaaazzzy" with a capital "C" for thinking that the Democrats are trying to take our guns and take our rights. While the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives just literally passed an "assault weapons ban" just a few days ago. While Democrat-run cities and states do nothing but ban all sorts of guns for the past many years and decades.

Wow, we're so insane that we probably bark at the moon at night too. Just totally bonkers. Who could EVER dream up such a crazy idea as believing that the communist Democrats are trying to take our guns??? Alex Jones and his listeners belong in an insane asylum!!

Is that literally the "best" evidence you could come up with to "prove" that we are "crazy"? That we recognize the most obvious fact in the universe?? That Democrats are trying to ban guns?

Your argument is that weak? You have no argument.

It's the opposite. People who follow the Democrats and far Left Establishment media, and actually believe such astronomically insane nonsense as "no one is coming for your guns"...YOU are the crazy ones. These people have no grip on reality whatsoever. They live in a fantasy land of 400 genders, where unborn children "are not human beings", and the January 6th protest was "the deadliest and most heinous terrorist attack on muh democracy in history".
LOL. Alex Jones just admitted that he lied to you. Then he got caught out for lying about other things to the court. So yes, I know its weird to think people who consume internet "big brother is out to get you" guys like him, then use his stories to prove those things, lol, are crazy (and/or just too dumb to care)...but, there you are.

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TheStorm said:

packgrad said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Can't believe this has people up in arms. Thought it was well done.
It was well done... they used to call it satire.
yes....i'd think this is one where it is definitely the messenger made the message less tolerable.
Two, the black and white nature of the typed message makes satire difficult for many people. When Jerry Seinfeld is doing it and you can see the smirk on his face, well you know what he's doing...

OTOH, given who the messenger was in this case, its fair to question if he knew it was satire, or accepted it like he does the Alex Jones material?
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TheStorm said:

packgrad said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Can't believe this has people up in arms. Thought it was well done.
It was well done... they used to call it satire.

Correct. Satire. A lost art. Unfortunately people want to own another poster so much, they can't enjoy the post.
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Don't get me wrong. I don't feel guilty because of the labeling of the viral illness. I feel guilty because I knew that morning I had myalgias and a mild sore throat, and I allowed a best friend and his 8 month old daughter to come spend all day here anyway because I wanted to see them and disregarded the symptoms. I knew better. No matter what virus I had on your list, it was going to make me feel guilty if an 8 month baby got sick because I failed to adhere to "if you're sick, stay at home. " As I said, they're not covid crazies, so they couldn't give 2 shts about what I had, and they likely would have come up to see us even if I told them I didn't feel great. But I think it's natural to feel bad about potentially exposing others, and I felt bad about it before I tested positive.

So I guess to answer your question, the covid stigma wasn't at play here. But since everybody is different and I have covid crazy friends it would definitely come into play with certain friends since I have to respect their feelings too.
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"Given the track record of government "experts," who have ignored overwhelming evidence that mask mandates do not work, dismissed legitimate concerns over gain of function research and authorized vaccines for toddlers based on embarrassingly poor trial data, they have no business directing any company to ban users for disagreements."

" Unfortunately, many on the left have embraced censorship if the discussion goes against their ideology. Tech companies, whose employees range from 95-99% liberal, are more than happy to oblige, since this unconstitutional collusion benefits their political views by privileging them over others.

Dismissing legitimate dissent as crackpot conspiracy theories reframes public conversations in the best interests of one side of the debate."
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Hopefully today is the corner-turning day!

Try not to feel bad about it but I get it. Over the years when traveling, especially post-kids the last 15 years we've had numerous stomach or respiratory viruses that hit somebody in the group during the vacay and it then got passed around.

ETA: the "Noro Christmas" when our oldest was eight months old and coming off a stomach virus was the worst. He's been symptom-free for almost 48 hours when we traveled but that thing ran through like 10 of the 12 of us. Disgusting.

Or, similar to your case there are assumptions made about the type or severity of illness that are ultimately proven incorrect when other people start catching the presumed-no-longer-contagious or presumed-mild illness in question.

Natural for patient zero (or patient zero's parents) to feel a little guilt but it obviously wasn't intentional and adults were making decisions about what they were comfortable being exposed to. To me, the alternative, where people avoid participating in a novel trip or family get-together because there's a risk of getting sick is worse than participating and getting sick (if that's the way it actually even plays out).

