Election Interference/Fraud

294,243 Views | 3695 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by BBW12OG
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cowboypack02 said:

Pacfanweb said:

BBW12OG said:

I have made very few replies that didn't revolve around issues. I respond when I am called out. I have NEVER instigated a conversation with a poster. I have RESPONDED when I was mentioned.

That's a blatant lie right there. You have responded to me multiple times with insults and your normal abrasiveness when I didn't remotely mention you. Edit: And unlike you and your lies about my posts at PP, I WILL provide examples of you responding to me when you weren't mentioned at all....which is the exact opposite of what you just claimed.

All you've done here since being banned at PP is name call, insult, and bait people. That's why I stopped responding to your posts for the most part shortly after you came here, it was obvious what you were doing.

But as with the lie you told about me denigrating this site over at PP, I'll make an exception for this lie, as it's just the absolute opposite of the truth.

Good grief, if ANYONE here has "instigated" or been inflammatory, it's you ahead of everyone else by a mile.

My boy brought the receipts!!!!
You know Hugh, don't you?
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BBW12OG said:

I have made very few replies that didn't revolve around issues. I respond when I am called out. I have NEVER instigated a conversation with a poster. I have RESPONDED when I was mentioned.

Stick to the topic Civ.... sorry your feelings are hurt that you are no longer able to bully everyone around with your socialist mumbo jumbo. As far as you referring to "socialist" as an insult you may want to check yourself, your party and your positions on the issues.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck it sure as hell isn't a chicken.


You tell me to stick to the topic...while calling me a bully socialist. You're proving the point. Listen to yourself man.

Is it possible for you to post without using the words socialist, communist, idiot, horizontal, sleepy, lib-tards, Marxist, or similar?

BTW, how do you even bully people by discussing issues?

I think it's important that there be some self-policing of decorum on the boards. I've enjoyed them very much the last 3.5 years because almost all of that time they completely lacked insulting, abrasive posters. And I've gotten into my share of arguments so it's not for lack of contentious convos.

Things got heated around the election, I get that. But it's no excuse.

Try to post without name-calling. Nobody wants to read that ***** No matter where they lean politically.

We'll all appreciate it very much, sincerely.
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Again...I responded when I was called out.

Pacfanweb... you know what you said and you know I am right. I'm not sifting through 400 pages of posts to cut, copy and paste your statements. Making comments about how "dead this board is" "how naive the posters here are" etc.... You know it and I do as well.

As far as I know Sleepy Joe and Horizontal Harris haven't flagged a single post yet. Ketchup Boy Kerry may get upset but I think he has a private jet and 79' yacht all powered by fossil fuels to worry about.

Funny how these same posters never had a problem when Trump was being vilified daily along with other members of the GOP in the same exact way. Matter of fact, it was laughed at and mostly thought to be banter.

"Is it possible for you to post without using the words socialist, communist, idiot, horizontal, sleepy, lib-tards, Marxist, or similar?"

I don't think I have ever used the word "lib-tard." If I did I do apologize and I would like for you to post the comment where I did and I will remove it. Not sure about referring to ANY poster as an "idiot" either. Politicians yes. There are plenty of idiots on both sides. Now please don't disappear and run away from this. You made the accusations about me on this site and it shouldn't be hard to find the information. Bring it and I will make amends. I'll be waiting.

As far as the socialist, Marxist comments go. I stand by them. That's what your party is whether you want to admit it or not. Facts are facts. Sorry they don't fit your narrative.

Toughen up. I think some of you need to freaking relax and stop taking yourselves so damn serious.
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Pacfanweb said:

cowboypack02 said:

Pacfanweb said:

BBW12OG said:

I have made very few replies that didn't revolve around issues. I respond when I am called out. I have NEVER instigated a conversation with a poster. I have RESPONDED when I was mentioned.

That's a blatant lie right there. You have responded to me multiple times with insults and your normal abrasiveness when I didn't remotely mention you. Edit: And unlike you and your lies about my posts at PP, I WILL provide examples of you responding to me when you weren't mentioned at all....which is the exact opposite of what you just claimed.

