TRUMP 2024

466,379 Views | 6138 Replies | Last: 1 day ago by Werewolf
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WolfpackUSC said:

My fault, a maxi pad.
That's "hate speech" per the communist democrats. Why do you think this is an insult? According to the DemonRat party that you support, it's a "wonderful blessed" thing to be an effeminate homosexual sissy boy. Are you disagreeing with the Demonicrats, and saying that homosexuality is something to be ashamed of?
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

WolfpackUSC said:

I never supported rounding up the unvaccinated. I had to get the shot to keep serving in the military at the time. I believe in 2 genders and I don't think men should be in women's locker rooms, but I do support the jury's decision.

See, it's not all black and white.
But did you support a political party that effectively wanted to make it that so the unvaccinated were not able to have jobs and were ostracized from society? Rounding them up and putting them in camps was going too far, but banning them from being able to have jobs and forcing them to be quarantined inside their homes and not allowed to go anywhere in society was "not going too far"?

The communist Democrat are full steam ahead with this transgender agenda. Democrat politicians all over the country at every level of government are steamrolling ahead with this insanity - allowing trans men to compete against women in sports and share locker-rooms and bathrooms with young girls. So while you may not personally support it, the Democrat party that you continue to support will implement this agenda.

You might want to re-think supporting a political party that implements all these insane policies that you are actually opposed to.

Now this is ignorance. Assuming hatred from Trump means I'm a democrat. News flash I voted for Trump in 16 and 20, a registered Republican.

Aren't you the flat earth dude anyway? Maybe sit this one out.
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GuerrillaPack said:

WolfpackUSC said:

My fault, a maxi pad.
That's "hate speech" per the communist democrats. Why do you think this is an insult? According to the DemonRat party that you support, it's a "wonderful blessed" thing to be an effeminate homosexual sissy boy. Are you disagreeing with the Demonicrats, and saying that homosexuality is something to be ashamed of?

But it wasn't hate speech when the same gentlemen told me to wear my ***** hat yesterday?

If you can't take the heat, stay out the kitchen
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WolfpackUSC said:

Now this is ignorance. Assuming hatred from Trump means I'm a democrat. News flash I voted for Trump in 16 and 20, a registered Republican.

Aren't you the flat earth dude anyway? Maybe sit this one out.
The flat earth dude and the Sandy Hook is a hoax dude. Never sitting anything out.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

WolfpackUSC said:

Now this is ignorance. Assuming hatred from Trump means I'm a democrat. News flash I voted for Trump in 16 and 20, a registered Republican.

Aren't you the flat earth dude anyway? Maybe sit this one out.
The flat earth dude and the Sandy Hook is a hoax dude. Never sitting anything out.

If you think Sandy Hook is a hoax, there's a special place in hell for you.
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WolfpackUSC said:

GuerrillaPack said:

WolfpackUSC said:

My fault, a maxi pad.
That's "hate speech" per the communist democrats. Why do you think this is an insult? According to the DemonRat party that you support, it's a "wonderful blessed" thing to be an effeminate homosexual sissy boy. Are you disagreeing with the Demonicrats, and saying that homosexuality is something to be ashamed of?

But it wasn't hate speech when the same gentlemen told me to wear my ***** hat yesterday?

If you can't take the heat, stay out the kitchen
I'm a strong defender of freedom of speech, especially hate speech.

And I love it when others attack me. So fire away.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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WolfpackUSC said:

GuerrillaPack said:

WolfpackUSC said:

If you think Sandy Hook is a hoax, there's a special place in hell for you.

Do you actually believe in hell? Hell is reserved for LIARS. Not for those who tell the truth, including about that psyop.

Why do you get so worked up about people who expose government psyops and lies? Like THAT'S something to get angry about? People who dare to call out the government and Establishment on all their hoaxes and scams?

Why don't you get angry about people who support MASS MURDERING MILLIONS OF UNBORN CHILDREN?

Do you think that people who support the mass murder of millions of unborn children deserve to go to hell?

I do. THOSE PEOPLE are the true scum of the earth.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

WolfpackUSC said:

Now this is ignorance. Assuming hatred from Trump means I'm a democrat. News flash I voted for Trump in 16 and 20, a registered Republican.

