hokiewolf said:
Here's real trash, tariffs are not a conservative idea and do not do anything but raise prices
You do know, more and more manufacturing is being moved to other country's…. What's happening is, in most goods, the raw components are still being manufactured in China and they are being assembled outside of China, thus getting the origin in other places. The tariffs become far less and/or at 0%.
Also, some companies are getting their products manufactured in China, then do a small percentage assembly domestically, in order to lower the tariff. The whole tariff argument is such a red herring! Personally, I believe in the use of tariffs as a leverage point in negotiating with other countries. Also, we absolutely need to think about our manufacturing base and try to do everything we can to get more and more back domestically.
This old adage, by the establishment Republicans, to offshore everything and become a services economy has been and will continue to be dangerous. You should know that based on the industry you work in…
I have a solution, let's have most or all construction done in China, then do a small assembly here domestically. Perhaps your job and Civ's job can be outsourced…