The point I'm making here, #Einstein, is that the patriots movement was so heavily censored on YouTube, Facebook and other platforms that truth could only be found at that time on TikTok and a number of very small barely formed platforms like Rumble, CloutHub, Telegram, GAB and Getter.
I, for example, was put in Facebook jail numerous times. WIth concern for losing my extensive Facebook photo collection and connection to more than 1000 others, I resorted to sharing COVID lies, Covid jab dangers and pro-Trump info via Facebook messenger only.......not posting anything political. Facebook's Gestapo team dug into my FB messenger account and detected sharing info with groups of friends.
Guess what Facebook did? They shut my FB account down.........and I was only private messaging with likeminded friends and family.
I share this not in attempt to change the mind of brainwashed sheep like you, I share it to document the tyranny that was upon us, here in this great country with a Constitutional First Amendment guaranteeing free speech. No need to reply, I will not answer. #MAGA
#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening