As the son, son-in-law, and brother of Marines who have passed on, this is a very sad day. A stolen election by the Democrats has led to this disaster. We have a brain dead pedophile in the White House who has blood on his hands. The last time we lost this many troops in one day in over a decade. Who was Vice President then? I believe that day was when members of Seal Team 6 were blown out of the sky. That was on Biden and Obama too. Totally disgusting.
I know members of the military know that any day could be their last. Whether that is training or on deployment. The very tragic thing is this did not have to happen. Biden should resign this afternoon after this debacle. Innocent men, women, and children murdered because of a lack of leadership and just plain stupidity.
I know members of the military know that any day could be their last. Whether that is training or on deployment. The very tragic thing is this did not have to happen. Biden should resign this afternoon after this debacle. Innocent men, women, and children murdered because of a lack of leadership and just plain stupidity.
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