Keep getting some rest man and enjoy your family while you got 'em with you!
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packgrad said:

"Given the track record of government "experts," who have ignored overwhelming evidence that mask mandates do not work, dismissed legitimate concerns over gain of function research and authorized vaccines for toddlers based on embarrassingly poor trial data, they have no business directing any company to ban users for disagreements."

" Unfortunately, many on the left have embraced censorship if the discussion goes against their ideology. Tech companies, whose employees range from 95-99% liberal, are more than happy to oblige, since this unconstitutional collusion benefits their political views by privileging them over others.

Dismissing legitimate dissent as crackpot conspiracy theories reframes public conversations in the best interests of one side of the debate."

It remains legitimately astounding at how wrong public heath has been throughout the pandemic.

You could almost not draw up for to be much worse than the amount of collateral damage their policies have caused while simultaneously failing to prevent the spread of the COVID.

All while completely (and rightfully) destroying all faith in public health policymakers.

Look no further than the sub 5% uptake of the under 6 COVID vaccine.... all while Fauci predicts another winter of doom for the unboosted. A sad statement of rubberstamp FDA/CDC being in bed with pharma/politicians and lack of current pediatric efficacy studies.

It would almost be comical if not harm that has been done and their STILL inability to pivot from all that has failed and all their failures.

The continued pushing of failed masking policies is just desperate and sad. They need to just ****ing admit that they threw a hail mary in 2020 with mask recommendations and it landed on the ground with a thud (despite being latched onto as a virtue signal/political tool).

It is all just embarrassing.
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Definitely a corner turning day. Much better, brother! And so far everybody else is good.
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Glasswolf said:

Werewolf said:

Glasswolf said:

Werewolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:
Priceless. Reality is we have a raging monster that plans to kill as many of us as it can.
Why post this when you no it's not true? Are you Alex Jones?
Funny..........but the state of the world today......mad scientists are real. I'll post yesterday's MonkeyWerx show on the climate thread later today when I have a moment. Its an assessment of climate change capabilities and aircraft involved. He'll show you the aircraft. Its up to us to decide what is factual or not.

Glass, are you gonna be near the front of the line on this one? :-)
Why would I? Just because I'm vaccinated?

The problem with post like this is some people, yes people on this forum and around the country believe this crap. See what kind of crap Alex Jones is in due to spreading lies?
Which on 1st amendment grounds, I still don't get. Did he single out Sandy Hook parents by name, the way those news orgs went after that sixteen year old with the MAGA hat? If so, I can understand. But just telling general lies that don't actually malign someone's reputation sounds like a very bad constitutional development to me.
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Oldsouljer said:

Glasswolf said:

Werewolf said:

Glasswolf said:

Werewolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:
Priceless. Reality is we have a raging monster that plans to kill as many of us as it can.
Why post this when you no it's not true? Are you Alex Jones?
Funny..........but the state of the world today......mad scientists are real. I'll post yesterday's MonkeyWerx show on the climate thread later today when I have a moment. Its an assessment of climate change capabilities and aircraft involved. He'll show you the aircraft. Its up to us to decide what is factual or not.

Glass, are you gonna be near the front of the line on this one? :-)
Why would I? Just because I'm vaccinated?

The problem with post like this is some people, yes people on this forum and around the country believe this crap. See what kind of crap Alex Jones is in due to spreading lies?
Which on 1st amendment grounds, I still don't get. Did he single out Sandy Hook parents by name, the way those news orgs went after that sixteen year old with the MAGA hat? If so, I can understand. But just telling general lies that don't actually malign someone's reputation sounds like a very bad constitutional development to me.
Sure it falls under the 1st amendment. And that kid had his say so and was exonerated. "thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor". Jones was just telling blatant lies and people fell right in line. It harmed those families and guess what? A jury agreed. He called the parents "actors" in a deep state government operation to further the banning of guns. It was a lie. 1st amendment gave him the avenue to his free speech. Making up **** comes with consequences.
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Glasswolf said:

Oldsouljer said:

Glasswolf said:

Werewolf said:

Glasswolf said:

Werewolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:
Priceless. Reality is we have a raging monster that plans to kill as many of us as it can.
Why post this when you no it's not true? Are you Alex Jones?
Funny..........but the state of the world today......mad scientists are real. I'll post yesterday's MonkeyWerx show on the climate thread later today when I have a moment. Its an assessment of climate change capabilities and aircraft involved. He'll show you the aircraft. Its up to us to decide what is factual or not.