All you've done here since being banned at PP is name call, insult, and bait people. That's why I stopped responding to your posts for the most part shortly after you came here, it was obvious what you were doing.

But as with the lie you told about me denigrating this site over at PP, I'll make an exception for this lie, as it's just the absolute opposite of the truth.

Good grief, if ANYONE here has "instigated" or been inflammatory, it's you ahead of everyone else by a mile.

My boy brought the receipts!!!!
You know Hugh, don't you?
I have no clue who he is....i'm just having fun
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cowboypack02 said:

Pacfanweb said:

cowboypack02 said:

Pacfanweb said:

BBW12OG said:

I have made very few replies that didn't revolve around issues. I respond when I am called out. I have NEVER instigated a conversation with a poster. I have RESPONDED when I was mentioned.

That's a blatant lie right there. You have responded to me multiple times with insults and your normal abrasiveness when I didn't remotely mention you. Edit: And unlike you and your lies about my posts at PP, I WILL provide examples of you responding to me when you weren't mentioned at all....which is the exact opposite of what you just claimed.

All you've done here since being banned at PP is name call, insult, and bait people. That's why I stopped responding to your posts for the most part shortly after you came here, it was obvious what you were doing.

But as with the lie you told about me denigrating this site over at PP, I'll make an exception for this lie, as it's just the absolute opposite of the truth.

Good grief, if ANYONE here has "instigated" or been inflammatory, it's you ahead of everyone else by a mile.

My boy brought the receipts!!!!
You know Hugh, don't you?
I have no clue who he is....i'm just having fun

"Hugh damn right"
It's a joke
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Again with more lies.

Okay, you asked for it
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BBW12OG said:

"Is it possible for you to post without using the words socialist, communist, idiot, horizontal, sleepy, lib-tards, Marxist, or similar?"

I don't think I have ever used the word "lib-tard." If I did I do apologize and I would like for you to post the comment where I did and I will remove it. Not sure about referring to ANY poster as an "idiot" either. Politicians yes. There are plenty of idiots on both sides. Now please don't disappear and run away from this. You made the accusations about me on this site and it shouldn't be hard to find the information. Bring it and I will make amends. I'll be waiting.

Disappear and run away from what? What are you waiting for?

I'm "accusing" you of being abrasive by yelling about socialist, communist, idiot, horizontal, sleepy, and other adjectives every post.

It's in every post of yours. Just go back and look at them.
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Pacfanweb said:

Again with more lies.

Okay, you asked for it.
Waiting.... I said my peace. If I called someone an idiot prove it. If I called someone a libtard I said I would remove it.

Calling public figures idiots is our God given right as Americans.

Owning what we say should be second nature. You should own yours. This is getting tiresome.

"Thou doth protest too much" sic - Shakespeare

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Civilized said:

BBW12OG said:

"Is it possible for you to post without using the words socialist, communist, idiot, horizontal, sleepy, lib-tards, Marxist, or similar?"

bbI don't think I have ever used the word "lib-tard." If I did I do apologize and I would like for you to post the comment where I did and I will remove it. Not sure about referring to ANY poster as an "idiot" either. Politicians yes. There are plenty of idiots on both sides. Now please don't disappear and run away from this. You made the accusations about me on this site and it shouldn't be hard to find the information. Bring it and I will make amends. I'll be waiting.

Disappear and run away from what? What are you waiting for?

I'm "accusing" you of being abrasive by yelling about socialist, communist, idiot, horizontal, sleepy, and other adjectives every post.

It's in every post of yours. Just go back and look at them.

You accused me of calling people "libtards and idiots." Show me where I asked you to show me where I used those words. I don't believe I have ever called anyone a "libtard" and if I did I will apologize and remove it. I also don't believe I have called anyone other than politicians "idiots."

I'm sorry if you don't like the words "socialism, communist, Marxist etc....." It's who your party is whether you want to accept it or not.