Aren't you the flat earth dude anyway? Maybe sit this one out.
The flat earth dude and the Sandy Hook is a hoax dude. Never sitting anything out.
Don't forget the moon landing is a hoax dude and the Holocaust is a hoax dude. Never sell yourself short.
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GuerrillaPack said:


I have no time for people who think the slaughter of little kids was a hoax. Good bye
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grantwolf said:

Don't forget the moon landing is a hoax dude and the Holocaust is a hoax dude. Never sell yourself short.
Oy vey. Not the fake "moon landings"!!

Another sacred cow of the boot licking communists!!!
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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WolfpackUSC said:

GuerrillaPack said:


I have no time for people who think the slaughter of little kids was a hoax. Good bye
Do you have time for the communist scum who support the mass murder of millions of unborn children??
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

grantwolf said:

Don't forget the moon landing is a hoax dude and the Holocaust is a hoax dude. Never sell yourself short.
Oh boy. Not the fake "moon landings"!!

Another sacred cow of the boot licking communists!!!
So...the people that believe that we landed on the moon are communists?
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grantwolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:

grantwolf said:

Don't forget the moon landing is a hoax dude and the Holocaust is a hoax dude. Never sell yourself short.
Oh boy. Not the fake "moon landings"!!

Another sacred cow of the boot licking communists!!!
So...the people that believe that we landed on the moon are communists?
Of course more than just commie Leftists believe in the fake "moon landings"...unfortunately. But virtually all Leftists believe in yourself, right? Leftists fall for all of the Establishment hoaxes and psyops, no matter how ridiculous they are -- eg, 70 genders transgender insanity, global warming aka climate change, etc.

NASA and the globe earth Big bang false cosmology and the laughably fake "moon landings" are especially sacred to the Left. It's part of their religion.

I bet that the vast majority of moon landing deniers are conservatives.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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hokiewolf said:

SmaptyWolf said:

Gulfstream4 said:

Should we go after Bill Clinton for paying Paula Jones $800,000 to keep quiet before he ran for President?

Did Clinton break any state laws when he paid her the $850,000 OUT OF COURT SETTLEMENT after a 4 year very public court battle? The question sounds unbelievably stupid when you ask it out loud, but I get it, you guys are grasping for anything, so by all means go after him.
Lets get some things straight.
  • The jury who found Trump guilty on all counts did it's job, and did it well. They did their civic duty and should not be harassed or blamed.
  • This case was ill-conceived, unjustified mess that shouldn't have been brought forward in the first place
  • The judge in this case did donate money - $35 to a pro Biden, anti-Trump operation that the judge earmarked the funds for "resisting the Republican Party and Donald Trumps radical right-wing legacy" Would you also had been fine with this judge staying on the case if he donated a couple bucks to "Re-elect Donald Trump MAGA forever!"? Absolutely not
  • When has a District Attorney ever run for office with the specific political objective, who falsely claimed in his campaign that he had sued Trump over 100 times, and then brought forward a case that pushes the outer boundaries of the law and due process? Are you ok with that?
  • The charges against Trump were obscure and unprecedented. No state, anywhere has ever used federal election laws as a direct state crime against anyone for anything. None. Ever. They are and should be misdemeanors under New York law. Which presents a couple of problems for the prosecution - 1. Nobody cares about misdemeanors, and 2. the statue of limitations was 2 years.
  • Further, the argument that tied the committing a crime to cover up a crime that violated State election laws and elevated this to a Class E felony was allowed by the judge to only be revealed in closing arguments. So much for the obligation to provide notice to the defendant of the accusations against him in advance of the trail.
  • Finally, these charges appear to be crafted specifically and individually for the former president and nobody else. Is that justice? Is that what the judiciary is supposed to be used for?

"No man is above the law" only works if you don't distort the system to find something to trump up (pun intended) to charge a defendant. That's the type of stuff Putin says and has said, particularly when arresting, having a show trial (not claiming the outcome of Trumps trial was predetermined, the process was somewhat followed, but incredibly flawed), and convicting his political rivals to weaken them and most of the time eliminate them.

I urge you to look up Mikhail Khodorkovsky, and see that he was only arrested and charged after challenging the corrupt system in Russia and specifically Putin who was enriching himself over all else.

The law that bumped this up to a felony was also a New York state election law, not a federal law.

So are you arguing that Trump didn't break the law? A jury unanimously just disagreed with you. Or are you arguing that it's unfair that Presidents of the United States are held to a higher level of scrutiny than average people? Maybe Trump could just try not breaking laws.

