hokiewolf said:he claims it's because they changed the plug standard but that doesn't stop you from building the charging station, just change the plug when the standard changes.ncsupack1 said:Bockwinkle said:
This thread is full of Trump lies.
There are 8 charging stations. Not 7.
Be careful. The local Biden campaign manager is going to come on this thread with a carefully worded statement. ….
The two issues is the power isn't there to build 1/ 2 million charging stations and I'm sure federal regulations on environment are holding up much of this infrastructure work.
Fair point. I'm sure they wanted to avoid the hassle/expense of having to swap out the plug for a half-million chargers just to get an extra year or two of use out of them, but I agree that most of the delay was probably driven by local power infrastructure issues that take time to iron out.
Either way, the "bIdEn SuX hE ONly buILt 7 cHARGers!" crowd are partisan dunces as usual.