Glass, are you gonna be near the front of the line on this one? :-)
Why would I? Just because I'm vaccinated?

The problem with post like this is some people, yes people on this forum and around the country believe this crap. See what kind of crap Alex Jones is in due to spreading lies?
Which on 1st amendment grounds, I still don't get. Did he single out Sandy Hook parents by name, the way those news orgs went after that sixteen year old with the MAGA hat? If so, I can understand. But just telling general lies that don't actually malign someone's reputation sounds like a very bad constitutional development to me.
Sure it falls under the 1st amendment. And that kid had his say so and was exonerated. "thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor". Jones was just telling blatant lies and people fell right in line. It harmed those families and guess what? A jury agreed. He called the parents "actors" in a deep state government operation to further the banning of guns. It was a lie. 1st amendment gave him the avenue to his free speech. Making up **** comes with consequences.
Hurt feelings don't equate to "harm" and I don't see the harm. The bar here has to be very, very high to protect the first amendment. As for the jury agreeing, Alex Jones is going to get the same treatment from an Austin jury as Donald Trump would from a DC jury. There's Texas and then there's Austin which is the same as Berkeley or Chapel Hill. Which is why I don't see it as credible, though that also raises the question why didn't Jones' attorneys request a change of venue, assuming they didn't.
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Amazing there are people on this site that stick up for this Carny
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Well, since some people want to obsess on Alex Jones now because it justifies their fanatical desire to censor right-wing conservatives....let's get it somewhat back on topic and see what Alex Jones' view is on the covid scamdemic:

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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I bet mean ol Alex even called Dr. Fauci a liar or a fraud or a tyrant on his show a few times. Can King Fauci sue Alex for millions of dollars for "defamation"? That'll teach those evil right-wing fascist misinformationalists who's in charge and who runs things, and that they should just shut their mouths while we ram this loving progressive communist agenda down your throats.

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Covid Vaccines Are Killing One in Every 800 Over-60s and Should Be Withdrawn Immediately, Says Leading Vaccine Scientist....pretty tame but at least its on topic.
#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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#DiedSuddenly trends on Twitter after 3 physicians die in one week at same hospital | America's Frontline Doctors

'#DiedSuddenly should never be a trending hashtag but here we are in 2022'
#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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hokiewolf said:

Amazing there are people on this site that stick up for this Carny
Not him but his rights, and ours, that we stick up for. It's important not to confuse the two.
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GuerrillaPack said:

Well, since some people want to obsess on Alex Jones now because it justifies their fanatical desire to censor right-wing conservatives....let's get it somewhat back on topic and see what Alex Jones' view is on the covid scamdemic:

Well at least you're putting this on here to mock the lunacy of his words too. Thank goodness. Love how he says things there, then Rogan proves it's not in the document, and yet the Conformed Liar keeps saying it is.

Oh, wait a minute, you think this is a positive for him (and you)? This explains a lot
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hokiewolf said:

Amazing there are people on this site that stick up for this Carny
LOL. I'm not sticking up for anybody... I commented on a singular post that only contained the "Climate Change Shot" which was obviously a satire piece with no additional self-generated material added by the person who posted it.

Somehow it (the original "Climate Change Shot" post) set off a "sidebar" argument - ironically initiated by Glass of all people - about an Alex Jones, that I have yet to participate in, and have no plans to participate in...

And at the risk of sounding like an idiot - I don't even know who Alex Jones is, and don't care if I ever know who he is.

How is that defending one of the two carnies?
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Packchem91 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Well, since some people want to obsess on Alex Jones now because it justifies their fanatical desire to censor right-wing conservatives....let's get it somewhat back on topic and see what Alex Jones' view is on the covid scamdemic:

Well at least you're putting this on here to mock the lunacy of his words too. Thank goodness. Love how he says things there, then Rogan proves it's not in the document, and yet the Conformed Liar keeps saying it is.

Oh, wait a minute, you think this is a positive for him (and you)? This explains a lot
Rogan didn't know anything about the document, you think he "disproved" what Alex said about the document by failing to find something in a 30 second word search of the document. Lmfao. You guys are something else.

Here is the full document produced by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2010:

See page 18 of the document (and PDF) for the beginning of the "Lock Step" scenario describing a "A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership", that results from a "pandemic from an H1N1 strain".

