Democrats want to FUNDAMENTALLY change USA...

16,584 Views | 165 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by acslater1344
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packgrad said:

Ground_Chuck said:

BBW12OG said:

Horrible she lost her life. Now let's see who is the perpetrator. Many reports of Antifa and the like doing this to make Trump supporters look bad. You know...just like they have done before. Where was the outrage from the lefties when BLM and Antifa were burning down businesses and causing people to lose their life's investments? many died during those peaceful protests. Take that crap and shove it. Wayne...GTFOH..... you freeloading chump. Nothing you have to say will contribute anything positive to this discussion. Bad people were involved today. Bad people exist on both sides. One side has already condemned it. Horizontal Harris contributed money to bail the left's bad people out of jail. Put that in your "holier than thou" pipe and smoke it.
There is video of her getting shot while trying to break into congressional chambers.

When are the riots? I wonder if nba players will take a knee for her.
If I had a daughter she could look like her..... why did they have to use a gun? Couldn't they have just had a psychologist talk to her? Why do they always resort to violence? Get ready libtards.... the last four years you played dirty. Now you have all three branches and the world is yours to **** up. I'm certain you won't disappoint. Just like with Harry Reid.... you will reap what you sow 10 fold. Again...God forbid...imagine if she'd been black and shot by a white officer inside the capital building. Every major city in America would be on fire as we speak. The hypocrisy of the left and some on this very site know no bounds. It was a horrible display today and Trump should leave and leave politics. But for the lefties to come on here and gloat that shows more about them and their character..WAYNE... than it does anything about the GOP and the conservatives.
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pineknollshoresking said:

ciscopack said:

ciscopack said:

ciscopack said:

"A City upon a Hill" is a phrase derived from the parable of Salt and Light in Jesus's Sermon on the Mount.] In a modern context, it is used in United States politics to refer to America acting as a "beacon of hope" for the world.

What do you think now world? Is Jim Jones in charge?

I know some of those "Patriots"/kinfolk; I've seen them on TV today.
You don't become a Patriot by calling yourself one or building a 15x15' concrete reinforced bunker with a thick steel door and 100 weapons within.
Cisco, you really have your on thread. let other people who want to commiserate speak without your conjecture.
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ciscopack said:

pineknollshoresking said:

ciscopack said:

ciscopack said:

ciscopack said:

"A City upon a Hill" is a phrase derived from the parable of Salt and Light in Jesus's Sermon on the Mount.] In a modern context, it is used in United States politics to refer to America acting as a "beacon of hope" for the world.

What do you think now world? Is Jim Jones in charge?

I know some of those "Patriots"/kinfolk; I've seen them on TV today.
You don't become a Patriot by calling yourself one or building a 15x15' concrete reinforced bunker with a thick steel door and 100 weapons within.
Cisco, you really have your on thread. let other people who want to commiserate speak without your conjecture. nephew has a very nice one. Maybe you're on his youtube site? My nephew loves me!
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Steve Williams said:

3This whole Covid relief thing really bothers me. If you're a business or individual that has been directly impacted financially by Covid then I get the help. But to arbitrarily hand out free money to everyone regardless of the circumstances is beyond insane. My son is a perfect example. He's never missed a day of work, never missed a paycheck but received stimulus checks. Why? And there's literally millions upon millions of Americans just like him. This money isn't free. It has to come from somewhere and at some point the bill is going to come due.

If we're going to forgive student debt then I want a reimbursement for paying for mine on time. Why should those who paid up be left out?

I like to think (hope) that the politicians mentioned in the article are the fringe element, just like the Republicans have some of their own. In the end you have to hope that rational thought wins out.

I would just throw this out- I think with the proliferation of absentee ballots, the right may be in big trouble. All of a sudden you have legions of folks that, in the past, were too lazy to get off their asses and go vote who now basically have everything done for them short of filling out the ballots themselves. The Republicans are gonna have to get it figured out or they may not win a lot of elections going forward.
Agreed with the money for everybody thing, if for no other reason than I don't want to have to deal with it at tax time.
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Al Gore presides over Electoral College vote in 2001!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ciscopack said:

BBW12OG said:

Funny how the SOS of Georgia's right hand man left his position and took a multi million dollar a year job with Dominion a few months before the elections.....
That might be true? I have no idea.

But let me help.....that would be the Republican Secretary of State in Georgia or the Republican Governor or the Republican Director of Elections.
Meaningless distinction, they're all part of the UniParty which includes Democrats. True Constitutionalists are extinct among Democrats and nearly so among Republican officeholders.
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Oldsouljer said:

ciscopack said:

BBW12OG said:

Funny how the SOS of Georgia's right hand man left his position and took a multi million dollar a year job with Dominion a few months before the elections.....
That might be true? I have no idea.