Sleepy Joe is set to sign his 60 something EO today. Your party is being run like, wait for it, a COMMUNIST STATE.

Hypocrisy....look it up. Sorry about your feelings. I didn't get the memo I was supposed to care if your feelings are hurt by the use of adjectives.
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Okay, I had a big response and accidentally x'd it out. Dang it.

So, I see a couple of new posts. If you go back and erase all your "libtards" and other name-calling, you'll be pretty busy for someone who's only been here since Dec 4.

Here are a few, I can keep going for awhile if necessary: And btw, remember....you claim said this, just today:

BBW12OG said:

I have made very few replies that didn't revolve around issues. I respond when I am called out. I have NEVER instigated a conversation with a poster. I have RESPONDED when I was mentioned.

Remember, you said that. And it's a LIE. Every bit of it. Over and over, too...not just a time or two.

SOOO: This is a post of yours that was in response to one of mine. You were not involved in the exchange at all, but you interjected yourself in epic fashion, and making a liar of your current self in the process:

4:33p, 12/22/20

LOL..."I voted for Trump.." but yet you've done nothing but spout liberal talking points for over a month... Baaaa!!!! Baaaaaa!!! Doth do protest too much. In the liberal world you have Queen Pelosi munching on $24 dollar a pint ice cream in front of a $24k dollar subzero freezer while telling the peons to stay home and appreciate the crumbs of $1200.00's that the government was sending them. Then, last night, as she was sending $10 Billion to Pakistan for "gender studies" she lauded the $600.00 stimulus and made it sound like that all the debt and back mortgages were all of a sudden going to disappear. Here's the difference between dumbocrats and the GOP. The dumbocrats want to send hard earned tax payers money all over the world to show how progressive and sorry they are for being Americans. The GOP wants to keep our tax dollars here. For Americans. To be used in America. That is a huge difference. Gender studies? Give me a ****ing break. These are the same clowns that have been screaming for the last 10 months..."believe the science..." "follow the science..." when it came to the Chinese Virus. Now.... add in all the unproven "scientific" claims on climate change and how we should believe the "science." Let me ask you liberals two questions. You want us to believe in "science" so explain to me these two.

  • How many genders are there according to SCIENCE?
  • When your heart is beating what does SCIENCE say? When it stops what does SCIENCE say?

I'll sit back and wait on all your libtard science answers to explain that to me and everyone else that thinks that the dumbocrat party is more full of **** than a hog house in Warsaw.

Looks like we got a "lib tard" "dumbocrats" and an unsolicited, insulting response to me, all in one post.

That's not all, though:

Here's an exchange between PKS, SCP and me. You were not involved, but again....unsolicited calling me out and yet another "libtard" for good measure:

In reply to SupplyChainPack 12:24p, 12/22/20




+ 7 more quotes (click to expand)
Pacfanweb said:
You literally just called the entire court system liars a few posts back. For the claims of a stolen election to be true, thousands and thousands of people involved would have to be liars, and the few that are crying about it would have to be truthful.
YOU are the one who's been calling everyone liars. I have only pointed out the inconsistencies of your claims.
SupplyChainPack said:

Again - if we can trust the unvarnished judgement of anyone with a black robe on - why do we need appeals court and the Supreme Court?

And yes - there are thousands and thousands and thousands of secular liberals are are more than happy to lie and commit fraud. Godlessness means that your morality resolves down to what you believe you can get away with.

You haven't noticed a pattern of behavior of hardcore, relentless lying with democratic leadership?

Democrats and libtards don't lie. They just act in the best interest of their constituents. Who, mostly, are uneducated sheep that follow the MSM like it's undisputed facts and not left leaning opinions based loosely around some story or rumor. See the posters on here. What's going to crack my ass up is when the SCOTUS, who they are slurping on today, rules against their left wing nut job ideas in the next 4 years. Let's see how many of these loony lefties and let's not forget our "moderate" react. Same clown show different day. If dumbocrats weren't being hypocrites they wouldn't be breathing. Now enjoy..yes.. that was a rant but damn.. look at all the contradictions just on the last four or five pages from the same folks who would argue that the sky was green if the GOP said it was blue. The only thing they want is power and control. Oh... and be told what to do, when to do it, how to do it so they won't have to think for themselves. It's evident with the posts they make that come straight from CNN or MSNBC. And yes... you so called moderate are a prime damn example.