Here's a quote from the document:


In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike 2009's H1N1, this new influenza strain originating from wild geese was extremely virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months, the majority of them healthy young adults.

The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers."


"During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified."

You spew out these baseless accusations, calling him a "lunatic". That's clearly an ad hominem tactic. Why exactly do you make such an accusation? What exactly is Alex saying that is "lunacy"? The fact that he knows about the existence of a document by the Rockefeller Foundation, that just so happens to predict nearly the exact scenario that played out in real life? What are the odds of this? Of course, I know that they are just calling it a "scenario" in the document. But how can the Rockefeller foundation predict this so accurately?

Which is more likely...that they have a crystal ball and are that accurate with their predictions for likely scenarios...or, rather, that these elites are working together to actually make these things happen?

And you think this document is just the "one lucky prediction", and is an outlier? Far from it. Look up, for example, the "Event 201" pandemic exercise held by the World Economic Forum and the Bill Gates Foundation in October 2019 that just so "coincidentally" used a scenario of a pandemic from a "coronavirus", and war-gamed and practiced all of the authoritarian measures that governments (and big companies) would implement.

And then the World Economic Forum is the organization that shortly after the "real" covid-19 pandemic is out here pushing for a "Great Reset" of society, and all of these authoritarian measures, and expansion of government control over the people (covid passports, real ID, tracking and tracing of population, etc).

But it's all just a "coincidence", right? Nothing to see here. There could "never" be a real life conspiracy by powerful people to gain more power. Only a "lunatic" would believe that. And especially after seeing all the the Rockefeller document and Event 201 exercise, right? I mean, these "crazy conspiracy theorists" are just "dreaming up" this stuff, right?! It's not like there is any evidence! None! Just like there is no evidence whatsoever of Democrats "coming for our guns". NONE!! We're Crrrraaaaazyy!!! lololol
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

Packchem91 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Well, since some people want to obsess on Alex Jones now because it justifies their fanatical desire to censor right-wing conservatives....let's get it somewhat back on topic and see what Alex Jones' view is on the covid scamdemic:

Well at least you're putting this on here to mock the lunacy of his words too. Thank goodness. Love how he says things there, then Rogan proves it's not in the document, and yet the Conformed Liar keeps saying it is.

Oh, wait a minute, you think this is a positive for him (and you)? This explains a lot
Rogan didn't know anything about the document, you think he "disproved" what Alex said about the document by failing to find something in a 30 second word search of the document. Lmfao. You guys are something else.

Here is the full document produced by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2010:

See page 18 of the document (and PDF) for the beginning of the "Lock Step" scenario describing a "A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership", that results from a "pandemic from an H1N1 strain".

Here's a quote from the document:


In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike 2009's H1N1, this new influenza strain originating from wild geese was extremely virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months, the majority of them healthy young adults.

The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers."


"During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified."

You spew out these baseless accusations, calling him a "lunatic". That's clearly an ad hominem tactic. Why exactly do you make such an accusation? What exactly is Alex saying that is "lunacy"? The fact that he knows about the existence of a document by the Rockefeller Foundation, that just so happens to predict nearly the exact scenario that played out in real life? What are the odds of this? Of course, I know that they are just calling it a "scenario" in the document. But how can the Rockefeller foundation predict this so accurately?

Which is more likely...that they have a crystal ball and are that accurate with their predictions for likely scenarios...or, rather, that these elites are working together to actually make these things happen?

And you think this document is just the "one lucky prediction", and is an outlier? Far from it. Look up, for example, the "Event 201" pandemic exercise held by the World Economic Forum and the Bill Gates Foundation in October 2019 that just so "coincidentally" used a scenario of a pandemic from a "coronavirus", and war-gamed and practiced all of the authoritarian measures that governments (and big companies) would implement.

And then the World Economic Forum is the organization that shortly after the "real" covid-19 pandemic is out here pushing for a "Great Reset" of society, and all of these authoritarian measures, and expansion of government control over the people (covid passports, real ID, tracking and tracing of population, etc).

But it's all just a "coincidence", right? Nothing to see here. There could "never" be a real life conspiracy by powerful people to gain more power. Only a "lunatic" would believe that. And especially after seeing all the the Rockefeller document and Event 201 exercise, right? I mean, these "crazy conspiracy theorists" are just "dreaming up" this stuff, right?! It's not like there is any evidence! None! Just like there is no evidence whatsoever of Democrats "coming for our guns". NONE!! We're Crrrraaaaazyy!!! lololol
Yeah, following the call to be more civil to posters, I'll just say thats crazy poppycock. But hey, you have your rights to say them and believe them...and be held accountable for the opinions. The guy clearly lied and made up stuff about the school shooting (and got rich from folks like you from doing so)....but we're going to assume he's fully on point here! OK.

