No provider or administration has incentive to make a few extra pennies to make up for their billions in deficits. They are much, much more worried about keeping their surgical programs open and running without COVID spread.GuerrillaPack said:
Even if, hypothetically, hospitals are losing money with "covid" patients...there is STILL the financial incentive to label or designate a patient as a "covid" patient...because you get the extra money from the Feds for each patient you label as a "covid" patient...whether they actually have "covid" or not.
That's where the bogus PCR and other "testing" comes in handy...with probably 75% false falsely label tons of patients as "covid" patients when they don't actually have the black death Rona.
That number is not even close to accurate on the false positivity rate. Most tests are rated at about 80-85% sensitivity (measuring whether a positive is a true positive) and 98-99% specificity (measuring whether a negative is a true negative).