The "so-called moderate" was the part directed at me, as that was a point of contention at the time...at least to BBW.

Not done, there's more....this will be the last one in this post, but I have more if anyone, such as the mods, are interested:

Here's you responding...again, un-addressed, to PackBacker07. Let's count the insults in this one:

In reply to PackBacker07 2:18p, 1/6/21


PackBacker07 said:
Party of Law and Order, don't disrepesct the flag, don't disrepesct uniformed officers, antifa is the devil, yada yada. Carry on losers...

Awwww...is someone's ***** hurting? You steal elections and run over the rights of Americans to implement your socialist dreams expect push back. Put on your cardigan, turn on NPR, pour you a glass of wine and deal with it. Your party caused this comrade.

I can keep going, but your entire posting history here is full of examples like this.
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BBW12OG said:

Toughen up. I think some of you need to freaking relax and stop taking yourselves so damn serious.
Oh no. YOU don't get to constantly insult, demean, harass and be as abrasive as you are and THEN tell everyone to "relax and don't be so serious" when you get called out for it.

Doesn't work that way.

See my above post that shows a few of your lies.
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Anybody who spends 97% of their posting time on the Water Cooler should not be trusted, lol. Just go find a random Q-anon message board to post at with your buddies. Why here?
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LOL.... Glad you spend a majority of your days following my posts. I never called ANYONE a libtard.

"Libtard Science" is acceptable in the context it was used. How many sexes are there? Two. According to "socialists" there are 147 and counting.

So I stand by that statement. I was referring to the science involved not a person or group.

Sorry...dumbocrats is funny. I stopped using it when they went all socialist on the country. Now that word is offensive.

Why don't you pay up and I'll take your opinions more serious. And yes, after calling me out and talking smack I came at you. I'll continue to do so as long as you do the same.

Put me on ignore. It's a feature you should utilize if you get that worked up over message board banter. Between here and TOS do you have a job? Do you work at all? Ever? Just curious.

By the way do you ever discuss the topics or do you just peruse to try and stir up crap?

I owned my comments to the fullest. You still haven't.
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Pacfanweb said:

BBW12OG said:

Toughen up. I think some of you need to freaking relax and stop taking yourselves so damn serious.
Oh no. YOU don't get to constantly insult, demean, harass and be as abrasive as you are and THEN tell everyone to "relax and don't be so serious" when you get called out for it.

Doesn't work that way.

See my above post that shows a few of your lies.

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So I guess you lied about not ever responding to anyone unless they had mentioned you? I see you failed to address that, which was the primary reason for my post in the first place.. And jumped right into deflecting to some other topic.... anything to keep attention away from the fact that you lied.

But now everyone can see it.

And sorry, if you are posting in response to someone and you are using a phrase like "your libtard science", you're calling them a libtard.
That's no different than saying "your Wolfpack football team". And then trying to say you're not calling me a Wolfpack fan.
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BBW, he tried to pull up quotes to prove a point and failed miserably.

Progressives are always the smartest people in the room or so they think. The mental capacity they have is minimal; so, I say you are waisting your time...

Some other knucklehead started telling to shut the **** up. I asked if he would like to say to my face. Well, you know how that goes... a bunch of crap spewing out of his mouth. These people wouldn't know a decent person if they gave them a new car. They would probably feel entitled and say: well, somebody owed it to me...

They're hacks!
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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Yeah.... he needed to blow off some steam I guess. Notice how ZERO points I made were proven wrong. They spin it the way they want to. I addressed every single statement I made and owned them. I never called a poster a "libtard" or an "idiot."

