I have never said they weren't.Glasswolf said:
I'm an independent. I like things both sides advocate for. Both sides a crooked. You cannot deny that
Our country is far down the Socialist rabbit hole that we don't understand what a legitimate Republic should look like. A perfect example is Roe v Wade where the federal govt provides for what is a state's right. RIght out of the gate.........we have the 10th Amendment. Unfortunately, the IRS was made a part of the Constitution by our 16th Amendment which wa passed by Congress in 1909 and ratified in Feb 1913 but a traitorous Congress. A number of things in 1913 occurred we should all know more about.BBW12OG said:I have never said they weren't.Glasswolf said:
I'm an independent. I like things both sides advocate for. Both sides a crooked. You cannot deny that
And you have to admit that there is ONE party that is openly and feverishly campaigning for single party rule in this country and if not for Manchin and Sinema it would have already happened correct?
You add PR and DC as states that is 4 Senate seats that would NEVER go for the GOP.
That would open up the following:
- Expanding the SCOTUS to "balance" the current power that the GOP has
- Federalization of elections (Party in control of the Fed. Gov draws the State's electoral maps)
- Abolishing the Electoral College (which would mean CA and NY would elect POTUS every year)
- Allowing illegal immigrants to vote (already happening in several Dem run cities on local levels)
- Mass amnesty for most if not all illegals giving them the right to vote
Now, again, I'm not saying you are in favor of all or any of these. But if you don't see MARXISM in this then you need to read up on Karl Marx and his ideologies.
And for the record, those are just 5 that the left pushes for on a daily basis. There are more and they are more extreme than the ones listed.
Again, I'm not accusing you of supporting the above but when you vote "D" like you have said you do, then regardless of what you personally support when you cast that vote you are casting a vote for them whether you want to own up to it or not.
I agree.BBW12OG said:
They are "independent..."
They just happen to vote for candidates that support many, if not all SOCIALIST/MARXIST ideas... but they shouldn't be lumped in with them because they voted for them.....
And funny when you point that out, put them on the spot and provide them with facts.......
💥👏🏻 Bill Maher: “DeSantis is just a Trump tribute band. Why would you want that when the real band is still playing”? pic.twitter.com/tjVKRVQ0xn
— Cyndylou Napoli... (@Cyndylo36423911) March 13, 2023
NCTrafficMan,you gon be like me with some of these MAGA maniac if you keep doing s... like that!! You didn't know you are not suppose to talk negative about Don tha John on here!! But they can talk s... bout Sloppy joe and the Demorats!! Be careful,lol!!!NCTrafficMan said:
Are your feelings hurt??BBW12OG said:
Eat more you pathetic, no life having troll...
That'll be me!!Werewolf said:💥👏🏻 Bill Maher: “DeSantis is just a Trump tribute band. Why would you want that when the real band is still playing”? pic.twitter.com/tjVKRVQ0xn
— Cyndylou Napoli... (@Cyndylo36423911) March 13, 2023
For all those with TDS......
For what?Glasswolf said:
You need to check your inbox messages now
I did master now you check yours!!Glasswolf said:
You need to check your inbox messages now
Caryking i got your inbox,i got no issues with you!!caryking said:That's just juvenile!Marco said:
Hey, MAGA maniacs i am looking to score with a pron star and no it's not Stormy,Since y'all are besties with DontheCon tell'em i need about $130thou to keep her quiet, you know hush her up! I would reach out to Michael Cohen to see if he'll front me the money but him and ConMan don't rock no more, he ratted ConMan out! His fixer,Lol!
Yeah, i am ducking you! I am terrified of you can't you tell?BBW12OG said:Still ducking me aren't you?Marco said:Again, some on here say what they or feel and it's ok but as soon as i say something negative about DJT, feelings are hurt!! Welp, if that criminal would of keep his name out of the news there would be nothing to talk about now would it! Don tha John!!caryking said:That's just juvenile!Marco said:
Hey, MAGA maniacs i am looking to score with a pron star and no it's not Stormy,Since y'all are besties with DontheCon tell'em i need about $130thou to keep her quiet, you know hush her up! I would reach out to Michael Cohen to see if he'll front me the money but him and ConMan don't rock no more, he ratted ConMan out! His fixer,Lol!