I'll admit that the other three cases that Trump is facing are FAR more consequential, but this bawling about how Presidents shouldn't be subjected to scrutiny over trivial lawbreaking is comical coming from conservatives. Literally the last 4 decades has been an endless string of just that from you guys.

Starting with Ken Star, who investigated Clinton for years chasing endless conspiracies... Republicans finally "got him" because he lied about a blow job under oath... technically illegal I guess, but obviously political. Has there been an investigation of Dems since that wasn't trumped up nonsense? Birth certificates! BENGAZEEE!!! A single barely classified document on an email server! Hunter Biden doing something we can't find evidence for! Remember the "Lock Her Up!!!" chants? Those were good times...

So now suddenly you have a crook for a candidate who is finally getting raked over the coals and NOW you care about prosecuting political rivals and precedent and all that? Honestly guys, cry me a river.
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hokiewolf said:

SmaptyWolf said:

Gulfstream4 said:

Should we go after Bill Clinton for paying Paula Jones $800,000 to keep quiet before he ran for President?

Did Clinton break any state laws when he paid her the $850,000 OUT OF COURT SETTLEMENT after a 4 year very public court battle? The question sounds unbelievably stupid when you ask it out loud, but I get it, you guys are grasping for anything, so by all means go after him.
Lets get some things straight.
  • The jury who found Trump guilty on all counts did it's job, and did it well. They did their civic duty and should not be harassed or blamed.
  • This case was ill-conceived, unjustified mess that shouldn't have been brought forward in the first place
  • The judge in this case did donate money - $35 to a pro Biden, anti-Trump operation that the judge earmarked the funds for "resisting the Republican Party and Donald Trumps radical right-wing legacy" Would you also had been fine with this judge staying on the case if he donated a couple bucks to "Re-elect Donald Trump MAGA forever!"? Absolutely not
  • When has a District Attorney ever run for office with the specific political objective, who falsely claimed in his campaign that he had sued Trump over 100 times, and then brought forward a case that pushes the outer boundaries of the law and due process? Are you ok with that?
  • The charges against Trump were obscure and unprecedented. No state, anywhere has ever used federal election laws as a direct state crime against anyone for anything. None. Ever. They are and should be misdemeanors under New York law. Which presents a couple of problems for the prosecution - 1. Nobody cares about misdemeanors, and 2. the statue of limitations was 2 years.
  • Further, the argument that tied the committing a crime to cover up a crime that violated State election laws and elevated this to a Class E felony was allowed by the judge to only be revealed in closing arguments. So much for the obligation to provide notice to the defendant of the accusations against him in advance of the trail.
  • Finally, these charges appear to be crafted specifically and individually for the former president and nobody else. Is that justice? Is that what the judiciary is supposed to be used for?

"No man is above the law" only works if you don't distort the system to find something to trump up (pun intended) to charge a defendant. That's the type of stuff Putin says and has said, particularly when arresting, having a show trial (not claiming the outcome of Trumps trial was predetermined, the process was somewhat followed, but incredibly flawed), and convicting his political rivals to weaken them and most of the time eliminate them.

I urge you to look up Mikhail Khodorkovsky, and see that he was only arrested and charged after challenging the corrupt system in Russia and specifically Putin who was enriching himself over all else.

Hokie, I disagree with your first bullet. There was reasonable doubt in this case. Heck Cohan alone is reasonable doubt. The Jury did not do their job. It will eventually be righted, but will take a long time.

Forgot to say regarding bullet 3, the Judge turned out to be a politically motivated crooked hack. And he was hand picked which should be reason enough to recuse.

Solid other points.
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GuerrillaPack said:

WolfpackUSC said:

GuerrillaPack said:


I have no time for people who think the slaughter of little kids was a hoax. Good bye
Do you have time for the communist scum who support the mass murder of millions of unborn children??

I'm giving you good news. No children died. It was a government psyop.
Question for you, if you live in NC what's your thoughts on Mark Robinson?
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SmaptyWolf said:

So now suddenly you have a crook for a candidate who is finally getting raked over the coals and NOW you care about the Constitution and precedent and all that? Honestly guys, cry me a river.
Commie libtards have never cared about the Constitution. They want to DESTROY the Constitution, and now openly admit that they hate the Constitution and want to destroy it. They attempt to justify that by referring to the Constitution as "an outdated document" that was "written by racist old white men" that "no longer applies to today's society".