The Libtard Science, similar to Astrology, Biology, Geology etc... doesn't refer to the people who study it or believe it. Taking a biology class doesn't make you a biologist does it? Now, if they have a degree in it, a job in one of the respective fields applying the science then that would make them a Biologist, Astrologist, Geologist etc.....

Libtard Science is exactly what I said it was. A beating heart means life when it fits their narratives. Man/Woman holds meaning when it fits their narratives. i.e. "first woman to do........" But yet they claim there are 147 genders. These are also the same people that in the 70's claimed a second ice age was coming. Then it was global warming. Now, in order to fit their narratives, it's "climate change." Libtard Science.

I'm not sure why that is such a hard concept to follow. But I guess when you have a narrative you have to stick to it and when you get called out for comments you make and fail to own them you get what you get.

I'll make sure I give the socialist party the same respect that was given to the Trump Administration and the GOP the last four years for the foreseeable future.

Sleepy Joe won't make it two years so I'm guessing Horizontal Harris will take the wheel of a clown car spinning out of control. I hate it for the country as a whole but when you elect clowns into office you get a circus.
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BBW12OG said:

Yeah.... he needed to blow off some steam I guess. Notice how ZERO points I made were proven wrong. They spin it the way they want to. I addressed every single statement I made and owned them. I never called a poster a "libtard" or an "idiot."

BBW wrote today:
"I have made very few replies that didn't revolve around issues. I respond when I am called out. I have NEVER instigated a conversation with a poster. I have RESPONDED when I was mentioned."

Directly proved you were lying about that. I see you conveniently forgot you said that, once again and focused solely on the "libtard" part....which you were wrong about, also, but you just blew off the first part, which is just a blatant lie.

The very first example was you attacking me when you were not mentioned or involved in the exchange in any way. So was the second one. The third one was, too...except it was Packbacker 07 you went after that time, again...you were not called out or being responded to at all, you simply decided to attack another poster out of the blue. Those aren't the only examples, either.
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pineknollshoresking said:

BBW, he tried to pull up quotes to prove a point and failed miserably.

Progressives are always the smartest people in the room or so they think. The mental capacity they have is minimal; so, I say you are waisting your time...

Some other knucklehead started telling to shut the **** up. I asked if he would like to say to my face. Well, you know how that goes... a bunch of crap spewing out of his mouth. These people wouldn't know a decent person if they gave them a new car. They would probably feel entitled and say: well, somebody owed it to me...

They're hacks!

Always calling people names
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Wolfpackrich1 said:

pineknollshoresking said:

BBW, he tried to pull up quotes to prove a point and failed miserably.

Progressives are always the smartest people in the room or so they think. The mental capacity they have is minimal; so, I say you are waisting your time...

Some other knucklehead started telling to shut the **** up. I asked if he would like to say to my face. Well, you know how that goes... a bunch of crap spewing out of his mouth. These people wouldn't know a decent person if they gave them a new car. They would probably feel entitled and say: well, somebody owed it to me...

They're hacks!

Always calling people names
Come on Rich... lets not start it up again...
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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Then be nicer. Stop name calling.
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Wolfpackrich1 said:

Then be nicer. Stop name calling.

If you're referring to: they're hacks! Then, I agree.

Hopefully, you will call out people like Grif when he tells me to shut the **** up. That would be a consistent message.

With that said: BBW, I agree with most of the points you bring up; however, you really need to quit slinging around socialist and other things about people here. If you think that an issue is socialist; then, just state that without calling out individuals.

Rich: you have said many times that Trump is a liar. You know what, he may be at times. You truly can't name another politician that doesn't. So, I would ask you to also quit the vitriol and accept that good people do have different opinions and/or world views.

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Wolfpackrich1 said:

Then be nicer. Stop name calling.

Actually, I probably could have struck out my entire post......
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FBI presses hunt for suspect who planted pipe bombs ahead of Capitol riot

Federal law enforcement officials announced on Friday that they believe pipe bombs that were discovered outside the headquarters of the Republican National Committee and Democratic National Committee in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6 were placed there the night before, and are asking the public for help in identifying the suspect seen in security camera footage taken from the area.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives have also raised their reward to $100,000 for information leading to the arrest of the suspect, who is seen in surveillance footage wearing a face mask, a gray hooded sweatshirt and yellow, black and gray Nike Air Max Speed Turf shoes.