You are a clown and you prove it with every post you make. Damn shame you are in any way affiliated with NCSU.
I try!! Be patient with me, God is not threw with me yet!!Gulfstream4 said:Marco said:Gulfstream4,are you mad at me?Of are you made cause you support an an adulterous criminal who got caught with his pants down with Stormy? Eithet you'll be ok when the swelling go down and as far my party affiliation,just know i will never identify with you Dumbpublicans!!Gulfstream4 said:Marco said:
Hey, MAGA maniacs i am looking to score with a pron star and no it's not Stormy,Since y'all are besties with DontheCon tell'em i need about $130thou to keep her quiet, you know hush her up! I would reach out to Michael Cohen to see if he'll front me the money but him and ConMan don't rock no more, he ratted ConMan out! His fixer,Lol!
You're a complete idiot and I'm glad you're a democrat.
Your ah imbarrasmet 2 uR 6 grad eNglish teach!!! DumbOcrat!!
Man, if you ban the sun will cone up tomorrow, bet on that!! Trust and believe i know how to conduct myself but i can say what i want and about who i want, everybody else does!! If you ban me i want die i'll save 23.00bucks a month or whatever my subscription is.This is a Trump forum so i am keeping it about Trump! My post are not childish they are truthful! Thank you!Glasswolf said:Marco said:'it's about how you same it'? Guess you ment how i say it!! Last time you saying what? Man please, who died and made you God? All the crap y'all RIGHTIES type on here about whoever y'all don't like or disagree with and you tell me 1 to 'take it down a notch'!Really? How bout looking up 1st/5th amendment!! I know you what the 5th amendment is cause your boy Don the John said and i am quoting 'only guilty people plead the 5th if you innocent why plead the 5th'! Remember that,Glasswolf? And he did it himself under oath!! How dare you try and tell me what i can and cannot say! Y'all are too funny!Glasswolf said:It's never about what you say. It's how you same it. Last time I'm saying this. Take it down a notchMarco said:Again, some on here say what they or feel and it's ok but as soon as i say something negative about DJT, feelings are hurt!! Welp, if that criminal would have keep his name out of the news there would be nothing to talk about now would it! Don tha John!!caryking said:That's just juvenile!Marco said:
Hey, MAGA maniacs i am looking to score with a pron star and no it's not Stormy,Since y'all are besties with DontheCon tell'em i need about $130thou to keep her quiet, you know hush her up! I would reach out to Michael Cohen to see if he'll front me the money but him and ConMan don't rock no more, he ratted ConMan out! His fixer,Lol!
No one made me God but James made me a moderator who has the power to ban you. And for the record I dislike Trump as much as any one. My point is stop with the childish post. I've seen you post on the sports forum with no problem. No problem with the message that you don't like Trump. You just need to say it like an adult.
And the 1st amendment protects you from the government not a private business.
Oh, i ment come up!! Since i have 6th grade education according to some! Gotta proof read! My bad!!Marco said:Man, if you ban the sun will cone up tomorrow, bet on that!! Trust and believe i know how to conduct myself but i can say what i want and about who i want, everybody else does!! If you ban me i want die i'll save 23.00bucks a month or whatever my subscription is.This is a Trump forum so i am keeping it about Trump! My post are not childish they are truthful! Thank you!Glasswolf said:Marco said:'it's about how you same it'? Guess you ment how i say it!! Last time you saying what? Man please, who died and made you God? All the crap y'all RIGHTIES type on here about whoever y'all don't like or disagree with and you tell me 1 to 'take it down a notch'!Really? How bout looking up 1st/5th amendment!! I know you what the 5th amendment is cause your boy Don the John said and i am quoting 'only guilty people plead the 5th if you innocent why plead the 5th'! Remember that,Glasswolf? And he did it himself under oath!! How dare you try and tell me what i can and cannot say! Y'all are too funny!Glasswolf said:It's never about what you say. It's how you same it. Last time I'm saying this. Take it down a notchMarco said:Again, some on here say what they or feel and it's ok but as soon as i say something negative about DJT, feelings are hurt!! Welp, if that criminal would have keep his name out of the news there would be nothing to talk about now would it! Don tha John!!caryking said:That's just juvenile!Marco said:
Hey, MAGA maniacs i am looking to score with a pron star and no it's not Stormy,Since y'all are besties with DontheCon tell'em i need about $130thou to keep her quiet, you know hush her up! I would reach out to Michael Cohen to see if he'll front me the money but him and ConMan don't rock no more, he ratted ConMan out! His fixer,Lol!
