Civilized said:
caryking said:
hokiewolf said:
caryking said:
Civilized said:
Wolfblood said:
Please let the Democrats and the media make these poor illegal alien gang bangers not receiving due process and unlawfully being deported the biggest news story of the week.
I think the Democrats should send a Congressional Delegation to the prison in El Salvador and demand these young men be released and brought back home to America.
If you haven't seen the video released by the President of El Salvador of the Venezuela and
MS-13 gang members arriving at the prison check it out. It's a must watch.
To go from roaming the United States committing theft, rape and murder at will and with no consequences to being incarcerated in that particular prison is going to be quite the change.
Like I said, Democrats and media, please die on this hill.
Presidents following laws and the constitution and observing the power of the courts and checks and balances is more important for our country's long-term safety and security and stability than any edge case justification to ignore these things that you can possibly dream up.
Civ, based on what I read, Trump is actually doing what you said. His attorneys provide legal opinions and he acts. Now, he knows the Dems will use law fare to obstruct any of his moves, which, they can. Trump has listened to the courts. Now, that doesn't mean he will not challenge the ruling…
This latest event was on the way, when the court made its ruling. It is what it is…. Now, go find an incident whereas Trump has disregarded a court ruling. Right now, I can't find one…
I think what Civ is saying is the attack on the institution of the Judiciary by normalizing calling these rulings as something done by an activist judge is the bigger issue. But, both the far right and far left do this, and it's a bad idea. It's one of the things far left progressives and populist MAGA has in common. And it needs to stop, period.
I'm not really sure what Civ is saying. That said, I do believe we have activist judges. In fact, I'm sure Civ thinks the Supreme Court wee activist when they overturned Roe V Wade.
Why would you be sure of that?
Ginsberg herself was critical of hinging abortion rights on Roe given its nebolous privacy arguments and Dems had decades to legislate it into law and didn't do it. The ruling wasn't particularly surprising especially given the conservatives appointed to the Court in Trump's last term.
We've got to be careful to not label judges as activist just because we disagree with their decisions. We can also separate being disappointed with a judicial outcome from the legal merits of the case, i.e. we can not like that a decision came to pass without questioning the ethics or judicial chops or legal basis of the judges that rendered it.
Obviously you expect it from MAGA partisans, but the entire "activist judges" conversation by guys like Hokie (who are able to find a "both sides" under every rock in order to rationalize continuing to vote for obvious lunatics) is disingenuous to the point of being painful.
The constitution by design is inherently vague, which is how it's stayed relevant for hundreds of years... its constantly being "interpreted", which by definition will always look "activist" to people who don't like the rulings.
But do we have to pretend that the Federalist Society doesn't exist? It's had 100% control of all conservative judicial picks for decades, and its stated goal is to pack the court with conservative "activists". There is no equivalent to that on the left, at all. So on the left we have "I was appointed by a Dem" activists, and on the right we have "I was groomed for my entire career for the express purpose of overturning decades of precedents with any bad-faith argument required to get the job done" activists.
But we've moved well beyond "activist" judges at this point, and are hurtling toward "corrupt" judges. When judges are happy to ignore black letter law (that doesn't actually require interpretation) in the service of partisan goals, or use absurd arguments to flip hundreds of years of constitutional understanding on it's head (as the Supreme Court just did with it's Presidential Immunity ruling) we're in a dangerous place.
Of course as always MAGA is flooding the zone with their "up is down" bullsh**, pretending that anyone who calls out Trump breaking black letter law is actually the "corrupt" judge who should be ignored.
Sooooo yeah... dark days ahead, folks.