But let me help.....that would be the Republican Secretary of State in Georgia or the Republican Governor or the Republican Director of Elections.
Meaningless distinction, they're all part of the UniParty which includes Democrats. True Constitutionalists are extinct among Democrats and nearly so among Republican officeholders.
Funny that you don't follow the Constitution of the United States of America!

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Maybe one day we'll get a real DeLorean that can travel through time?

My 10th Great Uncle -

The captain of the Mayflower (on its first voyage), named Jones, had agreed to take them (the Pilgrims) only across the Atlantic. He is said to have been bribed by Virginian and Dutch colonists not to bring the Pilgrims to Virginia or New Amsterdam. Capt. William Pierce would have landed them where they wished, and if he had commanded the Mayflower on that voyage New England might have been settled in Virginia or New York. The Pilgrims had planned to go to the Hudson river."

"Although it was not until her second voyage that he was captain of the famed Mayflower, Capt. William had more than his share of "firsts". He brought the first cattle to New England from England (ship Charity, 1624). He brought from the West Indies to New England the first cotton (1633) and the first sweet potatoes (ship Desire in 1636). He published the first bound book in English to be printed in North America - Pierce's (Peirse's) Almanac of 1639 calculated for New England and printed by Stephen Day, "an exceedingly illiterate printer," on a press brought to Boston in 1638 by the Rev. Mr. Glover, English clergyman."

"Although the first Thanksgiving Day is commonly considered to have been the celebration following the first Pilgrim harvest in 1621, it has been suggested that Captain William Pierce was instrumental in bringing about the first real Thanksgiving observance ten years later!"

"The winter of 1630-31 was severe, game was scarce, the corn supply was nearly gone, even acorns and ground nuts were concealed by heavy snows. Women of the Colony were set to digging clams; a ration of five kernels of corn a day for each person was ordered. The Colonists were on the verge of starvation and had designated Feb. 22, 1631, as a fast day of prayer."

"Governor Winthrop, anticipating a hard winter, had sent Captain Pierce to England for provisions in the ship Lyon the previous fall. Pierce was delayed when he came upon the ship Ambrose, dismasted, and towed her home to Bristol. The Colonists had about given up hope of his return when the Lyon was spied, in the words of Cotton Mather, "just as Winthrop was distributing the last handful of meal in the barrel."

"The Lyon was loaded with beef and pork, wheat, peas, oatmeal, cheese, butter, suet and lemon juice. The scheduled fast day was joyfully turned into a Thanksgiving day. Mary Lowe in Thanksgiving, edited by Robert H. Schauffer, calls this "the first Thanksgiving day of which any written record remains in the Colonial records of Massachusetts" and adds, "We may justly claim this as the origin of Thanksgiving day." Lincoln writes: "This appears to have been the origin of Thanksgiving day." W. deLoss Love, Jr., in Fast and Thanksgiving Days of New England, calls the 1621 celebration "a harvest festival....not a Thanksgiving at all....not a day set aside for religious worship, but a whole week of festivity." Mary Lowe agrees, stating many deny the 1621 celebration was the first Thanksgiving day and pointed out the lack of any religious service during this week of feasting."

"Described as the most celebrated master of ships to come into the water of New England during the Colonists' early history, Captain William was an intimate and confidant of both Gov. William Bradford and Edward Winslow, a founder of the Colony, thrice governor and later commissioner of the United Colonies of New England."

"According to Lincoln, Captain William was master of the Mayflower on nine different voyages. He certainly was captain was these ships: Paragon, 1622, (owned by brother John); Anne, 1623, third ship to arrive from England; Charity, 1624, carrying Winslow and the first cattle from England; Jacob, 1625; Mayflower, 1629: Lyon, 1630, with Roger Williams and wife; Lyon, 1631, with John Elliot and Governor Winthrop's wife; Lyon, 1632, with Winthrop; Rebecca, 1634; Narragansett, 1634."

"He was in the West Indies in 1635 and the same year rescued refugees from the Connecticut Valley. He sailed to Block Island in the Desire in 1636 and the next year took supplies from Boston to soldiers fighting in the Pequot war. He sailed the Desire from London to Boston in 1638 and the next year sailed her back to London in a record 23 days. In 1641 in the same ship he commanded an expedition carrying dissenters to the West Indies. The Spaniards were hostile and he turned back, stopped at New Providence, an island in the Bahamas, to bring away a congregation there."