Body Camera Footage Shows Capitol Rioters Trampling Over Woman

As 34-year-old Rosanne Boyland lay dying on the steps of the Capitol on Jan. 6 after being crushed by a mob, fellow rioters were charging over her to attack police officers with crutches, a hockey stick and pepper spray, new police body camera footage shows.

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ciscopack said:

FBI presses hunt for suspect who planted pipe bombs ahead of Capitol riot

Federal law enforcement officials announced on Friday that they believe pipe bombs that were discovered outside the headquarters of the Republican National Committee and Democratic National Committee in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6 were placed there the night before, and are asking the public for help in identifying the suspect seen in security camera footage taken from the area.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives have also raised their reward to $100,000 for information leading to the arrest of the suspect, who is seen in surveillance footage wearing a face mask, a gray hooded sweatshirt and yellow, black and gray Nike Air Max Speed Turf shoes.
That description (and image) could be just as likely an Antifa person than anything else... whoever it is should be brought to the maximum justice available...
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I'm betting that no member of the GOP pays bail for any of THESE rioters or visits them in prison.
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This article, on just the news, speaks of an organized group going to the capitol on January 6th. These people sound like they support Trump; however, these people were organizing this well before the January 6th speech.

These people have been charged and the Federal Prosecutors are creating doubt on the impeachment of Trump...


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pineknollshoresking said:

This article, on just the news, speaks of an organized group going to the capitol on January 6th. These people sound like they support Trump; however, these people were organizing this well before the January 6th speech.

These people have been charged and the Federal Prosecutors are creating doubt on the impeachment of Trump...


They could be anyone....

Rosanne Boyland, Trump supporter who died, followed QAnon conspiracy, family says. Before she died in Wednesday's siege at the U.S. Capitol, Rosanne Boyland was a recovering drug addict who wanted to become a sobriety counselor. But she also believed, wrongly, that President Donald Trump won the November election, and she'd begun following a dark conspiracy theory that has circulated online, her family said.

"It just spiraled," her sister, Lonna Cave, said Friday outside her home in suburban Atlanta.


The footage shows how rioters, in their effort to attack the police, trampled on Boyland even as her friend, Justin Winchell, shouted that she was dying and needed help.

Federal prosecutors in Detroit played the video at a Jan. 25 court hearing in the case of Michael Joseph Foy, a Michigan man accused of attacking the officers with a hockey stick. The U.S. attorney's office in Detroit provided the 1-minute, 20-second clip to The Times.

The footage appears to come from the body camera worn by one of four Metropolitan Police officers dragged out of the doorway and beaten by rioters during the hourslong battle. It begins at 4:26 p.m., just as officers have managed to push the mob out of the doorway. Inside, rioters had packed together in a dangerous crush in their attempt to force their way through the police and into the Capitol.

Mich. Man Arrested After Allegedly Assaulting Officer with Hockey Stick at U.S. Capitol Riot

A Michigan man has been arrested after allegedly assaulting a police officer with a hockey stick during the violent pro-Trump riots at the U.S. Capitol earlier this month.

Michael Joseph Foy, of Wixom, faces charges of knowingly entering a restricted building without permission, obstruction of law enforcement, forcibly assaulting an officer, aiding and abetting and obstructing a congressional proceeding, according to a criminal complaint obtained by PEOPLE. He was arrested by the FBI on Thursday.

Picture of Michael at rally with American and Trump flags -


Michael Joseph Foy biography: 13 things about US Capitol rioter from Wixom, Michigan

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ciscopack said:

pineknollshoresking said:

This article, on just the news, speaks of an organized group going to the capitol on January 6th. These people sound like they support Trump; however, these people were organizing this well before the January 6th speech.

These people have been charged and the Federal Prosecutors are creating doubt on the impeachment of Trump...