I mean, the nuts can also say "oswald was in dallas", "oswald knew the russians", "the russians were in Dallas"....and take three individually correct facts, and create a fact that the russians killed Kennedy.

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TheStorm said:

hokiewolf said:

Amazing there are people on this site that stick up for this Carny
LOL. I'm not sticking up for anybody... I commented on a singular post that only contained the "Climate Change Shot" which was obviously a satire piece with no additional self-generated material added by the person who posted it.

Somehow it (the original "Climate Change Shot" post) set off a "sidebar" argument - ironically initiated by Glass of all people - about an Alex Jones, that I have yet to participate in, and have no plans to participate in...

And at the risk of sounding like an idiot - I don't even know who Alex Jones is, and don't care if I ever know who he is.

How is that defending one of the two carnies?

I doubt Hokie was referring to you, but more to your two favorite posters.
I won't pretend to know all his preachings either, but I think a summary would be "He's GorillaPack but figured out a way to market and monetize his craziness" (and found a whole bunch of people --- who actually eligible to vote in American politics, who love him). More recently, he just lost a court case to some of the victims parents from Sandy Hook....whom he had widely, and popularly, chided and lied about for years, claiming they were actors. So who does that sound like?
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Packchem91 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Packchem91 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

Well, since some people want to obsess on Alex Jones now because it justifies their fanatical desire to censor right-wing conservatives....let's get it somewhat back on topic and see what Alex Jones' view is on the covid scamdemic:

Well at least you're putting this on here to mock the lunacy of his words too. Thank goodness. Love how he says things there, then Rogan proves it's not in the document, and yet the Conformed Liar keeps saying it is.

Oh, wait a minute, you think this is a positive for him (and you)? This explains a lot
Rogan didn't know anything about the document, you think he "disproved" what Alex said about the document by failing to find something in a 30 second word search of the document. Lmfao. You guys are something else.

Here is the full document produced by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2010:

See page 18 of the document (and PDF) for the beginning of the "Lock Step" scenario describing a "A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership", that results from a "pandemic from an H1N1 strain".

Here's a quote from the document:


In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike 2009's H1N1, this new influenza strain originating from wild geese was extremely virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months, the majority of them healthy young adults.

The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers."


"During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified."

You spew out these baseless accusations, calling him a "lunatic". That's clearly an ad hominem tactic. Why exactly do you make such an accusation? What exactly is Alex saying that is "lunacy"? The fact that he knows about the existence of a document by the Rockefeller Foundation, that just so happens to predict nearly the exact scenario that played out in real life? What are the odds of this? Of course, I know that they are just calling it a "scenario" in the document. But how can the Rockefeller foundation predict this so accurately?

Which is more likely...that they have a crystal ball and are that accurate with their predictions for likely scenarios...or, rather, that these elites are working together to actually make these things happen?

And you think this document is just the "one lucky prediction", and is an outlier? Far from it. Look up, for example, the "Event 201" pandemic exercise held by the World Economic Forum and the Bill Gates Foundation in October 2019 that just so "coincidentally" used a scenario of a pandemic from a "coronavirus", and war-gamed and practiced all of the authoritarian measures that governments (and big companies) would implement.

And then the World Economic Forum is the organization that shortly after the "real" covid-19 pandemic is out here pushing for a "Great Reset" of society, and all of these authoritarian measures, and expansion of government control over the people (covid passports, real ID, tracking and tracing of population, etc).

But it's all just a "coincidence", right? Nothing to see here. There could "never" be a real life conspiracy by powerful people to gain more power. Only a "lunatic" would believe that. And especially after seeing all the the Rockefeller document and Event 201 exercise, right? I mean, these "crazy conspiracy theorists" are just "dreaming up" this stuff, right?! It's not like there is any evidence! None! Just like there is no evidence whatsoever of Democrats "coming for our guns". NONE!! We're Crrrraaaaazyy!!! lololol
Yeah, following the call to be more civil to posters, I'll just say thats crazy poppycock. But hey, you have your rights to say them and believe them...and be held accountable for the opinions. The guy clearly lied and made up stuff about the school shooting (and got rich from folks like you from doing so)....but we're going to assume he's fully on point here! OK.