"Says Colonel Pierce in his Pierce Genealogy: "Though finding the Spaniards already in possession he stood gallantly in, hoping to rescue his countrymen. When the enemy opened upon him with cannon, he sent his people into the hold for safety, retaining on deck but one man to aid in working the ship. While lying in the caboose watching the sails, the captain and this sailor were fatally wounded by the same shot (July 13, 1641). The Desire headed for home, her noble master finding a fitting grave in the blue sea upon which so much of his life had been spent. His death was much lamented in the two colonies, which had so long known him as a skilful navigator and a Christian gentleman.""

"One of the "two colones" referred to certainly was Massachusetts, and the other may be Virginia. Lincoln states that Pierce lived briefly (1623-4) at James City, Va., with his wife Jane and 34 servants and that he served as Burgess from James City to the Virginia general assembly, later moving to Boston.

This man is also the x-number grandfather of Barbara Pierce Bush.
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Never change, Cisco...never change my man.
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Oldsouljer said:

ciscopack said:

BBW12OG said:

Funny how the SOS of Georgia's right hand man left his position and took a multi million dollar a year job with Dominion a few months before the elections.....
That might be true? I have no idea.

But let me help.....that would be the Republican Secretary of State in Georgia or the Republican Governor or the Republican Director of Elections.
Meaningless distinction, they're all part of the UniParty which includes Democrats. True Constitutionalists are extinct among Democrats and nearly so among Republican officeholders.

I agree with this. 99% of politicians care about their jobs and their kickbacks. Following the constitution and actually representing their constituents aren't in the top 10 of priorities
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wolfman18 said:

Never change, Cisco...never change my man.
I come from a long line of Christians and I know we can trace the Bible back to around 300 AD; it was not written in English and to trace it further, one knows there are more books and the books we know are not written exactly like they were in Greek and Hebrew. So what, the ladies leaving Jesus' tomb were supposed to spread the word that Jesus had risen; he never appeared before the Disciples and their visionary experiences. I did my DNA in 2015 and I found out I was 8% Jew and i know no Jews and I'm 11 generations Southern US. I don't care what I am; I'm here and proud of it! If not for my ancestors, I would not be here! Everyone should be proud of their ancestors; they might find it strange but they should be proud! I may be kin to Jesus and Moses and I suppose we're all kin to Adam and Eve? What does that mean; are we all kin? Yeah, I know about Noah's boat. DNA traces me back to Charlemagne being a grandfather and supposedly I can trace William Pearce's family to BC, before Christ..

Can't we all get along and be peaceful and love one another? Hell, we don't have to be in each other's space. Go Pack!
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God bless us all!

Go Pack!
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GuerrillaPack said:

These "elections" are 100% completely RIGGED, with MASSIVE amounts of election fraud (tens of thousands of fake ballots, "vote flipping" in the "vote counting" machines, etc).

And the RINO fake conservatives are in on the fraud. They are on the same "team" as the communist democrats.

We are like a 3rd world banana republic now, ruled by communists who will stay in power with rigged elections.

Yeah only the true trumpers are the honest voters.
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Woke up...old man had to pee and I thought..... I wonder if there is a search engine that produces the truth as QAnon, Antifa, The Proud Boys, Donald J. Trump, ... sees it?
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For anyone that did not hear the prayer that ended the joint session of Congress, that ended this morning at 3:44 AM by the Senate Chaplain, you need to go listen to it!!!! You ALL need to go and listen to that man's words with God and his prayer for the United States of America!

Part of what he said is "word's matter"!

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
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DJT - banned from Twitter for 12 hours but in control of the Nuclear Code (UNFIT and insane)
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I guess we need to start another thread. Cisco, once again, is monopolizing this one...

Cisco and others, I appreciate your passion. I really do think it's time to ease up and let others have a say, without the continuous fight. Steve posted and asked for better discourse, in another thread. Show a little compassion and allow for others to express their thoughts.

We are a divided country and all views believe they are "RIGHT". Being right is not often a popular thing. Let's all show some contrition and speak in a more non-polarizing way.

No matter how many times a person says they believe this election was stolen, an opposing response will NOT change their mind. It's just not going to happen.

No matter how many times a person says (in so many ways) this election was not stolen, an opposing response will NOT change their mind. It's just not going to happen.

So, why do we continue the madness? Are we all just trying to see who has the biggest dick? If we truly want our politicians to be more respectful, shouldn't we set the example?
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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Cisco is making IPS Water Cooler something I don't want to read any more. Cisco can you please chill bro?
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WPNfamily said:

Cisco is making IPS Water Cooler something I don't want to read any more. Cisco can you please chill bro?
Don't feed the troll...............
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WPNfamily said:

Cisco is making IPS Water Cooler something I don't want to read any more. Cisco can you please chill bro?