No one made me God but James made me a moderator who has the power to ban you. And for the record I dislike Trump as much as any one. My point is stop with the childish post. I've seen you post on the sports forum with no problem. No problem with the message that you don't like Trump. You just need to say it like an adult.
And the 1st amendment protects you from the government not a private business.
Like Adulterous?Glasswolf said:
Please use educated, adult words.
As long as i continue to pay i' ll continue to post,sorry!packgrad said:
He makes no effort to discuss any topic on the WC. He is simply here to troll. He is a one trick pony. Ridiculous that he is allowed to continue to post.
Of course you gon agree with him, birds of the same feather flock together! I know you've heard that before! True ain't it?BBW12OG said:Agree.... I don't get it..... He does NOTHING to add to the conversation. He derails threads/topics all the time with his nonsense.packgrad said:
He makes no effort to discuss any topic on the WC. He is simply here to troll. He is a one trick pony. Ridiculous that he is allowed to continue to post.
Lol!BBW12OG said:Well... I guess if you are going to go out you may as well go out with a bang. And good riddance....Marco said:BBW12OG said:Still ducking me aren't you?D1Ducking you? Man i don't know and glad i don't! We got nothing in common!! You call me a clown, i guess that comes from Don the Con's play book, call names when someone is speaking truth that you can't handle! Now that's juvenile!! But don't worry you'll be ok when the swelling goes down!!Marco said:Again, some on here say what they or feel and it's ok but as soon as i say something negative about DJT, feelings are hurt!! Welp, if that criminal would of keep his name out of the news there would be nothing to talk about now would it! Don tha John!!caryking said:That's just juvenile!Marco said:
Hey, MAGA maniacs i am looking to score with a pron star and no it's not Stormy,Since y'all are besties with DontheCon tell'em i need about $130thou to keep her quiet, you know hush her up! I would reach out to Michael Cohen to see if he'll front me the money but him and ConMan don't rock no more, he ratted ConMan out! His fixer,Lol!
You are a clown and you prove it with every post you make. Damn shame you are in any way affiliated with NCSU.
See ya!!!!
I don't if should respond to that negatively or not! I won't this time since you said i am free to share my thoughts! Thank you!!Glasswolf said:
Even though his post are childish in nature he is free to share his thoughts. He just needs to express them in a more appropriate way
Don't read'em!!packgrad said:
Childish is irrelevant. His posts aren't on topic.
Wrong i do it cause i know it gets under some of yalls skin!! Said it before, THE TRUTH HURTS some on here!!BBW12OG said:
I'm not for banning anyone who is engaging in spirited debate.
When you come on here with the sole intention of being a mouthbreathing clown.. that's a different story.
He never addresses the topic...Just...."but...but.... TRRRUUUMMMPPP!!", "Don the Con...." and other off-topic comments meant to derail the thread and obfuscate from what is being discussed.
He does this because he doesn't like the facts that are being presented to him.
Poor widdle BBW...such a triggered snowflake you are...BBW12OG said:
Eat more you pathetic, no life having troll...