They foam at the mouth 24/7/265 thinking of ways to eviscerate the 2nd Amendment and destroy the right to own firearms. They salivate at being able to censor and prevent conservatives from being able to exercise their right to free speech from any platform or area that Leftists control (Leftist run Big Tech companies, Marxist-run universities, etc). They are moving to pass "hate speech" laws that criminalize politically incorrect views - as has already been done in most socialist/Leftist run European nations (and Canada).
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

I bet that the vast majority of CONSPIRACY THEORISTS are conservatives.
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ncsupack1 said:

Question for you, if you live in NC what's your thoughts on Mark Robinson?
Support him. A real conservative, and not a pro-Establishment RINO cuck like Tillis or Burr. Love his courage to take bold stances against the Sodomite LGBTQ agenda and on other "verboten" issues that the RINOs won't touch.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

SmaptyWolf said:

So now suddenly you have a crook for a candidate who is finally getting raked over the coals and NOW you care about the Constitution and precedent and all that? Honestly guys, cry me a river.
Commie libtards have never cared about the Constitution. They want to DESTROY the Constitution, and now openly admit that they hate the Constitution and want to destroy it.
""A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution," - DJT
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GuerrillaPack said:

ncsupack1 said:

Question for you, if you live in NC what's your thoughts on Mark Robinson?
Support him. A real conservative, and not a pro-Establishment RINO cuck like Tillis or Burr. Love his courage to take bold stances against the Sodomite LGBTQ agenda and on other "verboten" issues that the RINOs won't touch.
So him paying for a abortion is okay with you? BTW, he never to my knowledge mentioned it until he was asked.
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grantwolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:

I bet that the vast majority of CONSPIRACY THEORISTS are conservatives.
Not theories. FACTUAL conspiracies.

I know this comes as a shocker...but the Marxist/communist Establishment actually is perpetrating all sorts of elaborate deceptions, frauds, scams, and crimes. Thousands of them...ongoing...on a daily basis.

Dictionary definition of "conspiracy" is "two or more people working together to perpetrate an immoral or illegal act". You know, like all these Leftists colluding to politically persecute Donald Trump and his supporters with lawfare and kangaroo courts.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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ncsupack1 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

ncsupack1 said:

Question for you, if you live in NC what's your thoughts on Mark Robinson?
Support him. A real conservative, and not a pro-Establishment RINO cuck like Tillis or Burr. Love his courage to take bold stances against the Sodomite LGBTQ agenda and on other "verboten" issues that the RINOs won't touch.
So him paying for the murder of a baby is okay with you? BTW, he never to my knowledge mentioned it until he was asked. FYI, I to plan on voting for him. So incoming name calling isn't needed here.
Of course I oppose abortion. Has Mark Robinson apologized for that? Doesn't he himself condemn what he did? If so, will you forgive him? He's not out here still supporting abortion. That's the communist Democrats. They are the ones foaming at the mouth to defend being able to murder millions of unborn children.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

grantwolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:

I bet that the vast majority of CONSPIRACY THEORISTS are conservatives.
Not theories. FACTUAL conspiracies.

I know this comes as a shocker...but the Marxist/communist Establishment actually is perpetrating all sorts of elaborate deceptions, frauds, scams, and crimes. Thousands of them...ongoing...on a daily basis.

Dictionary definition of "conspiracy" is "two or more people working together to perpetrate an immoral or illegal act". You know, like all these Leftists colluding to politically persecute Donald Trump and his supporters with lawfare and kangaroo courts.

The same people that cry about conservatives and conspiracy theories are the ones that said Joe Rogan was taking horse dewormer and that Covid came from a bat at a wet market.

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GuerrillaPack said:

grantwolf said:

GuerrillaPack said:

I bet that the vast majority of CONSPIRACY THEORISTS are conservatives.
Not theories. FACTUAL conspiracies.

I know this comes as a shocker...but the Marxist/communist Establishment actually is perpetrating all sorts of elaborate deceptions, frauds, scams, and crimes. Thousands of them...ongoing...on a daily basis.