I mean, the nuts can also say "oswald was in dallas", "oswald knew the russians", "the russians were in Dallas"....and take three individually correct facts, and create a fact that the russians killed Kennedy.

So now that I presented the evidence (in the Rockefeller document, Event 201) you seem to have conceded that there is evidence to support the idea that the elites planned an authoritarian response, and may have orchestrated the "pandemic". Because you just ignore discussing the details of covid, and go back to focusing on Sandy Hook and claim that since Alex was "wrong" on Sandy Hook (initially), that he must be wrong about everything else he's ever had a view on. Sound logic there.

Maybe there is also actually evidence to demonstrate that Sandy Hook was a false flag government operation....that would be just as damning as Rockefeller documents, Event 201, and all the other evidence exposing covid as a planned event. But you would have to actually look up that evidence...and not just knee jerk dismiss the claim upon first hearing the conclusion. And that evidence is going to be much harder to find now, given all the censorship and threats of lawsuits. Sandy Hook was a huge, huge deal...and blatant example of these sorts of government operations, that is easily exposed once you dig in to the evidence. That's why there's such a push from the Establishment to censor the truth about it, and intimidate those into silence who tell the truth.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Oldsouljer said:

Glasswolf said:

Oldsouljer said:

Glasswolf said:

Werewolf said:

Glasswolf said:

Werewolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:
Priceless. Reality is we have a raging monster that plans to kill as many of us as it can.
Why post this when you no it's not true? Are you Alex Jones?
Funny..........but the state of the world today......mad scientists are real. I'll post yesterday's MonkeyWerx show on the climate thread later today when I have a moment. Its an assessment of climate change capabilities and aircraft involved. He'll show you the aircraft. Its up to us to decide what is factual or not.

Glass, are you gonna be near the front of the line on this one? :-)
Why would I? Just because I'm vaccinated?

The problem with post like this is some people, yes people on this forum and around the country believe this crap. See what kind of crap Alex Jones is in due to spreading lies?
Which on 1st amendment grounds, I still don't get. Did he single out Sandy Hook parents by name, the way those news orgs went after that sixteen year old with the MAGA hat? If so, I can understand. But just telling general lies that don't actually malign someone's reputation sounds like a very bad constitutional development to me.
Sure it falls under the 1st amendment. And that kid had his say so and was exonerated. "thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor". Jones was just telling blatant lies and people fell right in line. It harmed those families and guess what? A jury agreed. He called the parents "actors" in a deep state government operation to further the banning of guns. It was a lie. 1st amendment gave him the avenue to his free speech. Making up **** comes with consequences.
Hurt feelings don't equate to "harm" and I don't see the harm. The bar here has to be very, very high to protect the first amendment. As for the jury agreeing, Alex Jones is going to get the same treatment from an Austin jury as Donald Trump would from a DC jury. There's Texas and then there's Austin which is the same as Berkeley or Chapel Hill. Which is why I don't see it as credible, though that also raises the question why didn't Jones' attorneys request a change of venue, assuming they didn't.

You don't see the harm?

Some of Jones' Infowars loons spent years harassing, stalking, and threatening some of these families on the basis of his Sandy Hook lies. Posting pictures of their houses online. Reporting them to child protective services. Death threats. Some of the families have moved multiple times to put separation between them and the hoaxers.

That doesn't rise to the level of harm?

All because of his grifting. He played his followers for money. He doesn't even believe his own lies, which makes it even more despicable.
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Glasswolf said:

Yes that bill passed the house. But add in that 2 republicans voted for it and 5 democrats voted against it and you know it will never pass in the Senate. Schumer isn't even sure he will bring it up for a vote
Yeah... the party you have admitted you openly support was only going to remove statues of Confederate War Veterans right?

How'd that work out? I seem to recall statues of the Founding Fathers, Teddy Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln and others being removed now. Also schools being renamed because members of your party have deemed them to be "colonizers."

Not trusting the left is warranted and legitimate. A party who routinely flaunts the very laws and mandates they impose on normal everyday people shouldn't be trusted. "Rules for thee but not for me..." Sound familiar?

Conservatives aren't without extremists in our party and I'll admit that. The big difference is ours don't make up 90+% of our party. You can't say that about your party.
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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For the record I was and still am against removing any statue
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