Wow....just wow....... and on the very next reply he replied withMarco said:Man, if you ban the sun will cone up tomorrow, bet on that!! Trust and believe i know how to conduct myself but i can say what i want and about who i want, everybody else does!! If you ban me i want die i'll save 23.00bucks a month or whatever my subscription is.This is a Trump forum so i am keeping it about Trump! My post are not childish they are truthful! Thank you!Glasswolf said:Marco said:'it's about how you same it'? Guess you ment how i say it!! Last time you saying what? Man please, who died and made you God? All the crap y'all RIGHTIES type on here about whoever y'all don't like or disagree with and you tell me 1 to 'take it down a notch'!Really? How bout looking up 1st/5th amendment!! I know you what the 5th amendment is cause your boy Don the John said and i am quoting 'only guilty people plead the 5th if you innocent why plead the 5th'! Remember that,Glasswolf? And he did it himself under oath!! How dare you try and tell me what i can and cannot say! Y'all are too funny!Glasswolf said:It's never about what you say. It's how you same it. Last time I'm saying this. Take it down a notchMarco said:Again, some on here say what they or feel and it's ok but as soon as i say something negative about DJT, feelings are hurt!! Welp, if that criminal would have keep his name out of the news there would be nothing to talk about now would it! Don tha John!!caryking said:That's just juvenile!Marco said:
Hey, MAGA maniacs i am looking to score with a pron star and no it's not Stormy,Since y'all are besties with DontheCon tell'em i need about $130thou to keep her quiet, you know hush her up! I would reach out to Michael Cohen to see if he'll front me the money but him and ConMan don't rock no more, he ratted ConMan out! His fixer,Lol!
No one made me God but James made me a moderator who has the power to ban you. And for the record I dislike Trump as much as any one. My point is stop with the childish post. I've seen you post on the sports forum with no problem. No problem with the message that you don't like Trump. You just need to say it like an adult.
And the 1st amendment protects you from the government not a private business.
Not sure who he was referring to. Damn sure seems like that crossed the line.Quote:
Like Adulterous?
So you openly admit to trolling this board just to get under other people's skin.Marco said:Wrong i do it cause i know it gets under some of yalls skin!! Said it before, THE TRUTH HURTS some on here!!BBW12OG said:
I'm not for banning anyone who is engaging in spirited debate.
When you come on here with the sole intention of being a mouthbreathing clown.. that's a different story.
He never addresses the topic...Just...."but...but.... TRRRUUUMMMPPP!!", "Don the Con...." and other off-topic comments meant to derail the thread and obfuscate from what is being discussed.
He does this because he doesn't like the facts that are being presented to him.
The BY is a wonderful place. No more BBW or learjet, or Northwolf. Y'all can all circlejerk here.BBW12OG said:
Guess not getting time on PP anymore has freed up time for you Wendy....
Again, yours is a sad pathetic life and it has been for years. Everyone knows it. Most importantly, you know it.
Wow....someone is such a snowflake they can't accept others points of view.BBW12OG said:So you openly admit to trolling this board just to get under other people's skin.Marco said:Wrong i do it cause i know it gets under some of yalls skin!! Said it before, THE TRUTH HURTS some on here!!BBW12OG said:
I'm not for banning anyone who is engaging in spirited debate.
When you come on here with the sole intention of being a mouthbreathing clown.. that's a different story.
He never addresses the topic...Just...."but...but.... TRRRUUUMMMPPP!!", "Don the Con...." and other off-topic comments meant to derail the thread and obfuscate from what is being discussed.
He does this because he doesn't like the facts that are being presented to him.
That folks is how dumbocrats work. All you have to do is give them enough rope and they'll hang themselves every damn time.
I'm done here until things are different.
Blah..blah...blah..you thinking MARXIST(M ) is not a "terrible word" as you stated tells everyone all they need to know about you and the ideologies you support.NCTrafficMan said:The BY is a wonderful place. No more BBW or learjet, or Northwolf. Y'all can all circlejerk here.BBW12OG said:
Guess not getting time on PP anymore has freed up time for you Wendy....
Again, yours is a sad pathetic life and it has been for years. Everyone knows it. Most importantly, you know it.
A sad pathetic life is you bbw BOLDING a word in a post because you are so triggered by a simple word. "OMG!!! marxist is such a terrible word that I must CAPTALIZE it and BOLD it every time I post it!!!
That is pathetic.