Dictionary definition of "conspiracy" is "two or more people working together to perpetrate an immoral or illegal act". You know, like all these Leftists colluding to politically persecute Donald Trump and his supporters with lawfare and kangaroo courts.
Are the Marxists in the room with us right now?
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GuerrillaPack said:

ncsupack1 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

ncsupack1 said:

Question for you, if you live in NC what's your thoughts on Mark Robinson?
Support him. A real conservative, and not a pro-Establishment RINO cuck like Tillis or Burr. Love his courage to take bold stances against the Sodomite LGBTQ agenda and on other "verboten" issues that the RINOs won't touch.
So him paying for the murder of a baby is okay with you? BTW, he never to my knowledge mentioned it until he was asked. FYI, I to plan on voting for him. So incoming name calling isn't needed here.
Of course I oppose abortion. Has Mark Robinson apologized for that? Doesn't he himself condemn what he did? If so, will you forgive him? He's not out here still supporting abortion. That's the communist Democrats. They are the ones foaming at the mouth to defend being able to murder millions of unborn children.

Why didn't he bring it up before he was called out? He sure has heck called out others for it. If he felt so bad, why didn't he share his shame with others who may have at times thought about getting one? Seems like that would be the right thing.
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grantwolf said:

""A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution," - DJT
Re-read that genius, and read it in context of DJT's larger comments. Isn't DJT alleging that it is the DEMOCRATS who are "allowing" the termination of all rules, including the Constitution?

The Democrats are the ones here who are overturning the justice system. This commie judge changed the rules so that the jury could "convict" on a felony charge simply by having 4 jurors agree (not a unanimous decision).

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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ncsupack1 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

ncsupack1 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

ncsupack1 said:

Question for you, if you live in NC what's your thoughts on Mark Robinson?
Support him. A real conservative, and not a pro-Establishment RINO cuck like Tillis or Burr. Love his courage to take bold stances against the Sodomite LGBTQ agenda and on other "verboten" issues that the RINOs won't touch.
So him paying for the murder of a baby is okay with you? BTW, he never to my knowledge mentioned it until he was asked. FYI, I to plan on voting for him. So incoming name calling isn't needed here.
Of course I oppose abortion. Has Mark Robinson apologized for that? Doesn't he himself condemn what he did? If so, will you forgive him? He's not out here still supporting abortion. That's the communist Democrats. They are the ones foaming at the mouth to defend being able to murder millions of unborn children.

Why didn't he bring it up before he was called out? He sure has heck called out others for it. If he felt so bad, why didn't he share his shame with others who may have at times thought about getting one? Seems like that would be the right thing.
What is your deal here man? You are voting for the man, but you want to argue with me all day about this? Don't you have anything better to do?

Do you really support Robinson or not?
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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I love how Trump and his team filed 60 court cases to try to change the results of the presidential election, but it's the DEMONCRATS that are weaponizing the judicial system for their benefit. Trump is a criminal that's finally seeing repercussions for his actions. No more, no less.
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grantwolf said:

Are the Marxists in the room with us right now?
The Democrat party has been ideologically rooted in Marxism going back at least to the days of FDR. You know, with all those Big government openly socialist welfare state programs.

I know you must really hate it that it has now been thoroughly exposed that the political party you worship are communists. Everybody knows it now. The cat is out of the bag. No going back in.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Thanks for wrapping up the election for Trump though. Keep up this attitude throughout the election. Keeps people on the fence motivated to vote against your ilk.
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grantwolf said:

I love how Trump and his team filed 60 court cases to try to change the results of the presidential election, but it's the DEMONCRATS that are weaponizing the judicial system for their benefit. Trump is a criminal that's finally seeing repercussions for his actions. No more, no less.
Wow, and the communist Democrats never questioned election results or filed lawsuits to try to reverse election results.

Al Gore complaining against W Bush with the "hanging chads"?

Hillary Clinton and all the Democrats denying that Trump won the first time and saying that "muh Russia and Putin stole the election"

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

grantwolf said:

""A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution," - DJT
Re-read that genius, and read it in context of DJT's larger comments. Isn't DJT alleging that it is the DEMOCRATS who are "allowing" the termination of all rules, including the Constitution?

Nope. That quote is not at all taken out of context. But lol at the attempt.
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"My big disappointment is with the jury. Juries are supposed to be a check and balance on the excesses of prosecutors and judges. This jury failed its role of checking and balancing these excesses," Dershowitz said

Dershowitz labeled the decision the "beginning of a war of weaponization of the criminal justice system." He also heavily scrutinized the 12-person jury, noting many were likely non-Trump voters.

"They were hand-picked by the judge and by the prosecutor to be anti-Trump. These were get-Trump jurors," he explained.
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