Can't you just ignore him if you don't want to read it? I have GP on ignore and it makes things readable.
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statefan91 said:

WPNfamily said:

Cisco is making IPS Water Cooler something I don't want to read any more. Cisco can you please chill bro?

Can't you just ignore him if you don't want to read it? I have GP on ignore and it makes things readable.
We absolutely can put him on ignore. Wouldn't it really be better if people can check themself so we don't have to do that?

People do add value, even if we don't like what they say. I think we all wish people would just use a little more decorum when they speak, including myself.
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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Ground_Chuck said:

93% of all BLM protests were peaceful. (link)

And you keep saying 78m, Trump only received 74m votes. Biden received 81m, which is a 7m more.
95% of WWII was peaceful
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Here you see the carnage of "peaceful protests." Notice the difference in coverage depending upon which party is protesting?

Biased activists claiming to be media outlets fuel the fires to increase ratings.

Nothing drives ratings more than chaos. The DNC/MSM partnership had never been exposed like it has the last four years.

Is that easier to read and comprehend or should I use words with less syllables or maybe see if I can throw together a finger painting or two for those of lower intellect?
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statefan91 said:

WPNfamily said:

Cisco is making IPS Water Cooler something I don't want to read any more. Cisco can you please chill bro?

Can't you just ignore him if you don't want to read it? I have GP on ignore and it makes things readable.

Here is the thing. I don't mind listening to Cisco's opinion and info he presents. I have actually learned stuff from what he has presented. I just mind the volume behind it when it is the same thing over and over in multiple threads.
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God Bless America

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The same party that is screaming "unity, unity, unity" is now planning on impeaching President Trump 13 days before he is to leave office. This is why the democrats will not work with any party regardless of what they stand for. They want absolute power. Now they have it. God help us all. Joe Manchin better hope he understands the trials and tribulations he will be asked to endure the next two years.
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ciscopack said:

God Bless America

Not worth listening too... if it's the same as what the MSM has done today, then you can guarantee that it's an uncalled for hit job.

I'm still looking for the Biden unity speech. Today's was another hit job...
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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pineknollshoresking said:

ciscopack said:

God Bless America

Not worth listening too... if it's the same as what the MSM has done today, then you can guarantee that it's an uncalled for hit job.

I'm still looking for the Biden unity speech. Today's was another hit job...
Look's a great prayer and he does not mention anything GOP! I watched it live this morning....3:44AM when he finished. I looked for it minutes later to post and no one had it. I wanted the whole prayer and many places had part of it. I saw it on several Facebook sites hours later and I don't do Facebook; so I could not link. I found this place that had the whole prayer and it said nothing about GOP when I linked it. Only after the link it said GOP. Forget that BS...the prayer rocks! I'd guess he was put in by GOP/ the Chaplain? The GOP had the majority in the Senate. I'll look that up now!

As I thought.... The Chaplain is appointed by a majority vote of the members of the Senate on a resolution nominating an individual for the position. ... The current Chaplain is Barry C. Black, a retired Navy Rear Admiral and former Chief of Navy Chaplains. Great bass voice that I have heard before!

Excellent American Prayer if you believe in God, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution!!!!! Here, Here!
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The elites that run the Democrat party and communist/Leftist movements absolutely do NOT believe in freedom of speech. They want to suppress and ultimately silence everyone who speaks the truth, about any issue -- including anyone who stands up against their tyrannical communist agenda (ie, "Patriots" and right-wing conservatives), and anyone who exposes the MANY deceptions and criminal actions of the ruling Leftist Establishment (ie, "conspiracy theorists").

This is what you see going on with Parler, for instance, right now. And what happened to Alex Jones and many other right-wing voices in the last few years. And what has been going on with thousands of right-wing voices, being censored in mass by Big Tech (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, etc).

By the way, the FBI and other Govt agencies are involved in staging the "violence" at the supposed "Capitol storming". They are staging that in order to frame conservatives and the right-wing as "domestic terrorists" -- in order to justify further crackdowns on freedom of speech, etc. It's all pre-planned. By the way, there is supposedly some "stormings" of state capitols being planned soon. More FBI/Govt false flag chicanery.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Here is the joke of a party that uses the "Co-Exist" mantra as one of their call to arms. "Co-Exist" as long as you act like us, think like us, believe what we believe and goose step in line with what we say.