They could be anyone....

Rosanne Boyland, Trump supporter who died, followed QAnon conspiracy, family says. Before she died in Wednesday's siege at the U.S. Capitol, Rosanne Boyland was a recovering drug addict who wanted to become a sobriety counselor. But she also believed, wrongly, that President Donald Trump won the November election, and she'd begun following a dark conspiracy theory that has circulated online, her family said.

"It just spiraled," her sister, Lonna Cave, said Friday outside her home in suburban Atlanta.


The footage shows how rioters, in their effort to attack the police, trampled on Boyland even as her friend, Justin Winchell, shouted that she was dying and needed help.

Federal prosecutors in Detroit played the video at a Jan. 25 court hearing in the case of Michael Joseph Foy, a Michigan man accused of attacking the officers with a hockey stick. The U.S. attorney's office in Detroit provided the 1-minute, 20-second clip to The Times.

The footage appears to come from the body camera worn by one of four Metropolitan Police officers dragged out of the doorway and beaten by rioters during the hourslong battle. It begins at 4:26 p.m., just as officers have managed to push the mob out of the doorway. Inside, rioters had packed together in a dangerous crush in their attempt to force their way through the police and into the Capitol.

Mich. Man Arrested After Allegedly Assaulting Officer with Hockey Stick at U.S. Capitol Riot

A Michigan man has been arrested after allegedly assaulting a police officer with a hockey stick during the violent pro-Trump riots at the U.S. Capitol earlier this month.

Michael Joseph Foy, of Wixom, faces charges of knowingly entering a restricted building without permission, obstruction of law enforcement, forcibly assaulting an officer, aiding and abetting and obstructing a congressional proceeding, according to a criminal complaint obtained by PEOPLE. He was arrested by the FBI on Thursday.

Picture of Michael at rally with American and Trump flags -


Michael Joseph Foy biography: 13 things about US Capitol rioter from Wixom, Michigan

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Love to see the "professional" journalists at work.

There definitely should be a minimum test you have to pass in order to serve in Congress. Here is the Bartender espousing wisdom for all of her less than intelligent followers and supporters. I'll take our nut jobs over this joke of politician 8 days a week and three times on Sunday.

When you two start posting videos of the 20+ people killed, $1.5 Billion dollars in damages to cities and the thousands of people who lost their businesses, livelihoods of the Marxist BLM riots from the summer with the same zest and fervor you do of an event that EVERY single member of the GOP has admonished maybe someone will take you seriously. Until you do you are just trying to stir the pot.


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BBW12OG said:

When you two start posting videos of the 20+ people killed, $1.5 Billion dollars in damages to cities and the thousands of people who lost their businesses, livelihoods of the Marxist BLM riots from the summer with the same zest and fervor you do of an event that EVERY single member of the GOP has admonished maybe someone will take you seriously. Until you do you are just trying to stir the pot.
This, I completely agree with...
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Are you all saying that BLM protests were the same as the invasion of the Capitol and targeted attempt at stopping the certification of the electoral college votes?
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statefan91 said:

Are you all saying that BLM protests were the same as the invasion of the Capitol and targeted attempt at stopping the certification of the electoral college votes?
Here is what I'm saying...

Capitol - 100% funded by you and me (the people's house)
2020 Summer Protest. - 100% (except for the government buildings) private property

With that in mind, yes, the riots over the summer were more egregious than January 6th.
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pineknollshoresking said:

statefan91 said:

Are you all saying that BLM protests were the same as the invasion of the Capitol and targeted attempt at stopping the certification of the electoral college votes?
Here is what I'm saying...

Capitol - 100% funded by you and me (the people's house)
2020 Summer Protest. - 100% (except for the government buildings) private property

With that in mind, yes, the riots over the summer were more egregious than January 6th.

Trying to compare two wrongs. Is in itself just crazy. I am on the left side. Shocking I know. I am sure none of you thought that. Lol. But I think riots of any kind is wrong!

The part of the capital riots that need thinking about is a president lit that spark by telling a lie.
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