What's so funny about many of these nut jobs is that they themselves have been found to not wearing masks, eating out, discriminating against people who don't fall in step with their beliefs but yet they call every GOP'er an "-ist" of some sort. Like I have said before if the left didn't have hypocrisy they wouldn't have anything at all.
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GuerrillaPack said:

The elites that run the Democrat party and communist/Leftist movements absolutely do NOT believe in freedom of speech. They want to suppress and ultimately silence everyone who speaks the truth, about any issue -- including anyone who stands up against their tyrannical communist agenda (ie, "Patriots" and right-wing conservatives), and anyone who exposes the MANY deceptions and criminal actions of the ruling Leftist Establishment (ie, "conspiracy theorists").

This is what you see going on with Parler, for instance, right now. And what happened to Alex Jones and many other right-wing voices in the last few years. And what has been going on with thousands of right-wing voices, being censored in mass by Big Tech (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, etc).

By the way, the FBI and other Govt agencies are involved in staging the "violence" at the supposed "Capitol storming". They are staging that in order to frame conservatives and the right-wing as "domestic terrorists" -- in order to justify further crackdowns on freedom of speech, etc. It's all pre-planned. By the way, there is supposedly some "stormings" of state capitols being planned soon. More FBI/Govt false flag chicanery.
I'd be all for mowing down any Capital stormers with a machine gun and determining who they are afterwards...
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tuffy1006 said:

GuerrillaPack said:

The elites that run the Democrat party and communist/Leftist movements absolutely do NOT believe in freedom of speech. They want to suppress and ultimately silence everyone who speaks the truth, about any issue -- including anyone who stands up against their tyrannical communist agenda (ie, "Patriots" and right-wing conservatives), and anyone who exposes the MANY deceptions and criminal actions of the ruling Leftist Establishment (ie, "conspiracy theorists").

This is what you see going on with Parler, for instance, right now. And what happened to Alex Jones and many other right-wing voices in the last few years. And what has been going on with thousands of right-wing voices, being censored in mass by Big Tech (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, etc).

By the way, the FBI and other Govt agencies are involved in staging the "violence" at the supposed "Capitol storming". They are staging that in order to frame conservatives and the right-wing as "domestic terrorists" -- in order to justify further crackdowns on freedom of speech, etc. It's all pre-planned. By the way, there is supposedly some "stormings" of state capitols being planned soon. More FBI/Govt false flag chicanery.
I'd be all for mowing down any Capital stormers with a machine gun and determining who they are afterwards...
Including BLM and Antifa? You may want to rethink that statement. It's all well and good if it is conservative or GOP supporters getting mowed down. You start mowing down peaceful protesters before they get to burn down buildings, grab a fresh new pair of kicks, get the new Xbox or Playstation and we got issues. Not to mention you can't be a top ranked gamer without the 72" 4K Ultra flat screen.

As far as any group that wishes ill will toward the country. I agree. Kill a fly with an ax. Set an example. Then continue that example in the cities that are run by gangs, Antifa and the like. Show no mercy and see how quick that the level of crime goes down.
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tuffy1006 said:

I'd be all for mowing down any Capital stormers with a machine gun and determining who they are afterwards...
Those people who were in D.C. protesting this blatantly stolen election and coup by the communist Democrats (outside of the federal agent provocateurs) are just patriotic Americans who love their country, and love freedom, and love the Constitution. They don't want to live under communist tyranny -- which the Democratic party is bringing to America....where we have no freedom of speech, no gun rights, and now no right to assembly and own and conduct our own businesses, and possibly no right to travel (due to the "covid" scamdemic).

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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BBW12OG said:

As far as any group that wishes ill will toward the country. I agree. Kill a fly with an ax. Set an example. Then continue that example in the cities that are run by gangs, Antifa and the like. Show no mercy and see how quick that the level of crime goes down.
Yes...and it's the communist Left who actually wish ill upon this country. They are the ones who kneel at the national anthem and burn the U.S. flag as symbols of their hatred for America. They are the ones who are waging war upon the Constitution, and are shredding the Bill of Rights -- who are in favor of denying freedom of speech to their ideological opponents, banning guns and violating our right to own firearms, and now denying peoples' right to travel and conduct business on the pretext of the covid scamdemic.

The REAL domestic terrorists are groups like Antifa that burn down cities and murder Trump supporters, in order to intimidate the population into going along with their communist agenda. The real enemies of America are those who seek to destroy our freedoms, and take away our fundamental rights. The essence of America is our God-given rights. America is defined by the ideals in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights, and staunch defense of God-given rights that cannot be taken away by any tyrannical government. The communist Left are haters of God, who also hate conservatives and the right because conservatives are those who honor God, and despise and hate our God-given rights, and wish to enslave us all in a communist tyranny where they can exercise their power and "revenge" upon us.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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